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Grim Page 30

by M. K. Eidem

  Smiling, Kim sits back. One by one, the women ask for, and are given, the protection of House Luanda. Lisa has done it, she’s done what Kim couldn’t, now she just hopes they will accept her. When her back suddenly cramps she lets out a startled gasp, Wray looks at her sharply, reaching over she squeezes his hand reassuringly, as the cramp passes.

  “I’m fine.” She tells him as Aad walks up to him.

  Grim turns to the group of females that now surround Lisa and their girls. He can’t believe she’d done it, she accepted every female that asked for his protection…every…one. Luda would now be the home to eleven joinable females. Drastic measures would need to be taken to protect them. Looking to Alger and Agee he sees they understand and are already considering the changes that must be made.

  Looking back to the females, he realizes he’s never known they could come in so many different shapes and sizes. Females from other species always resemble each other in size and shape, but not the ones from Earth…each one is unique…as if each is her own special species. The universe is in for many changes if they decided to join with Tornian males.

  Watching his Lisa comfort and reassure each one, Grim feels a sense of pride that he’s never felt before. Yes, all males feel pride when they have a female but it is pride in themselves, not the female, for any female will do for a Tornian male...Grim finds he’s ashamed of that fact.

  They promised these females that they would be cherished by the male they chose but that is a lie, for Tornian males didn’t know how to cherish a female. He hadn't known how, not until Lisa had shown him that it wasn't about the things he could give her, it was about the giving of his love.

  Yes, it is good that none of these females joined with a male today for the males needed to be educated on how to care for females like these. Care for…he stares intently at Lisa and while no one else would notice the hint of fatigue around her eyes, he does. He has allowed her to do what she’s felt she must. Now it is time for him to care for her. She has a great deal of explaining to do. It hasn’t slipped by him that she’s known for some time that she’d conceived…that Hadar has known. Yes, his Queen has a great deal of explaining to do.

  Turning to tell Wray that they were leaving he finds his brother deep in conversation with Aad, a trusted member of Wray’s advisors. Frowning he watches Wray read something he’s been handed before immediately searching for Grim. Something is very wrong.

  “Alger. Agee.” Grim commands as the Emperor rises.

  Wray frowns at Aad who has stepped to his side and bows. What could so important that it couldn’t wait until after the Ceremony. Without a word, he takes the message and his face loses all expression as he reads. Turning, he immediately searches for his brother, for this affects him as much as Wray.

  “Wray? What is it?” Kim asks softly. Looking to his Kim, Wray wants to send her to their Chambers, but he knows she will refuse.

  “Are you well my Kim?” He watches her rub her stomach.

  “I’m fine. He’s just kicking. What is wrong?”

  “There is trouble.” He tells her, his eyes unreadable. “You will stay close my Kim.”

  “Of course I will.” She gives him a confused look. “Don’t worry about me Wray, do what needs done, what only you can do.” With a stiff nod, he turns to the Assembly.

  “My Lords.” Wray speaks and waits for the Chamber to quiet. “Today has been an historic day in the history of our Empire and while the outcome for many is not as they wished.” He looks to the warriors still standing on the floor. “All have acted with honor, reflecting well on their House.” He gives them a slight nod, a true honor coming from the Emperor.

  “But now I must ask you to return to those Houses, Imperial Guard you shall maintain your posts.” Wray looks to the Lords. “I have just been made aware of a situation that demands the immediate attention of this esteemed Assembly, and its wisdom on how to proceed.”

  The buzz in the Assembly grows as the floor is cleared. What could have happened to cause the Emperor demand such an Assembly? Only Lords are allowed in such meetings, maintaining their power, for the Emperor is including every male is unprecedented.

  Grim carries the girls, as the Guard led them to his House area. It sat empty while he’d been on the floor, now it is overflowing. Stopping only for a moment to speak to Alger, he gestures to Lisa for her to move to the chairs in front of the area.

  “Mommy?” Miki tugs on her arm.

  “Yes baby?” Lisa smiles at her as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

  “What’s going on?” She asks in a tiny voice.

  “I don’t know honey.” Lisa really looks at her youngest, well her youngest for right now, and sees she’s scared. They both have been so brave today doing everything she’s asked, never complaining. “Come here baby,” Taking her from Grim’s arms she pulls her into her lap as she sits in the Tornian size chair he’s indicated. “Sit with mommy and we’ll find out together okay?” Nodding Miki quickly snuggles into the comfort of her arms. “Better?” Lisa asks.

  “Uh huh.” Miki nods feeling safe in her mother’s arms.

  Grim frowns at Miki in Lisa’s lap. Should she be holding her like that when she’s conceived? Sensing his concern Lisa looks up to him.

  “It’s fine Grim.” She reassures him.

  “You will let me know?” He asks quietly, running a gentle finger down her cheek.

  “I will, I promise my love.”

  “You have a great deal of explaining to do my Lisa.” He tells her letting her know he isn’t fooled.

  “I know, I will tell you everything, once we’re alone.” Looking to Carly still in his arms, she sees her hopeful look. “You to baby.” She pats the space next to her. “Come sit with mommy.” Grim sets her down and with her girls nestled in her arms, Lisa turns her attention to the Assembly, finding they have yet again drawn every eye.

  “Grim.” She whispers looking at him concerned.

  “It will be fine my Lisa.” Grim reassures, sitting next to her before turning his Raptor gaze to the Assembly, causing many look away. “They just aren’t used to seeing a female comfort her offspring. They will learn.”

  “Yes. They will. If they ever wish to have one chose them.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Bertos what is happening?” Risa leans forwards to demand angrily, looking up as the newly declared Queen Lisa sits beside Grim, while she sits behind Bertos. Watching as she openly displays her females at her side as if it is where they belong. She can't believe this is happening!

  “I don’t know.” Bertos’ eyes move around the Assembly and can tell by the unease running through every male there that no one does.

  “How can you not know?” Risa questions loud enough to have heads turning from the nearby Houses.

  “Keep your voice down female!” Bertos orders his furious eyes pinning her as he spins in his chair. “You will not shame me Risa or you will pay.” He growls lowly. “Remember I know what you have done!”

  “Don’t threaten me Bertos.” Risa’s fury grows but she lowers her voice. “I am the one that knows the secrets of Torino. I am the one the Emperor trusts. Threaten me and I will destroy you. Remember that no matter what I do, I can never be harmed.” The look she give Bertos is pure evil. The opening of the Assembly doors stops Bertos from responding, turning, he angrily settles into his seat.

  Captain Veron confidently strides across the floor of the Assembly, stopping only when he’s in front of his Emperor, giving him a deep bow.

  “Captain Veron, I’ve been informed you have information you consider vital for this Assembly.”

  “I do Majesty. It was recently brought to my attention that events previously considered unrelated could actually be an ongoing attempt to change the ruling House of the Tornian Empire.” The Assembly erupts in shock, everyone trying to speak at once, yelling out questions, demanding answers.

  Lisa leans back stunned looking to Grim. The girls cover their ears, sinking in eve
n closer, she can’t believe what she’s seeing, let alone hearing. She didn’t think Veron had taken her seriously, dismissing her comments as just female fabrications but now she realizes he not only listened but taken action. He truly did care about Grim and Wray. Grim’s look tells her he never doubted it.

  “Quiet!” Wray orders, his eyes deadly. “Lords! Control the members of your House or I alone will hear what Captain Veron has to say.” Immediately the Lords assert their control and silence falls.

  “What events Captain Veron?” Wray demands.

  “Let me say first Majesty that I did not come to these conclusions based solely on speculation.” While his head doesn’t move, his eyes meet Lisa's surprised ones. “I used every resource available to me as your Captain to unravel the truth.”

  “And what truth is that Captain?”

  “The first is that your sire’s blood brother, King Rask, was not killed in a battle as believed but in an ambush, that Captain Busto died coming to his aid.” A gasp of outrage is heard in the Chamber as all eyes turn to Risa who cries out loudly covering her face with her hands.

  “She’s a terrible actress.” Rebecca, who has settled behind Lisa, leans forward to whisper in her ear. Hearing her, Grim turns. “Sorry.” She whispers quickly leaning back.

  “Don’t be Rebecca.” Grim growls back softly. “You are correct but I need you to remain silent and alert. There is much you still do not know.” Grim doesn’t know why he trusts this female but he does, especially when with no further explanation she nods her agreement. Looking back to the Assembly floor, she realizes that Callen is frowning deeply at her, ignoring him she concentrates on the male standing there.

  “Captain you have proof of this?” Wray asks sitting stiffly in his seat, Captain Busto had been a trusted friend.

  “Yes Majesty. I have a warrior who witnessed the executions.” The Assembly gasps in disbelief.

  “He witnessed this and did not report it!” Wray doesn’t try to hide his outrage.

  “Majesty, the warrior had recently been forced out of House Luanda by King Rask and feared he would not be believed. The only proof he had was what he saw and heard, he did not know whose orders the warriors followed for they wore no colors. He believed if he came forward he would be accused of the crime because of his history with King Rask.”

  “Why was he forced out?” Wray demands.

  “Majesty…he developed a problem Whisk. He was discovered sleeping when he should have been on duty because of it.”

  “And you trust him to tell you truth?” Wray quizzes disbelieving.

  “Majesty…while he doesn’t deny he was still drinking at the time of the executions he has not had a drop in over fifteen years. I verified that with the Lord he currently serves. He was open and honest with him when he approached him for service, telling him why he'd been forced out of House Luanda. There have been no more incidents.”

  “Who is this warrior? Who is his current Lord?”

  "Majesty, the Warrior is Jago and he currently serves Lord Oryon." All heads turn to where House Rigel sits. A slight widening of Lord Oryon eyes is the only sign he’s been caught unaware. "Majesty, Warrior Jago waits outside the Chamber to reveal his truth before you and the Lords."

  "Have him brought in." Wray orders.

  Warrior Jago stands tall as he strides across the Assembly floor, knowing all eyes are on him. He will not falter. He is no longer that lost warrior. He will not lose his honor again. Reaching Veron he stops and bows respectfully to the Emperor.

  "Tell me your truth Warrior Jago." Wray orders coldly.

  "Emperor Wray, I will tell you everything I know but I must make it known that while I told Lord Oryon of why I was forced from House Luanda, I’ve never spoken to him of this. Lord Oryon is an honorable warrior and Lord who allowed a questionable male into his House, allowing him to regain his honor, demanding nothing in return but my loyalty and sword." Jago turns to face his Lord. "I am sorry for bringing trouble to your House, my Lord." He bows stiffly to Oryon before returning to face the Emperor and tells his truth.

  "I was sent to King Rask for my training because my manno believed I needed a stronger hand then he could give me. He was correct." Jago admits. "I was an irreverent young male that believed I knew more than seasoned warriors. I was disrespectfully and lazy in my drills. At nights I would sneak out of Luanda to drink Whisk returning only with the rising sun."

  "King Rask more than once brought me to task harshly, as did the trainer he assigned me, Warrior Alger. They both tried to help me see the error of my ways, giving me more chances than I deserved to redeem myself, but my mind was clouded by Whisk." Jago's eyes look away from Wray as the remembered shame rose again before he forces it back.

  "One night I was to guard the Wall, instead I left my post to sleep. King Rask rescinded his agreement to train me. I threatened the King and every member of his House before I was forced from Luanda.”

  “It was weeks later that I witnessed the King’s ambush. I’d been living in the forest, eating whatever I could find, sleeping under leaves, selling off what little I had to obtain more Whisk.” Jago pauses trying to organize his thoughts.

  “It was midday and I was sleeping off the Whisk from the night before when shouts woke me. I crawled over the rise to find the King below me with twenty warriors advancing on him. Captain Busto suddenly appeared at the King’s side and the warriors surrounded them.”

  “You made no move to assist them?” Wray demands.

  “With what majesty? I’d sold my sword days before for Whisk. All I had was a small dagger. But no, I did nothing, nothing but watch and listen as the warriors closed in on them.” Jago repeats what he heard and saw.

  “King Rask,” A red warrior steps forward to address the King. “It is time for the true rulers of the Tornian Empire to fulfill their destiny. You’ve had a long and honored life but it ends today.”

  “You believe a whelp like you can take it from me?” Rask questions pointing his sword at the warrior.

  “Yes, for not even with the Captain of the Emperor’s Guard at your side, will you survive this day.” He looks to Busto. “You need not die today Captain Busto. Leave the field and forget you were ever here.”

  “You dare to suggest that I, Captain Busto, Captain of the Emperor’s Elite Guard, would abandon my honor!” Busto doesn’t try to hide his rage at the insult.

  “You were not to be here.”

  “But I am and now you must decide if you are willing to die here today for I promise you, you will.”

  “I have no choice and you, Captain are outnumbered ten to one.” Busto and Rask look at each other and grin.

  “Favorable odds for ones such as us, wouldn't you say old friend.” Busto asks.

  "Very favorable." Rask replies.

  “Then prepare yourself to meet the Goddess.” The red warrior nods to the others who pull their swords.

  Busto and Rask move standing back to back as the warriors close in. “A Death with honor before a Life without!” They shout together and the twenty attack.

  The Assembly is deathly quiet as Jago finishes.

  “It was a brutal battle Majesty, with King Rask and Captain Busto killing at least a dozen warriors but in the end the numbers were just too great, even for two so mighty of warriors, and they fell defending each other. The survivors quickly striped the fallen of anything that could identify them, replacing their swords and arranging the field to look as if a battle had occurred between wandering warriors and the King." Jago looks the Emperor directly in the eye as he continues.

  "It was on that day that I finally realized what it meant to have honor, to truly be a warrior, to put another before oneself. After witnessing the deaths of these two great warriors I never lifted a whisk bottle again and pledge myself to living up to the standard they set.”

  “And yet you never report it.” Wray accuses.

  “No majesty, I did not. I left Luda, looking for a Lord to complete my training and to p
ledge my service too. Lord Oryon was willing and until today I’ve never shamed him.” Wray looks to Veron.

  “Captain Veron, if Jago has never spoken of this, as he claims.” The Emperor gives Jago a disbelieving look that has him stiffening. “How did you come to find him?”

  “The death of King Rask and Captain Busto has always bothered me Majesty. Busto trained me and I found it hard to believe he could be killed in a battle, especially as the scene was presented but with no proof there was no reason to doubt the evidence.”

  “And so?” Wray demands.

  “And so I consulted with Captain Alger, inquiring if he knew of anyone who might have wished harm on the King. Warrior Jago’s name came up as having threatened him just weeks prior to his death. I was able to locate him and the rest you know.”

  “Captain Alger.” Wray faces House Luanda.

  “Majesty.” Alger turns from his post in Grim’s box to face the Emperor.

  “If at the time of King Rask’s death, Warrior Jago had come to you, reporting what he’d seen, would you have believed him?”

  Alger is silent for several long moments as he considers what the Emperor has asked. “No. I would have accused him of being involved. That he was attempting to regain his honor.”

  “And now?” Wray demands.

  Alger stares at Jago and doesn’t see the angry young male that threatened to kill King Rask. Standing before him is a mature warrior who has not only turned his life around, but is willing reveals his past shame, not only to the Assembly but also to the Emperor. “I believe him Majesty.” A whisper starts in the Assembly. Wray looks from Alger back to Jago.

  “You’ve never seen these males again Warrior Jago?” Wray questions.


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