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A Debt Repaid

Page 12

by Wild, Clarissa

  My whole body tingles. It’s as though I’m suspended in a timeless void where the word love repeats over and over until my mind goes numb.

  “I know you’re mad at him,” she says. “For taking you here again.”

  “It was my own choice,” I reply.

  “I know,” she says, gazing at me with intent. “But you two seem to be at odds much of the time …”

  I frown. Is she alluding to the fight we had in the bathtub?

  “You must hear everything that goes on in this house,” I say.

  She blushes a little. “Well … yes, the walls are quite thin.” She chuckles, but it dies off quickly. “I don’t mean to intrude because it’s not my business what you guys do or discuss. But I want you to know you’re not alone.” She smiles, but it’s not a smile of happiness … it’s a smile marred by pain. “I know how he can be.”

  I nod as I’m sure she knows him better than I do. She’s been his assistant far longer than I’ve been his wife.

  She parts her lips. “If you can ever find it in your heart to forgive him, I beg you …” She grabs my hand and squeezes. “He doesn’t want to see you suffer, but it’s in his nature to always want to win.”

  I take it all in without saying a word. I don’t want to ruin this moment even though it’s shrouded by Easton’s unrelenting gaze. Though he isn’t here, he always finds a way to be in the spotlight even if it’s through his assistant.

  He should’ve married her instead of me.

  They would’ve made the perfect couple.

  “Well, anyway, eat your stew before it gets cold.” She giggles and lets go of my hand to return to the kitchen, whistling a tune.

  Always smiling like the kind, self-sacrificing girl she is.

  As if the world didn’t deal her the worst hand of them all.

  I feel guilty for even sitting here, knowing I’m the one he chose … when she wishes it was her instead. But nothing either of us does or says will ever change his choice, his needs, or his heart. And he’s dead set on winning me over.

  Chapter 18


  A few hours later

  When I’m done filling out paperwork for the business and making some calls, I sit down on my living room couch and take a minute for myself. I haven’t thought about what I’m going to do with Charlotte yet, and maybe I’ve been working so hard to keep my mind off it. I used to enjoy making her suffer, but now all it does is make me want to punch myself. God, how a woman can change a man.

  I sigh out loud and rub my forehead.

  Suddenly, my phone rings, and I pick it up.


  “Davis here. I received your message … and its contents.”

  A smirk forms on my lips. I shouldn’t be so damn satisfied because I hurt my princess, but his shrill, shaky voice makes me so goddamn happy. “I’m glad you received them.”

  “I’m tired of your games, Van Buren,” he growls. “You didn’t need to send those.”

  “I didn’t need to, but I did anyway,” I reply.

  It’s too late to take them back anyway, so I might as well enjoy the show.

  “How long will you keep this up? How much more do you need to punish me for God knows what reason?” he snaps.

  I clench the phone tight. “As long as it takes to get the message across.”

  “Oh, I got the message … loud and clear.”

  “Good,” I retort. “Then you know I won’t stop until you’re miserable.”

  “I already am!” he yells, and the sheer admission is like an orgasm to my soul. “My business hangs by a thread because of what you did, and you continue to humiliate me with my daughter. What else do you want from me?”

  A vicious smirk spreads on my lips. “Everything.”

  “I have nothing more to give,” he says with a stoic voice. “Why can’t you leave me alone? You have Charlotte; you got what you wanted.”

  “Yes, I do, but not thanks to you,” I hiss. “I almost lost her permanently because of you threatening that little girl!”

  “If I hadn’t, you wouldn’t have found out her address,” he spits back.

  “Fuck you. Why are you even calling?” I growl even as I’m tempted to hang up on him.

  “Because I need to know if this will ever end. You have Charlotte, but she’ll never like you.”

  “What did you just say?” The phone practically cracks from my grip.

  “You know she only plays pretend.” He snorts. “She’s a captive, and you know it.”

  “You don’t know anything about her,” I quip.

  “I’m her father. I know her better than any man ever will. That girl can’t be contained. She will always run away from any man who attempts to tame her.”

  Tsk. He’s only trying to mess with my head now, probably as retribution for sending him those pics. “She hates your guts. You don’t know shit about her.”

  “I know enough. She will run away from you again and again, and then what? You’ll come to me because I couldn’t keep my word and let you have her. My life is on the line. How do you know she won’t run back to that man and his little girl?”

  My lips part, but I don’t have a quick answer to take away the doubt nestling in my heart.

  “That’s the thing, Easton. You don’t know, and you never will. You might’ve taken her from him, but you can never keep her away from what she really wants. And if she ends up running, and I end up losing my life … that’s not worth it to me.”

  “Stop worrying about your goddamn pitiful life. And don’t fucking call me anymore,” I growl before hanging up the phone and throwing it across the room in a bout of rage.

  I pace around the room, thinking about all the possible scenarios our doomed marriage could have and how many times she’ll still run away after I chase her off … if she’ll ever love me.

  And her dad, who always tries to get in the way.


  Even after I’ve got him down in the dirt, he still manages to unhinge me.

  She won’t fucking run back to Deion. She wouldn’t, right? Not after her admission in the tub. I don’t believe it. It’s not possible.

  Still, that fucker managed to plant a seed of doubt in my mind, and it pisses me off.

  I sit back down on the couch to stew in my own rage, staring at a plate filled with chocolates and mints Jill put there. I’m not at all in the mood for an after-dinner snack right now. The only thing I want is to retrace my steps and erase what I did.

  I shouldn’t have sent him those fucking images. That fucker Davis deserves every bit of punishment he can get but not if it costs me her love. She was almost there, ready to love me back, and I wasted it all with my greed for retribution. God, I need a fucking drink.

  I get up from the couch and waltz into the kitchen, but the sight of Nick with Jill stops me in my tracks. He’s holding her hand as she leans in with her head down. What’s going on here?

  They both turn their heads, and the moment our eyes lock, they immediately let go of each other. Nick clears his throat, and Jill swipes away a single tear from her cheeks.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here, sir,” Jill says, her tone of voice shifting constantly.

  “In my own home?” I muse, cocking my head.

  “Sorry, sir. I didn’t mean it that way. I … of course you can go anywhere you want,” she says, clearing her throat too.

  “I’ll get going then. I’ve got more errands to run for the club,” Nick says, leaving us both but not before giving Jill’s shoulder a gentle pet.

  Is something happening that I’m not aware of?

  I frown and look at Jill. “Is there something I need to know?”

  “No, sir. We were just talking …” she answers, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “Talking? About what?” I step closer and touch the kitchen island.

  “Well, you know, our life here … work.” She giggles and shrugs. “Stuff like that.”

  “Right.” I nar
row my eyes. She’s probably not telling me the truth, but I’ll let it go for now. “As long as you’re still loyal to me, I’m fine with it.”

  “What?” Her pupils dilate, and her cheeks turn bright red. “Of course, we’re still loyal to you. Nothing will get in the way of that.”

  “Good.” I grab a glass from the cabinet. After what I just witnessed, I could use a refreshing drink.

  “Oh, here, let me do that,” Jill says, snatching the glass from my hand before I can even put it under the tap.

  She hands me the glass, and I mutter, “Thanks.”

  “If you want, I can drop by with some coffee and chocolates for Charlotte too,” she adds.

  “That’d be great,” I reply.

  “She seemed a little upset,” Jill adds.

  I make a face. Such a sly girl for including that sentence after the fact. “You’re aware of everything, aren’t you?”

  She blushes again. “Sorry, I hear a lot”—she smiles—“but it stays within these walls.”

  “I hope so,” I reply.

  “I think she could use some one-on-one girl talk,” she says. “You know.”

  “No, I don’t know,” I reply, which makes her smile again. “Why would she need that?”

  “Well, you know, since you two are …”

  I lift a brow, but she doesn’t finish her sentence.

  “Are what? Fighting?”

  “Something like that.” She gulps. “Look, I know I shouldn’t—”

  “Meddle in my business,” I fill in for her. “But you can’t help yourself.”

  Her lips part as she sucks in a breath.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” she says. “But it’s hard not to notice. And she seems quite upset.”

  “How much do you know?” I ask, clutching the kitchen table.

  “She told me that you two had an argument about the cameras … and her love for you.”

  “Ahh …” So they talk about me now. Interesting. “When did she come here?”

  “Right after your fight. I gave her some tea and a snack,” she says. “I don’t mean to speak out of turn, but maybe you could ease up on her a little? Show her you love her without being so angry?” she hints, fiddling with her fingers.

  I rub my lips together. She’s pushing it now. “Angry? That’s what you think I am?”

  “Well, you come off that way to her. But she doesn’t like feeling that way about you. I can tell.”


  She shrugs. “I don’t know. From the way she looks at you … How she touches you …” She stares at the kitchen table, at my hands, and then lets out a sigh. “Women know these things. We recognize it.”

  “So you think she loves me?” I ask.

  “I believe she hates the fact that she does,” she says, sucking on her bottom lip for a second. “But there’s still hope if you show her your good side.”

  I take a sip of my water. The moment of silence in the room is deafening. “How?”

  “By apologizing.”

  I almost spit out my water.

  “I mean it. Apologize to her. Beg her for forgiveness,” she says.

  “For what?” I scoff.

  “For doing everything you can to make her hate you. For being an obnoxious prick who only cares about revenge instead of the woman who’s waiting for him to act like a husband!” The moment she spits the words out, she covers her mouth with her hand and shakes her head. “I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know where that came from.”

  I take another long sip of my drink and put down the glass. Still, a big, fat smile forms on my face. “That’s an honest admission.”

  She lowers her hands and approaches me. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s refreshing.” I nod. “And the truth.” I chug down my drink until the glass is empty and place it on the kitchen counter. “So what should I do then? Besides the groveling?”

  “Remove the cameras. Apologize about sending the footage to her father.”

  My eyes widen. “Remove the cameras?” I growl. “No, they’re my—”

  “Control,” she interjects. “You use it to control her. And she knows this. But it also means she can’t love you.” She takes a step closer and grabs my hand. “Women want and need to feel like they give you their love freely. Not that you can just take it when you want. Love has to be earned.”

  Her hand is warm around mine … different from Charlotte’s but soft and delicate still.

  “And how do you suggest I earn it?” I ask.

  “By giving her what she wants the most,” she says, a melancholic smile adorning her face. “That which she has always wanted.”

  My courage and heart sink into my shoes.

  There’s no way I can ever give her that … not without abandoning everything I ever desired and everything I felt was owed to me. Her.

  She craves her freedom, but I can’t give that to her without losing my only goal in this life; to have her be mine forever and to destroy her father’s business and his life.

  But how can I have both?

  “I can’t,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Yes, you can.” Jill squeezes my hand. “Don’t give up so quickly. You know it’s possible. There must be something you can give her that doesn’t cost you anything.”

  I close my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “Maybe. But it might mean losing her to another.”

  “If you have faith in your attraction, and you know she’s on the verge of wanting you too, then you need to risk it,” she says, glaring me straight in the eyes. “Take a leap of faith.”

  She’s so damn smart for a woman her age.

  “I believe in you,” she says, stepping closer. Her hand rises, and she wriggles her fingers through my hair, brushing it down along my neckline, where her hand stays. “I always have.”

  When she leans in to press a kiss to my forehead, I’m stunned. Taken aback by this sudden gesture.

  But before I can respond, the moment passes, and she turns around and walks off.

  Chapter 19


  I haven’t spoken to Easton for a few days now. Though it’s refreshing, I also find it terrifying at the same time because he’s never let me have this much time to myself. I got to shower, sleep, eat breakfast and dine alone, sometimes with Jill accompanying me. We’re talking again but not about anything specific. She’s been quiet about my escape ever since our big talk and so have I. We’ve moved past it already.

  Still, I’m lonely without having Easton to talk to and argue with, as strange as that is. I’m used to him hovering over me, drawing me into conversation … or a fight. But nothing of the sorts has happened since he pulled me out of the chains and into the tub. And I have to admit, it was nice for a second to pretend I wasn’t there as a captive. It was sweet of him to wash me, and I honestly felt as though he actually cared about me for once.

  But then it was all ruined by his one admission of sending my father footage of me.

  The thought alone makes me clench my fist.

  I shouldn’t have expected anything different from a man like him.

  He’s only driven by revenge.

  It shouldn’t upset me, but it does because, for a tiny sliver of time, I thought he meant it when he said he loved me. He didn’t fuck me, didn’t take me as he said he would … even when I told him I wanted it more than anything.

  It was the truth.

  A truth that made me want to disappear into the water and sink so deep no one could ever find me.

  I don’t want to need a man like him. I don’t want my body to ache after his. Yet I do, so badly that it hurts being mad. And I’ve spent the past few hours fuming, trying to come to terms with that fact.

  When someone knocks on my door, I’m not at all prepared.

  “Yes?” I mutter, touching up my makeup in the mirror.

  “Can I come in?”

  He never asks. This is strange.

  I take in a breath, and say, “Yes.” />
  The door unlocks, and in he walks, dressed in navy blue. Just as on our wedding day, way back when I didn’t have any of these feelings confusing the hell out of me.

  Which is why I don’t look at him. If I did, I’d probably lose the fight for control over my heart. And I refuse to give it to him when he doesn’t deserve it.

  Easton clears his throat. “I want to apologize to you for what I did.”

  Well, that’s a first. Who is this man apologizing to me? That’s not Easton. Easton would never admit he made a mistake.

  “I can’t take back sending those pictures to your father,” he says as I continue to stare at myself in the mirror. “I wish I didn’t need revenge so badly, but I do.”

  I suck in another breath, trying so hard not to respond.

  “But that’s no excuse for breaking your heart,” he adds.

  I lick my lips and close my eyes as I absorb these words, trying to make sense of what they mean … and who is saying them. Is he really sorry, or is he trying to win me over? Does he truly love me or only my body?

  “I won’t ask you to forgive me. But I will ask you to come downstairs when you’re ready,” he says.

  I turn around, but the last thing I see is his back as he closes the door behind him.

  What the …?

  What just happened?

  Why would he ask me to come downstairs? For what? I don’t understand what’s going on, but I can’t ask him either. He’s given me no choice but to follow him, so I do.

  He’s already in the hallway when I’m staring down the staircase, and I take the first few steps hesitantly. The main door to the outside world is open, and my feet instinctively move faster as if to try for another escape attempt. But I know that would be foolish. After all, I came here to honor my end of a deal I made with Easton.

  Did he leave it open to tempt me, to give me an idea of what I’ve lost just to throw it in my face? Or is there some other reason?

  “I’m glad you took me up on the offer,” Easton says, standing tall and proud.


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