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A Debt Repaid

Page 17

by Wild, Clarissa

  “I have proof,” she says, and she throws a few papers and photos on the table. “Contracts for hired hitmen. Dates and times are included, along with the target. These photos were taken by his men.”

  I’m so glad his henchmen were waiting right outside Deion’s door. It was easy enough to capture them and steal the forms they kept in the back of their car. And now that they’re dead, they won’t talk either. But her father might …

  “And he almost would’ve succeeded if it wasn’t for Easton’s genius plan,” Charlotte says. “Father believes his targets are dead, which gives us enough time to get him locked up where he can’t harm anyone anymore.”

  “But why would he ever do that?” Elijah mutters.

  “You know how much he hated me. He would’ve never stopped until he got what he wanted, which was to see my friends killed.” Charlotte folds her arms. “His life was on the line, after all.”

  “Because of the deal he made with you, which is also a criminal offense, by the way,” Elijah quips, narrowing his eyes at Easton.

  “Because of that same deal, you now sit with the CEO position,” I growl. “So shut up and listen if you don’t want to lose your goddamn job.”

  Elijah’s nostrils flare as he slams his lips shut, but he doesn’t say another word and waits.

  “He’s going to jail. Whether you like it or not,” Charlotte says.

  “And? What do I have to do with it?” Of course, Elijah wouldn’t care about his father. No one does. A wicked smile forms on his lips. Who would have thought his ultimate downfall would be his own children.

  After all this plotting and scheming, I’ll still get my revenge.

  Just not in the way I originally had planned, but that’s okay. Pretend-killing Deion and Ashanti will only keep that asshole satisfied for a short amount of time, but it’s enough. He’ll be behind bars for the rest of his life soon.

  “I want you to testify, and I want you on my side,” Charlotte says. “Bring Father the justice he deserves.”

  Elijah frowns and mulls it over for a second. “What’s in it for me?”

  “You get to keep your position as sole CEO. No one will get in your way,” Charlotte says.

  “And …” I add. “I’ll give you all the shares in the company.”

  His eyes widen. “What’s the catch?”

  “There’s no catch. But I do want to be done with your family. Forever,” I explain, and I take a sip of my coffee.

  “So you want me to leave you two alone?” he asks, raising a brow.

  “Yes. That’s all we ask. For all of this to be done and over with,” I say.

  “No more talk about business or power. You go do your thing, and we go do ours,” Charlotte adds.

  Elijah takes another sip of his coffee, and then he says, “Fine by me.”

  Well, that was easy.

  “So I just need to give the police a statement? That’s it?” he asks, putting down his coffee.

  “That’s it. I’ll deliver the evidence, and Easton will take care of any loose ends,” Charlotte says.

  He licks his lips. “So I’ll be the sole owner of Father’s company?”

  “The sole owner,” I repeat.

  A wicked smile forms on his face. “Deal.”

  * * *


  My heart practically beats out of my chest when I ring their doorbell. It’s as if a million years have passed since I was last at this tiny little house in the middle of the city, but that’s just because so much has happened.

  In a short amount of time, I went from a captive on the run, to a lover in peril, to a girl smitten with the man who claimed her as his own. My heart and mind have been through a roller coaster of emotions, and being here calms me down like nothing else ever could.

  When Deion’s familiar smile appears from behind the door, I can’t help but jump him to hug him tight. Ashanti runs down the stairs and wraps her arms around me too. One big bear hug as though we’re one big happy family, and we haven’t even said a word to each other.

  None are needed. A hug like this says more than a thousand words ever could.

  “I’m surprised he let you out again,” Deion jokes.

  “Yeah, well, he knows I can’t be held down.”

  Deion chuckles. “As long as he treats you right.”

  “Oh, yeah …” I blush. “Though, the jealousy probably won’t disappear.”

  “The man’s smitten. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.” He tucks his hands into his pants. “But that’s none of my business, of course.”

  I nod and lower my eyes. I need to say what’s on my mind, what’s been bugging me for quite some time now. “I’m sorry about everything.”

  “I know,” Deion says. “You don’t have to explain.”

  “But I do. I mean, Easton used you both,” I say. “And I let him because I fell for his charms.”

  “Ah!” Deion holds up his hand. “Enough apologizing. He did it to save us, and he already explained, so it’s time we moved past it. Besides, you love him, right?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “No buts,” he interrupts. “You love him. People do stupid things for love.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t include endangering others,” I say, and I rub my lips together. “Aren’t you scared?”

  He shakes his head. “No. Easton said your father would never try to harm us again.”

  I swallow and nod. “I’m sorry about that too.”

  “You didn’t choose your father. None of us did,” he says. “Mine isn’t exactly perfect either.”

  “Mine is!” Ashanti says with a big smile on her face, which makes us both chuckle.

  She always manages to break the ice and make awkward situations laughable. It’s as if she has a sixth sense for it.

  “Wanna come in? Have a cup of tea?” he asks, opening the door farther.

  I smile from ear to ear. “I’d love to.”

  * * *

  It’s been months, but the moment my father’s face appears, my stomach drops. Not because it’s been so long or because I fear him, but because I want this visit to be over as quickly as possible.

  I walk down the hallway to the booth where we’ll meet while separated by glass. With greasy hair and his face covered in blotches, he sits there with the phone in his hand.

  What a long way to fall for such a rich man.

  My father stares blankly at me while I pick up the phone.

  “Hello, Father. I hope you’re doing well,” I say with a smirk.

  “Came to laugh? Ridicule me? Pity me?” he mocks.

  “No, I just wanted to see how you’re coping,” I say.

  “I don’t need to talk to you,” he hisses.

  “You got what you deserved. You know that, right?” I say.

  “I hope that guy’s dick was worth the effort,” he scoffs.

  I have to bite my tongue. “He’s a far better man than you’ll ever be. Trying to kill off my friends? How dare you?”

  “At least you’re with him now, and I live,” he says, not looking me in the eyes.

  He never could; not when it came to him losing face. And I can imagine nothing’s worse than your own daughter seeing you behind bars, even if it’s where he belongs.

  “Life? In this metal box? You’ll have to spend the rest of your days in a place far worse than I ever will. A small, confined cell with nothing to hold your interest except your own regretful thoughts. What a life.” I smirk. “I hope you’re proud of your accomplishments. This is the last time you’ll ever see me.”

  “Why did you come then? If you hate me so much?” he asks, grimacing as he finally glances at me.

  I rub my stomach, and say, “Because I want you to know that you’ll never get out … and that you’ll never, ever meet your grandchildren.”

  His eyes widen and zoom in on my belly. “What? You’re … pregnant?”

  I nod. I’ve known for a few weeks now after I didn’t get my peri
od twice in a row. When I told Easton and showed him the test, he went insane with happiness. I’d never seen a bigger smile on his face. But at the same time, I knew I needed to wrap this up with what I once called my family. It’s time to turn over a new leaf.

  My eyes narrow as my father gets up and places a flat hand on the glass that separates us. “When? Is it a girl or a boy? What will their names be?”

  I’m sure he’d like to know, but I won’t tell. He can die trying to imagine my child and its name.

  “It’s time for goodbyes.”

  “Wait, what? No! Tell me!” he says, banging the glass, but a guard interrupts him.

  “I don’t care what you want,” I spit. “I just wanted you to know that you’ll play no part in their lives. Nor in mine. You’re dead to me,” I say, and I hold my head high. “I hope you rot in hell.” And with that, I drop the phone, get up and walk.



  Not a day goes by when I’m not kissing Charlotte’s belly.

  I can’t help myself. The moment I discovered she was pregnant, I was over the moon. I’ve never felt anything this invigorating. It makes me dream of a better future, a time when my son or daughter will grow up in a place where he or she is loved. Where Mommy and Daddy stay together against all the odds because they’ve already been through the worst. From my deepest, darkest downfall, Charlotte managed to pull me back into the light. With only love and kindness and her tenacity, she made me fall for the woman she’s become. And I can only be grateful for what she’s done for me.

  I know I’m a jealous and controlling son of a bitch, but she still loves me even though I don’t deserve it. To be a little less of an asshole, I’ve removed the cameras so she won’t feel watched. It’s the least I could do … Not to mention the fact that I have access to her 24/7, and she can’t deny me her body either way.

  Still, I’m far more in love with her mind and heart than I am with her body. I’m so goddamn proud of her as she works at her own desk right here in my study. After she started up her fundraising charity for kids, I knew she’d do good. She radiates whenever she spends time on it. I made the right decision in being the first to invest.

  Jill’s right by our side, helping Charlotte set up her business as best as she can. They both don’t have much knowledge about running one, but I have the necessary skills to educate them on the matter. But only if it’s really needed because I want them to learn for themselves.

  Besides, it’s good for Jill to be able to spend her time somewhere else instead of focusing solely on me. She’s doing much better now that she has a new goal. Hanging around me all the time made us both uncomfortable, and it was only after that kiss on my forehead that I realized how she truly felt about me. But I could never reciprocate those feelings, and that was hard on her.

  But judging from the looks she just exchanged with Nick while he walked past the door, I reckon she’ll be all right. She’s been a chirpy girl lately, and now that the dust has settled, I can honestly say I’m happy about the way things are going right now.

  Except for one tiny detail.

  * * *


  Easton suddenly closes his laptop and walks off, only to return minutes later. I’m curious, but I won’t ask because then he knows I’m looking. My eyes widen when they catch a glimpse of him hiding something behind his back as he approaches me.

  “Charlotte …”

  “Easton …” I reply coyly.

  “Close your eyes,” he says, smirking.

  “Why?” I ask. I wonder what he’s planning.

  “Just do it, please,” he says.

  I roll my eyes, and say, “Okay, since you asked so nicely.”

  “Good girl,” he jests, and he grabs my hand and pushes something inside, then closes it. “I wanted to give you this. Open your eyes.”

  My eyes popped open along with my hand. Inside, I find the necklace Deion gave me. “Oh, my God …” I didn’t think I’d ever see it again. I thought Easton had thrown it away.

  “I’m sorry for taking it from you. I would’ve given it back sooner, but it broke, and I had to get it fixed.”

  I jump up from my seat and straight into his arms. “Thank you.”

  Hugging me back, he says, “Well, I didn’t expect that.” He snorts.

  “What did you expect?” I ask as I look him in the eyes.

  “That you’d be upset or worse,” he jokes.

  “Oh, it can be worse?” I raise a brow.

  “Well, you know … throwing books at my face or maybe even a knife.”

  I mull it over for a second. “Yeah, I probably would.”

  He snorts and shakes his head. “But I’m glad you like it.”

  I smile. “It’s a welcome surprise.”

  “Hmm … then you’ll probably love this surprise even more,” he says, and he whips out a tiny box from his pocket. He opens it up and shows me the diamond-studded ring inside.

  “Oh, my God …”

  “That’s the second one I get today. Must’ve done something good,” he says.

  “It’s beautiful.” I gasp. “Is it for me?”

  Easton grabs my ring finger and takes out the ring, sliding it on with ease. “Only for you, no one else.”

  “Thank you.” I look at the ring on my finger, the first and only ring which almost manages to bring me to tears.

  “Since you threw the other one away,” he adds.

  I laugh. “Sorry …”

  “It’s fine. I was a dick,” he replies. “I just hope I’m not a dick anymore.”

  I make a gesture with my fingers, pushing them nearly together. “A tiny bit.”

  He smiles. “I’ll take it.” He places a hand on my belly and then his mouth too. “You hear that, little one? Your mom’s smitten with me.”

  I laugh, but Easton interrupts me by grabbing my face and kissing me on the lips. His mere lips can take me to sweet, sinful ecstasy. His mouth turns me to mush and reminds me why I chose this instead of freedom. Why I want him and no other man. He tamed my heart in the most grueling way. A way that no other man would ever walk. That I’m sure of.

  “I love you,” he whispers.

  “I love you too,” I say.

  God, we’re like an old couple already.

  With a smoldering, heart-pounding gaze, he asks, “What do you say we renew our vows?”

  My lips part, but I don’t know how to react. “Wow. Really?”

  “Really. I’ve already made all the arrangements. This weekend.”

  My pupils dilate, and my heart stops. “Holy shit. You did all that behind my back?”

  A wicked smile forms on his lips. “All you need to do is say yes … for real this time. No forced marriage. No debt. No deals.”

  A lopsided grin spreads on my face. “Yes.”

  He makes a weird face. “That was quick. You sure?”

  I wrap my arm around his neck. “I don’t have to think about it. I already knew my heart was yours a long time ago.”

  “Hmm, I like the sound of that. What else is mine?”


  “Your body …?” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my neck. “Your lips …?” Another ever so soft kiss placed on my lips. “Your soul?” He clutches my hand tight and whisks me away with just a simple kiss.

  “Yes,” I murmur.

  “Out of your own free will,” he adds.

  And that’s the honest truth. I give him my all because I want to, because I’m as bound to him as he is bound to me. And I’m no longer ashamed to be Charlotte Van Buren. I’m proud.

  * * *


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  Read on for an excerpt of Caged, Book 1 in the Savage Men Series!

  Excerpt of Caged



My thumb brushes over the reflecting image of a girl with hair so white it could blind a man like me. Licking my lips, I stare at her delicate shape in the white dress, her soft posture as she leans into the green trees around her, and the way she wistfully stares at the blue sphere above her head. One moment is all it takes to capture her beauty. And I know I’ll have a lifetime to discover it.

  I smile, cocking my head. “Her.”

  That’s all it takes. That one word … and she becomes mine.

  I can’t stop staring at her eyes. Those soul-crushing blue eyes seem so pure. So vulnerable. Unlike me.

  But when the image is snatched out of my hands, my smile immediately dissipates. I turn my head and watch him take the pictures down from the glass, one by one, until nothing’s left but a gray stone mass behind it. No life. No green. No blue. No nothing.

  I sigh out loud.

  A hand touches my shoulder, squeezing. “Don’t worry … You’ll see more than just a picture soon.”

  The hand disappears, and I’m left alone again in my cold, dark space.

  But one thing has changed.


  Chapter 27


  The scent of freshly baked bread enters my nose and fills me with joy. I point at the loaf I want and smile.

  “That one?” the baker asks.

  I nod, and he grabs it from the shelf and wraps it in paper then puts it on the counter. I already have the money ready to pay, so I place it next to the loaf. He swipes it off and stuffs it into the cash register.

  “Thank you very much,” he says. “Enjoy!”

  I smile again while picking up the loaf and tucking it into my bag. Waving, I leave the store and face the sunlight again. I love how the warmth radiates over my skin, how it makes me want to close my eyes and take a deep breath. Summer is the time I come alive.

  On my way back home, I take a detour through the park and pick up all the flowers I like. Red, pink, yellow—as many of the crazy colors as I can gather. Their aromas waft through the air with every summery breeze, and I love to just take it all in. Like a moment frozen in time, where everything is exactly the way it should be.


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