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Omega's Stepbrother : An MPREG romance (Men of Meadowfall Book 3)

Page 19

by Anna Wineheart

“How’re you feeling?” he asked, brushing Wyatt’s hair from his face. With their bodies connected, he lay down gingerly beside his omega, wiping the smeared tears off his cheeks. “Gods, I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  Wyatt nodded. Raph leaned in, pressing kisses to his forehead, his cheeks, his nose.

  “You didn’t really believe what I said, did you?”

  Wyatt’s gaze skittered away. And Raph’s heart sank.

  “Damn it, Wyatt.” Raph pressed him down against the bed, bracing one hand by Wyatt’s shoulder. “I love you, okay? Nothing will change that.”

  Wyatt sucked in a deep breath, his eyelids fluttering shut. His throat worked. “It... it was so easy to believe you, Raph. I don’t... don’t deserve you. I just...”

  His voice cracked, and Raph leaned in, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Don’t make me do that again,” Raph whispered, winding his fingers into Wyatt’s hair, cradling his head. He’d almost fucking cried, all because Wyatt was crying. “Gods, that was difficult. I didn’t mean any of it.”

  “Oh.” Wyatt swallowed, his eyes disbelieving, the corners of his mouth turned down.

  Raph kissed his lips, then along his jaw. “What do I have to do to make you believe?”

  When Wyatt didn’t answer, Raph dropped kisses all over Wyatt’s face, lacing their fingers together. Then he kissed Wyatt’s chest, dragged his hands over Wyatt’s skin, holding him carefully. “You’re my omega, Wy. How do I make you believe that?”

  Wyatt cracked a smile. “I don’t know.”

  He looked vulnerable in that moment, a man who had been broken, who had thought about his worst fears, and cried. And Raph leaned in, scooping Wyatt against his chest, savoring him. “I’m here. I won’t ever leave you. And you deserve all my love.”

  “All of it?”

  “All of it.”

  Wyatt pressed his face into Raph’s shoulder, his hands coming up, touching Raph tentatively. Unlike the other weeks, when he’d fondled Raph after they’d had sex, he was cautious today, his fingers slowly exploring Raph’s skin, his eyes melancholy.

  “What happened to you?” Raph whispered, brushing his fingers over Wyatt’s cheeks. “Why... why even any of this?”

  Wyatt opened his mouth, then closed it. For long moments, he struggled to answer. And Raph realized he shouldn’t be putting his omega through this. Not when Wyatt had sobbed, when he was so fragile right now.

  “I’m sorry,” Raph whispered, kissing his eyebrows, his forehead. “I won’t ever hurt you like that again.”

  Wyatt chuckled, his lips twisting into a wry smile. “I don’t think you can, Raph. You’re so... good. Kind. Brave.”

  “There’s nothing brave about what I just did.” Raph cradled Wyatt’s face. “I love you. I don’t know how to quantify it, short of marriage.”

  Wyatt huffed. “You’d marry me?”

  “Yeah.” Raph kissed his lips. Then he kissed Wyatt’s jaw, and the scent gland at the crook of his neck. “You’re my omega.”

  “Are you... going to prove it?”

  “I will.” Raph kissed further down, to Wyatt’s belly, kissing the dark line of hair, and the silver scar there. “Mine.”

  Wyatt sucked in a shaky breath. “You’re too good to me, Raph.”

  Raph smiled. “So mark me,” he said, nuzzling Wyatt’s round belly. “Unless you’d rather not.”

  Red feathered across Wyatt’s cheeks. Raph dragged both his wrists over Wyatt’s belly, down his thighs, covering Wyatt with his own scent.

  Slowly, Wyatt brushed his wrist over Raph’s forehead, down his cheek. He left a trace of magnolia and honey, and it felt right, Wyatt marking him like that. Wyatt staking his claim on Raph, because Raph had always belonged to him.

  He’d considered it sometimes, when he felt like a sap, but maybe he’d been waiting for Wyatt all along.

  “I’ve always been yours,” Raph said, catching Wyatt’s wrist, pressing his cheek into Wyatt’s palm. “Maybe since we were kids.”

  Wyatt’s mouth fell open. He licked his lips, his thumb stroking carefully over Raph’s skin. “That’s... that’s kind of you to say.”

  “I want you to believe me.” Raph turned slightly, pressing a kiss to Wyatt’s palm. “I’ve never had a bondmate, Wy. Not until you.”

  Wyatt’s cheeks darkened. He swallowed, looking away.

  “You’re the strongest omega I know.”

  “I’m not—”

  “You are.” Raph kissed down Wyatt’s chest, dragging his wrists along Wyatt’s sides, marking him with teak. “You’ve gotten back on your feet after Max. You raised your daughter by yourself.”

  “I had help.”

  “At the end of the day, you’re still the one with Hazel,” Raph said, his chest warm. “Pen and Sam may babysit, but Hazel’s the one returning to you every day. You’ve been supporting her all this time, Wy. She’s a great kid, and a lot of that is from you. Don’t discount that.”

  Wyatt stared at him, speechless. “I—I don’t—”

  “Don’t you dare say you don’t deserve it.”

  “But you just told me I don’t deserve anything.” Wyatt sagged.

  Raph surged back up the bed, caught him by the jaw, and kissed him hard, slipping into his mouth. Wyatt groaned, his feet sliding against Raph’s calves, his hands winding into Raph’s hair, holding him close.

  “You deserve all the good things,” Raph said.

  “Really?” Wyatt whispered against his lips.

  “I’ll mark you again, if that’s what will make you believe.” Raph caught Wyatt’s wrist, rubbed his thumb over the scent gland there. And Wyatt trembled, his eyes turning dark. “I love you, Wyatt Fleming. And I’ll stay with you and raise our baby. And Hazel too, if you want.”

  Wyatt gulped, his eyes disbelieving. “Hazel, too?”

  “All of you are my family,” Raph murmured. “I’d adopt Hazel as my daughter. I’d love to have her.”

  Wyatt’s chuckle began as a rumble in his chest. It lit up his eyes, his face, and when he laughed, tears glittered on his lashes.

  Raph held his breath. “Gods, Wy. I didn’t mean to make you cry again.”

  “I’m happy, Raph.” Wyatt clasped Raph’s hands, holding them tight. “I don’t—don’t believe I deserve you.”

  Raph was about to protest, when Wyatt shook his head to stop him. “I’d love to have you be dads with me,” Wyatt said. “I think Hazel would love to have you, too. You’d have to ask her yourself. But what’s important—what’s most important—is that you’re here. I can’t... can’t thank you enough for tonight.”

  “I hurt you tonight.”

  Wyatt sucked in a deep breath, held it, and exhaled. His voice was still nasally from his stuffed nose. But he smiled, looking down at his belly. “I believe you,” he said. “It hurt when you said those things. But I asked you to do all that, and I knew you’d stop if I wanted.”

  “I don’t understand why you’d want to get hurt,” Raph said. “Or how the hell you even get hard from that.”

  Wyatt shivered. “I don’t know how I do, either. But when you say things like that... it goes straight down to my cock. Maybe I’m broken.”

  If that was Wyatt’s thing, then that was fine. Raph would accept that. He leaned in, nuzzling Wyatt’s cheek. “Either way, I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  “Don’t be.”

  Raph scooped Wyatt up and rolled them around, so Wyatt lay on top of his chest. “No one else in the world like you.”

  Wyatt dragged his nose along Raph’s skin. “Gods, I love you, Raph.”

  “But tonight—you wanted to cry?” Raph asked, trailing his wrist down Wyatt’s back, all the way to his ass.

  “Yeah. It feels good to just... let go.” Wyatt buried his face in Raph’s neck, the silvery scars of his bonding marks faint against his skin. “After the drive-in, with Max... I needed a cry. I’m feeling better now. Thank you.”

  Raph stroked his hair, his skin. He’d witnessed Wyatt at his most
vulnerable tonight, and it was humbling, knowing that Wyatt could have chosen not to share it. Wyatt was curled up against his chest now, languid, his eyes warm.

  “I’m not shaming you again,” Raph said. “I can’t do it.”

  Wyatt smiled crookedly. “It’s not something I’d want every week, no. Just on special occasions.”

  And maybe Raph could do that, if Wyatt needed him to. He could bring Wyatt where he wanted, then lift him up after, show him he was loved.

  “You’re worth everything in the world to me,” Raph murmured, pressing a kiss to Wyatt’s palm. “And whenever you’re ready... I want you to bite me.”

  Wyatt’s eyes widened. Then he blushed, exquisite and beautiful, and he was Raph’s. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” Raph held his wrist out to Wyatt, so Wyatt could accept it, bite him if he wanted.

  Wyatt curled his fingers around Raph’s forearm, his eyes raking over Raph’s scent gland. He swallowed. “I don’t... don’t think I should, yet.”

  Because they were still stepbrothers, and they’d been dancing around any concrete plans for the future. Raph shouldn’t even be doing this—he didn’t want to drag Wyatt into his own mess, when Wyatt had his worries to deal with.

  “Will you ever?” Raph asked.

  “When you move here,” Wyatt whispered, pressing a kiss to Raph’s wrist. “When... when it’s safe for us to go public about this.”

  It wasn’t the best option. But for now, it would have to do.



  Wyatt woke to the scrape of stubble on his belly. He groaned and shoved at it, only to realize he’d stuck his palm into Raph’s eye. Raph grunted.

  “Oh, gods. I’m sorry. Are you hurt?”

  Raph pressed a kiss to his belly. “No, I’m fine. Slept well?”

  He caught Wyatt’s wrist, kissing his palm, then his fingers. Wyatt’s heart fluttered.

  In the sunlight streaming across his bedroom, Raph had the hint of day-old stubble on his jaw. He snagged Wyatt’s fingers between his teeth, licking at his fingertips. Wyatt smiled, pulling his hand away.

  “I’m fine,” Wyatt said. “How are you?”

  “Good.” Raph studied him for a little longer. “No nightmares?”

  “No, why would I?”

  Raph shrugged. “Last night was... intense.”

  It had been. Wyatt hadn’t thought Raph would agree. It had seemed like a stretch for him to ask, and more of a stretch for Raph to accept.

  But Raph had. He’d slowly learned the words that would undo Wyatt, make him hard. It had been embarrassing. It had been painful. And Raph had cradled him afterward, had kissed him, and loved him.

  Raph was nothing like Max had been. In this moment, with Raph pressing kisses to Wyatt’s belly, Wyatt felt wanted. Loved. Raph cupped the bump of Wyatt’s belly in his hands, pressing his lips to Wyatt’s skin.

  “Hey,” he murmured. “I’m your dad. Wy’s your other dad. We’re both looking forward to meeting you.”

  Wyatt’s cheeks heated. He hadn’t expected that. But Raph smiled, pressing kisses all over his abdomen. Wyatt ran his fingers through Raph’s hair, holding him close. He’d never had anyone want his baby this much, not like Raph did.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” Wyatt said.

  Raph met his gaze, his eyes sea-blue and solemn. “You didn’t need to do anything.”

  Wyatt’s chest squeezed. He slid his hands around Raph’s face, pulled him up close. And then he kissed Raph hard, trying to show Raph everything he felt, that he had no words for.

  Raph straddled him, tangling their tongues together, his breath heavy on Wyatt’s skin. “Love you,” Raph whispered, his hands cupping Wyatt’s belly. “Don’t know how else I can say it.”

  Wyatt leaned into him, sighing. Months ago, he hadn’t been sure he could love Raph like an omega did his alpha. But he knew now, that Raph meant everything to him. Even if... “We’re brothers.”

  “Stepbrothers.” Raph kissed him again, stealing his breath away. “I looked it up, you know. Stepsibling marriage is legal.”

  Wyatt’s heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t dared look before this. Part of him still believed this was wrong, Raph and himself. But maybe things could turn out fine for them. Maybe there was a chance that they could build a family together, and not be ostracized for it.

  He opened his mouth, about to speak when something moved in his belly. Wyatt looked down.

  “What’s wrong?” Raph asked, frowning.

  “I felt something.” It moved again, a faint pressure inside him. “The baby.”

  Relief unfurled through his chest. He’d been waiting to feel it move; Hazel had moved at twenty-one weeks, and Wyatt had been hoping to feel this baby sooner than that.

  “Can I touch?” Raph asked, his eyes lighting up.

  Wyatt laughed. “After last night, Raph, you need to ask if you can touch?”

  “Yeah. Absolutely.” Raph held his gaze, some of his boyish excitement fading away. “I want you to have control, Wy. Your body is yours first, and mine second. I want you to know you have a choice.”

  He couldn’t help smiling then, his heart swelling full. “Gods, Raph. I keep falling in love with you.”

  Raph grinned, pressing their foreheads together. “Where do I put my hand?”

  “I don’t know if you can feel it yet.” Wyatt took his fingers, pressing Raph’s palm against his belly. “It’s very faint. You might only feel it after a few more weeks.”

  “Damn.” Raph settled in close with Wyatt, his thigh nudging Wyatt’s hip. “But at least you felt it. I can’t wait to see our baby, Wy.”

  “I didn’t know you wanted it this much.” Especially when they’d never dreamed about a family together. The baby had been a surprise, and Wyatt had thought Raph cared only because he felt responsible for it. But here Raph was, smiling like he’d been told the next phone model had been released early.

  “It’s our baby,” Raph murmured, stroking Wyatt’s belly. “‘Course I’m excited.”

  Wyatt melted. “Are you coming to the ultrasound with me, then?”

  “Hell, yeah.” Raph kissed him again. “Were you serious last night, about me being Hazel’s dad?”

  “Yes. Ask her first. I think she might be making breakfast now.”

  “I’ve never seen anyone let their kids make them breakfast.”

  “She’s been volunteering.” Wyatt followed Raph off the bed. They dressed by the closet, Wyatt stealing one of Raph’s T-shirts. It fell loosely over his shoulders, whereas it would’ve clung to Raph’s solid biceps.

  “Nice shirt,” Raph said, humor glinting in his eyes.

  “It definitely is.” Wyatt grinned back. “For something that mysteriously appeared in my closet.”

  Raph slipped his arm around Wyatt’s waist. As they stepped out of the room, the low murmur of conversation flowed from the kitchen; Hazel was talking. Wyatt exchanged a look with Raph, quickening his footsteps.

  They found Penny at the stove, wearing one of the drive-in’s egg-yellow aprons. She turned at their movement, her eyes growing wide. Then, she looked at the bump of Wyatt’s belly.

  “I wasn’t expecting you,” Wyatt said, surprised.

  Penny smiled sheepishly. “I wanted to see how you were doing. You didn’t look so great last night.”

  “I’m doing a lot better today. Thank you.” After the intense sex last night, the memory of Max seemed so far away. Wyatt leaned into Raph, grateful for his alpha’s presence. He kissed Raph on the cheek, then stopped by the table, catching Hazel in a quick hug. “Morning, hon.”

  “Morning, Dad!” Hazel grinned. “Aunt Penny promised to make cheesy toast. For all of us!”

  “Really?” Wyatt looked up.

  Penny nodded, her uncertainty falling away when she smiled. “And eggs on the side!”

  “Thanks, Pen,” Raph said. He angled a smile at Penny, and Wyatt relaxed; things between the three of them were returning to nor
mal. Or more normal than they’d ever been.

  “I wanted to mention last night—Dad sent me to ask if you’d attend the Christmas dinner. Raph, too, and Hazel. Dad’s been missing all of us lately. He was upset that we missed the charity audition.”

  It was October; Wyatt hadn’t had dinner with his parents in two months, ever since his belly began to show. He hadn’t even apologized to his mom for not sharing the pregnancy news. His stomach turned.“We should probably visit before then, shouldn’t we?”

  “Dad was very insistent that all of us show up together.” Penny winced. “I tried to convince him it was better not to, but you know he gets stubborn.”

  Wyatt sighed, looking down at his belly. Telling his mom was one thing. But telling his dad? What if Grandma was there? Because of course she’d be, and she’d look down her nose at him, saying people like him weren’t family. If Wyatt could travel back in time and fix her broken heirloom, he would have.

  Raph glanced up from his phone, his forehead creasing. “So we’re going?”

  Penny shrugged, turning back to the stove. “We don’t have to.”

  They owed it to their parents to show up. And maybe Wyatt didn’t have a choice, if he really thought about it. He couldn’t hide the news about the baby forever; neither could he hide his relationship with Raph. “Oh, gods. I don’t want to think about it.”

  Over her shoulder, Penny watched them. Raph set his hand on Wyatt’s belly, rubbing him. And maybe that was too intimate for witnesses.

  “What d’you think?” he asked Wyatt.

  “Sorry,” Penny said, blushing. “I’m still... still not used to seeing that.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” Raph said. “We’re bondmates.”

  Wyatt still hadn’t bitten Raph. But he carried Raph’s scent, and Raph wore magnolia and honey. It was beyond obvious who they were sleeping with.

  Penny nodded jerkily, nudging at the scrambled eggs in the pan. “Don’t mind me. I’ll get better about it.”

  It was sweet of her to visit, and kind of her to accept their relationship, however twisted it was. So Wyatt left Raph’s arms, stepping up to their sister. “I’m really glad you’re back with us,” he said, pulling her into a hug. “I’ve missed you.”


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