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Page 4

by M. K. Eidem

  Grim’s eyes follow her every move, missing nothing. His desire grows with every inch of pale skin revealed. She is so unlike Tornian females. Where they are tall she is short, where their bodies tended to be male-like, hers is soft with lush curves.

  “The rest.” Anticipation has his voice lowering. The breasts she releases are fuller then Tornians, with large dusty nipples that he wants to suckle. A nest of auburn curls hides her woman’s beauty from him as the last scrap of fabric is finally removed. He can't wait to taste her.

  Moving, he slowly walks her back until her knees hit the bed. A gentle shove has her gasping as she falls back. She’s shocked when he drops to his knees, his mouth latching onto a breast, sucking it deep into his mouth.

  “Grim!!!” She gasps gripping his biceps but he ignores her. Totally focused on the feast before him. He’s never seen anything as beautiful, never felt anything so soft. This is what the goddess meant a female's body to be. Soft and giving, a refuge for a warrior from the hardships of his life. With a pop, he releases her nipple, turning his attention to the other. The hands spanning her waist hold her still for his attentions but suddenly he realizes she isn’t trying to push him away, instead, she’s running her fingers up his arms to sink them in his hair, releasing it from its tie as she pulls him closer, her groan has him suckling even harder.

  Leaning her back, his lips gain access to her soft pliant stomach. This is the place where two fragile females grew, where they were protected. It is the place where, the goddess willing, his offspring will soon thrive. He will put them there but first he must give her pleasure.

  Gripping her thighs, he pushes them apart, settling between them. Her unique scent calls to him as his thumbs gently parting her curls, revealing a never before seen beauty. She is plump, pink, and already glistening. Nothing like the Serai, who remain dry until pleasured. He can wait no longer. Lowering his head, he tastes her and nearly loses his mind. She is as sweet and juicy, like the ripest endary berry, separating her lips he continues to explore until he finds her berry and latches on to it.

  “Oh God, Grim!” Moaning Lisa falls back. It’s been so long since she’s felt like this. Maybe never and Grim didn’t play around, he goes right for the good stuff and it feels amazing. Her hips instinctively jerk. Growling Grim throws a restraining arm across her hips never breaking off his attack.

  Slowly he drags a rough thick thumb across her glistening lips, coating it with her juices, teasing the trembling flesh.

  “Please Grim….” Lisa can’t stop herself from begging. Slowly he presses his thumb into her woman’s opening, finding it incredibly tight. Carefully he pushes further and groans when he finds she’s soft inside too. The vibration causes her to tremble. She cries out in denial when he removes his thumb only to groan when its replaced by two fingers that slowly move in an out stretching her.

  “Faster, please Grim, faster.” Obeying her, he lightly bites her clit causing her to cry out as an intense orgasm blindsides her.

  Breathless, Lisa can’t believe what just happened. Has she really just had the best orgasm in her life, from a man she doesn't know? No not man…male…an alien. How could she have done that to Mark? She loved Mark. Had loved him since she was fifteen to his eighteen. He’d been her first and only lover, had always gentle, respectful, caring. So what if it hadn’t been the all-explosive passion written about in books. It had been theirs and theirs alone. They had three wonderful years together before he’d gotten sick. Before cancer had taken away his ability to be a husband. It had hurt him, she knew that, hurt his pride, his ego that he’d been unable to be intimate with her and now this….oh god what was Grim doing now?

  While she’s been lost in thought, Grim has ripped off his clothes and is now pressing his cock against her entrance. Startled she rises up on her elbows and can’t help but gasp before quickly backing away. Grim’s vicious growl freezes her.

  “You would deny me!” She’s never seen a man so enraged.

  “It’ll never fit….your huge!” Growling he forces her legs apart, leaning forward on his elbows, he cages her beneath him.

  “It will fit I have prepared you.” He presses his engorged head against her entrance and gives a quick shallow thrust. Her juices have made her slick but her body still struggles to accept him, at her gasp he immediately stops. Grim watches her, waiting until he feels her relax then pushes further, slowly moving in and out until she takes all of him.

  He’s drenched in sweat from trying to control his hunger, he wants to release in her so badly he’s trembling with it. He thanks the goddess that she can take him, she is so small, now he can wait no longer, withdrawing nearly completely he slams back into her.

  Gasping, as the pleasure starts to build again, Lisa wraps her arms and legs around him and hangs on. Here it is…all the uncontrolled passion she always dreamed about.

  Grim continues to plunge into her; he can’t believe how good she feels. All tight, silky heat and she is his! He feels his release fast approaching and quickens his pace driving even further into her. Soon he will give her his seed and hope it takes root.

  Grim is shocked when Lisa cries out again, her female muscles tightening painfully around him, sucking him even deeper into her heat. Jerking he can't stop from erupting inside her.

  Gasping, Grim collapses on top of her, barely keeping from crushing her. What just happen? His scattered thoughts try to make sense of it. What has she done to him? That wasn't supposed to happen. The Serai never released when a male was in it. He'd never heard tales of a female Tornian releasing this way. Lisa had wrapped around him. Matching him thrust for thrust...participating...that wasn't normal. Quickly he pulls away, glaring down at her.

  “What did you do!?!” He demands harshly.

  Lisa is floating in a warm sexual haze of satisfaction until Grim rips it from her with his sudden withdrawal and accusation.

  “What?” Confused eyes meet his. “What do you mean?”

  “You released when I was inside you!” He accuses.

  “You’re upset because I had an orgasm?” She gasps.

  “I gave you your woman’s pleasure. Why did you have another?” He demands.


  “It is not the Tornian way.” Lisa watches in disbelief as Grim stands, crossing his arms across his chest and realizes he’s upset…really upset…because she had a second orgasm…her first double. Most men would be patting themselves on the back, not blaming their partner.

  Grim turns presenting her with a perfect view of his gorgeous backside. She’s never seen one so toned and muscled. Guilt immediately assaults her. Mark had a nice ass. She’d loved his ass. Ashamed that she could feel so much pleasure with another man, she grabs for the covers.

  Grim pulls on his pants before facing her. “You will not do that again!” He snarls watching her pale as she hides her body from him.

  “You don’t want me to come when you’re in me.” She whispers.


  “Orgasm, find my relief.”

  “No! It is not normal, I will give you pleasure. Then I will take mine. That is the way it is done.”

  “Oh…so you don't need a participant, just a hole.” Lisa slaps a hand over her mouth. She can’t believe she just said that.

  “I do not understand.”

  “Yeah, it’s going around." She pulls the sheet tighter. "Don’t worry I get it.” He watches her intently then nods stiffly before moving to a chair.

  “You can rest there. I will rest here.”

  “You’re not even going to sleep with me?” She can tell she’s confused him.

  “Tornian females sleep alone.” Lisa closes her eyes, dropping her head on her drawn up knees. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. She chants silently. She hasn’t let herself cry since Mark died. She isn’t about to allow some big stupid alien to make her now.

  There are two little girls in the other room depending on her. She has to be strong. She isn’t going to let him ma
ke her feel ashamed of her natural responses either. The problem is his not hers. She deserved that orgasm, damn it! Especially after the crappy day she'd had. Looking up, she finds him still staring at her. Damn, she may have promised to stay with him but that didn’t mean she had to stay here with him.

  Grabbing the bag that’s somehow managed to remain on the bed she pulls out a pair of sleeping pants and shirt, working them on under the covers.

  Grim watches her actions in confusion. "What are you doing? Why are you covering yourself?" He demands.

  “You can have the bed. I’ll sleep with the girls.” She figures his second question is self-explanatory.

  “You would rest with me?” He asks hesitantly. “In the same bed?”

  “I always did for with my husband.”



  “You rested together?” He frowns. “His scent wasn’t in the room.” She throws the covers off, sliding off the bed.

  “What is it with you and Mark’s scent? For the last year of his life, Mark was too weak to climb stairs. I had a special bed put in downstairs for him.”

  “He rested there?”

  “Yes. I slept on the couch. Look it doesn’t matter,” She runs a shaky hand throw her tousled hair. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you. It apparently isn’t the Tornian way, so it must be wrong.” Walking away, she leaves a very confused warrior.

  Lisa looks at her daughters, innocently sleeping head to toe on an alien couch, in an alien spaceship, going to an alien planet. What has she done to them? Covering her mouth, she stops a desperate cry from escaping. Maybe she should have left them on Earth…

  No! Her inner voice screams. Peter would have destroyed them. He cared for nothing and no one but Peter. Here….here they at least had a chance.

  She'd never gotten along with Peter, even though they were the same age. He always seemed so cold, so remote, especially when compared to Mark. However, it hadn’t been after the fire that nearly claimed them all that he really changed.

  With the death of their parents, Mark and Peter had become very wealthy. Peter traveled, bought expensive cars, jewelry and women who never would have looked at him before.

  Mark reacted just the opposite, investing not only in their future but their children's. He immediately set up trust funds at each girl's birth, assuring that they would always be taken care of.

  It was only during that last year of Mark’s illness that Peter had started coming around. At first, she thought it was to help support his brother, his only living relative. It didn't take long to discover the truth. Peter wanted Mark to make him the girls’ guardian, giving him control over their trusts. Insisting Lisa wasn't capable of handling it, which was bullshit. The truth was he was broke, having blown through his inheritance in less than four years.

  Lisa never told Mark how Peter tried to intimidate her into signing the papers. How he'd threaten the girls. How once he’d caught her alone and she’d had to fight him off. By then Mark had been so heavily medicated it had taken all his strength just to sit up. She wasn't going to add to his pain but she'd documented everything even recording Peter tirades. After the funeral, she'd gotten a restraining order using it. Peter had been furious but he'd left town, or so she thought, until Grim had brought her home.

  Now Peter is out of their lives forever. Will Grim be any better? She willingly gave herself to Grim and would again if it keeps her girls safe but could she trust him? He hadn't hurt them…not physically but that could change. Could she trust him with her girls? Realizing only time would tell she grabs a cushion and collapses on the floor, a hand on each of her girls, instantly she's asleep.

  Grim hasn’t moved since Lisa’s left. He’s confused. She confuses him. She doesn't act like Tornian females. She doesn't respond like one. Wray had said they were different but hadn’t gone into detail and Grim hadn’t wanted to know, since he’d never be allowed to have one, now he wishes he'd asked.

  Thinking back, he realizes Lisa had been as surprised at his responses as he’d been at hers. Is he really so different from her previous protector, her Mark? What had he been like, this male whose bed she’d willingly shared, who rest with her. Whose children she’d presented him. How had he been able to instill such loyalty in her? To make her stay with him even when he’d been unable to protect her. How had her Mark managed that?

  He looks at the closed door. In his selfish desire to have her, he’d forgotten everything she’d been through this day. The strength she’d shown in standing up to Luuken and Veron, in standing up to him. She’d given herself to him in return for the retrieval her offspring, not explaining they were females, and she’d kept her word. She’d allowed him to join with her, to spill his seed within her body and what had he done….he’d complained. Rubbing rough hands over his scared face, he takes a deep breath.

  He’d complained.

  How could he have done that? She isn’t Tornian, never claimed to be. Obviously, Earth women respond differently to joinings and while it surprised him, he realizes it had also been the most amazing release of his life. Is he willing to lose that? Just because it wasn’t the way he expected? Different didn’t mean wrong and Lisa is very different from Tornian females and he realizes he likes it, her differences, he needs to explain that to her.

  Striding into the common area, he’s shocked to find her on the floor, a reassuring hand placed on each child while she rests. Her devotion to them amazes him. Gently he touches her arm and frowns. She’s cold. Carefully he scoops her into his arms, carrying her back to their bed. Covering her with every blanket he can find he quickly returns to the girls, checks their blankets, and increases the temperature of the room.

  Returning to Lisa, he strips and slides in next to her. He’s never rested with a female before. Has never heard of it happening. How does one approach it? He knows what he wants to do…he wants to pull her close, hold her in his arms and give her his warmth, his protection. Will she allow it? Deciding there's only one-way to find out he carefully slips an arm under her shoulders, tipping her towards him, when she mumbles he freezes.

  Feeling heat, Lisa instinctively rolls towards it. She’s so tired. She just wants to sleep. Wrapping herself up in her electric blanket, she snuggles in.

  Grim remains perfectly still as Lisa wraps her body around him before settling. Carefully he encloses her in his arms. When she doesn’t protest, he lets himself relax and just feel her. Her smaller frame molds itself to him, fitting so perfectly it's as if they are two pieces of a whole. A sense of rightness settles over him, who would have thought just holding a female could do that. Closing his eyes, he rests.

  Chapter Three

  What a wonderful dream, she’s having. The beach is warm, the sun heating her skin. The man of her dreams is between her legs, kissing his way up her inner thigh. Moaning she reaches down to dig her fingers into his thick hair, urging him closer. The first lick of her clit has her shuddering. Throwing her head back she arches, demanding more, and her dream lover gives it to her.

  “Yes….” Her hips rotate instinctively, seeking more pleasure. A thick rough finger carefully probes her entrance before slowly penetrating, not stopping until it’s fully embedded. When it’s joined by another, she can’t help but groan. She can feel the pressure building, oh god this is going to be so good! A raspy growl has her eyes flying open to find Grim feasting between her legs.

  “Grim…..” Her head falls back as he nips her bud in response, his fingers pumping faster. She can’t stop her cry as her orgasm explodes through her. Grim greedily laps up her juices.

  When he’d woken to her wrapped around him he'd had to have her. She'd given herself to him, she was his, and he meant to keep her. He pleasured her twice yesterday. He’d continue too, giving her no reason to leave him. Rising from her sweet depths, his smoky grey eyes meld with hers as he flows over her, engulfing her in his heat.

  Feeling him at her entrance, Lisa spreads her legs wider, knowing she�
��ll never deny him. When he slides into her, she can't stop her body from arching, God he feels so he sinks in even further she feels her body responding. Suddenly remembering his order from the night before, she closes her eyes, trying to distract herself, telling herself this is for him, for his pleasure not hers, that he doesn't what her responses, just her body.

  Grim groans as he sinks fully into her silky depths feeling her body's response. Praise the Goddess! He'd never known joining could be so beautiful...that a female could bring a warrior so much joy, so much pleasure. Watching her respond as he pleasures her makes him feel like the most powerful male that’s ever breathed. When she suddenly stills, he frowns, he can feel her withdrawing from him, not physically, but she is no longer responding.

  “Lisa….” He growls, willing her to look at him.

  “I’m trying,” She whispers, her eyes tightly closed. “I won't move. Take what you want.” Still, she can’t keep her voice from breaking or the tear escaping from one eye.

  “Look at me my Lisa.” He orders gruffly hearing her pain. Knowing he’s caused it cracks his heart. Large hands gently frame her face, his thumb wiping away her tear. “Look at me little one…please.” He begs.

  Slowly damp amber eyes meeting swirling grey. “I want to give you pleasure, my little one. To share my pleasure with you, please let me.” Her eyes search his, trying to find the truth. She knows she won’t survive him rejecting her again.

  “Please little one, trust me, teach me. Teach me what it truly means to join with a female.” Grim opens himself to her as he has to no other, letting her see his hidden desire of truly belonging to someone. To have that someone belong to him. It is not normal, not for a Tornian. A warrior is brought up knowing no female would ever truly care for him, she will always look for another, even his own mother.

  Looking deep into Grim’s eyes Lisa finds her truth. She may not have had a Guide but she suddenly understands that Tornians have lost what it truly means for a man and woman to be together. To join. That it’s more than the physical act, it’s about connecting with that one person that completes you, that loves you, that will stand by you, mistakes, faults and all.


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