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Nobody's Prince Charming (Road to Blissville, #3)

Page 10

by Aimee Nicole Walker

  I risked losing that connection, but I saw no other choice. Dare might feel hurt in the short term, but he’d be so much better without me in the long run.

  A person would expect me to wake up feeling pleased with myself the morning after successfully seducing Wren in the garage, but all I felt was dread. When he had first shut the hood on his car, I saw wariness and hesitation in his eyes. That faded fast as lust took over, but I couldn’t get that look out of my head. I might’ve chalked it up to the lighting in the garage or my imagination if the look hadn’t returned after we got dressed.

  I could tell that he wanted to pull back from me but was worried about hurting me. I had no idea what made Wren so reticent to get close to anyone, but then again, I knew nothing about the man. It drove me crazy, but I wasn’t willing to do anything about it. If I pushed too hard, I could lose all the ground I’d gained with him. I didn’t want to go back to the days where he would grunt out responses rather than speak to me. I didn’t want to give up shared lunches and soft kisses. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe that I was working toward a real relationship with Wren, but we had something that I didn’t want to lose.

  After I returned home, I’d removed the coveralls in my bathroom to take a shower; that was when I caught a glimpse of two partial handprints on my hip bones where Wren held on as he fucked me. My heart raced with excitement when I turned my body in the mirror to see that I had a full handprint on both hips and ass cheeks. There was also a little smudge of grease peeking out of my ass crack. When I spread my cheeks to get a better look at the mark, I recalled the pressure of his thumb right there as Wren felt his cock moving in and out of me. My lust stirred all over again and I didn’t want to be the only one feeling it. I retrieved my phone, turned my ass to the mirror, and snapped a picture over my shoulder. I wanted to capture the moment before I washed the evidence away.

  I had planned on sending it to Wren but changed my mind the next morning. I’d made the last move and the next one would need to be his. I just hoped it wasn’t an it was fun while it lasted speech. I knew we were headed toward that and wanted to delay it for as long as I could. Instead of sending it, I saved it for myself and put it to excellent use right away.

  Mondays were my new favorite day of the week since the salon was closed and I no longer had to work at the furniture store to offset the loss of income. I could lounge around in pajama pants and watch television or put together jigsaw puzzles with my grandpa all day. I could even create new designs for my dream career that seemed to get further and further out of reach with every day that passed. The one bright side to working at O’Dell’s was being able to use my education and talent to create pretty things. What fun was creating designs that only I would see?

  Instead of moping about my uncertain future with the guy I wanted and the career I dreamed of, I pulled out my sketchpad and began drawing the first thing that came to mind. I had software programs for my laptop, and I always used them for the final presentation, but I liked to do it old school when an idea first presented itself. With no real plan in mind, I put my pencil to the paper and just started sketching like I’d always done, especially when I felt restless.

  Within a few minutes, I realized I was creating designs for Wren’s apartment above the garage. Gone was the hideous look of yesteryear, and in its place was a clean, modern apartment that anyone would be proud to call home. I took my time drawing out all the rooms how I envisioned them then transferred the specs to my software program to make them 3D.

  By the time I was done, it was well past lunchtime. I felt terrible for making Grandpa wait so long to eat, but he was sleeping peacefully in his recliner. I set my drawings and laptop aside and made us grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. Grandpa only liked enough soup to dip his sandwich in and I could easily eat enough for two people. I wished I felt comfortable enough to offer Wren some lunch too, but I decided it wasn’t a good idea.

  As soon as Wren’s name came to mind, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. What did he do on his days off? The last two Sundays he spent with his buddies, but what did he do on Mondays? Grocery shopping? Laundry? Laundry! His apartment didn’t have a hookup for a washer or dryer. I was sure he realized that when he checked the apartment over before he agreed to rent it, but I should’ve disclosed that. Lack of laundry facilities was one thing that drove Grandpa’s previous tenant away a few years ago.

  I kept that in the back of my mind as I woke Grandpa up from his nap and helped him get situated in the kitchen. Normally, I didn’t bring my work to the kitchen table, but I had a sudden idea how I could upgrade the apartment beyond a fresh coat of paint, new cabinets, and flooring. The bathroom would require a lot more work, and to me, wasn’t as pressing as the rest of the space. It was fucking hideous but fully functional. If only I could find a nifty place for a laundry closet large enough for a stackable washer and dryer. The apartment already had plumbing, so it would be a matter of adding a supply line and drain pipe for the washer. The dryer only required an electrical outlet.

  I studied my 3D drawings while I ate my soup and sandwich until I came up with the perfect solution. The kitchen and living room were basically one large space broken up by kitchen cabinets, sink, stove, and refrigerator on the back wall. The flooring in the two spaces was also different, which helped separate the open space. I could easily reconfigure the cabinets to form an L-shape instead of taking up the entire back wall then I could add a pantry and laundry closet in the freed-up space. That’s it!

  “What has you smiling so happily, Dare? Are you reading a love letter from your guy?”

  That almost made me snort tomato soup up my nose. “Grandpa, he’s not my guy and Wren isn’t the kind of man to send love letters.” Maybe a text demanding I be naked and ready in his bed, but never a love letter.

  “Nonsense,” Grandpa stated loudly.

  “Which part?” I asked.

  “Both and don’t sass me.”

  “Sorry, Grandpa,” I said, but couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I loved his fiery nature.

  “Wren lights up when he looks at you.”

  Maybe when I’m naked. “Wren doesn’t light up for anyone, Grandpa. He’s very reserved and private. He shows very little emotion.”

  Grandpa snorted. “Keep telling yourself that, kid.” He shook his head like he was disappointed. “Every man is the type to write love letters when he meets the right person.” I opened my mouth to explain that I wasn’t the right person for Wren, but Grandpa cut me off by holding up one finger. At least it wasn’t his middle one, like he used when I took him to his doctor’s appointment and some jackass cut in front of us and stole the parking spot I had patiently waited for while a lady backed out. Grandpa had been none too happy about it. I could tell by the distant look in Grandpa’s eyes that his mind was taking him back in time. He was going to share his wisdom with me, and I would patiently listen.

  “I didn’t start writing letters to your grandmother until I went off to the war in Korea. Of course, we’d only been married for a month before I was shipped off. People thought she was in the family way because we snuck off and got married as soon as I finished basic training. That wasn’t the case at all, because we weren’t blessed with your father for many years after that. No, I knew I was going off to fight in the war. I’d seen the writing on the wall, and I wouldn’t take a chance that some other guy would come along and steal my Norma from me. I did the only thing I could do. I made her mine.

  “Looking back now, it was pretty selfish of me. I made her my wife and then left her all alone within a few weeks. Oh, she tried to sound cheerful in the letters she sent to me, but I read between the lines. I did the only thing I could think to do to keep her interest, Dare. I poured my heart out to her and hoped it would be enough. By the grace of God, it worked. I returned home safe to her and she welcomed me with open arms. I never regretted a single love word I wrote to her, nor did I feel less of a man because of it. Norma knew every day that I loved her
above all others even through all the difficult years when we couldn’t conceive a child. She was the greatest love of my life and the other half of my soul. She made it so easy for me to show her my love.”

  “Wow,” I said, wiping the few tears that leaked from my eyes. “You had an amazing life together.”

  “We did,” he agreed, nodding his head. “I didn’t see how I could live without her when God called her home, but she made me promise that I would celebrate her life and not mourn her loss. I never go back on my word, Dare. It’s all that a man truly has to offer. People can take your money, they can take your worldly possessions, they can even steal your dignity, but they can’t take your honor or integrity unless you let them. Remember that when times look bleak.”

  “I will, Grandpa.”

  “I know that you will, Dare. You’re my best boy, after all.” Grandpa looked at the clock on the wall with the big numbers so he could read it easier. “Oh boy! The Young and the Restless is about to start. You must’ve let me ramble on for a long time.”

  “No, I was late getting our lunch together. I’m sorry you missed the news.”

  “Not me,” he said, rising to his feet. “It’s a bunch of depressing bullshit. People have too much time on their hands if all they can do is cause strife for others. In my day, we listened to people talk and tried to find ways to compromise. Those days are long gone, Dare.”

  “You can say that again, Grandpa.”

  “Those days are long gone, Dare.” Grandpa cackled as he shuffled to his recliner.

  “You think Victor and Nikki are going to make it this time?” I asked.

  “I won’t hold my breath,” he replied then turned up the volume as the opening song for the soap started to play.

  I would’ve loved to get in my car and drive to IKEA to see some cabinets in person but couldn’t leave Grandpa. I settled for doing a cost analysis for the materials based on my favorite cabinets I found online. I only needed to find a carpenter willing to take on the project, one who preferably worked at reasonable rates. My first thought was Andy, but he seemed so busy all the time. I was certain that I could put the cabinets together myself and would just need someone to hang them properly and do the plumbing and electrical work. To get a firm price on the material cost, I needed the exact measurements of the space I had to work with, which meant I needed inside the apartment.

  My stomach tightened painfully at the thought of bugging Wren because I didn’t want him to think it was another ploy to get inside his apartment and his pants. I really needed him to make the next move. It didn’t hurt to ask if I could come up really quick. If he said no, I’d respect his wishes and get the measurements another time. If he said yes, I would take my laptop so I could measure and plug them into my program. “Here goes nothing,” I whispered to myself as I pulled my phone contacts.

  Hey, are you busy? I’d like to come up to get a few measurements. I’ll be in and out in a hurry. I hit send.

  Who you telling my size to? Will this appear in your Snapchat Story? Tumblr? Can’t we just guess and say eight inches.

  “What is he… Oh my God!”

  “What’s wrong?” Grandpa asked.

  “Nothing, Grandpa. I just sent a message that wasn’t very clear.” Shit! “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  Not your cock! The kitchen! I want to measure for the wall space for my new design plan. I didn’t tell him that I thought his estimate was a little low. I’d say at least nine or ten, but I promised not to flirt or throw myself at his big cock.

  Oh. It was impossible to know from a text, but I read disappointment in that single word. Yeah, come on up. I’m a sweaty mess from working out though.

  I about broke my neck getting out of the house and nearly tripped up the steps to his apartment. Was he shirtless and sweaty? Was his hair down or did he tie it back? Man bun or ponytail? Either could make a nice handle if he… No! Behave!

  Wren opened the door before I could knock. “Geez! It sounded like a herd of elephants trampling up these steps.”

  “Uhhhh.” I had my answers. He was shirtless, sweaty, and his hair was pulled back into a man bun. I hated those things on anyone else but him, but of course, Wren made everything look sexy.

  He looked at the laptop and measuring tape in my hands. “You were being serious,” he stated, not asked. Wren stepped aside for me to enter.

  “I’m almost always serious,” I told him as I entered his apartment. I didn’t bother hiding the fact that I was inhaling the air around him. He quirked his brow and I knew he was thinking about the many ways I’d flirted with him since we met. “I was serious then too.” Wren’s eyes darkened with lust, but I didn’t linger. I was there to measure the kitchen and that was exactly what I’d do. “Don’t let me stop you from your workout.”

  I headed straight to the kitchen without looking back. I set the laptop on Wren’s small kitchen table and forced myself to focus on my task. I wouldn’t get anything done except beg him to fuck me if I looked over and saw him doing sit-ups or push-ups or whatever the fuck he did to maintain that body. I became so involved in measuring and recording data that I didn’t realize he had followed me until he cleared his throat. I looked up from my laptop and met his gaze. Why did he look so annoyed? He stood on the other side of the table with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  “Problem?” I asked innocently.

  “Um, no.”

  I continued working in silence for a few more minutes until I had my last measurement. Wren walked around the table to join me as I plugged in my last bit of data. I hit enter and the kitchen image reconfigured on the screen.

  “That’s damn cool,” Wren said, sounding impressed. “What’s that large closet in the corner?”

  “It’s both a food pantry and laundry closet in one.” I hit a button and the doors opened on the screen to show a stackable washer and dryer on one side with a food pantry on the other.

  “Now that’s really fucking handy.”

  “Yeah, I’m putting some estimates together for materials and labor,” I told him while I saved the changes and made notes. “I can do a lot of it myself, but I will need to hire someone who can do the plumbing, electrical, and the bigger carpentry jobs. I can check out the home improvement store for scratch and dent appliances to save some money. If they unbox a perfectly good appliance by accident then they reduce the cost by a lot, sometimes half.”

  “You can do some of the work yourself?” Wren asked. I was used to people doubting my abilities, but it stung when he did.

  “You’d be amazed what I can do.”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” he said huskily, which meant it was time for me to go.

  “I’m not sure when, or if, I can pull this off,” I told him. “In the meantime, feel free to use our washer and dryer at the house. You don’t have to stick around while you wait for your clothes to wash and dry. No trick, no obligation.” I offered a friendly smile and a friendlier little wave as I strode past him. “See you tomorrow at work, Wren.”

  “Yeah, okay,” he replied, sounding befuddled.

  I gave myself a mental pat on the back for getting in and out of there like I’d promised myself. I could behave. I could resist him and not throw myself at him every time we were alone together. I felt pretty damn confident until he showed up at my door with a load of laundry and a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “Show me the laundry room, Sparkles,” he said huskily.

  I showed him so much more than that, but it was all his fault. He started it.

  I realized I was sending a fuck-ton of mixed signals to Dare, which wasn’t fair to either of us. One minute, I’m building a wall between us, and the next minute, I’ve carved out a gloryhole. That was just wrong on so many levels. I didn’t want Dare to think I was just using him for sex, but what else was he supposed to think?

  Dare had obviously picked up on my stay back vibes and honored my wishes, even though I didn’t think that was the case when he sent me a text asking if
he could take a few quick measurements. I couldn’t resist teasing him, but he never took the bait. Not even when I opened the door sweaty and shirtless. Okay, he gaped a little bit and sniffed the air when he walked by me, but he didn’t try to ogle me or flirt with me after that. He got straight to work measuring the kitchen for his design. And what a fine design it was too. I hated to say that he was wasting his time in the salon, because Curl Up and Dye was a wonderful place to work, but Dare had real talent that wasn’t being realized booking appointments and keeping all of us in line.

  I couldn’t believe it when he just shut his laptop and left as soon as he was finished. He didn’t attempt to seduce me one time, which revved me up even more than if he’d flashed his cock at me. Well, a close second maybe. I liked the idea of pursuing him, so I showed up at his back door with a laundry basket in my arms and slaking my lust on my mind.

  Dare had been so adorable when he showed me to the laundry room and demonstrated how to start the old washing machine. “It’s an oldie, but it still cleans the clothes really well. The detergent goes—Oh!” I loved the little sounds he made when I pressed my erection against him. He wasn’t the only one who showed up prepared for a seduction. I had more than my laundry tucked inside that basket. I’d shut the door to give us some privacy then went about reminding Dare of the way we made each other feel. I don’t know why it felt so important; it just did.

  I placed my hand over his mouth when he started to moan loud enough to give us away. One minute he’s pushing his ass against me begging for more and the next he bit me hard enough to break the skin when his orgasm crashed into him. The pain only made my pleasure that much sweeter when I flooded the condom.


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