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Bride of the Emperor (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 4)

Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

  “The witch is not with child, the maga, she said it was not possible. My seed can only grow inside of my fated, inside of you.”

  Tiberius lifts his hand, cupping my cheek. I watch him for a moment, wanting to hate him, but finding that I can’t. I am falling, continuing to fall without a landing place in sight, not yet. I know that when I do land, it will be in love with him.

  I am already so close.


  She wants to be angry with me, and I do not blame her as I would be furious with her if the tables were turned. However, I am too glad to have her in front of me again, too grateful and thankful to the gods, to care about her anger. She will forgive me in time and that is all that matters, that she will be here in time to forgive me.

  “What has happened to your face, your neck, and your side?” I ask, changing the subject.

  Anger flows through me at the sight of her bruising skin. When she appeared in front of me earlier, I felt relief. Then I saw the marks and felt anger, but she had passed out, so as soon as she woke again, I felt relief.

  Now, I am angry again.

  She lifts her hand to her cheek, then slides her fingers down her throat, but does not answer me immediately.

  “Drucilla,” I growl.

  Her eyes flick up to meet mine and she chews on her bottom lip for just a moment. I want nothing more than to tug her lip from the abuse her teeth are giving it, but I wait. She must come to me with the information.

  “Chad. He was a man I dated, in the past, but I’m not sure it was really him.”

  “I do not understand any of what you’ve said.”

  Her eyes widen, then she clears her throat. “Do people here court, date, spend time together before they decide to marry?” I ask.

  The thought of her anywhere near a man who wishes to marry her, to touch her, it makes my blood boil inside of my body. I completely understand her initial anger a few moments ago. I feel filled with rage, almost unstoppable.

  “They do,” I grind out. “Not people of my station, but regular people indeed do this.”

  She presses her lips together for a moment, her eyes focused on mine and unmoving. I wait, I watch, and then she speaks.

  “We courted, but I didn’t know that he was married to another. When I was back there, we ran into one another. Then he broke into my apartment and tried to force himself on me.”

  My body starts to tremble with rage, it shakes and my face heats, no doubt turning several shades of red at the idea that this man harmed my mulier, my fated—my Drucilla.

  “He did not succeed, Tiberius,” she exhales.

  Her voice, it is so soft and sweet, I had missed it in the weeks that she was taken from me. Her hand extends and she cups my cheek. Wrapping my fingers around her wrist, I turn my head and touch my mouth to the palm of her hand, then kiss the pads of her fingers.

  “But he came back and he was changed. A woman was there to help me, a venefica. She knew that the creature in front of me was not the man that I’d dated in the past. She knew that he was not human. He called himself Diaboli.”

  “He plays. I knew the deal that I made with Decima, she is one of his disciples.”

  “The venefica,” she snaps, jealousy pouring off of her in waves.

  Chuckling, I keep my fingers wrapped around her wrist even as she tries to tug her hand away from me. I do not let her do this, knowing that if I let her retreat, she will, more than just physically.

  This is the first chance that I have to converse with my own mulier, and I am not going to let the conversation end in anything but pleasured climaxes for the both of us.

  “Yes, she and her women had a plan. I wish that I had known, I would have never taken you to Curia, nor would I have gone myself. I would have lit the entire island on fire,” I state.

  “Where is she now?” Drucilla asks.

  Smiling at my mulier, I really look at her. Even with the bruising marring her face, she is stunning. “You did not know, when you came back it was by the hand of the maga, the most powerful venefica. Her only payment was to have Decima to do with as she pleased.”

  She blinks, then blinks again, and a third time before she speaks. “What is she going to do to her?”

  “Decima killed her husband. The maga said she was planning on torturing her.”

  “And you’re okay with this?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I lean down and touch my lips to hers, but do not deepen the kiss. “It matters not what happens to Decima. She almost took my fated away from me. She schemed and manipulated. She is nothing.”

  “Tiberius,” she breathes.

  Sliding my tongue along hers, for the first time in weeks, I taste my mulier. She is superb—as always. Her lips part and I slide my tongue inside at the silent invitation, tasting all of her. Releasing her wrist, I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me.

  Pulling away, breaking the kiss and nibbling her bottom lip, I rest my forehead against hers as I breathe.

  “We will bathe, together.”

  It is the first time we will do such a thing and I cannot wait to wash her. We should have done this together earlier, but we have not had the time to be intimate with one another. That ends now. She is here, bound to me and this land, she will never be ripped from me, not by the gods, not by anyone.

  “Tiberius?” Drucilla questions.

  She is probably unsure of what this could mean. A bath together seems like nothing, but for me, for us, it will be a chance to learn more of one another.

  Humming, I look into her eyes, not willing to release her yet. “Will you tell me about your life during this bath?”

  “My life?”

  “I want to know everything. I want to know about your past, your family, everything.”

  She is serious, my melculum. This is more than just a fated match for procreation. This is the beginning of something, at least to her, and if I must admit, I wish to know her as well.

  I do not want just a physical marriage. I always wanted a partnership had I needed to wed, but secretly hoped that I would not need to do such a thing.

  I can’t deny that having her as my fated has not been a hardship and just by being able to converse with her now, I have a feeling we are indeed, created for one another by the gods. Releasing her, I stand from the bed and hold out my hand.

  “Bathe with your husband. In a few days, we celebrate our nuptials.”

  “Celebrate, but we’re already married.”

  Nodding my head, I smile. “Cassia has been busy preparing. I had no doubt you would come back to me. The feast, the celebration, the games. You will enjoy yourself immensely. I wish to show you my people.”

  Drucilla doesn’t make a move to climb out of bed, instead her head is tilted all the way back, she licks her parted lips and stares up at me in awe.

  “A real wedding reception? Will there be cake?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Tiberius guides me toward the bathhouse. I can’t really call it a bathroom because it’s one big room with just pools everywhere.

  The whole place looks as though it could accommodate a hundred people, but every time that I have been ushered into the room, thankfully I have been alone save for Cassia and whoever is helping. I hate to think of them as slaves, but Laurentia says that is indeed what they are.


  I make a mental note to check on her as soon as possible. Though I have a feeling judging by the way my husband watches me, the way his gaze has not strayed from any part of me, my face or my body, that I will not have a free moment anytime soon.

  I’m also unsure how I feel about that as well. He was with another woman. My heart still aches at the thought of his body next to hers. It doesn’t matter that we hardly know one another, it doesn’t matter that it wasn’t something he initiated or wanted, that it wasn’t under his control.

  I simply cannot help the way that I feel.

  He was with someone else.

  That is all that I can think about.

  When we arrive in the bathhouse, he guides me toward a pool in the back. It’s by far the most luxurious looking one of all the others.

  “This is reserved for the Quirinus family,” Tiberius announces as we look into the pool of clean and clear water.

  “And the others?” I ask.

  He hums, reaching for my clothes as he begins to attempt to undress me. It’s not easy to do since I’m wearing a tank and loose, knit pajama pants. He isn’t sure how they work and ends up just tugging on them, losing all concentration to actually speak.

  Turning around, I tilt my head back and wrap my fingers in the hem of my tank before peeling it from my body and tossing it to the side. Tiberius reaches out, his fingers skimming the flesh of my breast just above my bra. Then they travel down to my hurt side. I try to hold back the wince, but I can’t.

  “He marked your body as well as your face. Should I ever find him, he will die a slow death.”

  “Isn’t Diaboli one of your gods?” I ask.

  His head lifts and his eyes find mine instantly. He watches me for a moment in silence, then finally speaks. “He is, but it matters not. I will end him, slowly.”

  “How do you end a god?” I ask, my curiosity taking over and I’ve totally forgotten that I’m standing here in just my bra and comfy pants.

  His lips curve up and he chuckles. “It can be done, I am sure of this.”

  Then, I know that he is done talking, when he dips his chin and slides his tongue across his bottom lip as his index finger traces the line of my bra. I try not to react to his touch at all, but I fail. My entire body breaks out in goose bumps just from the light touch.

  “Tiberius,” I say, my voice nothing but a trembling whisper.

  “What is this?” he asks.

  My lips press together and I try not to laugh. “It’s a bra,” I inform him. “It’s what women wear under their clothes where I’m from. It keeps everything where it’s meant to be.”

  He hums, but I choose to reach behind me and unsnap my bra, knowing that this will probably be the last time that I wear it. Sliding it down my arms, I let it fall to the ground, joining my tank. I do the same with my pants and panties.

  “I do not understand, your breasts are exactly as they are meant to be. Why would you feel the need to wear that contraption?” he asks.

  I shrug a shoulder, then point at his man-skirt. “Why do you wear a short skirt?”

  “It allows for easy movement on the battlefield.”

  “Your brother doesn’t wear one,” I point out.

  He chuckles. “Marcellus is many things, including intelligent. However, he is not a warrior.”

  “Are you? I thought that you were the Emperor.”

  Turning my back to him, I decide to make my way into the pool, hoping that he will follow. There is a noise behind me and I turn my head as I sink into the water, watching as two women appear.

  Then, to my absolute horror, they begin to undress him. With me standing right there. They touch my husband. Mine.


  It flows through me like a living and breathing thing. I don’t know how to control the jealousy, the anger that pulsates throughout my entire body as these two plainly dressed women undress Tiberius.

  Undressing him isn’t even the worst thing that they do. I watch in complete horror at what happens next. Though I’m pissed as hell, I also don’t know what to do with the multiplying rage that fills me. I am completely frozen in the water, unable to speak.

  One of them sinks down to her knees.

  To her knees.

  When she wraps her hand around his length. That is when I finally snap out of my frozen state. Except, I don’t just make a noise, or call out. Instead, my instincts take over and my magic too, apparently.

  Lifting my hand, I shout for her to stop. Just as she leans forward, her mouth opens and she does as I’ve demanded, her lips just millimeters from my husband’s dick. I hear Tiberius make a noise, and I lift my gaze to meet his.

  He looks at me with nothing short of sheer confusion crossing his face.

  He is confused.


  But before anyone can say anything, a purple light pours out of my lifted palms and surrounds Tiberius, the two women are thrown across the room and he watches me, in mixed expressions of confusion and disbelief as he stands there completely naked and half hard.


  I am unsure of what has just happened. The two famulus are violently thrown across the room just by the power that comes from Drucilla’s hands. Then that same force surrounds me and roots me to my spot, keeps me bound and unable to move, just as Decima had done.

  “Drucilla,” I snap.

  Her gaze flicks to meet mine, though her eyes, they glow bright violet as she looks at me. She is indeed looking in my direction, but she is not there, not entirely. I cannot see her depths the way I usually can when I look directly into her violet gaze.

  Deciding to stay quiet, I allow her to take the time to gather her control. From what she has said, this power is new to her, perhaps she is just unable to control her actions completely. I wait and wait, willing to wait for as long as I need.

  Then finally, the mist around me dissipates and the sensation of being frozen to my spot eventually dies down as well. Turning my head to the famulus, neither of which have left us, but both are huddled close together against the stone wall.

  “You may go,” I announce.

  I do not have to tell them twice, they run as fast as their feet will take them. Only once they are out of sight do I turn to her and slowly approach her in the water. My brows rise as soon as my feet sink into the water and I realize that it is not just warm, but instead, it is boiling hot.

  “Drucilla,” I call out.

  Her head jerks, her gaze slowly lifting to mine, tracking my every move as I make my way toward her. Stopping just a meter in front of her, but deciding not to get much closer, at least not yet.

  “Drucilla,” I call out again, making sure to keep my voice smooth and calming.

  I watch as she inhales a deep breath from her nose, then lets it out slowly. “Why?” she asks.


  She nods her head, her eyes finding mine and instead of anger, rage, or confusion, there is nothing but hurt swimming in her gaze. I do not understand any of what has just happened. Not a single thing.

  “What was that?”

  “You got angry, I don’t know why, and your magi took over,” I attempt to explain.

  Drucilla lets out a snort and shakes her head. “I understand my reactions, Tiberius. What I do not understand is why those women came in here, touched you, then proceeded to get on their knees and do something that you won’t even let me do,” she hisses.

  I watch her for a moment, unsure that I understand her question. “Are you asking me why I do not let you put your mouth on me?”

  There is a moment of silence, then she jerks her chin in the air, tilting her head back she looks down her nose at me.

  “That is exactly what I’m asking, and also, why won’t you to me.”

  “Your people do this? Not just servi, but your people and nobility do this?” I ask as I sink down in the water, sitting across from her.

  Reaching behind me, I grab the abandoned basket that the famulus left behind full of soaps and fragrance. Before she answers me, I use the fragrance, dumping some in the water, along with some of the rose petals. Though I typically do not use such things to wash with, I know from asking the famulus and Cassia, that my Drucilla does indeed care for these things.

  “They do, happily. Anything to give their partner pleasure,” she announces. Then she lets out a groan and continues. “I mean, I guess some people don’t do it. But I’ve never shied away and my lovers haven’t either, at least not as I’ve gotten older. As teenagers not so much.”

  “Interesting. My people do not do this,” I inform her. Her eyes widen and she flicks her
gaze from me to behind my shoulder where I was standing just moments ago. “My free people do not do this. The mouth is sacred, Drucilla. I would never sully you by penetrating your mouth, I would never dishonor you this way. Giving you my seed, that is the most important gift that I can give to you. Only servis’ knees touch the ground, only servi put their mouths on our bodies that way.”

  We stare at one another in silence for a long moment. Neither of us speaks, although she watches, her eyes search my face as she attempts to understand my words and my people. I also attempt to understand her people.

  “We don’t have slaves and I’m very uncomfortable with you having them,” she admits. “I wish that you didn’t have them. What is your stance on this?”

  Looking down, I try to hide my smile. Lifting my gaze to meet hers, I give her a small smile. “They are part of our society, of our very functioning society. They will not be going anywhere anytime soon.”

  “Can you maybe not acquire more?” she asks.

  I hum, wondering if this could indeed work, if it could be implemented. But then who would do all of the work that the servis do? It would be a complete reworking of my people’s entire society. I have no doubt that it can be achieved, though we are not the only society with servis, there are others that do not have any, like Bunafi and Devilrise.

  “We shall see, melculum. Now, I wish to hear more about why your people devalue their mouths and bodies the way that they do and why you wish to do this with me, instead of allowing the famulus to do her duty?”

  Drucilla shakes her head, her hair flying around her, the tips wet and moving through the air, slapping her shoulders as it does.

  “In my world, when you’re married, nobody touches that part of you,” she whispers. I arch a brow, wondering how our worlds could be so different and yet seemingly very much alike as well. “At least not unless it’s been agreed upon.”

  My lips twitch, wondering if there is more to her world that perhaps she is just ignorant about, perhaps naïve about.


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