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The Rancher’s Second Chance Bride

Page 10

by Maya Stirling

  "I'm going up to the Ferguson place," Nathan said. "You want to come with me?"

  "I'm not sure that's a good idea," Reese said.

  "Why not? I'm sure Honora will be glad to see you." Nathan smiled. "She'll probably want to tell you all about her run in with that critter last night."

  "I don't think she'll be that glad to see me at the ranch," he said.

  "Why not?"

  Reese gazed at Nathan for a long moment and debated how much he should share with the sheriff. Finally he made a decision. Nathan was as close to a personal friend to Reese as anyone in town. "Honora asked me to stay away from her," he announced bluntly.

  Nathan squinted at Reese. "You what!" he exclaimed.

  Reese sighed. "I know it sounds crazy, but she asked me to give her some time. Away from me."

  "And you agreed?" Nathan snapped.

  Reese nodded. "What else could I do?"

  Nathan shook his head. "And that's what she asked you to do?"

  Reese nodded. "No Buchanan ranchers allowed anywhere near the Ferguson spread."

  Nathan's brows furrowed. "That's hard, Reese. How do you feel about it?"

  Reese shrugged. "I don't want to do anything to make things worse for her. She's trying to come to terms with a huge change in her life. Losing her parents has hit her hard."

  Nathan nodded. "I understand that. But, Honora's strong. She'll pull through. She just needs some time." Nathan thought for a long moment and then turned to Reese. "You say she doesn't want any Buchanan ranchers on the spread."

  Reese jabbed a finger against his own chest. "And me in particular," he said sadly.

  "But that doesn't apply to some protection offered by the town sheriff, does it?" Nathan said mischievously.

  Reese narrowed his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

  They'd reached the sheriff's office now. Both men dismounted and tied up their horses. Nathan walked around his horse and faced Reese. "How would you like to become one of my temporary deputies?"

  "What!" Reese exclaimed.

  Nathan smiled. "If I decide to station a deputy up at the Ferguson place, then there's nothing anyone can do to object. They have to cooperate with the law." Nathan grinned. "And that just happens to be me."

  "And you want me to stay up there as one of your deputies?"

  Nathan nodded. "Just as a temporary measure, you understand. For a few days."

  Reese thought about it for a few moments. Maybe it would be a way around the barrier that was keeping him away from Honora. He wondered how she would react to the prospect of Reese being stationed at the ranch. As her temporary protector. He could almost see the shock on her face. But would she refuse? Knowing that the law had an obligation to deal with what was happening up at the Ferguson place, could she really turn down the sheriff's offer?

  Reese looked at Nathan and smiled. "You know, Nathan. I think that might be just about the best idea I've heard in a long while."


  Honora was returning to the ranch house, having spent the morning out on the spread helping with some branding when she paused while crossing the yard. She saw two riders heading toward the ranch. Mabel came out of the house, wiping her hands on her apron. The two women met in the middle of the yard.

  "Who can that be?" Mabel asked.

  Honora squinted her eyes. "I think I recognize Sheriff Cameron," she said. Looking at the other rider, her heart quickened and she gasped.

  "What is it?" Mabel asked.

  "Reese is with the sheriff," she exclaimed. "I wonder what he wants."

  Of course, she knew exactly why Reese had come with the sheriff. He'd heard about the trouble last night and had found a way to pay a visit. That, in spite of what Honora had said to Reese the day before. Had he forgotten already? Or was he just being stubborn.

  "Maybe Reese was worried when he heard about what you did last night," Mabel suggested. Mabel gazed softly at Honora. "Is there something wrong, dear? I thought you'd be pleased to see Reese."

  "Of course I am, aunt," Honora said quickly. "It's just that I didn't expect him to come quite so quickly."

  Mabel reached across and stroked Honora's blonde hair. "He cares for you, Honora," she said. "You know that."

  Honora nodded and watched as the two riders made their way across the yard. They halted in front of Honora and Mabel. Sheriff Nathan tipped his hat and smiled. "Ladies. I hope you don't mind me coming over. I heard about the little bit of trouble you had, last night. Figured I'd come over and find out more."

  Nathan dismounted and Reese did the same. Honora watched Reese and saw the way he was looking at her. He seemed concerned. She wondered whether it was because he thought she might ask him to leave. Or maybe because he was fearful she'd come to some harm last night. She couldn't tell which it was, but he definitely looked worried.

  "Of course we're glad to see you, sheriff," Mabel said enthusiastically. Mabel looked at Reese. "And you, too, Reese. Mighty pleased you took the time to come."

  Reese touched the brim of his hat. "It was the least I could do, Mrs Ferguson. I heard about it and the sheriff was kind enough to ask me to accompany him this morning."

  Honora wondered just how much of that could be true. Reese might have used the sheriff's visit as an excuse to come to the ranch. If that was the case, then Honora thought she might just have to have words with Reese. Just so they could keep to their agreement about him giving her some time to herself for a while.

  "Can I see where the trouble was?" Nathan said getting quickly to the point. "I'm told someone tried to set fire to the stable."

  Mabel nodded and glanced at Honora. "Luckily, Honora spotted the man and chased him off."

  "That was mighty brave of you, Honora," Nathan said. There was admiring tone in his voice.

  Honora shrugged. "I was just minding my business on the porch when I saw the man making his way into the stable. I followed him and he didn't hang around for long. He left in a hurry. But, not before setting fire to the stable."

  Honora saw Reese frown. "You chased him?" he asked sharply.

  Mabel laughed. "Went running after the man with a shotgun."

  Honora saw Reese's face turn pale. "Why did you go do a fool thing like that?" Reese demanded.

  Honora peered at Reese. "Because I was the only one around. If I hadn't have done that, Lord knows what would have happened."

  Nathan cleared his throat. "I think what my deputy here is trying to say is that it was dangerous what you did, Honora," Nathan explained.

  Honora stared at the sheriff. "What do you mean, deputy?" she demanded and glared at Reese.

  Nathan rested a hand on Reese's shoulder. "I've appointed Reese as a temporary deputy." Nathan grinned at Reese. "Isn't that right, Reese."

  Reese gazed at Honora. Could he see the incredulity on her face? For a long moment, she was completely speechless. How could the sheriff have done such a thing? Reese was a rancher. Not a lawman.

  "Are you telling us that Reese is working for you now, sheriff?" Mabel asked as if reading Honora's mind.

  "He sure is," Nathan confirmed. "And I have every faith he'll do a good job getting to the bottom of all of the trouble you're having."

  "What are you talking about?" Honora asked.

  Nathan had clearly sensed the rising tension in the conversation. "Can I go look at the stable?" he asked.

  Honora followed Mabel, Nathan and Reese over to the stable. The doors had been left open. For the moment, the horses were safely kept in the corral near the stable. Inside the stable there was a lingering odor of burned straw and wood. Honora glanced at Reese and saw his brows furrowing as he followed Nathan to the part of the stable which had burned. Nathan examined the damage for a while and asked Mabel some questions. Mabel did her best to answer, but eventually she suggested that Honora might be able to give Nathan the answers he needed.

  All the while this was going on, Honora was glancing at Reese. She couldn't figure out how he'd persuaded Sheriff Came
ron to go along with this charade. Because that was what it was. What did the sheriff have planned? Her curiosity was burning and she could see that Reese had a whole lot on his mind. He knew exactly what was going on, but, right now, he wasn't telling her a thing.

  They all left the stable and Mabel invited the sheriff and Reese inside the house to take some coffee. Inside the house, they all sat down at the kitchen table. Nathan sipped his coffee. "Good coffee," he announced.

  Determined to get the truth out of them, Honora cut to the chase. She peered at the sheriff. "What's your plan, sheriff?" she asked boldly.

  Nathan grinned. "I'd like to leave my deputy here for a while. Just to make sure there's no more trouble for you good folks."

  Honora glanced at Reese. "You want Reese to stay here?" she asked, almost unable to believe what she was hearing.

  Nathan nodded. "Yup. That's about it."

  "Why?" Mabel asked. "We've got plenty of good men here. They can take care of things."

  Nathan placed his coffee down on the table and peered at Mabel. "I'd just be happier if I had some eyes and ears up here, ma'am. Someone who could give me the low down. And someone who can make sure there's no more trouble."

  "Are you saying you want Reese to stay here as some kind of security?" Honora asked.

  Finally, Reese spoke up. "The sheriff thinks I know how a ranch works. The kinds of problems that come up. Especially with unwanted visitors. That way I can make sure anyone who intrudes gets dealt with right."

  Honora peered at Reese. He looked confident now. As if he and Nathan had already decided that Reese would be here for a while. All kinds of thoughts tumbled into Honora's mind as she considered what that would mean.

  "For how long do you think this is necessary, sheriff?" Mabel asked.

  "A few days, ma'am. Until I conclude some of my inquiries in town."

  Honora leaned back against her chair. A few days! That meant she wouldn't be able to stay away from Reese Buchanan. He'd be around the whole day. And night. She wondered how that would even work in practice. Maybe he'd stay in the bunkhouse with the ranch hands. Or perhaps he's stay in the house. That would be real awkward, she told herself.

  Mabel perked up at that news, apparently ignoring every one of the practical details racing through Honora's mind. "Do you have some leads already?" Mabel asked.

  Nathan grinned at Mabel. "I'm working on it, ma'am. I'll try and keep you up to date."

  "We have our own ideas who was behind this," Honora stated firmly.

  Reese lifted a brow. "You do?"

  Honora nodded. "Calhoun. It has to be him." She peered at Reese. "You saw what he was like yesterday."

  Nathan interrupted. "I understand he has an interest in this spread." He looked at Mabel. "Is that right, ma'am?"

  Before Mabel had a chance to respond Honora heard a voice from the hallway. "He does," Rufus declared. "Or at least, he's trying to." Rufus walked into the kitchen and glared at Reese and Nathan. "What's going on here?"

  Nathan fixed Rufus with a stern look. "Just doing my job, Mr Ferguson. Heard you had some problems with intruders last night. So I came with my solution," he said and laid a hand on Reese's arm. "I'm leaving my new deputy here as protection for you and your family members."

  Rufus's eyes widened and he glared at Nathan. "You're not seriously suggesting I let a Buchanan stay on my spread."

  Nathan stood and looked down at Rufus. "He's my temporary deputy, Mr Ferguson."

  Rufus peered at Reese. "He's still a Buchanan. And not welcome here for that simple reason."

  That statement caused a long silence to descend upon the kitchen. Honora saw Reese glance sharply at Rufus. The tension in the air was palpable. Any minute now, things could get ugly, she told herself. Honora's gaze met Reese's eyes. He looked like he was trying to control himself. She wondered how long he could continue to do so. She knew there was bad blood between Rufus and any one of the Buchanan brothers.

  Nathan walked around the table and halted in front of Rufus. "I have a duty to investigate what went on up here. And that means I get to do whatever I think is best. If that means placing a deputy here for a few days, then that's what I'm going to do."

  Rufus and Nathan exchanged looks. Then Mabel spoke. "I think it's a fine idea," she declared.

  Honora gazed disbelievingly at her aunt. "Aunt Mabel!" she exclaimed.

  Mabel smiled. "Reese can use one of the spare rooms."

  Honora gasped. This time she was totally lost for words. The corner of Reese's mouth creased with the faintest hint of a victorious smile. He knew exactly what he was doing, Honora told herself. But, didn't he realize she'd extracted a promise out of him? What could have driven him to try and break that promise?

  She thought for a moment and came to one simple conclusion. Reese had heard about her trouble, last night. And he'd found out just how close she'd come to landing herself in hot water. And, because of that, he'd made a decision and acted upon it. He'd come to the ranch with only one purpose in mind.

  Protecting her.


  "You can't follow me around all day," Honora objected.

  "Why not? I'm here to take care of any troublemakers," Reese replied.

  They were both riding out across the rangeland, heading toward where the herd was being kept. Reese had insisted on accompanying Honora when he'd caught her trying to sneak out without him noticing. Honora was sure she could have done a better job of keeping out of sight. But, it seemed that Reese had eyes in the back of his head. Maybe it was all those years working on the ranch which had given him that ability, she told herself.

  "And you think I'm a troublemaker?" she teased glancing back at him. She was riding as fast as she could, but he was having no problem keeping up with her.

  "Would I ever say such a thing to you, Honora?" He grinned at her while holding on tight to the reins of his horse. She could see the guns he was packing on the holster at his side. He was serious about taking care of her.

  She faced ahead and drove her mount onwards across the flat plain. It wouldn't be long before they reached the herd. Then she might be able to keep herself busy and ignore him for a while.

  Sheriff Nathan had left a while ago, having persuaded Rufus to accept Reese as a temporary resident at the ranch. The fact that Reese was to have the small, spare room at the back of the house to sleep in, had renewed Rufus' resistance to letting a Buchanan sleep beneath his roof. But, the sheriff had a way with words. Honora figured it just came with the job. Needing to talk people out of bad temper or the threat of reckless action gave Nathan a special empathy with folks.

  Honora was certain that there were fireworks on the way, now that Reese had moved into the Ferguson ranch. And it wasn't only the potential for conflict with Rufus which worried Honora. It was also the fact that Reese and her would be in such close proximity to each other for the next few days.

  Having gotten over her initial shock and resistance to the idea, Honora had had some time to consider it in more detail. Even though she was reluctant to admit it, she was flattered that Reese had gone to such trouble to try and persuade his way onto the Ferguson ranch. She didn't doubt that Sheriff Cameron had played some part in it.


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