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Grim Page 31

by M. K. Eidem

  “Never majesty.”

  Wray is silent for several minutes pondering what Jago has told him and looks to Lord Oryon a warrior he greatly respects. Oryon would not have kept the warrior Jago described himself as being but he would have given him a chance, pressing him even harder than Rask, making sure he was truly worthy and he'd passed.

  "Warrior Jago, you may return to your House but remain available for more questions."

  "Yes Majesty." Bowing Jago leaves the floor.

  Bertos sits stiffly in his seat listening in growing disbelief. How had this Jago been allowed to witness the attack and not been discovered? If the surviving warriors weren’t already dead, he’d kill them himself. That Jago kept silent this long only to speak out now...when they were so close…who is the male that brought this to Veron’s attention. What else have they connected?

  Risa has straightened in her seat, lowering her hands as she listens to Jago relate the death of her manno. That he would stand beside Rask when he could have walked away is proof he was never worthy of his heritage, her heritage. He could have been Emperor if he had only challenged Wray when his sire died. It was his right as a descendent of Emperor Lucan. He would have beaten him, securing the throne for her but did he? No, he was ashamed of that connection…Risa isn't, she is proud to descend from a male that knew how to get what he wanted, even if it meant using one's own offspring. It’s something Risa fully plans on doing.

  “Captain Veron, you said there were several events, what else have you discovered?”

  “Majesty, the second attack against your House was the attack on King Grim." All eyes turn to Grim who sits unmoving next to his family.

  "What would his death have accomplished Captain?" Wray demands.

  "It would have forced you to name another to rule Luda until Van came of age sire." Veron looks at him forcing himself to continue. "Something that Van will never do."

  "The attack on King Grim was determined to be by unworthy males, the same as Rask's. We were unable to connect them in anyway." Wray says through clinched teeth at the thought that something was missed. He loved his brother, he is the one male he trusted above all others, knowing he always had his back, his injury and near death had cut deeply, especially when he’d been able to give him no justice.

  "Yes majesty at the time we were unable to discover anything that directly connected the males."

  "Directly..." Wray realizes the importance of that word, looking at his Captain. "So you have found something connecting them indirectly."

  "Yes sire. When the idea was first presented to me I was extremely skeptical but one by one I was able to link the warriors."

  “What made you skeptical?” The Emperor demands.

  “The idea at the males who attacked King Grim could be honorable males sire. That what they were doing was forced upon them in the protection of another.”

  “None can force a male into dishonor Captain.” Wray argues.

  “Even if a brother is threatened Majesty?” Veron questions softly but so he can still be heard. “If the dishonorable act protects an innocent…”

  “You believe this was done?” Wray can’t keep the disbelief out of his voice.

  “Yes majesty.” Veron says simply.

  “How are they connected Captain?” Wray demands.

  “Through House Bertos.” He says bluntly and on a collective gasp, every head in the Assembly turns to Bertos whose color fades.

  "Lord Bertos, you will stand." Wray orders as Imperial Guards move towards Bertos' House. Knowing he can do nothing else, Bertos does as he’s ordered.

  "Your response." Wray demands.

  "I...I have no knowledge of what Captain Veron is saying sire. I'm in complete shock and demand to know what proof Captain Veron has to make such false allegations of me!" Bertos' voice grows stronger and more enraged with each word. How dare Veron accuse him! Him! A Lord!

  "Captain Veron, present your proof.” Wray orders.

  "Sire, the proof comes from the fact that every male that died on King Grim's blade had either a brother or a brother's offspring training in Lord Bertos' House.” Whispers start in the Chamber, for many know of Bertos’ practice of controlling his warriors this way.

  “That is not proof!” Bertos argues angrily.

  “All eight Captain?” Wray questions Veron but his eyes remain locked on Bertos.

  “Yes sire and once Jago told me of what he had seen I had a search done on every trainee in House Bertos going back to when King Rask was attacked. So far, eight of the trainees have a male that disappeared during the time of the killings. They have been identified as the males that killed King Rask and Captain Busto.”

  The Assembly is completely silent.

  “Majesty, while it is my belief Lord Bertos worked alone in his killing of King Rask and Captain Busto, he did not with King Grim.”

  “Explain Captain!”

  “King Grim’s meeting was a trap from the very beginning, majesty. Set up by Captain Busto’s female offspring, currently Lord Bertos’ female, Lady Risa.” Veron’s eyes turn to pin Risa.

  Shock reigns in the Assembly. A female? A female is part of this, played a role in trying to bring down House Vasteri. All look at her in shock. How are they to deal with this? A male can never harm a female. It is a death sentence.

  “Risa…” Wray looks at the female he had given his protection too. She’d been with Adana when she’d ingested the skua berry. She’d presented herself to him as her replacement after her death.

  “Adana…” He eyes return to pierce Veron’s.

  “Yes sire.” Is all he says.

  Wray’s rage knows no bounds as he stares at Risa, who glares back at him in open defiance, without a hint of shame or remorse.

  “There is majesty…”

  “Van.” Wray has already made the connection. His youngest had been killed in Bertos and Risa's region leaving the House Luanda open if Grim were removed.

  “You can’t believe this!” Bertos stands pleading with the other Lords and Kings. “Where is their proof? They can’t just make up whatever they want, where will it stop? Who will they accuse next?”

  “Lord Bertos is correct majesty.” Lord Oryon slowly stands as he addresses Wray. “While I know Captain Veron is an honorable male, an accusation of this magnitude cannot be made without proof. It is a fundamental principal of Tornian Law.”

  “I agree Lord Oryon.” Veron speaks before Wray can. “I would never have brought this matter to the attention of the Emperor without it.” Veron turns back to Wray. “Majesty, if I may, I have other witness' to present.”

  “Present them Captain.” Wray slowly sits and Kim slips her hand into his, giving him her silent support.

  “Yes majesty.” Turning, he signals to the guard and all wait as the door of the Assembly open. Who will it be?

  Bertos watches in disbelief as Luuken is led into the Assembly in restraints, his bare chest exposing his untreated injury to all, following him is Korin, who is unrestrained. What in the name of the Goddess is happening!

  “What is the meaning of this?” Bertos demands, surging to his feet. “What have you done to Luuken?” He demands of Veron.

  “I have done nothing to you offspring Lord Bertos.” Veron informs him.

  “I demand an explanation! How was he injured? Why hasn’t he been treated?”

  “It is within my right to deny treatment to any male that's deemed a threat to what is mine.” Grim slowly stands, asserting his dominance, as he stares down at Bertos.

  “He is my offspring!” Bertos yells.

  “Who attacked my Queen!” Grim’s roar reverberates through the Assembly, his rage a living thing, leaving no one in doubt of he's feelings for Lisa. "You sent Luuken and eleven warriors to Luda to abduct my Queen and offspring!"

  "They were never meant to be yours!" Bertos shouts before looking to the other Lords for support. "My Lords, no matter what's happened here today, no matter what false accusations have been made,
my actions have always been in the best interests of the Empire. The female was to be brought directly to Tornian for the Ceremony. I was only trying to enforce the Law that you established, giving one of you the chance of offspring."

  "And just how was Queen Lisa's rape and death going to accomplish that Lord Bertos?" Veron asks in a deadly quiet voice.

  "I...I know not what you speak of!" Bertos sputters.

  "You are stating now, after admitting to this Assembly that you sent your warriors to Luanda for the express purpose of abducting three females, that you had no knowledge of what was to be done to her?" Veron demands disbelieving.

  "My orders were for her to be brought before the Assembly to join with a worthy male!" Veron turns to Korin.

  "Were those the orders you received?" He demands.

  "Lord Bertos informed us we were to accompany Luuken to Luda to obtain the females. He ordered me to prepare the ship while he and the others planned how it would be accomplished."

  "There! You see!" Bertos exclaims pointing at Korin. “I am innocent!”

  “Then who is responsible for the abuse Queen Lisa suffered at the hands of your males?” Veron demands.

  “Abuse? What abuse?” Bertos glares at Lisa. “The only abuse I see is to my offspring!”

  “Emperor Wray, I have Healer Hadar’s official report of the injuries sustained not only by Queen Lisa but the two Elite Guards who protected her.” He holds up the report.

  “I protest! How does one question a report?” Bertos argues. He will not let this be known.

  “Healer Hadar is available majesty." Veron addresses Wray. "He traveled on the Raptor at Queen Lisa’s request and is waiting to answer any questions this Assembly has. I’d hoped it wouldn’t be necessary, in respect for the Queen’s privacy.”

  “I have the right to address my accuser!” Bertos demands.

  “He does Captain, present Hadar.” Wray orders. “Now!” The Emperor’s rage momentarily breaks through for all to hear.

  “Yes majesty.” Veron bows to him.

  “Healer Hadar give your report on the injuries sustained in the attack on Queen Lisa.” Wray orders.

  “Majesty I was called to the Royal Garden to treat wounded guards. Upon my arrival, I found eight males down, six dead, two severely wounded. Warrior Ion and Warrior Nairn were immediately placed in repair units with Ion requiring nearly three hours of deep repair.”

  “You are here to report on the female’s injuries.” Bertos demands receiving angry looks from many warriors.

  “I was informed that the Queen was injured but demanded I see to the welfare of her Guard first. It was her first question when I arrived nearly three hours later.” Every male looks to Lisa in disbelief, females are always first, males were dispensable, especially Guards.

  "Obviously she just needed calmed." Bertos declares loudly, trying to draw attention away from what Hadar is saying.

  "Quite the opposite Lord Bertos." Hadar turns angry eyes to him. "The Queen had been severely abused. Her right cheek was deeply bruised, her lip split from where she'd been hit, she had dark bruises on each arm shaped like fingers.” Hadar demonstrates on his own arm how Lisa had been grabbed. "Cuts were on her hands and knees where she'd been thrown to the ground. Her throat severely traumatized and swollen from being forcibly silenced when she screamed for help." Hadar hesitates not wanting to reveal the rest.

  "Finish Healer Hadar." Wray orders in a hoarse voice.

  "Yes majesty." Hadar looks to Lisa and while she's pale she gives him a slight nod letting him know she is okay with what he is about to say. "Queen Lisa's upper covering had been ripped open leaving deep scratches down her torso, her chest..." Hadar has to swallow. "Her chest has heavily bruised from being abused."

  "Was she raped?" Wray forces him to ask knowing it must be known.

  "No majesty. It is my understanding Warrior Korin came to her aid, defending her until the King and Guard arrived.” All eyes turn to Korin, a warrior from Bertos' own House.

  Lisa puts a hand on Grim's thigh, squeezing reassuringly, as Hadar describes her injures, feeling him stiffen more as each one is described. "It's okay Grim." She whispers, looking at his clenched jaw. "I'm right here and I'm fine." Covering her hand with his Grim nods stiffly, knowing if he spoke, he would release all his rage.

  Lady Isis leans forward pressing an unseen hand into Oryon's back. "Oryon." She whispers, tears in her voice at what the other female had suffered. Ynyr looks at his mother concerned.

  "Shhhh Isis, it will be corrected. We will not allow this to go unpunished." Oryon looks to his offspring and can see they are in total agreement. For something like this to happen to a female, in the name of the Assembly, dishonors every Tornian male.

  "Warrior Korin."

  "Yes Majesty." Korin stiffens ever so slightly.

  "You will explain the events leading up to Queen Lisa becoming injured."

  "Majesty, upon our arrival we were met by a Warrior named Farber who assisted us in hiding from King Grim's warriors. We were there several days while he fed us information on the movement of the females and warriors searching for us. Without his assistance we would have been discovered within hours of landing."

  "You believed you were to bring Queen Lisa back for the Joining Ceremony."


  "When did you discover differently."

  "After we captured Queen Lisa, Luuken was furious that she'd been able to hide the young ones before we found her. He struck her when she refused to tell him where they were then proceeded to tell her how she would be the downfall of King Grim. That when her body was presented to this Assembly with massive internal and external damage, that Grim would be stripped of his title and that he, Luuken, would be given the young ones." The gasp of disbelief from the Assembly has Korin pausing.

  "Continue Warrior Korin." Wray orders.

  "It was then that Luuken became enraged as Queen Lisa continued to defend King Grim, she sneered at Farber when he informed her he would become the Captain of King's Elite Guard. Luuken threw her to the ground and allowed Farber to abuse her.”

  “Farber believed Luuken could become King?” Wray can't keep the disbelief from his voice.

  “Yes, because Luuken’s line descends from Emperor Lucan.” Korin informs him.

  “That still doesn’t give him the right.” Wray argues back.

  “It does if his manno is Emperor. Sire.”

  “You cannot possibly believe him!” Bertos yells in denial. “He was captured while allowing a female to be abused, what the Healer's understanding is, is not relevant! He will say anything to save himself.”

  “Korin did not allow my Queen to be abused.” Korin can't hide his shock when Grim stands, speaking on his behalf. “He prevented Farber from raping my Queen, protecting her until our arrival. It is why he is alive, why the others are dead, and Luuken still damaged. He displayed honor in protecting her, knowing it put his own brother at risk.”

  "Yet he did allow her to be damaged King Grim." Lord Reeve declares standing. "And you allowed him to not only live but be healed, while the offspring of a Lord was left to suffer."

  "Luuken lives only because he ran before my sword could strike true, leaving him with the injury you see. That he is a Lord's offspring is irrelevant, as is his suffering. As for Korin being not only spared but healed...that was at the request of my Queen for his assisting her."

  "Queen Lisa." Wray hesitates, Tornian females are never addressed directly, especially in the Assembly, not even a brother's but Lisa has already spoken and Grim has allowed it and this matter needs to be resolved. "It is Tornian Law that any male that abuses a female must forfeit his life." Lisa talks briefly to the girls before she slides Miki off her lap and taking Grim’s hand, proudly stands next to him.

  "Yes majesty I understand that but Warrior Korin never attacked or abused me. He knowingly went against the orders of his Lord to defend me. Risking not only himself but also his brother in upholding the very Law of whi
ch you speak. To repay such an honorable act by denying him treatment would be unworthy of House Luanda." Lisa makes sure she uses the words the Lords seem to hold most important.

  "I never gave him such an order!" Bertos stands, angrily shouting at Lisa, causing everyone to stiffen. Grim's hand moves his sword.

  "Luuken is your offspring is he not?" Lisa challenges Bertos. "Sent to Luda by you, to take us by force, for your benefit yet you deny that he was following your orders?"

  "Yes!" Bertos shouts again. "Those were never my orders!"

  "Then Luuken must have been acting on his own accord." Lisa looks down to see Luuken, who has been silent, even appearing bored on occasions, suddenly look up to his manno, shock easily read on his face. "Is that truth Luuken? Are you solely responsible for what occurred on Luda?"

  Luuken looks to his manno for guidance. What is he doing? How is proclaiming his innocence going to help him? How is it going to get them to the throne? Looking to Risa, he sees a small smile on her face, the same one she'd worn when they'd bid Van goodbye, knowing he would soon be dead. Eyes fly back to Bertos' impassive face and he realizes his manno is cutting him loose, just as he does all who are no longer useful to him.

  "Minor Luuken you are to be charged with the abuse of a Tornian female. How does this Assembly vote?" Wray demands.

  "No! You can't do this! I am Minor Luuken!" Luuken screams moving towards House Guttuso. "Tell them manno! Tell them how I was acting under your orders! How it was all part of the plan to remove Grim so you could be named next King of Luda! Tell them!" He demands and feels a glimmer of hope as Bertos stands.

  "Guilty." Bertos proclaims.

  "No!" Luuken stumbles back, as if shot. "No!" He franticly searches the Assembly for support, finding none. "I tell you truth! It wasn't me!"

  "Tell me Luuken." Wray demands, gesturing to Veron who pulls Luuken in front of him. "Tell me everything you know! Now! Or today you meet the Goddess." The Emperor roars, something rarely heard, for he was the controlled one of House Vasteri.


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