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Sweet Poisons (Pretty Lies, Ugly Truths Duets Book 1)

Page 6

by Natalie Bennett

  But before returning to his secluded estate, we had to drive through town. The Westfield lodge was on one side of the lake and the peak another, which got me thinking.

  “The cabin is more of a summer property. So, how long are you here for?” I asked, propping my elbow on the window.

  “Until the beginning of September.”

  I did the math in my head. I’d gotten back two weeks after the fourth of July, three weeks ago now. That time would fly. On one hand it assured me this would be all about sex. On the other, it was all about sex.

  This was good.

  I felt him looking at me every so often, but my attention wavered between my phone and the passing town. His car was doing a good job of drawing attention to us. With the windows down everyone had a clear view of who was inside.

  “Gio’s good?”


  “You don’t sound so sure about that.”

  “No, that’s fine. You won’t find better pizza anywhere else. Heads up, though. It’s a popular hang-out and once you pull in there with me in the car. Well, I’m sure you can piece that scenario together.”

  “I know what kind of place it is.”

  Since I was rapidly learning that his vocal inflection rarely changed no matter the mood he was in, I took the clenching of his hands around the steering wheel to mean I’d upset him. Confirming this when he reached out and flicked off the stereo.

  If not for the purr of the hellcat’s engine I was positive I’d be able to hear a pin drop from across the street. Of course, he knew what type of place Gio’s was. Most folks didn’t barricade themselves inside their homes, only coming out to replenish their supply of liquor.

  I was lucky my habit hadn’t been found out. Façade from years of high school still in place, everyone thought I was nothing more than a sweet little hermit that preferred her art studio over people, which was partially true.

  “Is there something wrong with you Nova?”

  For the second time that day he’d caught me off guard. Yes, there was most certainly something wrong with me, but I wasn’t about to go spilling my sins to the devil.

  “Depends on what you mean,” I replied, keeping my tone light.

  “I’m curious. Tell me why I should give a fuck if people see us together.”

  I shrugged. “You shouldn’t. I don’t. Folks will just link us together.”

  “We are together.”

  Despite the situation I laughed. “Rhett, you know what I mean.”

  “I mean the same thing as you do,” he retorted. “If I’m fucking you, no one else will be. And since you’ll be the only one riding my dick that sounds to me like we’re exclusive, which means we’re together. If someone doesn’t like that it isn’t our problem.”

  It took gnawing on my inner cheek to stop myself from laughing again.

  He either avoided a question or was refreshingly blunt and straightforward.

  “I can agree with all that,” I said.

  “Good. Now tell me what you like on your pizza.”

  By the time we reached the Westfield my stomach was in my back. I seriously regretted skipping out on breakfast. The overwhelming aroma of pepperoni, sausage, and peppers had my mouth watering.

  Rhett hit the button on his visor and the garage door all the way on the end began to lift. Inside was the Porsche I’d seen two nights ago, and an Alfa Romero. The pick-up was missing.

  “How many cars do you have?”

  “Two. The Porsche is Angel’s. The Alfa is Tripp’s.”

  I waited for him to elaborate on who Angel was, but he simply got out, circling around to open my door for me.

  He grabbed the pizzas from my lap, and I trailed behind him, running down a list of things I knew about who he was. The most obvious, that he had money.

  You didn’t move to a four-million-dollar summer cabin and bring along your personal hot-rods if you were middle class. He was also confidant, cocky, and unapologetic, which led me to believe he wasn’t someone that didn’t often get his way.

  We entered the estate through the front door, the atmosphere without a zillion people around completely different than what I’d seen before. The beauty of the home could be appreciated much better this way.

  All glass windows from floor to ceiling let natural lighting flow inside, creating a warm ambiance. Everywhere gave some sort of view of the surrounding lake.

  Rhett went into the kitchen, placing the pizza on the stonewash island.

  “This place is really nice.”

  “It has its perks.” He grabbed us some plates and napkins, loading them on top of one of the boxes and leaving the other behind. I followed him up a set of stairs and down an open hall. From behind one of the doors was the distinct sound of a running shower.

  “Who all lives here?” I didn’t care, I just needed to focus on something other than my gnawing hunger and ball of nerves.

  “A few of us.” Stopping at a cedar door, I reached around and opened it since his hands were full, and then followed him inside.

  The room smelled of his cologne and an underlying scent of pine-sol. Against the center wall was a massive bed built from thick timber, the bedding a mixture of deep burgundies and black. There was a matching desk off to the left, an armoire, and a flat screen mounted above fireplace. The view he had of the lake was incredible, I may have been a little jealous.

  “Get comfortable,” he told me, placing everything at the foot of the bed. I kicked off my flip-flops and climbed up, plopping down on what felt like a cloud. He went over to the wardrobe and pulled open both doors, revealing it was nothing more than a mini bar. An extremely well stocked one at that.

  “I thought there were clothes in there.”

  “Nah. Those would be in the closet.” He removed two-cylinder glasses from a rack and then looked back at me.

  “What’s your poison?”

  “Whatever you give me.”

  “Fair enough.” He mixed two drinks and then carried them over, a bottle of water wedged between them.

  “This is for you.”

  “Thanks,” I accepted both my drink and the water, placing them on the nearest nightstand.

  He got himself situated beside me, placing the pizza box between us. We agreed on some Netflix series called Rectify and ate in silence for the first twenty minutes of it.

  “Mickey didn’t bother you too much last night, did he?”

  I shook my head, wiping at my mouth with a napkin. “Mickey never bothers anyone. Why? Are you friends?”

  He laughed softly, but there wasn’t any humor in it. “I’m not friends with any of my--for lack of a better term, ‘clients’.”

  Clients? “Oh,” I nodded when I caught on. “Weed.”

  “It started with weed. He’s a pill-head, baby-girl.”

  “What? No way. Mickey’s…”

  “A recreational pill popper.”

  “But…he’s an athlete.”

  “He’s all the things you and everyone else know him to be,” he replied flippantly. “No one’s ever who they say are. We’re all liars in some way or another, covering our ugly truths with pretty lies.”

  An unspoken, even you lingered between us. I traded my napkin for my drink, nearly sighing when the taste of gin hit my tongue.

  “Sooo, you’re a drug dealer?” Was it screwed up that this didn’t bother me even a little bit? It was as simple to me as him announcing the sky was blue.

  “I’m a lot of things, but the only one that matters for right now is that I’m yours, and you’re safe.”

  The last part through me, but I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t too sure how to respond.

  We eventually became engrossed in the show he’d put on, and apart from me discovering my ex needed an intervention, I dared say I had my first normal evening in what felt like ages.

  The conversation came naturally, staying in the safe zone, casual and not too deeply personal, but still revealing enough to learn small things about one anothe
r. Things were relaxed, so much so that after episode ten of our series I fell asleep.

  I swore the ringing of a phone was what roused me. When I finally peeled opened my eyes, it was dark outside, and Rhett wasn’t in the room. I’d been covered with the throw from his loveseat, and the pizza box and dishes were gone.

  Using the palm of my hand I rubbed my eyes and pushed myself up into a sitting position. I was nothing less than shocked that I’d fallen asleep here.

  I ran my fingers over my lips to make sure there was no drool. That’d of been a great way to add to my mortification. I searched the surrounding area for my cell, spotting it on the nightstand.

  I grabbed it and checked the few notifications I had. A few emails, a couple text. Two from the girls, another from someone I wasn’t ready to deal with, and Mickey, which was unexpected.

  I replied to three of four, noted the time was eight-o-clock, and climbed out of bed, reluctantly leaving my warm spot. Finding the bathroom was a gamble. Both doors on the other side of the room were side by side. The last thing I wanted was Rhett to come back and it look like I was snooping.

  Luckily, I picked correctly. The space was huge, the biggest jacuzzi tub I’d seen thus far centered in the room with a shower a few feet away.

  I ignored both and went to the double sink, checking my reflection. I smoothed down my hair, and then rinsed my mouth with water and a small bit of mouthwash sitting on the vanity.

  We got back at the same time. Me coming from the restroom and him the hallway—half dressed. I froze, my feet stopped moving, hand still on the light-switch I’d just turned to off.

  “Sleeping Beauty awakes,” he teased, pulling his bedroom door shut.

  I couldn’t reply, to busy staring at the wonderful work of art that was him. The lamp on his nightstand cast a light glow in the room, making him look even better.

  His entire torso was a valley of shaded peaks and dents. I’d thought Mickey had the best bod ever, but he didn’t have an eight-pack. Or a large tattoo of the Hindu goddess Kali, complete with fangs and a lolling tongue dominating his entire front.

  Above it, creeping onto the center of his throat was a pale-pinkish lotus flower. Arms covered in various images that ran together, I’d have been there all the night studying his flesh paintings if not for him calling my name.

  “Come here Nova,” he commanded like he had earlier. Softly, but with a firm undertone.

  I went to him, stopping a hairs breadth away. He took hold of my hands and placed them on his chest. “Better?”

  A nod, paying no attention to his arrogant smirk, I explored without shame. My palms moved from solid, smooth pecs to the outline of his abs. He watched me closely, letting me feel him out. Not that it was enough. I wanted—needed—more. I wanted what I’d been brought here for. Him to fuck me the way I deserved to be fucked.

  I risked a glance at him, chewing on my lower lip before deciding to move first.

  I rose up slightly since he was taller than me and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. As if that was all he’d been waiting for, he reciprocated. A hand came to the center of my back, pulling me against him.

  Our tongues met tentatively at first, separating when he took hold of the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head, leaving me in nothing but a pale-yellow thong. The cool air had my nipples puckering, goose pimples erupting along my skin. He kissed me again, this time the intensity and hunger matching my own.

  Hands sliding beneath the globes of my ass, he lifted me up so he could carry me to the bed. On my back with him between my legs, staring at me as if I were his last meal. I could have combusted. His firm hands roamed all over me, down to where my thong was. Hooking two fingers inside, he broke our kiss and dragged the lace-y material down my legs, chucking them aside.

  He placed his palms on my knees and spread my legs further apart, pushing them up to form a V. “Look at you,” he murmured, his eyes everywhere at once. I was exposed entirely, between my thighs throbbing and wet. Leaning low, he continued to touch me.

  Running his hands, and sometimes his tongue, along my upper thighs and lower abdomen. My breathing grew shallow, body warming to the nth degree. Everything he did was confident and sure.

  I reveled in it, laying their letting him do whatever he wanted. Kissing and nibbling on my inner thighs, he went made a trail straight to my labia. He moved past it, slowly, exhaling a warm breath. I whimpered, earning a grin from him. Fingers pulling apart my lips, he stared at the place growing slicker with every passing second. “You want me here?” he asked, tracing a circle around my clit. “You want my tongue in your pussy, Nova?”

  Yes. Hell yes. I nodded.

  He laughed, the sound low and deliciously dark. His face came down, but he didn’t dive in or treat the task like a disc jockey. Lips closing around my clit, he sucked and swirled, sliding a finger inside me, and then another.

  When I tried to run from the pleasure, Rhett laughed again and locked me place, picking up his pace, slamming his fingers in and out of me a little rougher, alternating between massaging my clit or fucking me with his tongue.

  Moans spilling from my chest, I grabbed the sheets to keep me grounded. A tingling started in my center and started to grow. When he placed the tip of his tongue on the hardened bundle of nerves, wiggling it back and forth, the feeling grew stronger until it radiated through my entire body. I came with my hands in Rhett’s hair, pussy grinding into his face.

  He didn’t seem to care, still eating me, stopping only when another orgasm rocked through my body.

  “I just found my new favorite meal.” He eased back, mouth slick from my come, dark strands of hair falling onto his forehead.

  My legs still parted and trembling, I watched him remove both his jeans and the black briefs beneath. His erection sprang up, the base surrounded by a patch of curls.

  His cock was exactly as I expected it to be. Thick. Long. Pierced. Okay, the last one I hadn’t counted on, but it certainly had my attention. He climbed back onto the bed, settling between my thighs and staring down at me.

  “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  “So are you.” I breathed, finally able to form a coherent sentence again. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  He brought the head of his cock to my entrance.

  I inhaled a small breath, trying to prepare myself, concentrating on kissing my juices off his face. A flex of his hips and he was pushing inside me, stretching my pussy. The intrusion burned in the best possible way. Once he was fully in, I was filled entirely, could feel him throbbing between my walls.

  He rocked forward once, and then stopped. A deep, pleasurable groan rumbled from his chest. "Damn, your feel amazing." He turned his head so that his lips hovered right above mine. “I’m going to fuck you now, and I’m not stopping until you can’t say anything other than my name.”

  He began to move in earnest, thrusting inside me with a calculated vigor. He rode my body hard and fast. My nails sunk into his back, and he went deeper. A moan, practically a sob of pleasure, he fucked me harder. His cock hit every sweet spot inside my pussy while splitting me in half.

  “Come for me,” he whispered in my ear, thrusting as deeply as he could go. My muscles locked as an orgasm rocketed through me, spreading an inferno of bliss from my head to where my toes curled into the mattress.

  Rhett showed no signs of slowing down, continuing to see-saw in and out me. His name spilled from my mouth like a revered chant until I could no longer speak at all. Soon the only sounds in the room were the creaking of the bed, slick skin hitting slick skin, and the moans that poured continuously from my raw throat.

  We stopped at some point, after the first time he came inside me. I lay there staring at the ceiling, trying to catch my breath, strands of hair stuck to my forehead.

  When I finally managed to move my body Rhett’s hands locked me in place, grabbing hold of my hips.

  “I’m not done with you yet.”

  He flippe
d me around so that I was on all fours, sliding his cock back inside me.



  I could count on one hand the number of times I’d spent the night with a woman.

  Nova made four.

  And cuddling had never been part of the deal. Maybe because those chicks knew who I was, they weren’t under any illusion. Outside of them, in the early days, I indulged all the bitches that through themselves at my feet, attracted to the subtle aura of darkness that emanated from me.

  None of them would ever be able to handle who I really was. Accept this wasn’t some act, or a game.

  They’d cower in terror if they knew how much blood stained my hands. Heard the fucked-up thoughts constantly cycling through my head. Saw the world as I did.

  Eventually, I became a pick-y bastard. I’d accepted that I’d spend a great deal of my life alone, but even the worst of us want someone to call our own.

  And then, along came Nova Morkav. The girl curled up in my arms wasn’t anything like my usual type. She’d been close to the truth when referring to me as a stalker. I’d been watching for a while now. Less than twenty-four hours a day, so it wasn’t on a creepy or crazy level. I liked studying her, it’d become something of a hobby.

  Even now, I was memorizing the tattoos on her wrists and arms. She had a few in other places. Most were henna-esque except for the butterflies in various places.

  I trailed a finger down her side, and she didn’t so much as stir.

  I’d worn her out, staying in her pussy until it all but evicted my dick. Exhaustion burned behind my own eyes, but I was used to it. I slept in spurts, not hours.

  There were a few things I could have been up working on, things that would help me get the fuck out of this rinky-dink town and home faster, but my arm was currently being used as a pillow. I could do it in a few, when the sun came up. Being immobile helped me think and there was still one issue I hadn’t resolved yet, Nova Morkav.

  Playing my cards right, she’d continue to be with me of her own free will. For now, at least. I knew how this would go eventually, though. Sooner or later we’d both have to spill our dirty secrets, and I had to admit, I was looking forward to hearing hers.


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