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Page 26

by M. K. Eidem

  “I…my apologizes…” Veron can’t hide his shock and replies without asking Grim’s permission, his eyes fly to him.

  “It is fine Veron. My Lisa speaks to whomever she wishes. It is common for them to speak to males.” He finds he's has to swallow hard at the thought of her loving a male offspring as much as a female.

  “Truth?” Veron can’t stop his eyes from widening.


  “Really! You two act as if I’ve reinvented the wheel.” Lisa turns away from them in exasperation and walks over to watch the girls play.

  “Is she truly like this Grim?” Veron waits until she's moved away to ask.

  “Yes. She truly cares about our offspring more than herself. She led Luuken’s warriors away to protect them, knowingly risking herself.” Grim frowns deeply at the memory.

  “I need to speak with him Grim, with Luuken.” Veron forces himself to stop watching the females. "He will have the information we need."

  “He is being held below, along with Korin but you need to be aware that I have not allowed him to be healed.” Veron nods his understanding, it is actually more lenient, and then Veron had expected.

  “I have no problem with that. He deserves much worse.”

  “Agreed but you will need him if we are to proceed against his father.”

  “Yes. It is a unique idea. I've made some inquiries and need to discuss it further with you.”

  “Then we need Lisa, for she made the connections, not me.”

  Veron looks at Grim in shock.

  Lisa silently watches Veron as she finishes explaining how she reached her conclusion that Bertos and Risa were attempting to take over the Empire, by killing off House Vasteri. His disbelief is easily seen.

  "What evidence do you have?" He demands.

  "None. Just intuition and what Luuken has said. The only way he can become King of Luda is if his father is Emperor, therefore Bertos must be working to attain it. He's been the driving force behind getting Grim declared unfit. He was also, according to Grim, the most vocal in getting the other Lords to agree to send the Searcher to Earth, stating that all males deserved the chance of offspring. If he's promising females for support and delivers, he'll have the support he needs to be declared King of Luda, one-step away from the Emperor. If something should then happen to the two remaining Vasteri males..."

  "But that doesn't link Risa." Veron argues.

  "Oh please..." Lisa gives him a thoroughly disgusted look, that they don't realize that women and be just as conniving, just as deadly as any male is ridiculous. "Risa's father was killed with King Rask. On the way to meet Risa, Grim was attacked and nearly killed. Risa was with Empress Adana when she consumed the skua berry."

  "It was on her plate also." Veron disputes.

  "A smoke screen, drawing attention away from what she’d done." Lisa waves her hands dismissively. "She stayed in Torino only until Wray declared he would not take another Empress, she then chose a male."

  "But not Bertos." Veron fires back, running a frustrated hand through his hair. Why doesn't this female understand?

  "Because she was pissed! Bertos failed her by not killing Grim. Your females don't tolerate disappointment Veron. It took her years to forgive him, during which not one member of House Vasteri died. Yet within a year of her joining with Bertos, Van is dead, killed in Bertos' own region. How can you not see the connections?" She angrily demands, standing with her hands on her hips.

  "Because you have no proof!" Veron finds he's also standing, yelling back at her, Grim leans back in his chair smiling. Veron is going to be very upset when he realizes what he's doing. Arguing with a female.

  "Luuken is your proof!” Lisa yells right back at him, totally not intimidated by the Captain. “With what he attempted to do to me, to Grim, that's your proof!"

  "Grim..." Veron looks to him. "You have no proof that can be brought in front of the Assembly and without it..."

  "Then we'd better find it Veron." Grim says, the smile leaving his face. "Before House Vasteri is no more."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Unaware her fingers are making little circles on Grim’s chest. Lisa lets her mind wander in the early morning hours. Their time on the Raptor has past too quickly. The girls have had full access of the upper levels, happily running from one place to another, every male watching over them. They’d loved it when Grim had taken them to the top of the ship, opening the dome so they could feel like they were traveling in a bubble. They were young and carefree again, arriving at Tornian today will change that.

  Hadar scanned her every day, pouring over the results, still she hasn’t told Grim about the baby, knowing it will make what they need to do that much harder on him.

  “My Lisa?” Grim question’s, his arms tighten around her as he wakes, rolling, he pulls her under him.

  “I’m here Grim.” Opening she takes him in. They’d loved long and hard late into the night, neither wanting to waste a moment but now the loving is soft and slow, each wanting to draw out the moment, making it last forever.

  “Goddess Lisa.” Grim groans as he thrusts one final time and she joins him in heaven.

  Grim growls softly, watching Lisa adjust the capes over the girls’ purple gowns. His heart had nearly burst when he'd seen them wearing his colors, stating for all to see that they were his. Now they were covered by the noncommittal grey of the Joining capes.

  “Remember what I told you girls.” She says giving them a serious look.

  “Yes mommy.” They answer with eyes just as serious. Nodding she stands to put her own cape on, when Grim stops her.

  "Grim?" She looks at him questioningly. They'd arrived at Tornian shortly after first meal and were now preparing to transfer to Emperor's personal transport that will take them down to Tornio, where they were to meet with Wray. The Joining Ceremony scheduled for after mid-day meal.

  “You have it?” He asks and she knows he’s referring to the Claw.

  “Yes.” Pulling back the sleeve of her own purple gown, she reveals the Claw strapped to her upper arm.

  “You will use it if you need to my Lisa.” He orders with hard eyes. “Nothing matters but keeping you and our girls safe.”

  “I will Grim.” She stares deeply into his eyes, knowing its killing him that they will be separated, even for the short time it will take to join the other women before the Ceremony. “Never doubt that I will do whatever it takes to get us to be back to your side.”

  "There is one more thing..." Reaching into his jacket, he pulls out the Raptor's Heart, presenting it to her.

  "Grim..." Lisa looks at the necklace in his hands. She’d seen it before, in the visual of the ancient King and Queen of Luda.

  "This is called the Raptor's Heart." He carefully reaches out, fastening it around her neck. "It is yours because you have mine." He's fingers trail down the thick charoite encrusted chain before coming to rest on the crest that matches the one he wears. Lisa's eyes fill as she touches his.

  "And you have mine Grim, always and forever." Knowing their time is short, Grim forces himself to step back and smile down at the girls.

  “You both look very pretty.” He tells them, kneeling in front of them. “Are you ready to meet the Emperor?”

  “Can I ask him Grim?” Carly asks her eyes full of excitement.

  “Ask?" He gives her a confused look. "Ask who what Carly?”

  “The Emperor.” She replies as if he should understand. “Can I ask him what an Emperor does?” Grim finds he’s laughing. With everything else that’s going on, there is still innocence in the universe.

  “You most certainly may my Carly, just ask me first okay?”

  “Okay.” The smile she gives him is beaming. He is about to stand when Miki tugs on his arm, her little eyes full of doubt.

  “Miki, what is wrong?” Worry instantly fills his heart.

  “Can I be yours too Grim? Like mommy and Carly?” Her little lips tremble, waiting for his reply, suddenly Grim realizes w
hat she’s referring too.

  “Of course you can, you are, you are my Miki.” The joy that fills her eyes at his words humbles Grim. Wrapping his arms around them, he looks to Lisa and sees she understands.

  “Thank you my Lisa.”

  Both Guard surround them as they move from the Raptor to the Emperor's transport. The Lanyard is the main transfer station for Tornian, with all the Lords arriving for the Ceremony it is full. Nevertheless, all part for the King of Luda, trying to catch a glimpse of the three females he has claimed.

  Grim carries his daughters as they move swiftly through the passageways. He’d prefer to have his hands free but it would take too long for the girls walk and he wants no other male carrying these precious gifts, not even the Guard that surround them. Only when they are secure inside Wray's transport does he set them down, securing them in their seats.

  Watching the care Grim gives their daughters, Lisa's eyes fill. She can't wait to see him holding their baby. He is going to be such a good daddy, looking from him to the Guard she frowns.

  "Where is Veron?" She asks.

  "He and Hadar are already on the surface." Grim tells her standing. "Veron had someone he needed to speak to and Hadar was going to speak to Yakar. Come my Lisa, sit, it will take some time to get to Tornio." Moving to do as he asks she sits.

  "Then we'll be meeting with Wray?"

  "Yes. In his private chambers.”

  “Kim will be there?” Grim sees the concern his Lisa has for the other female and realizes he shouldn’t be surprised. She’s shown it for every male in Luanda, of course she would for one of her own.

  “I requested she be there but whether Wray will allow it I do not know.”


  “She is with offspring my Lisa. We are very protective of our females, you know this, but when they carry our offspring…”

  “I understand that Grim but life doesn’t stop just because we've conceived. We don’t lock ourselves away and hide.”

  “He will find it very difficult to allow her to be there my Lisa. If it were you…” Grim finds he can’t go on.

  “If it were me?” She encourages.

  “If it were you I would be going crazy right now, knowing you are at risk.”

  Lisa can immediately tell that the male sitting before them is Wray. He skin is bronze like Grim's and although he's not as massive, there is can be no doubt they are blood brothers. The woman at his side though, is obviously not Tornian. Her skin is even paler then Lisa’s and her flaming red hair is pulled back from a strained face, her green eyes shuttered. She sits ramrod straight in her chair, her stomach protruding. Lisa can't imagine how she’s managing it.

  "Sit Grim." Wray gestures to the chairs across from them. "I had not realized you would bring the young females with you."

  "I would not have left them on the Raptor Wray. They are my daughters." Grim informs him, moving forward.

  "Daughters?" Wray repeats questioningly.

  "It's what a manno calls their young females on Earth." Kim informs Wray, who frowns slightly.

  "You did not sire these females Grim."

  "It matters not Wray, I have accepted them. They are mine. This is my Carly and this is my Miki.” He smiles at each. "Girls this is my brother, Emperor Wray and his Empress Kim."

  "Hello." The girls say quietly, watching Wray closely.

  "And this is my Queen, my Lisa." Lisa nods slightly, acknowledging them.

  Wray assesses the female his brother’s claimed as his Queen. She is smaller than she appeared in the visuals from the Searcher. He'd reviewed what happened in the control room and had been intrigued by her actions. His Kim, while willing to stand up to him now, hadn't at first. This one however, she’d not only taken on Veron, his most trusted Captain, but Grim, the most feared warrior in all the empire. Now she stands before him, at Grim's side, staring just as intently back at him before turning her attention to Kim.

  Lisa wondered how she’d feel when she finally met Kim, but it wasn’t this…this rage…for a woman that barely looks twenty. Feeling her gaze Kim stiffens even more.

  “Grim?” Lisa turns confused eyes to him.

  “What is wrong my Lisa?” He frowns at her, sensing her unease.

  “I…there’s something…” Grim turns, carefully putting the girls in a chair behind them before turning back to her.

  “What is it?” Framing her face with his hands, he looks deeply into troubled eyes.

  “I…I feel so much anger…such rage…I don’t understand it...but it’s all directed at Kim.”

  “That’s because this is my fault.” Kim says quietly with a deep sadness, looking from the girls, to Lisa, then down.

  “No Kim, it’s not!” Wray bursts out angrily. “It was never your fault. It is mine.” Ignoring them, Grim concentrates on Lisa.

  “Tell me my Lisa.” Grim whispers softly.

  “It wasn’t there before…not like this…especially not after you told me what happened to Kim, what she had to survive to get here but now...the educators…” She whispers horrified.

  “Bertos.” Grim immediately understands what she’s says.

  “Grim…” Lisa’s eyes fill with tears.

  “Shhhh it will be okay.” He pulls her into the safety of his arms, his rage at Bertos growing.

  “But the other women…they aren’t going to understand…not until we explain.”

  “They won’t talk to me.” Kim whispers, finally looking Lisa in the eye as she turns in Grim's arms. “I tried, when they first arrived…to explain…but they were so angry when they saw me.” Her eyes fill with tears. “I…” The Empress can’t continue.

  Lisa watches as Kim’s eyes fill, sees the pain and guilt she's carrying and knows it isn't hers, at least not hers alone. While she may have unknowing started this, Grim is the one that found Earth, Wray is the one that sent the warriors and Bertos is the one who is poisoning the woman against one of their own.

  “Grim, what are you talking about?” Wray demands.

  “I told you we discovered Bertos tampered with the programming in the educators, withholding information. Now it seems he also added something, something to turn the females against Kim.”

  “Mind manipulation is outlawed.” Wray says angrily.

  “I don’t think Bertos really cares.” Lisa tells him angrily before turning to the girls sitting quietly in the chairs, watching and listening. “Girls, go over and grab some pillows off the couch for Kim.”

  “Yes mommy.” They chorus, quickly sliding off their chairs to do their appointed job. Giving Grim a gentle kiss, she eases out of his arms and moves to Kim.

  Wray immediately stands to block her. He will not let this female upset his Kim further, his brother’s or not. Kim had been devastated when the other women verbally attacked her.

  “I’m no more like your females than Kim is Wray. I won’t hurt her.” Still he doesn’t move. “She needs to sit back." Lisa tries again to get by him. "It isn’t good for her to sit that way, not when she is so far along.” Wray’s eyes flash to Kim and see the discomfort she’s tried to hide.

  “She would never hurt her Wray, truth.” Looking to his brother, Wray can see that truth in his eyes and slowly steps aside. Lisa is at Kim’s side in an instant, her heart breaking at the anguish in her eyes.

  “Oh Kim.” Lisa whispers, as tears roll down the young woman’s cheeks and she does as she would if she were one of her girls, she wraps her arms around her. “It’s going to be okay Kim.” She coos. “Everything will be fine. This isn’t your fault.” Both males watch uneasily as Kim completely breaks down in Lisa’s arms.

  “Oh god!” Kim sobs, tightening her grip on Lisa. “I’m so sorry!”

  “No.” Lisa denies. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You survived so much just to get here.” She sees the girls cautiously approach. “Carly put those behind Kim’s back. Lean back Kim, come on, sitting up like this has got to be killing you." She helps her lean back. "How far along are yo

  “Eight months…I think.” She groans in relief as the pressure eases.

  “Nearly full term.” Lisa’s mind races at what that means.


  “Miki put…” She sees Grim and Wray standing there, watching them with wide eyes. “Don’t just stand there you two, move that table over here. Kim needs to put her feet up.” Lisa would smile later at an Emperor and King moving furniture, but right now, her only concern is for the woman in front of her.

  “Now put her feet on the pillows.” She orders Wray.

  “God that feels so good.” Kim admits.

  “Why did you not say something my Kim?” Lisa can hear the guilt and worry in Wray’s voice as he kneels at her other side.

  “You’ve had so much going on with the arrival of all the Lords." Kim cups Wray's cheek. "That it didn’t seem to matter.”

  “You are all that matters my Kim.” It is at that moment Lisa realizes Wray loves Kim the way Grim loves her and is as ill prepared to handle a pregnant female as Grim will be.

  “Mommy?” Lisa turns to her oldest. “Can I feel the baby, like I did Miki?” Her eyes look from her mother to Kim’s distended belly.

  “Like me?” Miki looks at her sister confused.

  “When you were in mommy, she’d let me touch her belly, you’d kick me.” Carly smiles at her sister. A smile so like her mother’s that Grim’s heart stutters. “Sometimes I’d sing to you.”

  “You did?” Miki looks at Kim’s belly in awe. “Can I too?” She looks to her mother.

  Lisa smiles at her girls. “That’s up to Kim.”

  Wiping away her tears Kim laughs. “Sure why not. He’s very active today.”

  “He? You know you’re having a boy?” Lisa gives Kim a sharp look.

  “No, I just assumed it would be, since females are so rare here.” Taking Miki’s hand she moves it to where the baby is kicking, she is rewarded with a huge smile.


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