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Page 7

by M. K. Eidem

  "They can come to you and offer their services?"

  "Yes. They then receive compensation for their service so they can begin to try to attract a female. A warrior's rank within a House represents his worthiness to a female."

  “You are a worthy male and warrior Grim. With or without your rank, never doubt that.” Grim starts to reply when the girls call from the cleansing room.

  “Mommy we’re done!” Giving him one last look, she turns to care of the girls.

  Food is waiting for them when they emerge clean and ready for bed. Grim closely watches the girls, looking for the slightest injury. He’s shocked when, instead of sitting to eat, they walk up to him.

  “Lean down.” Carly orders. Looking to Lisa, he does as he’s told, and is startled when little arms suddenly wrap around his neck. Desperately he looks to Lisa.

  “Hug them back.” She whispers. Carefully, he wraps his massive arms around their tiny bodies, holding them close. When he does, he feels little lips on each cheek.

  “Thank you Grim.” Carly, the self-appointed spokesperson, speaks for them. “For protecting us, again.”


  “The proper response is your welcome.” Lisa steps in saving him.

  “You’re welcome Carly. You’re welcome Miki.” Grim says gruffly.

  “Alright girls, time to eat then bed.” Lisa tells them, forcing back tears.

  “Yes mommy.” Quickly they sit.

  “There we go, snug as a bug in a rug.” Lisa says causing the girls to giggle.

  “Mommy we’re not bugs.” Miki tells her.

  “Yes you are, you’re my little snuggle bugs.” More giggles meet her comment. Grim watches them from his desk. Giving each, one last kiss, she stands. “Sleep well my babies.”

  “Mommy…” Miki’s little voice stops her.

  “What baby?”

  “Grim hasn’t kissed us goodnight yet.” All eyes turn to him, only Lisa sees his confusion and panic. Walking over she hesitates then kisses him lightly on his unscarred cheek.

  “That’s what they want.” She whispers, easing back she sees his indecision. “It’s okay.” She tells him. “I’ll handle it.” Before she can move, he steps around her.

  Kneeling down he carefully kisses Carly on the forehead. “Rest well Carly, you are safe and protected.” She stares at him for a moment then nods and rolls on her side. Moving to the other end of the couch, he is even more careful with the much smaller Miki. “Rest well Miki, you are safe and protected.”

  “Rest well Grim.” She tells him, her little voice is full of innocence. “You’re safe with us.” After a moment, she too rolls over and is asleep.

  Grim doesn’t know what to do with the moisture that suddenly fills his eyes. Warriors don't require safety, they don’t cry. Quickly he stands and walks back to his desk.

  “Grim?” Seeing the sheen of moisture, she moves towards him.

  “Go rest Lisa.” His curt tone pulls her up short. “I will be there soon.” Saying nothing, she leaves him with her girls.

  Sitting at his desk, Grim looks from the couch, to the bedroom. Three days ago, both had been empty. Three days ago, his life had been empty. He’d been empty. Now his world is full, full of females, full of giggles and what they call kisses. It is also full of peril. Bertos….Bertos wants to be King of Luda and if it weren’t for Lisa and her girls, he would have his chance.

  Grim and Wray both know Bertos is trying to build support to have him removed, Lisa threatens this, if Bertos could get her to join with another….Wray would have no choice but to agree to remove Grim.

  It’s why he forced Lisa to agree to join with him and only him before getting her offspring. He hadn’t known the learning program hadn’t been completed, hadn’t known she’d had no Guide but if they could get her to say he did, he’d be removed. Looking to the couch, he realizes there are things more important than being King.

  “Grim.” Turning his breath catches. Standing in the doorway is a vision wearing something long and shimmery that hugs every curve. “Turn down the lights and come to bed.” She urges turning to reveal a bare back with thin straps crisscross their way down, holding up the fabric covering her beautiful ass. Standing, he willingly follows her orders.

  Lisa doesn’t know why she packed this nightgown, she’s never worn it. She bought it after Marks death, to prove to herself she was still a woman, not just a mother, tonight it seemed right.

  She thought all day about what she learned with Callen guiding her in those final minutes of the program and the reality didn't answer any of her questions. Yes she could access the general information she'd been given but there was no explanation of the difference between Earth and Tornian females...maybe they didn't realize there were.

  What she had discovered is that Tornian females were a selfish lot. They chose a male by what he can give them. the things he can give them and if he didn’t give them enough, they’d move on. They’re worthless as mothers, abandoning their children for another male. They expect males to give them an orgasm but don’t help them achieve their own. Once they conceive, they demand the male to use Serais. Not only did they not sleep with their male, they didn’t even kiss them. Tornians, with their fear of extinction, have lost what makes life important. That it’s about living your life, no matter how long or short it is. You fill it with what is important, those you love, your family, and friends, not things.

  Well she is going to change that, at least for Grim, she reached that decision when her girls kissed him. Their total acceptance of him tells her she's made the right decision. Mark would want her to go on, to be happy, and to make sure their girls were happy. He would want her to fall in love again and Grim keeps taking little pieces of her heart with his confusion and utter shock at even the smallest showing of affection.

  “Lisa….” He pulls her from her thoughts. “What are you wearing?” His eyes run greedily over her.

  “It’s a night gown. It’s to rest in.” She informs him holding back a smile at his incredulous look.

  “You expect me to let you rest when you wear that?”

  “Are we going to rest?” She teases and sees his eyes flare. “We need to talk first.” She quickly says and his eyes close up.

  “I know I failed you.” He starts.

  “Shhhh…stop…that’s not what I’m talking about.” She steps close putting gentle fingers across his lips before moving to cup his scarred cheek, he jerks away.

  “That’s what we need to talk about.” She lets her hand come to rest on his chest.

  “What?” He demands gruffly.

  “You, not letting me touch your scars.”

  “You don’t need to touch my imperfections.” His skin darkens making the scars stand out even more.

  “They’re not imperfections damn it.” She lets him not only hear but see her anger. “They’re scars, scars that for some reason make you think detract from you as a male.”

  “They do!” He matches her anger.

  “How? Tell me how?” She demands. “Because there’s nothing I’ve learned today that explains it!”

  “I was unable to protect myself from damage! If I can't do that how can a female trust me to protect her! I didn’t even protect you in my own quarters!”

  “You did protect me!” She hits his chest with her fist, knowing it would never harm him.

  “You were injured!” He turns away, finding he can no longer look at her, knowing he’s failed her.

  “Because three ass holes broke in but I was able to protect myself, long enough, for you arrive! How many attacked you!”

  “Eight!” He shouts swinging back around.

  “And who helped you?” She demands.

  “No one.”

  “No one?” She whispers, paling in horror. “How many survived?”


  “And you see that as a failure?” He hears the disbelief in her voice. “Eight against one and you survived.”

should have realized an attack was possible, I was distracted.”

  “Please Grim.” Taking his hand, she pulls him to sit next to her on the bed. “I need to understand. If the girls and I are going to survive in your world, I need to understand. Will you tell me what happened?” She pleads.

  Grim looks down at this brave female. Only in legends has he ever heard of one like her. She stands up to warriors, protects what is hers, but is still soft and…what is that ancient word…loving…yes that’s it…loving with her children. She needs something from him, not a thing, but honesty. So she and her children could survive in the world they’ve been forced into, A true warrior would give it to her.

  “It was nearly fifteen years ago, I was to meet Risa." He begins to tell her about something of which he's never spoken. "A female interested in joining with me.”

  “You were young.”

  “Twenty and five, I’d just been declared King of Luda, it made me desirable to females.” Lisa wants to argue that wasn’t the only reason, at least not for her, but let it go. “I rode ahead of my Guard, anxious to meet her, that's when they attacked.”

  “You were ambushed.” He nods stiffly.

  “I was distracted and didn’t react as quickly as I should have.”

  “It was eight against one Grim.” She puts a gentle hand on his arm.

  “It does not matter, I was gravely injured, and Risa withdrew her interest, joining with another.”

  “She was an idiot.” Lisa says instantly.

  “No.” He shakes his head. “She found a more fitting male, one that could protect her.”

  “No one is more fitting then you Grim.” Seeing his disbelief, she rises to her knees to look him in the eye. “Who kept those males from harming the girls and me? Who was the only one willing get my girls from Earth when they were unprotected? You Grim, only you, no one else.”

  “Any male would have gone had they’d known they were female.” He forces himself to give her the truth.

  “It shouldn’t have mattered that they are female. They are children and they were unprotected. You were the only one willing do something to protect them.”

  “I made you agree to join with me first.” He reminds her.

  “So? I’m right here Grim.” Moving she straddles him. “I’m putting myself right here, my choice.”

  “You could have your choice of all Tornian males.” He has to make sure she understands, even as his hands slide along the silky material covering her thighs.

  “And I’ll choose you...every time.” She sees his doubts. “You truly believe your scars will make me turn from you.” Her heart aches for him.

  “You were fearful of me earlier.” He reminds her.

  “I was." She admits. "I’ve never seen you like that but even then I knew you wouldn’t harm me, wouldn't harm the girls. Will you let me prove it too you? Let me show you that your scars don’t matter, not to me.”

  “How?” He questions gruffly, with just a hint of longing.

  “Like this.” With her hands on his shoulders she raises up, placing a kiss on the scar at the base of his throat, he flinches but doesn’t pull away. It is a massively thick scar that nicked his vocal chords, giving him his deep, gruff voice. It travels up the side of his throat, ending just below his right ear. That the injury hadn’t severed his jugular she can only be grateful.

  “Eight against one Grim.” She kisses her way up the scar, trying to ease the long ago pain. “They knew who the superior warrior was, that’s why they attacked the way they did. You were alone...they were cowards.” She nips at his jaw making her point. “Males without honor.” She moves on to kiss the scars on his face. “You proved you are the fittest warrior Grim.” She kisses her way down to his mouth. “You survived something that would have killed any other male. That is something to be proud of.” Her tongue slips out to caress his full lower lip. “It makes me proud Grim. Proud to know you were strong enough to survive.” When his lips part, she slips her tongue in, teasing his.

  “What are you doing?” He whispers hoarsely, pulling back just far enough to ask, his eyes blazing, his breathing ragged, as his hands grip her hips.

  “I’m kissing you Grim.”

  “Kissing?” He growls.

  “Let me show you.” Not waiting for his response, she slips a hand behind his head, pulling his mouth back to hers. When he opens, she dives in, her tongue playing with his, teasing and retreating, sparing until he becomes an active participant. When she would have pulled way, he grips her head, holding her in place.

  “More.” He demands pushing his tongue into her mouth and the student quickly becomes the teacher.

  He tastes so good…Lisa didn’t think anything’s ever tasted as good as Grim. She’s not sure how she ever survived without him she wants all of him. Ripping her mouth from his, she gasps for breath, as she franticly pulls at his shirt.

  “Off, get it off.” She demands, desperate fingers trying to get to skin. When he pulls it over his head, she pushes him onto his back.


  “Let me Grim…let me love you.” Leaning down she scatters kisses across his massive chest, scars, and all, until she encounters a dark flat nipple. Slowly she drags her tongue across it, lapping at it until it hardens.

  “Lisa…” He hands slip under her gown, gripping lush bare thighs, pulling her against his throbbing erection but it doesn’t stop her on her quest to explore him, latching onto his other nipple she suckles.

  “Goddess be praised!” He groans, hips bucking. Grasping handfuls of her gown, he pulls it up her body. “Off! Get it off or I’ll rip it off.

  Grabbing the hem, she watches him as she slowly pulls it off. Before she can toss it aside, he’s filling his hands with her breasts.

  “Oh…that's good Grim…so good.” She rocks against him wanting more. Reaching between them, she releases him from his pants, filling her hands with him.

  “Lisa….” His reaches down to stop her.

  “Let me Grim.” She begs stroking him, tip to root. “Let me show you how much I want you.” When he finally nods, she rises over him placing him at her entrance and eases down.

  “Lisa! Stop!” He groans, when she ignores him, taking more. “I haven’t pleasured you yet.”

  “We’ll pleasure each other…together…oh Grim this feels so good.” Rotating her hips, she takes all of him as she starts to ride him. Gripping her hips, he stops her.

  “Grim?” She looks at him, worried she’s gone too far. Using his incredible abs, he pulls himself up latching onto a taunt nipple, moving her up and down his shaft.

  “Oh god!” Groaning she wraps her arms around his head holding him to her breast, her head falling back. “More Grim….so good….Ohhhh...” She can feel it building, tightening, he controls her entire body and she loves it, she loves him.

  “Come for me Lisa,” Grim’s orders, his voice ruff and ragged. “I need to feel you take your pleasure.” Capturing her mouth, his tongue wraps around hers, his thumb stoking her nub as he pumps even harder into her, sending her body into overload. Screaming into his mouth, she explodes. Swallowing her scream Grim pumps furiously before stiffening to flood her with his seed.

  “Praise the Goddess.” He groans falling back onto the bed cradling her on his chest. How had he lived and not known such pleasure was possible. Gently he runs a hand up and down her spine, losing himself in her feel. She is a gift from the goddess, showing him she hasn’t forsaken him.

  Grim's mind wanders to another ancient legend, telling how Tornian warriors saved the Great Goddess from being forced to join with the lower God Daco, when he stole her from her mate. To repay the warriors she promised that for every warrior born there would be a female created specifically for him, a mate. That she would join with him and only him, completing the warrior as he completed her. Together they would discover what was truly important and have it for the rest of their lives. Grim realizes he has found his, for not only did Lisa complete him, she accep
ts him, flaws and all.

  Draped across Grim’s chest, Lisa tries to catch her breath, for a man who’s never kissed before he's a quick learner. “Would you like to talk about something else my Lisa?” Grim asks in a self-satisfied voice. Lifting her head, she smiles at the humor she sees in his eyes. Who’d have thought Grim had a sense of humor.

  “Oh I can think of lots of things I’d like talk about.” She teases back.

  “I will never let you go my Lisa.” Her smile slowly fades at the fierce look on his face.

  “I told you I wouldn’t join with another.”

  “Not because of that." He makes a dismissive sound. "Because the goddess made you just for me. She brought you into my life to complete me. So I would finally understand, I am worthy of being a Tornian warrior, of being King of Luda. I am worthy of protecting you and the gifts you’ve brought to my life.”

  “I…” Lisa has to swallow hard. Grim has just told her he loves her, in the Tornian way. “You were worthy of all that before you met me Grim.”

  “No my Lisa, I wasn’t, I was incomplete until you. You will be the only female I will ever join with. Your offspring are mine whether the goddess blesses us with more or not.” Rolling her onto her back, he starts to move, slowly at first, watching her with an intensity that nearly frightens her.

  “You are mine Lisa. My Lisa. My Queen.” He thrusts harder with each statement. “No one but the Goddess will ever take you from me!” Capturing her mouth, he seals his vow as he pounds into her softness as only a he can.

  Lisa is overwhelmed, mind, body, and soul, Grim has managed to touch them all. Ripping her mouth away, she meets his challenge.

  “Yours Grim! Only yours! And you are mine!” Arching she takes him even deeper and feels them begin to meld.

  “Only yours!” He swears and they become one.

  Chapter Five

  Lisa is up and out of the room, pulling on her robe before Grim realizes what’s happening. Flying out of bed, he pulls on his pants. What is wrong? Has his security failed again? Storming into the common area, he is ready to battle. What he finds freezes him in his tracks.


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