Clayton James: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 1)

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Clayton James: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 1) Page 9

by C. E. Wilson

  “Yeah, sure I would like that. What is the address and I’ll put it into my GPS in the car?”

  John gave him the address, and then he went into the kitchen to check on the stew. It was perfect. He made some homemade bread and a big picture of tea.

  John heard Clayton moving around in the bedroom, so he went into the bedroom and watched him. He was walking around, stretching his back and legs. “You alright Honey?”

  “Yeah, just a little stiff from laying around so much. Do I have anything in there to munch on? I am a little bit hungry.”

  “Come into the kitchen. I have fresh coffee, and we have a cake. I don’t know how long it’s been in there, but we will see.”

  “I got it the day before I got hurt. I got it to bring it to your house the day I got hurt. It should be alright. It has been in the refrigerator since that day.”

  “Yes, I love German chocolate cake and the icing. I think I can make a meal out of just the cake.”

  Clayton got a serious look on his face. He glared at John for a few minutes. “You will eat your meat and vegetables first Mr. then you can have a piece of cake.”

  John started laughing, and so did Clayton. “John, I need to wash up for dinner. I don’t know how I can do that.”

  “That’s easy Sweetheart. That’s what you have me for. You know that I will love nothing better than to clean you up and dote over you.”

  “It’s just not easy to ask for help.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll need help one day. Then I will hate to depend on you too, but I will.”

  “Let’s go into the kitchen and have some of that cake and coffee. Whatever your cooking smells so good. What is it?”

  “It’s beef stew that I made and put it in the crockpot to keep it warm for dinner. I also made some homemade bread and a picture of tea.”

  “You used my crockpot?”

  “Yeah, why were you saving it or something?”

  “Oh no, I just never used it before. Is it working the way it’s supposed to? I have no idea what to cook in there.”

  “Why did you buy one then?”

  “I was trying to get stuff in here that I needed and when I was at Walmart, all the ladies seem to get one of them, so I figured that I need one for the kitchen. That’s how I furnished the whole house. I don’t know anything about what’s supposed to be in here.”

  John rolled his eyes. “Oh, my darling, I have so much to teach you. I will do it with a smile on my face.”

  John kissed Clayton on the head as he sat down in the chair at the table. John got the cake and coffee and sliced them both a piece. He had just sat down to eat when the doorbell rang. Clayton shook his head. He never had company, but now the thing wouldn’t stop.

  John came back to the kitchen. “Who was it this time, John?”

  “A dinner guest that I invited.”

  “Who is it?”

  John got Bradley’s arm and pulled him around in front of him. Clayton looked up and grinned. “Bradley, does Dad know that you’re here? I don’t want you to get into any trouble for visiting.”

  “He told all of us that we can talk to you or come and visit you anytime we want to. He also said that your welcome at our house or Cathy’s house anytime we want to. I’m glad but still afraid to tell him that I’m gay until after I get out of college. I need funding.”

  “I understand Brad, I really do. We won’t say anything about it when we see Dad. I’m not sure how much I will be seeing them, but when and if I do my mouth is shut about you. I promise.”

  “If it weren’t for school, I would tell the old man right now. I just don’t have a choice. At least we can talk to you and see you now. I hated it because I couldn’t see you. I need some help, and I think only you and Dr. Willis can help me.”

  John raised a brow. “Bradley, Clayton and I are getting married soon. Don’t you think it would be proper for you to use my first name? It’s John, please don’t call me Dr. Willis.”

  “Sorry, John. I didn’t know what you would prefer. My problem is that I have a crush on a guy, and I don’t even know if he is gay or not. He speaks to me and smiles at me but doesn’t say any more than that. What do I do?”

  “Since we are trying to keep that your gay quiet, I don’t think it will be a good idea to tell him your gay and make a pass at him. Just try and make friends with him or something until you get into college then you can do what you want.”

  “Yeah, I guess I can do that. Maybe I will luck out, and he’ll go to the same college as me. He’s a jock, and I don’t know if I would be good enough for him if he is gay. He dates girls, so I don’t know. I have dated some myself but never go past one date with them. They aren’t what I want.”

  “Just talk to him one day and ask him where he’s going to college and what is he going for. Maybe you will find another one going to college for engineering. That would be great if you did. Then just keep being his friend if you want to and are going to the same college as he is.”

  “Thanks, Clayton. You and John have helped me a lot.”

  John smiled at Bradley. “We decided to eat dessert before we ate dinner so do you want a piece of cake and a cup of coffee?”

  “Yeah, that sounds really good.”

  After dinner, they sat around the table and talked for a long while. Bradley finally got up and said, “I guess I better get home. I didn’t tell Mom or Dad where I was going. I didn’t think they needed to know. I’ll just tell them I met up with some friends. It’s true.”

  Bradley hugged Clayton then walked around the table to hug John as well. John told him to come back anytime he was always welcome.

  When Bradley was gone, Clayton looked at John with a scowl on his face. “If Dad told them they could see me and call me, then why does he have to tell Dad he met up with some friends?”

  “That’s my fault, I think. I told him not to tell your mom our addresses. I didn’t want her to come in here and bug you about her taking care of you.”

  “Oh, ok good thinking. I don’t want her here either. I love my mom, but she is way too pushy, and I don’t like the way she talks to you. She has no right to talk to you or me like she does.”

  “No, she doesn’t. If she wants respect, then she needs to give it as well. I don’t mind her except when she’s giving you a hard time then it makes me angry.” John got up and gathered the dishes. He put them in the sink and ran some hot water on them and dish soap, and he washed them up and put them in the drainer to dry.

  “I’m going to owe you a lot when I get better.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You just did my job by washing the dishes, so I’m going to have to pay you for washing dishes.”

  “Yes, you are. I don’t want money, though. I want you to cook me something. I’ll pick out an easy recipe, and I’ll show you how to make it.”

  “John no, I love you and don’t want to send you to the hospital with food poisoning. I am serious babe. I can’t cook worth a flip.”

  “That’s why I’m going to help you with it the first time. You can only learn by doing it.”

  “Do you have something in your bag for food poisoning? You are going to need it if you eat my cooking.”

  “Honey, it can’t be that bad. I’ll help you and show you what to do.”

  “Ok just have the meds in your bag please?”

  “Yes, just for you I will put some meds in my bag for food poisoning. I don’t think I will need it, but I’ll do it. It can’t be that bad babe.”

  Clayton snorted. “You haven’t tried my cooking. Just wait and see what happens to the food. It doesn’t like me cooking it.”

  “Clayton, you are so ridiculous. The food doesn’t know who is cooking it. If you follow the directions, then it should turn out great.”

  “Yeah just remember you said that when it’s done. Then tell me how great it is.”

  John leaned over the table and kissed Clayton. “Come on, let’s go take a nap, and you can get some rest. The rest i
s what you need to heal your arm.”

  “Yeah, I’m getting a bit tired. I think I need another pain pill as well.”

  John nodded and went and got his pills and gave him one. Clayton got up and went to the bedroom and pulled off his slippers. He was still dressed so he just laid down on top of the blanket. It seemed to be a little warm in here. Maybe he would have John turn up the air. He laid there thinking about how hot it was in the bedroom as he let the darkness claim him.

  John came in and pulled his shoes off and laid down beside Clayton. He brushed the hair off his forehead and felt how hot Clayton was. He got up and went and got the thermometer and took Clayton’s temperature. It was 105, and John started to panic. He pulled Clayton’s clothes off and started bathing him in cold water. He turned the air up so that it would be really cold in the bedroom.

  Chapter 15

  John called Carson and told him about the fever that Clayton had. Carson told him to call into the drug store and have the antibiotic he was going to call into the drug store and have them deliver it. John did as he was told, and it didn’t take long for the delivery man to be there with the medication.

  John woke Clayton up and got him to take one of the pills. Clayton said, “John, can you turn on the air. It is so hot in here.”

  “It is on babe. You have a fever, and the pill you just took is an antibiotic. That’s why you're lying there in your boxers. I have been trying to get you cooled down. If this doesn’t work, you’re going to have to get in the tub with cold water.”

  “Coldwater? I don’t think that’s a good idea. It will be a shock to my system to get into cold water while I am so hot.”

  “You just have to trust me, babe. We do that as a last resort. I’m going to get you some Tylenol to help bring down your fever. I’ll be right back.”

  Clayton laid there and tried to remember what happened that caused him to have a fever. He couldn’t think about it right now. All he could do is to try and think cool thoughts, and maybe it would cool him down.

  John came back into the bedroom with some white pills. He sat Clayton up a little and put the pills in his mouth. He gave him a drink of cool water to wash them down. Clayton’s eyes were red and seemed to be hazy. He looked at John. “Hey, did I get bit by a bug?”

  “Not that I know of. Why do you have an itch?”

  “No, I’m hot and have a fever. Isn’t that caused by a bug bite?”

  “No Sweetheart, you had surgery, and it is getting infected, and that is causing your fever.”

  Clayton stared at John. “I had surgery. Why?”

  “You don’t remember your arm being broken?”

  “No, I think you confuse me with someone else. I’m Clayton. My father can’t find out I’m gay, or he will kick me out. I know you want to stay in the closet, but I don’t. I’m sorry.”

  “Clayton, do you know who I am?”

  “Yes, I know who you are. You’re my boyfriend.”

  “What’s my name?”

  Clayton laughed. “You don’t know who you are?”

  “Yes, I know, but I want to see if you know who you’re talking about. I think you are delirious. You’re talking about things that didn’t happen between us.”

  “I think I’m tired. Can I go to sleep?”

  “Yes, babe, go to sleep, and I will keep a check on you. I know you’re tired.”

  “Thanks, Jeff.”

  John shook his head. He wasn’t upset because he knew that Clayton was not in his right head because of the fever.

  John stayed up and watched him. Finally, around two am, his fever broke, and John got him up out of the drenched bed and got him into the shower. When Clayton was clean, he took him into the guest room and put him to bed. He got in beside Clayton and wrapped his arms around him. If he got feverish again, he would know.

  John woke up and reached for Clayton to make sure he wasn’t feverish. The bed was empty. He jumped out of bed and went in search for Clayton. He found him in the kitchen trying to make coffee. John came up beside him, “Need a little help?”

  “Yeah, I am having a hard time doing this with only one hand.”

  John pushed him out of the way and made the coffee. He kissed Clayton and moved him over to sit at the table. “Who is Jeff?”

  “Jeff is the boy I had as a boyfriend in school. I told you about him. How did you know his name?”

  “You called me Jeff last night when I was giving you some Tylenol. I just wondered who that was.”

  “Oh babe, I’m so sorry about that. I don’t know why I would do that. I know your John. I guess I was out of my mind last night.”

  “Yes, you had a very high fever. I called Carson, and he called you in the antibiotics, and you need one now.”

  John got the pill from the bottle and handed it to Clayton and a glass of water. He didn’t say anything more just went and stared out at the backyard, waiting for the coffee to get done. Clayton watched him with a hurt heart. He knew he hurt John by calling him by Jeff’s name. He had no idea why he would do that. It was over between them in high school.

  Clayton got up and walked over behind John. He wrapped his good arm around John and pulled him back against his chest. He kissed John on the temple. “I’m sorry, John. I don’t have any idea why I would do that. It was over between Jeff and me in high school.”

  John didn’t say anything he just pulled away from Clayton and got cups out of the cupboard and filled them with coffee. He took them to the table and sat down with one in front of him and the other on the other side of the table across from him.

  Clayton sat down and watched John. “Are you angry with me? Honey, I don’t know why I said that. I wish you could believe that.”

  “I do believe that. It just hurts to be called by your ex’s name. You should have been thinking about me instead of him. I don’t want to talk about your ex.”

  “I don’t know what I was thinking or not thinking about. All I can say is I’m sorry.”

  Clayton got up and went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. It was damp, so he got back up and just sat on the side of the bed. If he weren’t already home, he would have left and gone home.

  A few minutes later, John came in and sat down beside Clayton. “If you want to lay down, go into the guest room, and I’ll change the sheets on this bed. Your fever broke last night, and you were sweating so bad you made the bed wet.”

  “Is it over between us, John?”

  John was shocked. “No, of course, not Clayton. I just have hurt feelings, but I’ll get over it. I just want you to think about me and not another man.”

  “I think of nothing but you. I have no excuse for last night because I don’t even know what happened. Maybe the fever had me back when I was a kid in school. Is that possible?”

  “Yes, it is possible. I guess I was just jealous, and it hurt my feelings when you called me Jeff.”

  “I never think about him, so I don’t know what that was all about. I love you John with all I have.”

  “I know you do, and I feel the same way about you. Are you hurting any?”

  “Just a little bit. The arm seems to throb some. Ribs hurt when I take a deep breath, so I try not to do that.”

  “Do you need a pain pill?”

  “No, I don’t want to go to sleep right now, and I don’t know what those pills are, but they knock me out.”

  “How about some breakfast then?”

  “Yes, I can get on board with that. I wish I could help you. Right now, I can’t even do the dishes afterward. I am so sorry, babe.”

  “None of that is your fault. If it needs to be a fault, then it is mine. It was my brother in law that hurt you. I owe you a lot.”

  “John don’t start with that again. It was not your fault. It was Robert’s fault. He is the one that had his friends hurt me. Not you. If you had not found me in that shed, I would be dead by now.”

  “How about some eggs and bacon and toast?”

  “Sounds really good babe. I d
on’t think I have eaten much in the last few days. I know I didn’t eat much of that hospital food. The only thing I got was what you brought me a couple of times.”

  John stood up and got Clayton’s good hand and pulled him to his feet. He got close to Clayton and gently hugged his waist. Clayton put his good arm around John’s shoulders and pulled him even closer. He bent down and kissed John a passionate kiss. John cleared his throat, “We better go to the kitchen. You’re still hurt and don’t need what I am thinking about.”

  Clayton laughed then grabbed his ribs. “Oh babe, don’t make me laugh so hard. That hurts.”

  John left to go to the kitchen, and Clayton followed. John got the bacon and eggs out of the refrigerator and started cooking the bacon. Clayton sat and watched him. “What do you want to do today?”

  “Babe you are still hurt so we are not going to do anything but let you get some rest and heal. Carson would cut my throat if I took you anywhere or did anything that would hurt you worse. He is very protective of his patients.”

  “What about you? Are you protective of your patients as well?”

  “Well, sure. I am more protective of you, though. You’re not my patient, but you are my future husband.”

  “So, we are still getting married?”

  “That’s what I have planned. If you changed your mind, you better tell me now.”

  “No way am I going to change my mind. I love you more than anyone else in the world. I’m talking about family here. I love Bradley, but I think I love you even more. Or maybe differently. Yeah, I guess that is what it is. I love you as my husband and him as my brother. Am I making sense? Doesn’t sound like it to me.”

  “Yeah, you're making perfect sense. How do you want your eggs?”

  “Any way you want to cook them. I like all the ways eggs can be cooked. So, when did you want to get married? I would like to invite Bradley to our wedding. I want your parents there, as well.”


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