Clayton James: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 1)

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Clayton James: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 1) Page 8

by C. E. Wilson

  “That was all your father. I didn’t want that, but he did it anyway.”

  “You stood right beside him and glared at me the same as he did. I called you not too long ago, and you hung up on me. You didn’t even want to talk to me. I knew Dad wasn’t home because I had seen him in town. So now what are you going to try and sell to me?”

  “Clay don’t be that way. You know I love you. I just want to make sure you're taken care of.”

  “Oh, you don’t think that a doctor can take care of me. I trust him more than I would ever trust you or dad. He is my life, Mom. He is everything to me.”

  “I understand that son. He does have to work, you know. Who is going to look after you then?”

  “When I get released from the hospital, John is taking a two-week vacation to take care of me. That’s how much he loves me.”

  “Well can I at least call you?”

  “Yeah if you don’t tell me anything like I need to come to your house. I will be staying with John in either our house or our condo. Not sure which.”

  “I’m going to go back and sit with Dad. If you need me, then call his room, and I’ll be right here.”

  “Yeah, ok.”

  Martha turned and left the room. John wrapped his arms around Clayton’s shoulders. “Are you alright, babe?”

  “Yeah, she doesn’t bother me. Once upon a time, I would have killed to be back in their home, but not now. It seems like I have no family except for Cathy and Brad.”

  “You have my family babe and me. We are all you need.”

  “You have that right.”

  John’s phone rang, and he pulled it from his pocket and hit the button. “Dr. Willis.”

  “John, it’s Dad. I had a talk with Robert, and that little idiot was behind it. I hit him a few times then took him to Susan and had him tell her what he has done, and she kicked him out and told him never to come back. She’s filing for divorce in the morning. She had about had it with his crap anyway, and this was just the last straw. I’m going with her so she can make sure he doesn’t take anything but what’s his. I’ll call you when I get back home. Tell Clayton we are so sorry, and I’ll pay for his hospital bill and whatever he needs.”

  “I’m going to call the police, Dad. I’m not going to let him get away with this.”

  “I don’t blame you. Call them and then send them to Susan’s house and they can pick him up there. I have his confession on tape so he can’t deny it now.”

  “Don’t worry about Clayton. His bills are covered.”

  “Ok but if he needs anything just let us know.”

  “I will, Dad. Bye.”

  John hung up the phone but called the police right away. He told them the information he had on the case, and they said they would go get him right then. He hung up, and Clayton raised a brow to him.

  “Dad talked to Robert, and he admitted he had his friends beat you up. Dad got it on tape that he confessed. He took him to Susan, and he told her what he did, and she threw him out. She is filing for divorce in the morning.”

  “Oh John, I don’t want your sister to tear her family apart like that. Please tell her not to do that because of me.”

  “Dad said she was about ready to throw him out anyway. He said this was the last straw for her. The police are going there now to arrest him. The house is in Dad’s name, so she won’t lose anything. She’s much better off without him.”

  “How is she going to support herself and her children?”

  “I guess I never told you about her. She is a very accomplished author. She has been on the bestseller list several times. She makes more than enough to take care of herself and the kids.”

  “Oh, I see. I guess she doesn’t have to put up with his antics then.”

  “Nope, she doesn’t. Everything they own is in Dad’s name just because of this. Even the cars are in Dad’s name.”

  Carson came into the room. “How are you feeling Clayton?”

  “I feel pretty good. My arm hurts a little, but it’s manageable.”

  “If I release you today do you have someone to look after you for a little while?”

  John spoke up, “Yes, he’s coming home with me, and I’m going on vacation for two weeks and look after him.”

  “Ok, I’ll write you some pain pills, and he can go home today. There’s nothing we can do for him that you can’t do at home. Give me about thirty minutes, and I will have your discharge papers done. What are you going to do with his father?”

  “I’ll probably discharge him today. He is doing better than I even suspected he would. He’ll be better off at home as well.”

  Carson nodded and walked out of the room. “Clayton I’m going to check on your dad, and if he is doing just half as good as you then he can go home, and your mom can fuss after him and maybe leave you alone.”

  “All right babe. Don’t let them give you a hard time, though. Tell them to just leave us alone if they start on you about me.”

  “They won’t get to me, baby. I can handle it. I love you.”

  “I love you too, John.”

  “I’ll be right back, and then we will get you dressed so you can come home. I have a bag at the nurse’s station with clean clothes in it for you.”

  Clayton nodded and settled back into the bed to wait for John to come back.


  John walked into Charlie’s room. He walked over to him and used his stethoscope to listen to his heart. “How do you feel about going home today?”

  “Yeah, I’m ready to go home. Is Clayton being released today too?”

  “Yes, his surgeon is doing the paperwork for him to come home. I think you're doing good and you can go home too. Don’t do too much. Just rest mostly. Call and make an appointment for two weeks, and we will get those clamps out of your chest. You can take a shower but leave the tape on them. It won’t let the water into your incision. If you have any concerns, call the emergency room here. Tell them what is going on, and they will tell you to either come to the ER, or they will call me, and I will call you back. Walk as much as you can but don’t overdo it.”

  “Thanks, Doc. I will have Martha call and get me an appointment so I can get these things out of my chest. Tell Clay that I will call him soon to check on him. He can call me too, ok?”

  John shrugged. I’ll tell him, but if he calls you then, it will be his decision. I won’t make him call you.”

  “Fair enough. Thanks.”

  John nodded and went to the nurse’s station and signed the discharge papers that he had already filled out. He was going to release him today anyway. He also wrote a prescription for some pain pills for Charlie. He grabbed the bag and headed back down to Clayton’s room.

  He went inside, and Clayton was asleep. He sat down in the chair and waited for the nurse to bring the discharge papers and give Clayton some time to rest up before heading home. It was about fifteen minutes later that the nurse brought the papers. She handed everything to John and helped him pack up Clayton’s things. He had flowers from John’s family and from John himself. John took notice that there was nothing from Clayton’s family in the room. He shook his head, and when they had everything packed up, the nurse left. John woke, Clayton. “Wake up Sweetheart we have to get you dressed.”

  Clayton opened his eyes and smiled at John.

  Chapter 13

  Clayton sat up and put his legs over the edge of the bed. John pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Clayton looked under his hospital gown and frowned. “John, I don’t have any boxers on. I don’t have anything on under this gown. Why did they take all my clothes off me?”

  “They have to when you have surgery. They don’t want you to have anything on. Don’t worry, I brought you some boxers too.”

  “Well, this is embarrassing. Hand me the boxers, and I will try to get them on without showing what is under the gown.”

  “Babe I have seen it before you know. Come on and let me help you get dressed.” John helped him get dressed
and even put his socks and shoes on. He helped him stand and slid his shirt over his head. He finally got the shirt over his cast, and his shirt pulled down.

  The nurse had brought a wheelchair in the room, so John got Clayton to sit in the chair, and he opened the door. An orderly was standing there waiting to take Clayton downstairs. John told the boy, “Grab his cart with his things on it, and I’ll take the chair down.”

  “Yes, Dr. Willis. Do you want me to stay with him while you go get your car?”

  “Yes, Simon if you will do that. Thank you. This is my future husband, and I don’t want anything more to happen to him.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were seeing anyone. I’m happy for you, though.”

  “Thanks, Simon. I’m very happy.”

  They got downstairs and went out to the front door. John left Clayton with Simon and ran and got his car. He brought it up and got Clayton in the front seat and then put all of his things in the back seat. “Thanks for your help, Simon. I will see you later.”

  Simon had a sad look on his face, but he nodded at John and turned and took the cart and the chair back into the hospital. Clayton chuckled. “I think you just broke his heart babe.”

  “Yeah, I know. He has been hinting that he wants to date me, but really, he is too young for me. He is only twenty, and I am thirty-one. It will feel like I was robbing the cradle with him. I mean, I know he is legal, but he is still a kid, in my opinion. Not my type.”

  “You have a type? Tell me, babe. Who is your type?”

  John reached over and pulled the sun visor down in front of Clayton. “There, that guy is my type.” He pointed at the mirror and smirked.

  “I’m glad about that. You’re my type as well. How long do you think it will take before I get this cast-off?”

  “About six weeks. I’m sure that Carson will take it off then.”

  “If I don’t get you to take it off before then. I know it is going to itch and my muscles will all be gone when it comes off. I had a broken right arm before; I fell while skating.”

  “What did Robert’s friends do to your arm to break it that bad? You have six inches of cadaver bone in your arm because it was so shattered.”

  “They stomped on it and ground their steel-toed boots on it. That hurt worse than the hits to the head and the ribs. I just don’t know why someone would want to do that to another person because of who he loves.”

  “Ignorant people babe. Robert is jealous, but the thing is he isn’t anything but a factory worker because of his own choosing. I had nothing to do with that. Now he has nothing but his factory job. Susan is filing for divorce in the morning.”

  “If the police picked him up, he probably won’t have that either. I can’t see anyone holding a job while they are in jail.”

  John pulled into the driveway of Clayton’s house. He got out and went around and helped Clayton out of the car. He helped him up to the door and unlocked it with the key that Clayton had given him. He helped him into the house and headed for the bedroom. “Wait, John, can I sit up for a little while. I am so tired of lying in a bed. How about sitting at the table and having a cup of coffee together?”

  John nodded and helped him into the kitchen. He sat him down at the table and went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. He brought out two cups and set one down in front of Clayton. He sat down beside Clayton and reached over and kissed Clayton on the temple. “It’s good to have you, home babe.”

  “It is so good to be home. Especially that you’re here. I want you to be comfortable here, John. This is your house too.”

  “The same goes for the condo. Both of them are ours.”

  Clayton started to say something, and there was a knock on the door. John got up and answered the door. It was the detective that was handling Clayton’s case. John invited him in and took him to the table. He went into the kitchen and got another cup of coffee for the police officer.

  The officer said, “We have arrested Robert and three of his friends. He said that was all there was there. Do you remember how many men were there?”

  “I only saw three, so I assume that is how many were there.”

  “Tell me exactly what happened. I know you were heavily sedated at the hospital, so tell me again now.”

  “I had an appointment to appraise a property for Mr. Bill Alexander. He wanted to know if the property was worth the asking price. I arrived at the property, and Mr. Alexander was sitting in his car. He got out, and we looked around the property, and then he wanted to see what was in the shed there. We opened the door and went inside, and that’s when I was attacked. I remember getting hit several times in the head with something. I don’t know what it was. The two of them held me up by my arms, and Mr. Alexander started punching me in the ribs really hard.

  “Then they dropped me to the ground, and that’s when they started stomping on my arm and grinding their boots into it. That’s when I passed out. I remember one of them saying as I was drifting into unconsciousness if Bobby would think that was enough. Oh, one of them ask me if the doctor gave me pain like they were. They called me all kinds of bad names as well.”

  The detective shook his head. “That idiot used his real name. His name is Bill Alexander. We have all of them if you saw three. I doubt they had a person on watch. They weren’t smart enough to do something that made sense. Robert will be charged with conspiracy to commit bodily assault and battery, and accomplice to the assault and battery. Really all four men will be charged with the same.”

  John asked, “What about attempted murder. If I had not gone looking for him, he would have died in that shed. They did a number on him, and I can get his surgeon to testify to that fact. Or I can just give you his name and number, and you can call him yourself.”

  “Yeah, that would be better. I’ll submit that to the DA and see if he wants to go that route. It will mean more punishment, which I’m sure you don’t have a problem with that. I know I wouldn’t.”

  John gave a sharp nod and then showed the detective out of the house. The detective stopped at the door. “Is Clayton going to be all right? He looks a little done in.”

  “Yes, he’s doing fine. He was just released from the hospital. He’ll be going to bed when he finishes his coffee. I want some justice for him, Detective. He shouldn’t be the victim of a hate crime. That’s what this is. He was almost killed because we are gay. My soon to be ex-brother in law did this because he hates me.”

  “I’ll recommend that the DA charges them with attempted murder, but all I can do is gather facts. It is up to the DA what he actually does. I’ll push for the attempted murder, but I don’t guarantee that’s what he will do.”

  John just nodded and shut the door behind the detective. He went back in and sat down beside Clayton. “What did he say about the charges?”

  “He’s going to push for the DA to file attempted murder charges. If he does, then it will be worse on the four men that did this. I hope they all get life for it.”

  Clayton just looked down at his coffee in deep thought. John let him think for a few moments then he said, “What is it, babe?”

  “I hate for them to be punished that badly. They have families. What about your sister’s children? She’s going to have to raise them herself. I just hate that.”

  “Trust me, babe. Her children are much better off than to have Robert around. He never played with or held them unless there were others around like at the BBQ. He ignored them, so they don’t even know he isn’t around.”

  “They won’t have a father figure in their lives, though. That boy is going to need that.”

  “Dad, you, and I will be the baby’s father figures. Uncles are better than a rotten dad.”

  “Ok, I have to admit that’s right. I think I am ready to lay down for a little while.”

  “Do you need a pain pill?”

  “Yeah, that will help me sleep. Wake me when you get lonely. I’ll be happy to get up and talk to you.”

  John helped Clayton in
to the bedroom and pulled off his shoes. He helped Clayton to bed and covered him up. John gave him a pain pill, and then Clayton snuggled down into the bed. He was there only a few minutes before he went sound asleep. John smiled at him and then went out the door and eased it almost closed. He wanted Clayton to get some rest but still be able to call out for him if he was needed.

  John went to the kitchen and made some beef stew and put it in the slow cooker on low so it would stay hot for when Clayton woke up and they would eat dinner.

  Chapter 14

  John had just finished the dishes from cooking the stew when his phone rang. He dried his hands quickly and then pulled out his phone. He answered, “Dr. Willis.”

  A young man’s voice said, “Is this, John?”

  “Yes, it’s John. What can I do for you, young man?”

  “This is Bradley. I tried to call Clayton, but he didn’t answer. I don’t want anything. I was just worried about Clayton and wanted to find out if he’s ok. My dad said we can talk to him now.”

  “That’s very nice of your dad to let you talk to your brother. He’s asleep Bradley. He’s doing ok. Do you want him to call you when he wakes? I’m not sure when that will be. He was hurting, so I gave him a pain pill.”

  “Yes, if you don’t mind. I would love to talk to Clayton. I can’t believe that someone hurt him like that over being gay.”

  “Well, there was more to it than that. The one that set him up was my sister’s soon to be ex. He hates me and wanted to hurt me so instead of trying to hurt me, he hurt Clayton knowing that would hurt me more than if he had me hurt. He was so sorry that he had his friends do it and he wasn’t there.”

  “Can I come and visit Clayton?”

  “Sure, you can come over anytime you want to. Just please don’t give the address to your mother. She keeps trying to get Clayton to come to her house, and he doesn’t want to. He wants to be here with me. Hey, why don’t you come over to dinner tonight? I know it will lighten Clayton’s mood when he sees you. I’ve got a crockpot of beef stew. Homemade, not that canned kind.”


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