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Grim Page 29

by M. K. Eidem

  "It is Tornian Law." Lisa emphasizes for all to hear. "That a male's offspring remain with him, even if the female leaves him. It is how you keep your offspring when your females choose another." Stepping away from Grim, Lisa speaks over the whispers, slowly looking at every male in the room before turning to Wray. "Is it not?"

  "That is the Law." Wray responses wondering what she's up to, Grim isn't these females manno.

  "And if that male dies, who is then responsible for his offspring?" She asks the Assembly.

  "The male's brothers." Is the immediate respond.

  "No!" Lisa immediately slashes through them. "Tornian Law states that the offspring are to be returned to their mother. She either accepts them or allows the male’s brother too." Bertos sits up sharply. How had she learned this?

  "This is also true." Wray announces.

  "That Law is for Tornians!" Bertos stands up, glaring angrily down at Lisa.

  "And your point?" Lisa questions softly, raising an eyebrow.

  "They are not Tornian!" He gestures to Carly and Miki, who Grim has set down only to be encircled by their Guard.

  “They’re not?” Lisa asks in a shocked voice, looking to Grim but he isn’t deceived, neither are their Guard, she knows what she’s doing.

  “Of course not.” Bertos says smugly.

  “Then why are we here?” She looks to the Lords for her answer. “This esteemed Assembly only concerns itself with Tornian females. You care not if other females are at risk, if they are abused…even if it’s by Tornian males…such worthy males you all are.” She lets them hear her contempt. “No wonder the Goddess has abandoned you.” She turns to Grim. “We are ready to leave my King.”

  “She was declared Tornian!” One of the Lord’s stands glaring angrily down at her. “By a vote of this Assembly, before the Searcher was dispatched. She is Tornian as are her offspring.” He looks down at her smugly. Lisa just raises an eyebrow at the red male she knows is Lord Reeve, before looking to the Emperor waiting.

  “You were.” He acknowledges. “Every female brought from Earth to Tornian was declared so.”

  “So I am Tornian with all the rights and protection as any other female.” She questions.

  “Yes.” Wray nods.

  “My daughters are Tornian.” She presses for confirmation.


  “So, Lord Bertos is knowingly denying my offspring their rights. Rights granted to them by this Assembly. Is that not a crime?” She looks at Bertos as she makes the last statement.

  “How dare you!” Bertos is once more on his feet.

  “Did you not just try to deny my offspring their rights? Here," Lisa points to the floor. "In front of this Assembly?”

  “It was never meant for offspring.” Bertos looks to his supporters for help.

  “The Emperor just stated that it was for all Earth females brought to Tornian, are you challenging him?"

  “My Lords, you know this is not what the Law was intended for.” Bertos pleads his case to the Lords.

  “So you would change the Law to suit your needs?” Lisa accuses. “What other Laws would you change at will? Who else’s rights would you deny?” All eyes look at Bertos, whispers of discontent spread through the Assembly at the thought.

  “The young females are Tornian as declared by this Assembly before their arrival.” The Emperor’s voice carries the authority of his position.

  “Then they stay with the male I have chosen. That is my right as a Tornian.”

  “It is your right.” Wray acknowledges. “Choose your offspring's protector.”

  “King Grim.” Lisa turns to face him. “For he was the only male willing to accept and protect them before he knew they were female, he has proven again and again that he is more than worthy of them and,” Lisa looks at Grim, a soft smile on her lips. “Because they love him as much as he loves them.”

  The mood of the Assembly immediately changes with Lisa’s declaration. Grim has now gone from being a male no female would join with, too a male with not one but two young females. None would dare offend him now. Lisa gives him a knowing smile.

  “It seems the stories about this female are true.” Ynyr leans over, speaking quietly to his father. “She has just secured Grim’s position.”

  “Perhaps.” Oryon says noncommittal. “But Bertos isn’t going to just accept this.” Before Ynyr can reply his manno is proven right.

  “She has left the circle.” Bertos bellows, causing many to again jump, he can still salvage this, he knows he can. “She must now choose one of the males presented for joining.” He smiles evilly at Lisa, knowing she will refuse. He can then argue her previous decision is unsound. Instead, he watches in astonishment as she presents her back to him, moving to her offspring. Kneeling she unties their capes, flinging the offending grey aside, revealing purple coverings underneath.

  “You do what Grim tells you girls.” She says for their ears only. “Do you understand me?”

  “Yes mommy.” They whisper, nodding she gives each a kiss before rising and with one last look at Grim walks away.

  Grim can barely stop himself from grabbing his Lisa, pulling her back him, he does not like this. It goes against everything he’s been taught, everything he’s trained for but he knows it is the only way for Lisa to help her fellow females. Taking a deep breath, he releases the sword he has unknowingly gripped, looking down he finds his daughters have moved to wrap their arms around his legs, while their eyes follow their mother.

  “It will be okay little ones.” He says softly, placing a gentle hand on each, before turning his attention back to his Lisa.

  “The Tornian Joining Ceremony is an ancient and respected ceremony.” Lisa starts as she walks towards the women. “It began at a time when the Empire was full of females, as way for them to meet males from other planets, to expand the gene pool but after the great infection, when it became obvious that the female population was declining, it changed, turning into the travesty that is happening today becoming nothing more than a breeding stall.” Lisa’s statement is received with outraged shouts, as many stand protesting.

  “Quiet!” Wray demands. “I will have quiet or I will clear this Chamber.”

  “She cannot speak to us like this!” Bertos yells as the room quiets.

  “I will speak to you how ever I please.” Lisa rounds on Bertos. “Because you are the ones that have failed! Not only these females, but your own!” Lisa walks towards House Guttuso and Grim shifts the girls to Agee and Kirk, readying to protect her. “You were responsible for the programming of the educators were you not? Yet you chose not to tell them they had rights. You encouraged the Lords of this Assembly to acquire females when they knew it was wrong. And you knew!” Lisa accuses turning to confront the still standing males who are now silent, allowing them to see her full rage. “The vote was six to five to send the Searcher, so don’t tell me you had no doubts. A male with honor would admit it.” Lisa looks to the women and sees they are listening to her intently.

  “They won’t tell what you deserve to know. What you have the right to know!” She gestures to the Assembly. “So I will.” She walks in front of the women before turning to face the males. “Before you stand twelve males, one from each major Houses of the Tornian Empire, they are here because they are considered the most worthy male from their House. A great honor, one I’m sure each deserves.” Lisa bows her head slightly to them, astonishing all. “Any male on this floor will treat you as the center of his world…for you will be. You are all that stands between him and the extinction of his line.”

  Lisa slowly walks before the males. “If you decide to join with one you will walk before him, turn your back to him and remove your cape.” Lisa touches the latch of hers causing everyone to gasp before she lowers her hand and moves on. “He will then place the cape he holds, the cape in the color of his House, around your shoulders and you will become his.” As she speaks, Lisa walks pasted the last male to Grim.

Lisa spins around, "If you find that no fit male has been presented to you, for any reason, you may the petition any male that has a female and ask for his protection until such a male is found. It is your choice.” Reaching up Lisa releases her cape, allowing it to fall at Grim's feet, revealing not only her purple gown but also the Raptor's Heart, proudly perched on her chest.

  A roar of protest is heard throughout the Assembly as Lisa removes her cape. Both the King and Queen's Guard move to take a protective position around them.

  "This is an outrage!" Bertos yells. "She cannot choose King Grim!" Many quickly agree with him. Ignoring them all Grim turns to the Emperor to complete the ceremony.

  "Emperor Wray, Empress Kim, I present to you my Queen." He emphasizes making sure all hear him. "Queen Lisa Vasteri of House Luanda." They both bow to them.

  Slowly the Emperor stands, holding up his hands to quiet the Assembly. The Emperor must acknowledge the joining to complete the Ceremony.

  "You cannot do this!" Bertos bursts out. He has to stop this. It will ruin everything. "He has been deemed unfit!"

  "By you!" Lisa rounds on Bertos with such a rage that it surprises all that don’t know her. "But your opinion is unimportant Lord Bertos, for it is up to the female to judge the worthiness of the males presented to her and I find him more than worthy."

  "He was not presented!" Bertos shouts back at her.

  "He is on this floor!" Lisa makes a sweeping motion with her arm while making sure all can hear. "Only the worthy are allowed on the floor during the Joining Ceremony making every male here," She gestures to the guards as well as the warriors. "Worthy of being chosen."

  "That is a technicality.” Bertos waves it aside as unimportant.

  "Perhaps to you Lord Bertos." The Emperor's voice cuts through the shouts that follow Bertos' statement. "But technicality or not it is still the Law, a Law this Assembly is honor bound to enforce, therefore Queen Lisa is within her rights in choosing King Grim."

  Lord Oryon can’t hide his shock as the female releases her cape to reveal not only a the deep purple color of House Luanda in her gown but that she wears the Heart of the Raptor. It is the symbol of the Queen of Luanda. It hasn’t been seen in over five hundred years. For her to wear it means she truly has accepted Grim as her one and only male.

  Looking around the Assembly, he sees others have realized it too and they are not happy about it. Grim now has two young females, he doesn’t need her to secure his position, and others do. If Isis had given him a female, he would have been forced to give her up. This is not going to end well. The roar that starts tells him he’s right.

  A roar of protest goes up from the Assembly, growing even as the Emperor tries to settle them. Grim pulls Lisa behind him and both Guard draw their swords.

  "Stop this!" Lisa yells and is barely heard. Pushing against Grim, she tries to step around him but finds him immovable. "Let me by Grim. Let me speak before this really gets out of hand."

  "Lisa..." Grim frowns down at her. Does she know what she’s asking?

  "Please Grim.” She pleads. “Trust me." Placing a hand on his cheek, she reassures him. "I can stop this before blood is shed." Finally, with a terse nod Grim leads her outside their Guard but keeps his hand on his sword. At her reappearance, the Assembly slowly starts to quiet, all wanting to know what she has to say now.

  “What would you say if I told you that no matter who was on the floor here today, I would still be Grim’s?" Lisa announces and the Assembly looks at her in disbelief. "If I told you this, what would you say?”

  “That would not be possible.” An older white male stands as he speaks, a male Lisa knows is Lord Oryon, who strongly protested sending the Searcher. Looking behind him, she sees the rose-colored female from before.

  “It is, Lord Oryon, for there is one Tornian Law that you hold even more sacred then the Joining Law.” Lisa can see the change in Lord Oryon’s expression, as he suddenly understands her. “No male," Lisa speaks loud enough so everyone can hear. "Shall entice a female away from another…while she is with offspring." A stunned silence greets Lisa's statement.

  "Lisa?" Ignoring the stunned Assembly, Grim placing himself in front of her, framing her face, he searches her eyes for the truth. Is it possible? Is she carrying his offspring?

  Putting a gentle hand to his scarred cheek, she lets him see the joy in her eyes. “Yes Grim.” Taking one of his slightly trembling hands, she places it on her still flat belly. "Your child is here, safe and healthy." Suddenly she’s lifted off her feet and wrapped in Grim’s arms as he crushes her lips in a passionate kiss. The King's Guard shift encircling them as the Queen's protect the girls.

  “Why did you not tell me?” He whispers resting his forehead against hers. “You should be resting. Hadar should be here. We…”

  "Shhhh…it will be alright Grim." She reassures breathlessly. "I will be fine and so will your daughter." Grim slowly pales, as he looks at her in shock.

  "Daughter...female?" Lisa finds she can't help but smile at Grim's one-word sentences.

  "So Hadar tells me." She smiles at him. "He is very excited at being able to document her development."

  "A girl..." He whispers, looking at her in awe before capturing her lips again. "Thank you my Lisa."

  "Trust me Grim," She smiles sassily at him. "It was entirely my pleasure." As she captures his lips for yet another kiss, Alger coughs, reminding them of where they are. With the greatest of care Grim sets Lisa back on her feet, while she buries her flaming face in his chest, realizing the entire Assembly has heard every word she’s said.

  “My Lisa?” Grim gently tilts her face up, concerned at how flushed she has suddenly become.

  “I’m fine Grim.” She assures him. “Just wishing we were alone, I love you.”

  “And I you, my Lisa.” He vows.

  Wray looks down on his brother and doesn't try to hide his smile. It is a joyous day but looking across the Chamber, he realizes it isn't for all, for there are still eleven females that must complete the Ceremony. He looks to Kim, his eyes full of regret and sees understanding in her eyes. Never in his life has he been ashamed to be a Tornian male but looking at these females, he finds he is, for there is no honor in what he must now do.

  "King Grim. Queen Lisa. This Assembly recognizes you’re joining as valid." Giving them one last look, he turns his attention to the remaining females. "It is time for the Joining Ceremony to continue. May the Goddess bless you all as she has King Grim and Queen Lisa."

  Bertos sits back in his seat stunned. All his plans are falling apart, all because of this one small female. How has this happened? They were so close.

  “Bertos!” Risa hisses. “Do something!” She demands. “This cannot be allowed!”

  “What do you expect me to do Risa?” He hisses back.

  “Something!” She can’t believe this is happening after all her sacrifices. “This is all Luuken’s fault! All he had to do was claim her and we’d be ruling Torino.” Risa’s anger grows as she watches the males of Luda encircle the Earth bitch. She’ll have to take care of her herself.

  Rebecca looks from the Emperor, to the males standing before her, to the males that have quickly encircled Lisa and her girls. If she understands it right, Lisa is now the female of a very powerful male. A male, she says, is willing to help them. However, this Grim now has not only a female to protect, but also two young ones and another on the way. Will he still be willing to accept more? Lisa seems to think so.

  As the other women start to move nervously within the circle, Rebecca sees Lisa step out from the males that have encircled her. Moving to stand at the side of the most intimidating male Rebecca has ever seen, especially when he frowns angrily down at her. She just ignores him, putting a hand on his arm, she stares directly at Rebecca.

  Lisa’s fingers bite deeply into Grim’s arm as she stares at Rebecca. She doesn’t know what else she can do. She’s tried her best to make it clear to the women what they need to do, by word and deed. D
o they understand? Their entire future rides on what they do in the next few minutes. Looking at Rebecca, she hopes she understands the slight nod she gives her.

  Taking a deep breath Rebecca forces herself to step out of the circle and every eye focuses on her. Slowly she walks in front of each male, assessing him. When she momentarily pauses in front of Callen, everyone holds their breath. He’s been there from the start, helping them, explaining things…until they got to Tornian, then he disappeared. Rebecca continues on. When she reaches the last male she looks first to Lisa then Grim, hesitantly she walks towards them stopping only when she’s in front of Grim.

  “I request protection from the King of Luda until I can find a male that is worthy of me.” She presses trembling lips together as she waits for his response.

  Grim stares at the female bravely standing before him. She’d been the one to help his Lisa when she’d first been brought on board the Searcher. She’d also been the one to make sure the proper food was provided for his girls when he hadn’t even considered it. She is truly a special female. Knowing everyone is waiting his response he looks to Lisa and sees her love, trust and belief, in him, when she gives him a slight nod his gaze returns to Rebecca.

  “The House of Luanda accepts the responsibility of protecting you until you find the male you desire to join with.” He announces.

  Rebecca’s hands capture her cry as she finds she’s almost sobbing by the time Grim finishes speaking, she hadn’t realized how tense she’d become, how afraid she’d been that he’d refuse. When Lisa’s arms wrap around her, she finally breaks down.

  “Welcome to House Luanda Rebecca.” Lisa whispers. “You will be safe with us. Come.” She leads her inside the circle of males protecting the girls. “These males are here to protect you.” She looks to them, seeing they understand. “They will willingly give their lives doing so. Stay here with the girls while I get the others.” She waits until Rebecca nods then returns to Grim’s side.


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