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Heavy Hogs MC

Page 55

by Elias Taylor

  Natalie tried to shrug it off as she watched Brent’s red sports car pull out of the driveway and zoom up the street on its way to the gym. Life was more than men, pleasure and trips to Vegas, and right now Natalie needed to go unpack her bags so she would be ready to deal with life tomorrow.

  Life wasn’t done throwing her for loops, though. Around ten the next morning, Natalie’s phone buzzed with a text from Brent.

  Hey, the message read. I have a break for lunch at 12 and I’m going to the sandwich place right down the street from your work. Want to join?

  Natalie’s answer was a no-brainer. Definitely. See you at 12.

  The day went by a lot faster after Natalie received that text. Over the days that followed, she and Brent made it a regular thing to meet for lunch if he didn’t have a client booked for the noon slot.

  After meeting for lunch for three days straight, Saturday was a mixed blessing to Natalie. She had jammed her finger at work on Friday and it was still sore, but she didn’t relish the idea of sitting in her house and eating a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich for lunch by herself.

  With dinner upon her, she began pulling ingredients out of the fridge to make spaghetti for dinner when a knock summoned her to the front door.

  “Hi,” she said, surprised to see Brent standing on her doorstep.

  “Hey. Do you have any salt I can borrow? I was going to make spaghetti, but I’m out and no salt means no flavor.”

  “No kidding, really? About the spaghetti, I mean. I was just about to make that too.” She stepped back so he could see the ingredients spread over the counter. “Um... do you want to join me for dinner? We’re going to eat the same thing anyway. And I have lots of salt.”

  That weird coincidence led to yet another comfortable, entertaining evening with Brent. The two had worked well together in the courtroom and at trivia, and now Natalie could add cooking to that list. Brent offered to chop the veggies while Natalie got the ground beef started in the pan, and pretty soon they had a colander full of freshly-boiled pasta and a pan of mouthwatering sauce ready for two.

  “What’s that?” Brent asked when they went into the living room to eat.

  Natalie followed his gaze to the papers strewn over the coffee table. “Just some bills and work stuff and other paperwork.”

  “Speaking of paperwork,” Brent started through a mouthful of food, “I found the paperwork that the judge wanted us to fill out online.”

  “Oh.” Natalie knew she should have more to say than just “Oh”, but she didn’t. Noodles slipped off the end of her fork, but she didn’t feel like going back in to reclaim them.

  “Yeah. I don’t have a printer, though.”

  “Oh.” Some of the weight in her stomach disappeared, and Natalie went in for another bite.

  “Do you?”

  “Yeah, but it’s been out of paper for a while. I’ll get some soon.”


  They abandoned the topic of the divorce and went on to talk about Gideon’s new computer game and what a success it had been. Neither of them had played it—they weren’t really into games, being too busy with work—but Natalie could tell that Brent was proud of his best friend, and of course, Natalie was proud of her brother.

  Brent went home after dinner, but he ended up coming back the next day. This time, he didn’t need to borrow something. Natalie didn’t know why he was at her house at all, but she didn’t ask and he didn’t say. They didn’t even make dinner, they just hung out in the shady backyard on lawn chairs and drank whatever they happened to have on hand.

  It took Natalie until the next Friday to think back and realize that she had spent a little bit of time—sometimes more—with Brent every single day since their last trip to Vegas. She wasn’t entirely convinced this newfound friendship was a good thing—she had skipped a day of work for him, after all.

  Not technically for him, she told herself as she nudged a socket wrench out of the way with her toe so she wouldn’t accidentally stand on it while her attention was focused on the car above her in the lift. She took off that day to sort out their marriage, which had been half her fault. She couldn’t blame him for that.

  Since when? she thought, and not for the first time. Since when can I not blame Brent for things? A couple weeks ago Natalie would have been more than happy to saddle Brent with all the blame she could foist on him, and now—

  —And now, she was going dancing with him tomorrow. How the heck did that happen?

  By the time Brent came over for dinner the next day before they headed to the club, Natalie still didn’t know the answer to that question. She did know she was totally in the mood for some dancing, though.

  Brent insisted they both ride his bike. Remembering what happened with the car, Natalie decided to go with it and grabbed her helmet before hopping on behind him.

  “Where are we going?” she shouted in his ear, her chest pressed against his back and her arms wrapped around his waist.

  “This little club I used to go to when I spent more time in LA.” The wind tore some of Brent’s words away, but Natalie caught enough to fill in the blanks.

  “Sounds fun,” she said, lowering her volume since they were stopped at a light.

  Natalie had decided to go with a pair of white cargo pants, a black mesh top and a black bra to match underneath. Okay, actually she had Jasmine come over earlier and help her choose an outfit. Biking to a club wasn’t exactly ideal. Clubs usually meant skimpy dresses and lots of bare skin, both of which didn’t mesh too well with a bike seat that would ride up any skirt and the occasional bit of superhot metal that could burn exposed skin. Natalie and Jasmine had enjoyed putting their heads together to come up with something cute and sexy, but not completely ridiculous on a motorcycle.

  When they arrived and stepped from the twilight of dusk into the noisy, packed club, Natalie pushed Brent in the direction of the bar. “I’m getting you a drink,” she announced over the music. “You bought me stuff last time, and you drove here.”

  Brent shrugged, already swaying from side to side to the catchy, peppy beat. “If you insist.”

  “I do. A happy wife means a happy life, remember?”

  “Oh God. I’m definitely going to need that drink now.” Brent took a deep, long draft of the beer the bartender slid over the counter.

  One or two beers later, Natalie felt ready to dance. Brent was already doing his best to dance in his seat, and it took no prompting to lead him through the press of people to the throng of dancers.

  Again, Natalie found that Brent outshone her at dancing, but she didn’t mind so much this time. This wasn’t a competition to her—this was fun. Tons of fun, actually. Natalie hadn’t felt this comfortable with someone aside from family and Jasmine in ages. People will tell you that they’re laughing with you, not at you, but Natalie really believed Brent was that way. She felt like she could cycle through all the moves she knew, add a few impromptu ones and go for a couple new ones without fear of judgement. He just grinned when she tried something new, and he never teased her if she did something uncoordinated and ended up laughing at herself.

  They went from dancing a little apart and admiring each other’s style to dancing with each other. Every song brought them closer and closer together, and at some point the dance went from close to raunchy. Everything was hot and sticky, the music pulsed through Natalie’s brain in waves, her body reacted to the feel of Brent pressed against her back and she knew that this was awesome and she was having a blast—she just didn’t know why. She’d known Brent all her life and hated him...for most of it.

  Not anymore. Something had changed, and dancing up a storm in the strobing lights of the club, Natalie could admit that she loved this change and she wouldn’t rather be here with anyone else right now.

  Chapter Twelve: Brent

  “Are you sure you can drive?”

  Brent looked up from his bike, where he was fumbling to find the keyhole in the dark. “Yes, dear. I had like three beer
s spread out across two-and-a-half hours. It’s just dark.”

  Light illuminated the handlebars and brought Natalie’s smirking face into view. “Here you go.”

  “Such a thoughtful wife.” Brent got the bike started and straddled it. He could feel the power rumbling through the bike, but not nearly as intensely as he could feel Natalie’s arms around his chest. Watching Natalie dance absolutely mesmerized him, and actually dancing with her—he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her.

  “Uh... again, are you sure you can drive? Cause like, we’re still just sitting here.”

  “But it’s such a nice evening.” Brent pulled out of the parking spot—years of riding bikes had taught him to set up parking so he could easily pull straight out—and got them on the highway back to Thousand Oaks.

  When Brent turned onto their home street, he couldn’t stand the idea of watching Natalie disappear inside her house just yet. The more time he spent with her, the better. They had so much fun every time they hung out, and she invigorated him and pushed him to be a better person. He admired her work ethic and her determination to turn her dreams into a reality, and she rubbed off on him in all the best ways.

  “Want to come in and have a beer?” he asked as he pulled into his driveway and waited for the garage door to open, the bike shattering the peaceful night with a deep thrumming.


  They headed inside, turned on all the lights in the house and raided the fridge for beer. Brent caught Natalie looking around curiously. “Oh yeah, I guess you’ve never been in here.”

  “No, because you keep showing up at my house for dinner and drinks.”

  “So? What do you think?”

  “It’s nice. But really?” Natalie pointed at the pullup bar installed in the laundry-room doorway. “You work at a gym.”

  “Oh, that’s nothing. Come on. I haven’t given you the grand tour.” He took her hand, doing his best to hide how much even a simple touch from her affected him, and led her to the screened-in sunroom out back. How had he not invited her into his house before? He would love to have her here all the time, brightening his days.

  “A home gym,” Natalie commented, eyeing the equipment that must be as foreign to her as the inner workings of a vehicle were to Brent. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “I probably wouldn’t have a setup this nice if I didn’t take private clients here sometimes,” Brent explained. “I can bring them around back and just treat this like a separate work space.”

  “Smart.” Natalie tugged at the handle on the lat pulldown machine. It didn’t budge; Brent had been lifting heavy last time he used it. “When you buy your own gym, you’ll already have some of the equipment.”

  “Some.” Brent watched, fascinated as the overhead lights played across the sliver of bare skin above her waistband. “I have some more equipment in another room, if you want to see.”

  “Sure, why not. I can try to name the stuff and you can laugh at me.”

  Brent’s heartbeat accelerated as he led her back inside, down the hall and past the pullup bar. He opened a door and stood back, letting her walk inside first.

  “Uh... this is your bedroom. And I don’t see any workout equipment.”

  Natalie turned straight into Brent’s kiss. He had caught her by surprise but she quickly relaxed, softening her lips for a string of slow, soft kisses. Just like last time, her lips tasted of cheap beer, but this time their kisses weren’t sloppy-drunk. They were clean and sweet, and each one lingered like neither wanted to let it go.

  Brent broke away from her lips to move his own along her jaw, eliciting a shiver from her. “I didn’t mean workout equipment,” he whispered, his voice just stirring the hair he so loved running his fingers through.

  He felt her give an adorable little huff of amusement where their chests pressed together.

  This time, they weren’t tentative. They weren’t unsure. Brent hadn’t planned for the evening to end this way when he suggested they go dancing, but now he knew what he wanted. Natalie was letting him know with every touch, movement and sound that she wanted this too.

  The first time they had sex, Brent had treated Natalie’s clothes like delicate wrapping paper. Not this time. The silky curves of her body had been teasing Brent through her mesh top all night, and he relished the chance to toss it aside. He meant to take her bra off too, but all that bare skin suddenly looked so delicious that he had to lean down and kiss every single inch. Salt laced her skin from their wild dancing. He loved the taste and he couldn’t wait for them to make more.

  Her nails dug into his shoulder blades. It felt good and bad all at once, then the scales teetered toward the bad side when she clenched her fingers a little harder. He started to ask why, what was wrong, then he realized that his hands massaging her breasts under her bra probably had something to do with it. His hands had minds of their own, roaming from her breasts to her ass and back again before pulling her into a renewed kiss—one he used to push her backward onto the bed.

  Suddenly, the thin layers of clothing that separated them felt oppressive, stifling. Clothes kept them apart. Clothes kept their skin from touching and their eyes from admiring each other’s bodies.

  In a flurry of limbs, intermittent kissing and shifting into new positions that sent clothes flying every which way, they freed themselves from the clothes’ grip.

  This time, there would be no slow, sensual teasing. This entire evening had already teased Brent half-crazy, starting with the moment Natalie got onto the bike behind him and he could feel her breasts pressed against his back. The dancing had made things worse—or better? The ride home had been even more tense—or intense?

  Brent didn’t know. All he knew was that Natalie’s hands were all over him, her tongue climbed and slid between the valleys of bunching tendons on his neck and everything about her body against his felt incredible.

  She grabbed his dick at the base, just keeping a hand there to steady herself as she pushed him from his side to his back. Her mouth wandered down his chest, softly kissing hitches into his breath and lightly biting gasps from deep in his throat. Something wet touched his thigh, and he nearly lost it right there when he realized that wetness was her pussy, just brushing against his leg as she kissed her way further down his body.

  His fingers slipped from her shoulder as her head reached a very different kind of head. Her lips wrapped around his dick and the feeling in the rest of his body vanished so he could handle the intensity of the sensation combined with watching Natalie’s big, dark eyes stare up at him from between his legs.

  Brent’s euphoria didn’t last long. He almost groaned when Natalie stopped, then went right back to cloud nine when she straddled him and used one hand to guide him inside her.

  And just like that, their patience was gone. Brent got a grip tight enough to leave red fingerprints on her hips and used the abs he had spent years developing to dissolve Natalie’s world into pleasure. His followed quickly, becoming a blur of in, out, in, out and quick, sharp breaths to the sounds of slapping flesh.

  They finished together, Natalie still on top as Brent’s last few strokes found the perfect place for them both every time. She rolled off of him, the movement sluggish like it had taken every last bit of energy she had. Brent closed his eyes, feeling her breathing through the mattress and just touching her fingers with his.

  It was Natalie who broke the silence. “That was fun. The whole evening, I mean.”

  “Right? I miss that club.”

  “Why don’t you get out there more often?”

  Brent slowly stroked his fingers up and down the back of her hand, mulling her question over. “I have more clients now. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a good thing, it’s just that the times they book can be pretty spread out over the day. And I get up early to work out, so getting blasted the night before is usually a no-go.”

  “I guess Vegas was an exception,” Natalie noted.

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Or you’re an ex
ception. Brent so seldom found anyone he genuinely wanted to stay out late and party with. Gideon was one of those people. Somehow, Natalie had turned into another.

  “Well, thanks. I get pretty caught with work too... and saving money. Gideon always has to remind me that fun can be worth spending money sometimes.”

  “He probably said that to get you to agree to hit up a casino with him.”

  “Actually, he did.”

  They chuckled for a minute, then Natalie piped up again. “I’m hungry.”

  Brent sat up. “Shower then food?”


  Watching hot water trickle down Natalie’s gorgeous naked body would normally have nudged Brent into going for Round Two, but he was hungry too—the kind of hungry where you felt hollow inside and shaky on the outside. So, he let the opportunity pass just this once, and fifteen minutes later they were half-naked and sitting on the granite kitchen counters eating leftover hibachi while they waited for pizza rolls and fries to cook in the oven.

  “Not gonna lie, I expected to find like... kale and bananas in your house and nothing else.”

  “Everyone eats junk food, and anyone who says they don’t is lying. The secret to everything is moderation.” Brent winked.

  “I guess that’s—” A massive yawn stole her words away.

  Yawns are contagious, and the one Brent caught from Natalie cracked his jaw. “Dealing with you makes me so tired,” he joked.

  “Uh huh.” Natalie glanced at the door, but her eyes showed her hesitation.

  “You can sleep here if you want,” Brent offered. Somehow, he had never found much pleasure in sleeping next to someone before Natalie. There was no comfort in sleeping beside a woman who would just leave the next morning—or worse, next to one that would leave after spending months occupying a place in someone’s heart.

  I just enjoy her company, Brent told himself. He was too tired to overanalyze this. Besides, offering to let her stay the night was the gentlemanly thing to do... even if she did live next door and he just had the one bed in his room. They didn’t always have to tease and mess with each other. Sometimes, they could do nice things for each other too, and inviting Natalie to stay here was the nice thing to do for both of them.


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