The Greek's Secret Heir

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The Greek's Secret Heir Page 9

by Rebecca Winters

  If he closed his eyes, nothing seemed to have changed. Her words and the way she said them made him believe they’d gone back in time to those three weeks when he’d lost his heart.

  But there was a problem because when he opened them, his mermaid had grown into a stunning, sophisticated woman, a mother who had a career and responsibilities. Did she long for those days when they were so much in love, nothing else mattered?

  Raisa had been very much aware of Nico’s feelings for Mara. Now that she was gone, did he have the right to be thinking about Mara all over again? Did he deserve a second chance at happiness with her? Before this weekend was out, he wanted to take her out on the beach and spend time alone with her. But did he dare? Would she want to be with him again like that?

  Riddled with questions and guilt, he left the room.

  * * *

  The Saturday announcement party with family and a few close friends had put permanent smiles on the faces of the engaged couple. Most everyone had enjoyed the swimming pool. Alexa had preferred to walk around taking pictures with her phone, many of them of Nico.

  All the fabulous catered food and music had made it an unforgettable day followed by professional picture taking to preserve memories. Though Nico’s parents and sister couldn’t have been nicer to Alexa and her grandfather, the two of them stayed close to Irena and her son Yanni.

  Before all the guests had to leave, Alexa took Irena to her bedroom. It was there she shared the second letter Nico had sent her. As Irena read it, tears trickled down her cheeks.

  “This gives me chills, Alexa.”

  “It did the same thing to me the first time I read it. I’d just been in your home with you the day before. Everything Nico wrote about Tio and you was true, down to your beautiful red hair.”

  She stared at Alexa. “It’s unbelievable that my son met your daughter. What were the chances?”

  “I know. He’s the best!”

  “So is she. I’m crazy about her. But I’m talking about Nico.”

  Alexa blinked. “What do you mean?”

  “When he couldn’t find you, he changed and was never the same again. I know because Tio and I helped him search for you. He was so in love and so heartbroken when he couldn’t find you, it really wasted him for a long, long time. Now suddenly you’ve reappeared in his life, with his daughter no less. The change in him is more dramatic than you can imagine.”

  “But he got married!”

  “Yes.” Irena put a hand on her arm. “He realized he couldn’t live on hope forever and she was a lovely person who adored him. But she knew you’d been the love of his life. If she’d lived and they’d had a baby to love, I have no doubts it would have helped him to be happier.”

  Alexa shook her head. “Her death was so terrible.”

  “Agreed, but he’s handled it surprisingly well. What he’s never gotten over is the loss of you. Not really. That’s why I can tell you that your presence has brought about a miraculous healing. The sorrow he’s worn like a burden since the first time I met him, is gone. Today he’s a new man and that’s all to do with you.”

  Irena’s confession thrilled her. “Thank you for telling me this, but the fact remains, I did a terrible thing not to let him know I was pregnant at the very beginning. If I disgust you for what I held back, you’re being very kind to me. It means more to me than you know.”

  “Alexa...if I’d been in your situation at that age, when Nico’s parents were so prominent and your grandfather’s career was at stake, I know I wouldn’t have told Tio.”

  She wiped her eyes. “You’re just saying that because you’re such a good person.”

  “No. I’m telling you the truth. Tio’s parents didn’t approve of his relationship with me. I didn’t come from a family of privilege. They did everything in their power to dissuade him from being with me. We eloped so they couldn’t stop us, while he was still training in the military.”

  Alexa blinked in disbelief. “I didn’t know that.”

  “It’s taken a long time to win them over. I’m still not there yet in their eyes. Thank you for showing me this.” Her voice caught. “It’s another proof that Tio really did love me.”

  She started to give the letter back, but Alexa refused it. “Nico’s letters provided me the same proof. You keep it and read it whenever you want. Now give me a minute to change into my bathing suit. It’s a beautiful night and I feel like a swim before going to bed. You stay in here. When I’m ready, I’ll walk you out to say goodbye.”

  Irena nodded, already reading the letter again.

  Alexa left her to go in the bathroom to change. After putting on her beach robe she grabbed a big towel to take with her.

  The two women hugged hard before they left the bedroom. Irena was quickly becoming a close friend. Alexa walked her out of the villa to the helicopter pad to see her off. Nico had gone to find Yanni. All the other guests had left.

  While Dimitra and Kristos talked and ate on the patio with her grandfather, Alexa told them she was going to walk down the road to the beach. The sun hadn’t set yet. It was a sight she wanted to see and told them she’d be back before long to help her grandfather get to bed.

  Irena had given Alexa a lot to think about and she needed to be alone with her thoughts as she made her way toward the sea below. Nico couldn’t have found a more enchanting spot on earth to live. She hoped she could be forgiven for being happy he hadn’t lived here with his wife.

  When she reached the beach, she slipped off her beach robe and put it on top of the towel before walking into the gentle sea. At any second the sun would drop below the horizon.

  Getting in the water with Nico had been one of their greatest pleasures during those three weeks years ago. But to want to be alone with him now would be asking too much, even if she wanted to believe Irena. Alexa didn’t doubt Nico was happy to finally know the truth about everything, but that didn’t mean the sight of her made him want to go back to where they’d left off.

  The other day in his office, he hadn’t followed through and kissed her senseless the way he’d once done. He’d held back, which told Alexa she didn’t dare imagine all had been forgiven.

  For another thing, Nico couldn’t have been celibate all this time since his wife’s death. There had to be a woman he was seeing right now. This weekend Nico had been the ultimate host, but once they were all back in Salonica tomorrow, he’d be free to see any woman he wanted. To imagine that Alexa could be an intimate part of his life again sounded almost beyond the realm of possibility.

  How would he feel to know Alexa was longing to get back in his arms and stay there? While she’d been at his villa, she’d been able to handle being around him because other people had provided a buffer. Giannina, among others, had pulled her aside.

  She’d said she’d like to go to lunch with her next week so they could talk. Apparently she’d forgiven Alexa enough for what she’d done to her brother to extend the olive branch. Alexa liked her and had agreed to meet her.

  But now that everyone had gone, Alexa was prey to her emotions. Needing to rid herself of doubts and unassuaged longings, she swam hard until she’d worn herself out. As she swam toward the beach, she realized she wasn’t alone.



  He looked like a Greek god as he walked into the water wearing his black trunks. “The family told me you were down here. I decided to join you.”

  Her heart was beating way too fast to be healthy. She started treading water. “I couldn’t resist. Thanks to you, the party was a huge success, and this place is paradise.”

  Nico swam around her, reminding her of those magical nights in the sea years ago. “Our daughter just told me she’s never been so happy in her life.”

  “I believe it.”

  His gaze pierced her. “What about you, Alexa? Are you happy?”

p; Being with Nico again had brought her an out-of-this-world kind of happiness. “You have no idea. Our daughter is finally getting to know her long-lost father, and she’s engaged to be married to a very remarkable man I’m already crazy about.” She smiled. “I’ll ask you the same question.”

  He came closer. “You want to know if I’m happy?”

  She had trouble swallowing. Her desire for him was so great, she thought she’d go crazy if he didn’t reach for her. “Yes. Less than a month ago you had no idea what was going to happen and how it would affect your entire universe.”

  “That’s the perfect way to describe it. When I kept getting those unopened letters and couldn’t find you after I returned home, I knew my universe would never be the same again. Yet here you are tonight, bringing me more happiness than I deserve.”

  His answer thrilled her, but it puzzled her too. “What do you mean, deserve?”

  “I’m not the person I once was.”

  His words haunted her. “I could say the same thing about myself. Time changes all of us.”

  It hurt that the fun-loving man she worshipped had all of a sudden reverted to his more solemn self once more. Something troubling had to be going on inside him. She didn’t know what to say and started swimming toward the beach. He followed her out of the water. Alexa reached for the towel to dry herself off.

  Nico did the same thing. “If you’ve had enough, I’ll drive you up to the villa.”

  “Thank you.”

  He didn’t even want to walk in the sand with her for a few minutes? That was so unlike the Nico of the past. But what could she expect if he didn’t love her the way he once had? Irena said he’d changed, but something prevented Nico from reaching for her physically.

  She slipped on her beach robe and they made their way to the estate car parked where the private road ended. Her attraction to him had never been stronger, but she couldn’t forget he’d found love with Raisa and had married her. Maybe her memory was holding him back. Nor could she deny the fact that she’d caused pain to the two people she loved most. To expect feelings or attraction from Nico at this point wasn’t realistic.

  It only took a minute to reach the villa. “Thank you so much for this fabulous party, Nico. Dimitra has been glowing. So has Kristos. Irena loves you for being so devoted to her and her family. Everything good has happened because of you.”

  She got out of the car without his help and hurried to the patio. Nico followed. “Come on, Grandpa. I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted,” Alexa said.

  “We appreciate all you’ve done, Nico,” her grandfather assured him, then looked at Dimitra and Kristos. “You two need some time alone. I’m ready.”

  Dimitra got up. “Good night, Papoú, Mama. See you both in the morning. Thank you for everything.” She kissed both of them and turned to her father. “Oh, Baba, this party has been so perfect. Thank you with all my heart.”

  Alexa watched father and daughter embrace and then pushed the wheelchair inside and through the house to her grandfather’s bedroom. She helped him undress and get into bed.

  “Looks like you and Dimitra are on a normal footing again.”

  She glanced at him. “We’re getting there, with Nico’s help.” Alexa wished she could say the same about herself and Nico. “He has turned my nightmare into something we can all live with. He’ll never know how grateful I am. Now I’m going to say good-night and see you in the morning. You’ve got your phone. If you need anything, call me and I’ll come running. Good night.”

  * * *

  Nico went to work the next week, but by the time the board of directors meeting ended on Friday, he realized he’d been worthless. He was no longer the same man who’d been running the Angelis empire. In the last four weeks his world had undergone an upheaval of biblical proportions.

  After all these years he finally had answers to the questions that had tortured him. Alexa was alive and living in Salonica, not France. Dimitra was proving to be the most enchanting daughter any father could imagine having. To find out he’d had a child of his body with the woman he’d loved beyond all else had completely changed his vision of life.

  By now the news had gone out through the media. Years ago the plane crash that had killed Nico’s wife and unborn child had been sensationalized. Now came even more sensational news surrounding him. The recently appointed CEO of the Angelis Corporation had an eighteen-year-old daughter, but his deceased wife hadn’t been the mother. Furthermore, the mother proved to be the granddaughter of the former Greek ambassador to Cyprus and Canada.

  Kristos hadn’t been spared either. His plan to marry the daughter of Nico Angelis in the near future had been spread all over the media. Sadly the horror of the car crash that had killed his father, a vice president in the Papadakis Shipping Lines, had also been brought to the surface once more.

  Nico had known it would all come out.

  Much as he wished the news hadn’t hurt their families, he’d been too overjoyed with his daughter to let it affect him. But he worried for Alexa and the impact it had made on her. By the time the board meeting had ended late Friday afternoon, his concern drove him to phone her. He was glad for the excuse.

  All week he’d resisted the temptation to call her. After Nico had driven them back to Salonica on Sunday and helped her grandfather inside, he’d been forced to face the truth. He hadn’t wanted to leave her. If it had been possible, he would have asked her to stay at the villa for a week or longer.

  That moment in the water with Alexa had changed him. When the family had told him she’d gone down for a swim, he couldn’t join her fast enough, and there she was. He kept looking at her gorgeous face and hair. It was then he realized he wasn’t angry. Not anymore. He found himself wanting to be with her again in every sense of the word. He wanted her in his arms and his bed.

  Being around Alexa for the weekend hadn’t been nearly long enough. To have to say goodbye Sunday afternoon had been difficult, yet she’d shown no regret that he was leaving. He couldn’t stand the separation any longer.

  With determination he reached for his cell and made the call. She answered on the third ring.

  “Nico?” She sounded surprised. Her reaction deflated him. What had he expected? That she would sound breathless the way she once did waiting to hear from him?

  There was a lot he wanted to discuss with her, but not over the phone. “I’ll make this quick. Do you have plans for this evening?”

  “Only to watch a soccer match with my grandfather. We’re eating dinner right now.”

  That ruled out his first suggestion. “Would you mind if I came by to pick you up? We could go for a ride. It won’t take long. I need your advice about Dimitra.”

  “Is everything all right?” Alarm had tinged her voice. “I know you’ve been with her several times this week.”

  “We’re fine, but I’m a new father and would like your input.”

  “I’m not sure how much help I can be. How soon do you want to come?”

  “Shall we say half an hour, or do you need more time?”

  “No, no. I’ll be ready. See you soon.”

  He hung up, relieved she hadn’t turned him down. Once he’d showered and changed out of his suit, he took off for the Filo home. She met him at the door bringing a faint floral fragrance with her that was new. In those pleated white pants and fitted khaki-colored top, Nico had a hard time not staring at the feminine mold of her body.

  After he helped her in the car, he drove them down to the beach and parked near the water.

  “We’ve been here before,” she murmured.

  He shut off the engine and turned to her, studying her stunning profile. The sun would be going down soon and the golden-hour light brought out the gold highlights of her hair. How many times had he kissed her and played with it, never wanting to stop. “The beach was our home. It seems natural to come
here. Let’s walk.”

  Alexa removed her shoes and got out. After stepping on the sand she looked at him with a hint of anxiety. “What did you want to ask me about Dimitra?”

  Damn. She was feeling uncomfortable with him. They’d never had that trouble in their past life together. “I’ll get to that in a minute. First, I’ve been worried about the coverage in the news the other night. How are you and Gavril handling it?”

  “We’re fine. He’s no longer working for the government, and I won’t be working at the university until the end of August. Neither of us is in the limelight.”

  “What about Dimitra?”

  “If it bothered her, she hasn’t said. I know it’s because she’s so involved with Kristos. None of us has to face people the way you do on a daily basis. Before long the news will die down for us. Let’s hope for you too since you didn’t ask for any of this.” The tremor in her voice tugged on his emotions.

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  She finally turned to him. “How can you say that? This whole situation hasn’t been fair to you or your family.” Her eyes, like precious green gems, filmed over. “If I’d done the right thing the moment I knew I was pregnant, this would nev—”

  “Stop,” he broke in on her. “We promised not to go there again. You did what you felt had to be done at the time. It’s over. I realized that while we were at the villa last weekend and I saw you in the water. It reminded me of our past. Not only were you young, you weren’t my wife when we made love. I fought it until that last night. The blame falls on me.”

  She made a strange sound. “Don’t forget I was the most willing participant on earth, Nico. I had no shame. You were my whole life.”

  And mine. “Love hit us hard, but make no mistake. I’m the reason for your pregnancy and take full responsibility, even if it is nineteen years too late. I should have known better than to act on my desires before our marriage could take place.” He’d been out of control. “I should have been there when you had our baby. Tell me what it was like.”


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