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Heavy Hogs MC

Page 15

by Elias Taylor

  He had never said the words back in high school. He had been in love and he had done everything but actually say it out loud. It hadn’t been cool to be that open with his emotions. And it had definitely not fit with his tough-biker persona.

  Now that all seemed so unimportant. The only thing that mattered was letting Heather know how he felt, in whatever way he could.

  Charlie stood up and gave Hayden a long look. Hayden was still lost in thought.

  “Bro, what are you still doing here?” Charlie asked.

  Hayden jolted to his feet. Charlie was right. Hayden had to move before it was too late. He headed for the door. The Chevrolet would have to wait.

  “I’ll let you know about the Hogs,” Hayden called back to his brother.

  Charlie smiled and gave Hayden a wave.

  Hayden walked straight to his bike. He revved the engine to life and roared out onto the highway.

  Even though he had barely slept the night before, Hayden was filled with energy. He had a purpose and a plan was swiftly forming in his head. He was going to see this through.

  When he pulled up to the dance studio, he practically sprinted to the door. It was locked. Lenora wasn’t there. Hayden checked his watch. There was a class scheduled in an hour. He knew because Heather had been teaching it the past few weeks. He could wait. Eventually, Lenora would show.

  In the meantime, Hayden kept busy. He sat down on the curb by his bike and scrolled through his phone with focused intensity. He made a few calls, one to George about taking over his shift, another to an airline, and a third to his accountant.

  When he had done all that, Hayden just leaned back on his hands and looked up at the blue sky. It was the exact same shade as that Chevrolet Bel Air back at the shop. The same color of heather’s dress the day of the club barbecue. After his chat with Charlie, Hayden was feeling like everything was a sign.

  He smiled as he remembered his brother’s wise words. Fate couldn’t do all the work. Hayden had to meet his destiny halfway.

  Back when he was sixteen, putting in the work had seemed impossible and pointless. Why try when he was doomed to fail? But Hayden had spent a decade learning what it meant to just give up on a dream. To just assume the battle was lost. He couldn’t go through that again. He wouldn’t. This time, he was going to put up a fight.

  If he still ended up losing, then at least he would know he had tried.

  As he suspected, Lenora showed up a half-hour before the class was set to start.

  When her car pulled into the driveway, Hayden stood up.

  “Hayden,” Lenora said. “She’s still not back.”

  “I actually wanted to talk to you,” Hayden said.

  “Oh?” Lenora said. “Then you had better come in.”

  Lenora opened the door and Hayden followed her into the studio.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Heart

  Heather slung her bag over her shoulder and opened the door to leave the theater. The auditions were over and she felt free. She was happy too.

  After her intense reflections on the hotel roof, Heather had returned to her room. Overwhelmed by the physical and emotional trials for the day, she had collapsed into bed and fallen into a deep and dreamless slumber. She had awoken with no answers, but with a well-rested mind. It had made a world of difference.

  Once she was on the street, Heather looked about. The downtown area of Chicago was bustling with people just getting out of work. Heather decided to walk up State Street towards the river. It was a gorgeous late summer day and she felt like enjoying it.

  Heather had always like walking along the river when she lived in Chicago. Even in winter, she had braved the harsh cold to take solitary strolls.

  There was a cute bakery/coffee shop right next to the river. Heather decided to duck in for a bite.

  She wondered how intense her cravings would get. Or if her feet would swell up. She frowned as she pondered how she could adjust her dancing to accommodate swollen feet and a big belly.

  She would figure it out.

  Heather ordered a lemonade and a croissant. Once she paid, she decided to enjoy her drink and pastry while sitting by the water.

  She ran into Isabelle Franklin at the door. Isabelle was five years younger than Heather and danced in the ensemble for Swan Lake. She was a friendly girl with a solid performance career ahead of her. And at that moment, Heather didn’t envy her one bit.


  “Hi, Isabelle,” Heather said.

  The two dancers gave each other quick hugs.

  “I just heard the news. I suppose congratulations are in order.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Seriously, Heather, you’re going to be amazing.”

  For probably the first time in her life, Heather just accepted the compliment without adding any private addendums in her head.

  “Thanks, that means a lot,” Heather said.

  “Well, I’ve got to grab some drinks to go,” Isabelle said. “Can’t be late to rehearsal.”

  “Of course. It was great seeing you.”

  Heather continued towards the river. She was surprised that Isabelle had already heard the news, but then again, word traveled fast in the dancing community. Heather found a bench right by the river and sat down. She smiled to herself. It had been nice to hear the heartfelt well wishes of Isabelle.

  When she had finished the croissant lemonade, Heather took a deep breath. There was still a lot to figure out.

  There was still Hayden. He was a massive question mark.

  Heather knew she was on the right path though.

  She stood up and started to make her way back towards the hotel. She hummed a fragment of one of the songs from the audition as she strolled through the hotel lobby.

  Heather got out of the elevator on her floor, her arm fishing through her bag for her room key. Her head was down as she pushed aside her ballet shoes, her sweater, her notebook.

  Finally, her fingers grasped the room key. Heather raised her head and instantly froze.

  Hayden was standing by her door.

  For a moment, Heather was absolutely speechless. Hayden was here. In Chicago. Outside her hotel room. The concept of his presence didn’t seem to compute.

  Then she smiled.

  “Hayden,” she said.

  “I was hoping we could talk,” Hayden said. “Can I come in?”

  “Of course.”

  She fumbled the key a bunch of times, but at last managed to open the door. Hayden followed her into the hotel room.

  Heather put her bag down and sat down on the bed so her legs dangled over the floor. Hayden stood still in front of her.

  He seemed to be soaking in the sight of her. He looked at her as if it had been years since they last met, instead of just a few days.

  Heather took in his appearance as well. His bruises were almost faded, but he had massive bags under his eyes. He hadn’t been sleeping well either. His hair was mussed and Heather only wanted to run her fingers through it. Standing there in front of her, he seemed too big and solid. She longed to bury herself in his arms.

  Not yet. He was right. They did have to talk.

  Only Heather was terrified. Her stomach lurched at the idea of everything she had to tell Hayden. She started to worry that she might have to throw up again.

  “Do you want some water, or...”

  “Heather, I love you,” Hayden said.

  The words fell out of his mouth. He was breathing hard. This was what he had flown all this way to say. Heather felt tears rising in her throat.

  “You do?” she asked.

  “I loved you when we were in high school and I could kick myself for not telling you then, but I have to tell you now. I love you. I don’t think I ever stopped.”

  Heather was so emotional she couldn’t speak. She could only stare up at him and nod as he continued to unload his heart.

  “I know I’m not perfect and I know you have this opportunity here in Chicago, but I don’t want
to lose you again,” Hayden said. “I’ll move here to be with you.”

  Heather’s jaw almost hit the floor. The fact that he was offering to leave Lyndon was insane. She had always believed there was no way he would abandon his hometown.

  “Hayden, you don’t have to—”

  “It wouldn’t be a loss, not if I could be with you,” Hayden said. “I could leave the Hogs and work as a mechanic here. I wouldn’t regret any of it as long as I was with you.”

  Heather couldn’t let him go on. She got to her feet and pressed her hands against his chest.

  “Hayden, stop,” she said.

  Hayden was breathing hard as if he had just run up a flight of stairs. He gazed in wonder down at her. Slowly he brought one hand to cup her face and another to her waist. Heather grew dizzy at the proximity.

  She guided him towards the bed and pushed him into a seating position. She remained standing. She couldn’t think when she was too close to him and she needed to keep her head so she could say what she had to stay.

  The idea that he would give up the Hogs for her was unbelievable and truly touching. She knew he meant it to. When Hayden decided he wanted something, nothing could stop him.

  Only Hayden didn’t have all the information. He couldn’t make these promises until he did.

  “I have to tell you some things,” Heather said.

  She looked at him and her knees started to wobble. She tried to steady her breathing, but she knew that her nerves were written all over her face.

  Hayden’s face was an expression of utter confusion. She wasn’t being fair, keeping him in the dark like this.

  She still didn’t have the words. Heather was going to have to improvise.

  She took one last deep breath.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Something Good

  Hayden couldn’t breathe. Heather stood before him and he could see her hands shaking. She looked terrified.

  He couldn’t imagine what she was so scared of. Unless she was about to tell him that he had come all this way for nothing and that their relationship was over. Hayden swallowed. He sent up a silent prayer: Please, let her not say that.

  He didn’t know what he would do if she said no. During the entire plane ride, Hayden had tried to come up with a coherent speech, but the truth was, speechmaking had never been his forte. He could say what was in his heart, though, and that was what he had done.

  He had meant every single word. He would give up the Hogs in a second and move to Chicago for her. What’s more, he would never resent her for that choice. He would know that Heather and a life with her would be worth it.

  Yes, Hayden cared about the Hogs, but he also knew that Charlie would look out for them. Hayden didn’t need to feel obligated. He didn’t owe the Hogs anything. He could find a place in another biker club out here. He could work on classic cars in Chicago.

  As long as he was by Heather’s side, it would all be wonderful. She just had to let him love her. She had to allow him to show her that he would never abandon her.

  Heather continued to chew her lip and shift from foot to foot. She was wearing dance leggings and a striped pink and white crop-top. She had clearly just come from the audition.

  Her hair was in a messy ponytail and she looked almost like she always did after a day of dancing. Except something was different. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were overly-alert. And her face seemed to be glowing.

  Hayden wanted to stand up and grab her. He wanted to stop her from saying whatever she had to say with a kiss, just in case that could change her mind.

  She needed to speak though. It was clear she had something important to confess.

  Heather’s chest rose and fell as she took one massive breath.

  “They offered me the choreographer job,” Heather said. “Just this morning actually.”

  Hayden’s world started to crash down. He would move to Chicago for her, he would. But the tone in her voice made it clear that this wasn’t all. She didn’t want him in Chicago. She wanted her old life, devoid of him.

  “It’s an amazing position,” Heather said. “Good pay, the opportunity to be creative and lead, plus I would still be in the dance world.”

  Hayden knew all this. He didn’t need her to list out all the brightness she had in her future. Even so, despite his own impending pain, he was happy for her. She had worked hard for this. She had overcome a devastating injury. He was proud of her.

  “This job is everything I could have wanted post-injury,” Heather said. “It’s exactly what I imagined would be perfect for my career after my performing days ended.”

  Hayden nodded along. She didn’t have to explain it to him. He already knew all this.

  “Heather, that’s amazing,” he said. “I’m happy for you.”

  “I turned it down,” Heather said. “I turned the offer down.”

  Hayden furrowed his brow in confusion. He didn’t understand. He didn’t know what to say. He could only stare in Heather in amazement as she continued.

  “I love you, Hayden,” Heather said. “I love you and I love being home. At first, I was too busy mourning what I had lost to realize what I had gained. But after we got together again and I started teaching, I started to feel so good about the future. I started to come to terms with my time performing in the lights being over. I understand now that it wasn’t an ending, it was just the ending of one chapter and the start of a new one.”

  Heather was still shaking like a leaf and her voice was heavy with emotion. Hayden was so shocked by what she was saying that it took him long moments to register everything. Of course, he had known she had been happy teaching at the studio, but he hadn’t been sure if she was ready to give up everything else to focus on that. He had hoped she was in his heart of hearts.

  “Hayden, I love you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Heather choked out a laugh.

  “Of course I’m sure, you idiot,” she said. “And Lenora just called me earlier today to tell me she wants to sell me the studio. I’ve got savings and I know I can run the business on my own.”

  Hayden grinned up at her. Lenora had told him her plan, but neither Lenora nor Hayden had been sure how Heather would react.

  “I’ve got savings too,” Hayden said. “I can help.”

  He started to stand up. He was ready to give in to his desperate desire to embrace Heather, but she held up a hand to stop him.

  “There’s more,” Heather said.

  Hayden stayed perched on the edge of the bed. What more could there possibly be?

  Heather looked like she might faint. A jolt of fear shot through his core. He didn’t want to try and guess what had Heather looking so terrified.

  She let out a small sniffle as a tear escaped from her eye.

  “I’m scared you won’t want to do this with me,” Heather said. “But I have to tell you first that if you’re not ready, it’s fine, I’ll do it on my own. So just know that first. And I understand if it’s not something you want right now.”

  “Heather, what is it?” Hayden asked.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  She seemed to deflate with relief as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Hayden was so shocked, he couldn’t speak. He could only stand up and wrap his arms around her. He pulled her close to his chest. Heather’s voice was muffled as she continued to speak.

  “I found out last night and I’ve thought about it really hard. I know this is something I want,” Heather said. “Even if it wasn’t planned, I know I can do this.”

  Hayden lifted her chin so she was looking up at him.

  “I don’t care if it wasn’t planned. This is the best day of my life.”

  Heather’s eyes widened and a gorgeous smile lit up her face.

  “So you’re happy about it?”

  Hayden didn’t answer with words. He kissed her and he poured every ounce of his joy into the kiss. He poured all the agony of the last few days, all his fear over losing her and all his ecstasy over ha
ving found her again into that one kiss.

  “Heather, I have never been happier,” Hayden said.

  Heather wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes to kiss him again. Hayden held her close and knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that they were both exactly where they were supposed to be.


  One Year Later

  Heather tugged at the hem of her skirt and adjusted Selena on her hip.

  The baby girl giggled and grabbed a chunk of Heather’s hair. Heather bounced her daughter and admired the bright blue jumper she had picked out for Selena to wear to Hayden and Charlie’s indoctrination ceremony. Mischa had joked that Selena should wear a mini leather jacket, but Heather had said no way. Selena might be half-biker, but she was also half-ballerina too.

  Selena had been born in the Spring. The months leading up to the birth had been the most intense but the most rewarding of Heather’s life.

  Hayden had adapted to fatherhood the minute Heather told him she was pregnant. The day after Heather and Hayden arrived back in Lyndon, Hayden was researching the best OB/GYN’s in the area and planning out doctor’s appointments.

  He hadn’t stopped there. After Heather had sorted out her budget and chatted with Lenora, she had pulled the trigger on buying the business. She had even selected a newer and bigger building to accommodate the growing number of students. Lenora had agreed to stay on and help out, especially during Heather’s pregnancy.

  Hayden had supported Heather throughout the process of taking over the business. Then, just when Heather was at about 3 months, he took her out to lunch one day in a cute cafe in the northern part of Lyndon. After lunch, he told Heather he wanted to take her for a drive.

  They hopped into his car (as soon as Hayden knew she was pregnant, there was no more riding on the bike) and Hayden told Heather they were just going on a nice drive up into the hills outside Lyndon.

  To Heather’s surprise, Hayden pulled into the driveway of a gorgeous house. It was nestled halfway up a hill amongst trees.

  It was Heather’s dream house. It had a wide porch, a front yard, and big windows.


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