The Greek's Secret Heir

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The Greek's Secret Heir Page 8

by Rebecca Winters

  “We have to talk, but not on the phone.”

  This had something to do with Dimitra she wasn’t going to like. Maybe she was planning to move out because she couldn’t stand to be around her mother anymore. “I’ll meet you wherever you say.” She felt desperate.

  “Why don’t I come by for you? How soon can you be ready?”

  Her eyes closed tightly. This was serious. “Right now.” It was close to four o’clock.

  “Then I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  She clicked off and freshened up in the bathroom. Makeup would help put some color in her cheeks. With a coat of coral lipstick and a quick brushing of her hair, she felt a little more presentable. Not that Nico would notice. What an irony that the man she’d turned into an enemy was turning out to be the only person she could appeal to for help. Nothing was making sense right now.


  AFTER LEAVING A NOTE on the fridge saying that Alexa was with Nico and would be back later, she walked out to the curb in front to wait for him. The sight of the black car and striking male driving it shouldn’t have excited her. The way she was feeling, she could be seventeen again. Once the car came to a stop, she got in before he could walk around and open her door for her.

  Their gazes collided. “If the news is bad, please drive us somewhere away from the house. I don’t want Dimitra or my grandfather to come home and see me too upset to face them.”

  He started the car and they took off. “I thought we’d drive to Pella and enjoy the Roditis wine you used to love.”

  She panicked. “You think I’m going to need it?” He’d taken her there one glorious day long ago. They’d been delirious with love while they sampled the pink wine from a vineyard under a hot sun.

  “I think we both do.”

  Alexa fastened her seat belt, not knowing how to deal with that remark. “Why didn’t you just tell me what this is about before I left you earlier?”

  Nico drove with a mastery that was reflected in everything he did. “I left the office right after you did, but I didn’t hear the news until I dropped by Irena’s. Kristos and our daughter got engaged last night.”

  The news wasn’t what Alexa had expected. She was so surprised, she didn’t say anything at first.

  “What’s made you go quiet?”

  She bit her lip. “I thought you were going to tell me that Dimitra was moving out. That’s been my greatest fear.” Her voice had started to wobble. “I thought she despised me so much she couldn’t stand to live with me anymore. I wouldn’t have blamed her. In fact I’ve had nightmares about it since I saw you at Irena’s.”

  He reached out to cover her hand. His warmth enveloped her whole body. Nico could have no idea how much she craved his touch. “If you’d heard the marvelous things she’d said about you to my parents and Giannina, you’d know the thought has never crossed her mind.”

  Nico’s words broke Alexa down and she sobbed. He held her hand a little tighter before letting it go.

  “Thank you for being so kind to me, Nico.” She wiped her eyes. “I don’t deserve it after what I’ve done to you. In truth I don’t know how you can stand to be around me.”

  She heard his sharp intake of breath. “This afternoon Irena reminded me that you and I will always be involved in our daughter’s life. It will help all of us if we get along and do what’s best for her. That’s why I wanted you to come with me. Sharing Dimitra is a new experience for both of us. I’m trying to tread carefully.”

  “And doing a beautiful job of it!” she declared, lifting her head to look at him through tear-drenched eyes. “I mean it, Nico. Besides everything else, you really are an exceptional human being. Our daughter has already figured that out.”

  “Then let’s decide what to do next. I believe you and I and Irena are all in agreement about Kristos and Dimitra moving too fast. But that ring on her finger has made it a fait accompli. It’s my opinion that if the first thing we do as her parents is fight them on this engagement, then—”

  “Then it would be the worst thing we could do,” she broke in. “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

  By now they’d reached the vineyard outside Pella. Nico slowed down and drove along the road to the winery. A few tourists came out the door. “What do you say we go in and plot.”

  For a moment he sounded just like the old Nico, filling her with thrill after thrill. She laughed all the way inside the winery’s front door. It astonished her she could do that when she’d been sobbing so hard before. He found them a table and ordered the same wine they’d once enjoyed. “This is like a window in time for me,” she said.

  Over the rim of the wineglass his dark eyes stared at her with an intensity that made her quiver. “For me too. I haven’t been back here since.” His deep voice pierced her insides.

  She sipped her wine, unable to believe they were together like this again. But it was dangerous to go down that road of the past. To break the spell he’d been casting on her since they’d been in the car, she changed the subject.

  “I’m thinking something should be done to celebrate their engagement. If I show Dimitra I support her, maybe it would help our relationship.”

  He nodded. “You took the words out of my mouth. Since I’m a friend of the Papadakis family and would do this for Kristos and his mother no matter what, you and I could host an engagement party for them at my villa on Sarti. We’d let them make up the guest list.”

  Was there ever a more wonderful man born? Her eyes filled. “That’s very generous of you, Nico.”

  “We’re only talking an engagement party. Being the mother of the bride, you’ll be the one to plan the wedding when the time comes. That is if they make it that far.” When her face fell, he laughed.

  “You’re still a big tease.” She was loving this time with him so much it frightened her. “Sometimes in the past you were so exasperating, I wanted to run away from you.”

  “But you didn’t,” he said in his deep voice, capturing her gaze. “Even if you’d tried, you know you wouldn’t have gotten very far.”

  “You’re right. I fell for you so hard, I would have turned around and flung myself at you. I was pathetic.”

  His devilish grin set her on fire. When they’d been on his cruiser together talking about everything, he’d been upset and morose. Today she saw no sign of that side of him, thank heaven. She couldn’t bear it if he wasn’t the same wonderful Nico she would always adore.

  Nico’s dark eyes played over her in the old familiar way that sent her heart thudding. “I’m glad to see a smile on your face.” That was only possible because being with him again had brought her to life. He provided the magic. “If you’re ready, we’ll drive back to Salonica. When I take you home, we might run into the happy couple and can tell them what we’d like to do for them, if they’re amenable.”

  “They’ll be overjoyed and you know it. I could never deny you anything. Our daughter is no different.”

  “But you did deny me,” he came back, surprising her.

  “What do you mean?”

  A mysterious look crossed over his handsome face. “Have you forgotten I asked you to run away with me after we finished our wine here years ago?”

  She laughed. “But you weren’t being serious.”

  “Oh, I was deadly serious. Remember that hot-air-balloon concession we passed that day? I’d planned for the person taking us up to head for Hellenia where my uncle’s family lived. We could have hidden out there with no one the wiser and waited until you’d turned eighteen. Then we could have gotten married and started a new life.”

  “Nico—I don’t believe it!”

  “At the last minute I changed my mind because an even better plan came to me that wouldn’t involve my uncle. But it would take a lot more planning.”

  She flashed him a wide smile. “Am I going to hear about that one?�

  “One of these days when we’re not pressed with helping our daughter, I’ll share it all.”

  “I don’t know if I want to hear it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ll wish you’d carried it out.”

  That deep, rich laughter burst out of him, filling her with joy. On the way back they talked about possible dates for the engagement party. When he pulled in the driveway, they didn’t see Kristos’s car.

  “I imagine Dimitra is still out with Kristos.” She opened the door, afraid to remain any longer and realize she’d rather stay right where she was and never leave. Before getting out she turned to him.

  “No matter how this goes with our daughter, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for everything you’ve done to make this easier. You never deserved what I did to you.”

  “We didn’t deserve what Monika did. Why don’t we agree not to talk about that anymore. That portion of our lives is over.”

  “You honestly mean it?”

  “How could I not when I’ve been united with our daughter. It’s a time to rejoice, not wallow in pain.”

  This sounded like the Nico she’d once loved. “All right. We won’t go over that ground anymore. Thank you for today. Kalinikta, Nico.”

  She dashed toward the house and hurried inside, surprising her daughter and grandfather who sat talking in the living room. She was back after all!

  Their papoú smiled. “We’re glad you’re home, Alexa.”

  Her daughter avoided acknowledging her.

  “I couldn’t get here soon enough.” She moved closer. “I’ve just heard you’re engaged to Kristos.”

  Dimitra jumped up looking shocked. “You already know?”

  “Yes. Irena told your father and he just told me.”

  “If you’re going to tell me we’re too young to—”

  “I’m not,” Alexa interrupted her. This was the first time her daughter had said a word to her in days. “We both think you and Kristos are perfect for each other.”

  Her eyes lit up. “You mean it?” she cried.

  “With all my heart.”

  “My father thinks so too?”

  “Yes. He thinks you’re perfect and will make Kristos a wonderful wife. So do I. As you reminded me a week ago, I told you I met the one at seventeen. Now it’s your turn, and you’re eighteen.”

  “Mama—” Her daughter reached for her and they hugged. Alexa’s grandfather had tears in his eyes, smiling his approval.

  “Your father has offered his villa on Sarti to announce your engagement. He’s asked me to help him. But only if it’s what the two of you want.”

  A cry of pure joy came out of her. “We couldn’t want anything more! All my dreams are coming true!” She hugged her papoú hard, then turned to Alexa and hugged her again. “I’ve got to phone Kristos and tell him what’s happened.”

  After she disappeared, Alexa’s grandfather shared a long glance with her. “You made a very wise decision just now.”

  “Don’t give me too much credit. That’s Nico’s influence. He knows more about parenting than I do.”

  “I disagree. You’ve been a wonderful mother, otherwise Dimitra wouldn’t be making this kind of progress so fast.”

  “You’re the wise one and I’ll love you forever.” She reached out and put her arms around him. Alexa wasn’t naive enough to think everything was perfect, but at least the three of them were functioning enough to get through this first stage. For that blessing she was beyond thankful.

  * * *

  Two weeks later, after college classes were over on Friday, Nico drove Alexa, Dimitra and their papoú to Sarti. He could have arranged for them to fly to Sithonia and then go on to Sarti, but the scenery was worth the drive. His daughter sat up front with him. Alexa got in the back to help her grandfather during the eighty-plus mile ride. They would stay at his villa for the weekend.

  Kristos was coming by helicopter. The party would take place on Saturday afternoon. All the guests, including Irena and her family, would fly in on Saturday beforehand.

  Nico still couldn’t get over the fact that three weeks ago he’d gone to Irena’s as a single man, and this afternoon he was bringing his former lover and beautiful daughter to his home. Things like this just didn’t happen in normal life.

  “Baba? Where are we exactly?”

  He smiled. “We’re on Sithonia, one of the three legs jutting into the Aegean from Salonica. I’ve been driving us along the coast of the Chalkidiki Peninsula.” The road wound through the base of the green mountains, making a contrast to the turquoise waters of the Aegean. Nico always found it a breathtaking sight.

  “It’s so beautiful, but I thought I saw lightning above the mountains.”

  “We get it in summer, but it won’t stop us from enjoying Sarti Beach tomorrow.”

  “Where’s your villa?”

  He could see Alexa through the rearview mirror. She was eyeing scenery she’d never viewed. By the look on her beautiful face, she was entranced.

  “On the mountain overlooking the beach. You’ll love the purity of the sand and water. It’s not too deep.”

  Perfect for a mermaid with chestnut hair who loved to play in the water for hours. The vision of a young Alexa who’d enthralled him from day one flashed into his mind. They were occurring more often, disturbing him whether awake or asleep.

  One more curve on the road and a view of Mount Athos opened up in the distance. The sight brought exclamations from everyone. “Ooh, I’d love to climb that with Kristos!” Dimitra exclaimed.

  Nico chuckled. “I’m afraid you can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “No women are allowed,” her grandfather interjected. “It’s forbidden.”

  “That’s the most absurd thing I ever heard! What goes on there, Papoú?”

  Nico’s eyes met Alexa’s through the mirror. Hers were smiling. Their daughter was a delight to both of them.

  “You’d be surprised. It’s the center of Eastern Orthodox monasticism. There are over twenty monasteries under the direct jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. Not even female animals are allowed.”

  “Are you serious? That’s incredible. I didn’t realize. You always know everything.”

  “Not everything, but close.”

  Nico liked the older man very much. At Gavril’s remark he burst into laughter along with Alexa, unable to remember the last time he’d enjoyed himself this much. Years in fact.

  Being with Alexa had everything to do with this change in him. When he’d taken her to the vineyard recently, he’d meant what he’d said to her about forgetting the past. It was over. Inexplicably his anger seemed to have dissipated and his life had taken on a whole new meaning.

  “We’re almost home.” He took a private road that wound up the mountainside to his white villa.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Dimitra murmured after they arrived. “This is the most fabulous place I’ve ever seen in my life!” She undid her seat belt and turned to him. “I love it, Baba. I love you.” In the next breath she threw her arms around him.

  Nico’s throat swelled with emotion as he kissed her cheek. “When I bought this place, I never imagined the day would come when my very own daughter would be here with me. I love you too,” he said in a thick tone. “What do you say we get out so I can help your grandfather? He’s had to sit for a long time.”

  “You’re right. Since the moment I knew you were my father, my head’s been spinning. I don’t know what I’m doing and have only been thinking of my own happiness.” Nico adored his daughter and felt the same way.

  Just then they heard the whir of rotor blades. A helicopter was landing at the rear of the villa. “That’ll be your fiancé.”

  She turned to get out. “I feel like I’m in a dream.”
  Nico could relate.

  Within seconds Kristos came running. The two lovebirds threw their arms around each other. Nico glanced at Alexa who was getting out of her side of the car. He took her grandfather’s wheelchair from the trunk.

  “Here you go, Gavril. I’ll have you comfortable in a hurry.” The older man deserved anything Nico could do for him after he’d sacrificed his life helping raise their daughter all these years.

  “I’m fine, Nico.”

  Thanos and Anna, the married couple who looked after his place and served in many capacities, came out to carry the luggage inside.

  Alexa stayed by her grandfather as Nico wheeled him through the sprawling, one-story villa to a guest room. Together they helped him get settled. “Anna will bring you a tray of food. Alexa’s room is next door to you.”

  Gavril caught his arm. “You treat me like a king. Now you go on and help the others.”

  “I’ll be right back and we’ll eat together,” Alexa assured him. After giving him a kiss, she followed Nico to the next guest room.

  “Dimitra’s room is at the end of the hall.”

  She walked to the window that overlooked the beach. “This spacious, airy villa is incredible, Nico. There’s still a view since the light hasn’t disappeared yet. You and your wife must have been beyond happy here.”

  The mention of Raisa jolted him because he hadn’t been thinking about her at all. What was wrong with him? “We lived in a villa in Salonica. After she died, I sold it and bought this one.”

  Alexa looked over at him. “I’m sorry. I spoke without thinking.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. Say whatever you want. When I’m in town and have to stay over, I use the apartment above the office. If you’d like to freshen up, I’ll see to settling Dimitra and have food sent to you and Gavril.”

  Her eyes filled. “Thank you for being this wonderful to us.”

  “I can’t do enough for our daughter.” In truth he couldn’t do enough for Alexa at this point. She’d handled the responsibility of raising their daughter alone, without him. He suffered over those missing years when he’d had no part in loving her and raising Dimitra from babyhood to the age she was now. The three of them had been cheated of that time together.


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