The Greek's Secret Heir

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The Greek's Secret Heir Page 7

by Rebecca Winters

  Alexa moved closer. “You lost your wife and unborn child. Oh, Nico. I’m so heartsick for you, I don’t know what to say.” The compassion in her voice sounded like the old Mara, calling up memories.

  “That was eleven years ago. Since then I’ve immersed myself in work. To learn I have a daughter is a miracle I never expected. I don’t know if she’ll want a relationship with me, but I plan to find out.”

  “More than anything in this world I want the two of you to have one.”

  His breath caught. Why? To placate your guilt? Nico had listened to her reasons for keeping silent. On an intellectual level, he understood. But it didn’t erase the pain. He couldn’t talk about this any longer. “I’ll take you back home before your grandfather starts to worry.”

  They went back to the pier and he drove her home in silence. En route she turned to him. “Nico? I promise you that our daughter has wanted her father all her life. I gave her a small photo of you when she was around five which she has treasured. It was your profile. When we got home from Irena’s, she said you reminded her of the picture I gave her. She also said you were awesome. Now that she knows you are her father, her world has been transformed.”

  “You can’t know that when she’s only just learned the truth,” he bit out.

  “But I do. Not only does she adore Kristos who adores you, Dimitra read your letters after I left for the monastery. She’s already your champion. When I returned, she said, ‘He really loved you, Mama. I don’t know how Monika could have done that to you, but it’s your lie I can’t forgive. You could have gotten in touch with his family as soon as you found out you were pregnant. They would have contacted him and he would have uncovered the mystery because he’s that kind of wonderful man.’”

  Though Alexa’s words about Dimitra worked like a balm on Nico’s tormented soul, they didn’t take away the remembered pain of those dreadful first years. Being with Mara, talking with her like this, had opened a deep wound.

  Every explanation she’d given him for her silence had expressed fear of hurting him or bringing shame to him and their families. The sweetness he’d found in her from the start was still an inherent part of her nature. He could never blame her for wanting to avoid causing his family pain.

  After hearing her explanations, he could see how difficult everything had been for her. But he couldn’t help thinking that one phone call nineteen years ago, after she discovered she was pregnant, would have made their lives so different.

  When they reached the house, she got out. “I’ll run inside. In case Dimitra is there, shall I send her out?”

  “I don’t want to force something on her she’s not ready for. I’d prefer to phone her and we’ll go from there.”

  “All right.”

  “Alexa?” He couldn’t believe he had to call her that now.


  He paused for a moment, but he was too full of emotions to say anything more right now. “Nothing. It’ll keep.”

  She whispered good-night and hurried into the house.

  With a groan, he phoned Irena.


  “Sorry to call this late. Is Kristos home by any chance?”

  “No. He’s still out with Dimitra. I thought I’d better let you know her mother called to ask me for your phone number. I admit I was surprised.”

  Nico sucked in his breath. “I’ll tell you why after I speak with him tomorrow.” He couldn’t go into it now.

  “You don’t sound yourself.”

  His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “I’m not. I’ll explain later. Kalinikta, Irena.”

  After hanging up, he left for headquarters and sent Kristos a text.

  Call me before you go to bed. I don’t care how late.

  He’d barely entered his office when his phone rang and he answered immediately. It was Kristos. “Thanks for calling me.”

  “I would have phoned you without your text, Uncle Nico. Dimitra is still with me and wants to talk to you, but she doesn’t know how you feel now that you’ve been told the truth.”

  His throat swelled with emotion. “I’m overjoyed to learn I have a daughter.” As he’d told Alexa, Dimitra was a miracle.

  “I knew it! And that’s exactly how she feels about you. Where are you?”

  “At my office.”

  “Can we come over? She doesn’t want to wait any longer to talk to you.”

  Neither did Nico, who was only now beginning to unthaw and realize he had a daughter. “I’ll tell Gus to let you in.”

  “We’ll be there in five minutes.”

  It was the longest five minutes Nico had ever lived through and he stood by the elevator, waiting anxiously. When the doors opened, Dimitra emerged. She’d come up alone with a tearstained face.

  “All my life I’ve wished I could meet my father. To think we’ve already had dinner together and you’ve always been here. I just didn’t know it.” Her voice trembled. “Do you mind if I call you Baba?”

  “I’d be crushed if you didn’t.” Nico held out his arms and she ran into them. I kóri mou. My daughter. He was holding the child he and Alexa had created. It didn’t seem possible. He rocked her for a long time, overwhelmed that this blessing had come into his life...a life he’d thought had lost its flavor forever.

  This loving young woman had been the product of a great love. Raw anger rose inside him for the years he’d missed being a father to her.

  He knew and understood why Alexa had done this to them, but it still hurt to the core of his being.

  * * *

  The next Friday night after dinner with Michalis Androu—whom she’d politely told she wasn’t ready to explore a relationship—Alexa went in the house, torn apart by all that was happening. The last time she’d been with Nico, the solemn side of him was so different from the man Alexa had fallen in love with, she found herself mourning for the old dynamic Nico. He’d been a man full of life and had made her thankful to be alive.

  She kissed her grandfather good-night and went to bed. Since the night her daughter had gone off with Kristos, Dimitra had treated her like a stranger. For the last five days Kristos had picked her up and brought her home from the university before he went to work but Alexa hadn’t seen or talked to either of them.

  On Saturday morning Alexa awakened early, put on her headphones and left to go for a run around the neighborhood while Dimitra was still asleep. The only thing that helped relieve stress for Alexa was to get out of the house and run for a half hour every morning. She’d been doing it for years.

  It wasn’t until she got home and removed the headphones that she saw she’d received a text.


  Would the day ever come when her heart didn’t jump at the sight or sound of him?

  She sank down on the bed to read it.

  Can you come to my office ASAP? I’ll inform the front desk to send you up in the private elevator. This is important.

  Alexa put a hand to her throat. Naturally it was important where their daughter was concerned. In a week his whole life had been turned upside down. So had hers. She answered him.

  I’ll be there in an hour.

  After a quick shower, she dressed and told her grandfather she’d be back soon. Dimitra still hadn’t come out of her bedroom when Alexa left for Angelis headquarters.

  * * *

  The fact that Nico was now CEO of a huge conglomerate hadn’t escaped her. But at seventeen she hadn’t truly realized what his destiny would be. She pulled into the guest parking and walked inside. After introducing herself, the male receptionist escorted her to a private elevator and pressed the button that sent her skyward.

  Once the doors opened, Nico stood there wearing white cargo pants and a dark blue polo shirt. He’d always loved casual clothes and had staggering appeal no matter what he wore. Their eyes fused for a moment, t
aking her back in time to that first moment in the Aegean. She’d thought him drop-dead gorgeous at nineteen. He’d only grown more attractive over the years. Nico had exceeded the promise of the breathtaking man in the teenager.

  “Thanks for coming.”

  “I’m glad you texted me. Our daughter isn’t speaking to me, but I know she’s been with you this week. I hope you can tell me how she’s handling things.” She followed him into his large, impressive office that matched a man of his stature and importance.

  He indicated the couch for her to sit, then found himself a chair. “I thought you should know that last evening I took her to meet her aunt and grandparents. It was Mama’s birthday and we had a party on the yacht. Giannina arranged everything. Dimitra has brought them the greatest happiness they’ve ever known.”

  “You’ve done the same thing for her, Nico.” Despite the anger he had to feel for what Alexa had done, he’d embraced their daughter and had welcomed her into his family. Alexa had loved him heart and soul years ago. Now she loved and adored him more for the loving father he’d become just knowing of their daughter’s existence.

  “It’s especially touching for them since she’s their only living grandchild. I wanted you to know they’ve welcomed her with open arms.”

  Marvelous as the news was, Alexa jumped up, too anxiety ridden over her own guilt to sit still. She hugged her arms to her waist. “Dimitra has to be overjoyed to find the missing piece of her life and be accepted so completely. But I can only imagine what they think of me.”

  “They know everything.” He stood. “When you went missing, they tried to help me find you.”

  Alexa hadn’t known that. Her silence had touched his family too. Her heart hung heavy for Nico. If his wife hadn’t died, there would be two grandchildren for his parents to love.

  “I’m touched that they tried to help you. It’s all the more reason why they must despise me for what I’ve done to you and Dimitra.”

  “For now they’re reserving judgment because they’re too happy. But there’s something you need to know. A press release will be coming out in the media. I didn’t want you to find that out before I told you. It’s going to affect all of us and the people we associate with, including Raisa’s parents and siblings.”

  Alexa’s hand went to her mouth. “The news is going to be so hurtful for them.”

  “They knew about you.”

  “But not our daughter, who might never get past what I’ve done.”

  His piercing dark gaze found hers. “One thing I’ve learned since the dinner at Irena’s. Don’t ever say never.”

  She took a deep breath. “You’re right. I never thought I’d see you again and here we are.”

  He grimaced. “It was like that moment when you swam back to me at Perea Beach. I feared you were a mermaid who’d disappeared on me and was gone forever until you cried my name. Nineteen years later you appeared once more, this time on Irena’s patio.”

  She took a deep breath. “Fate had a way of uniting you with Dimitra. I’m reminded of the Greek myth about the three Fate goddesses who assigned individual destinies to mortals at birth.

  “Lachesis, the Alloter, kept all knowledge of Dimitra from you. Yet even Lachesis’s power couldn’t prevent you and Dimitra from meeting.” She cleared her throat. “We have Kristos to thank for that. Maybe it is true love between them, and it’s so powerful it broke the spell.”

  “Maybe,” he murmured, putting a hand on her arm. His touch sent darts of awareness through her body. “Your knowledge of the myths is remarkable.”

  Little did he know Alexa had made them a lifelong study. She lifted her head. They were so close, she could imagine him kissing her and wanted it so badly she could taste it.

  “Nico, thank you for telling me about the party. For Dimitra to be accepted and loved by you and your family will have made her feel reborn. As for being forewarned that there’ll be a media explosion, I’m now forearmed. I can’t thank you enough. Now I have to get back to my grandfather and will let myself out.”

  For self-preservation she had to get out of there. Being with him like this was the hardest thing on earth to handle. He ran a hand up her arm before letting her go. The old Nico wouldn’t have let her walk out of there.

  As she rode the elevator to the lobby, she had to admit that all these years apart hadn’t changed her feelings for Nico. If anything, they’d grown stronger. Just now she’d wanted to throw herself in his arms the way she’d done years ago while they’d kissed each other senseless.

  But the myth about Hera and her jealousy of Io had done its damage, and Alexa had made it worse by keeping quiet. The result had caused her to lose Nico as she’d known it would if he ever learned the truth. If there’d been a glimmer of hope that deep down he still wanted to be with her, he would have pulled her back so she couldn’t leave his office.

  As she walked to her car, she was left with one heart-wrenching, undeniable truth. You’ll always be in love with him.

  * * *

  Nico watched the elevator doors close.

  A primordial urge to go after her shook him to the core. The desire for her that had burned nineteen years ago blazed hotter than ever. All the pain he’d lived through hadn’t extinguished it. Knowing what she’d done to keep the knowledge of their child from him, hearing her reasons why, still hadn’t killed his longing to be with her. How was that even possible?

  Yet she’d left his office as soon as he’d told her about the family party and how the news he had a daughter would get out and impact all their lives. The Mara he’d loved would have stayed and ended up in his arms. But he had to get it in his head that she’d grown up and changed. There was no Mara. She’d turned into Alexa.

  This was one time when he needed Tio—the one person who’d been there at the height of Nico’s pain and could understand what seeing Alexa again, now, meant to him. Only his best friend could know what Nico was going through right now and would tell him this insanity would pass. But would it?

  Dimitra was a constant reminder of her mother. The thought that he’d never be free of his memories was so terrifying, he rushed over to the desk and buzzed his secretary to tell him that he was leaving. Irena had become his best friend. He’d drive over and talk to her about how he could have a relationship with his daughter that didn’t include Alexa.

  * * *

  But a half hour later, his talk with Irena on the patio brought no relief.

  “Kristos has told me how much Dimitra already loves you, Nico. But she also adores her mother, even if she’s in turmoil right now. You and Alexa are her parents, and you’re both going to be included in her life from now on. The sooner you can handle that the better because... I have news. I would have called you if you hadn’t come over.”

  Nico didn’t like the sound of more news and got to his feet.

  Irena eyed him with compassion. “Kristos gave her a ring last night.”

  He stopped pacing. “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. He loves her. Now that her circumstances have changed, he wants to protect the woman he loves.”

  “I agree. So it’s up to you and me how we accept the news, even if we still believe it’s too soon. My father-in-law will erupt when he hears.”

  “If I know your son, he won’t care and wants to shout it to the world.” Nico had felt the same way about Mara.

  She nodded. “He already asked me if we could have an engagement party here, but I told him nothing could be done without her mother being involved.”

  Nico rubbed his lower lip with his thumb. “I was with Alexa at my office earlier. She doesn’t think Dimitra will forgive her for what she did. But what you’ve just told me has given me an idea. Do you know Kristos’s schedule for today?”

  “Only that he was picking up Dimitra and probably wouldn’t be home until late.”

  “Good. That might give me ti
me to tell Alexa the latest news and plan a strategy that will help mother and daughter work through their pain.”

  “If anyone can bring that about, it’s you, Nico. But what about your pain?”

  “Like you said, the sooner I can handle the fact that Alexa and I are both inextricably involved in our daughter’s life, the better. Thanks for talking to me, Irena. You’ve been a big help. Now I’ve got a phone call to make and will tell you the outcome later.”

  He kissed her cheek and let himself out to make the call. Maybe Alexa didn’t want to hear from him so soon, but a part of him rejoiced that he had a vital reason to talk to her before the day was out. What was wrong with him? Where was his loyalty to Raisa to even be thinking this way?

  * * *

  After picking up some groceries, Alexa drove home filled with anxiety. Dimitra still wasn’t speaking to her, and she couldn’t bear it. After seeing Nico and hearing about his family party, she wanted to connect with her daughter and know how she was feeling about her new family. So far, Nico had been Alexa’s only conduit for information.

  Once in the house, she realized no one was home. Phyllis had probably taken her grandfather out on this beautiful day. Dimitra had to be off with Kristos. Alexa put the groceries away, remembering those moments in Nico’s office when she would have given anything for him to pull her into his arms. How insane was that? As if her thoughts had conjured him, her phone rang and she saw the caller ID.

  Her heart leaped to her throat before she answered it, struggling to sound normal. “Nico?”

  “Have you heard the news?” he asked without preamble.

  She trembled. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “That’s good. Do you have plans for the rest of the day?”

  “Nico...don’t keep me in suspense.”


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