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Winter (Hero Society Book 5)

Page 9

by Jessica Florence

  We were getting delegated, and for a moment I felt proud of myself for being here. I’d taken a stand with them before, and now I would be doing it again.

  “Everyone else, keep your eyes open and your communicators on. That’s the big bad news; now onto the good news. If you guys successfully save our planet again, then we will be having another Hero Society wedding.” He looked at the girl sitting in the unicorn onesie, who just winked then flashed a blindingly big diamond on her left hand.

  Everyone hooted and hoorayed. I guess we needed to solve this water problem so I could dance with my woman at a wedding. I side-eyed Gwendolyn to see what she was making of all this noise, and my heart warmed at her smile. She was happy for them, her little hero family.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “I can’t believe you just build these complex robots in one night. You’re a fucking genius,” Arthur exclaimed as we walked along the bank of the Hatcher River.

  “It comes easy to me. There is already stuff like this made, though. I just added my own thing to it.” Even though comments like his come my way often, I still didn’t know what to do with them. To me, making robots was fun. I liked coming up with ideas and figuring out how to make it work. My power of metal manipulation made it easier. I didn’t need a lot of tools or equipment to make my ideas into reality.

  “You made a freaking fish cam. Gwendolyn, that’s amazing.”

  I just gave him a simple smile as my thanks. I watched on the remote screen as my little robot fish swam up the river, looking for anything suspicious.

  So far, we’d found most of the life in the water was dead. Only a few live fish were swimming around instead of the normal schools. Something was killing the life in the water, and the plants on the banks were showing brown in their foliage.

  “Poor fish.” I felt bad for them. Whatever was happening, it wasn’t their fault.

  “I think I see something ahead. Like a building.”

  I looked up to where he was pointing and could just barely make out what he was seeing. Maybe it was a building. We’d been walking for an hour and a half—about time we ran into something. But it was odd to have a random building in the woods.

  The closer we got, the more I could make out. It wasn’t just a building. It was a large, warehouse-sized building directly over the river and allowing the water to flow through. Somehow, I doubted that was approved by the EPA.

  “Let’s check it out,” Arthur said, a little quieter this time. In case there were people around, maybe?

  “I don’t think so. I mean, we have no clue what’s in there.”

  “That’s why we need to check it out, see if we can figure out what the deal is.” He made a valid point, but there were a lot of unknown variables here.

  But I followed him on, still pushing my robot fish forward to get a look inside the building. We stopped walking and stayed behind a tree close to a six-foot fence that surrounded the open property.

  There were two men at the security gate about twenty yards away from us.

  What was going on here?

  Looking back down at my fish, I knew I needed it to be a little stealthier for this mission inside the building. On the screen I saw an opening where a small section of the river flowed through the building. The color of the water changed to a dark brown as I neared the opening. It was hard to see with the camera, almost as if someone had dumped coffee in the water.

  “What the hell?” Arthur was now looking at the screen with me. It was odd for sure.

  My little fish made it through the opening, and I shifted it to look up to what was above the water. Bright lights, very bright lights.

  “You didn’t happen to give your fish legs, did you?”

  I shook my head. That would have been nice, but I didn’t. We’d have to see what we could in fish form. I didn’t see anyone right by my robot, so I brought it to the concrete edge they’d created and pulled up on the knob slowly.

  The fish cam became clearer as it slowly rose out of the water to look around.

  “It looks like a garden.” An obvious observation, but I was confused as to why that was there, and the need for it to be guarded like it was. So many new questions were rolling through my head.

  Two men were walking over to a tree that seemed to be dead.

  “Did you put a microphone in this thing, by chance?”

  I shook my head. If I would have known that I would have been spying on people instead of just being in the river, I would have made it more into a ninja spy fish instead of a normal robot trout.

  “We’ll just have to watch them, see what they do.”

  They were examining the tree and shaking their head. Maybe they were unhappy that it died. The two men walked away, and another man covered in a protective suit came over with something that looked like a flame thrower.

  As soon as he got up to the plant, he lit it on fire.

  “Interesting.” Arthur was watching the screen intensely.

  As soon as the plant was nothing but ash, a woman came over with a hose, and they washed away the dirt and ashes into the river. Quickly I moved my robot back into the water so it wouldn’t be seen.

  The water turned dark and I couldn’t see anything.

  “So, they just burned a tree and dumped the dirt and ashes in the river. Can you see anything around in there that can give us an idea of who these people are?”

  I pushed the robot to swim up the river further, to where it was cleaner, then brought it back up to the surface and did a three-sixty spin slowly.


  We both stared at the symbol on the exit toward the back of the room.

  “Terratrex Corp. Of course it would be them,” I grumbled. If anyone would be a pain in the ass and cause problems to nature, it would be them.

  “All right, let’s get it out of there and go report what we saw.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “So, they had a garden of sorts and burned the dead tree then washed the ashes and dirt into the river. Did I miss anything?” Echo asked, writing everything down on her notepad. Phillip was standing next to her, listening to everything we said.

  “My guess would be it has something to do with their newest announcement, the promise of plants that would produce unlimited fruit. A game changer. All the remains of those genetically modified plants, plus fertilizers and God knows what else, are being dumped into the water. Makes sense, and I know for a fact what they are doing is illegal. They either have a hand in a politician’s pockets or no one knows about this. I’m gonna figure it out. Good work, guys.” Phillip looked angry as he spoke, then walked out of the room.

  Echo watched him leave then turned back to us.

  “We have enough evidence from your video for a warrant to go look at the place. I hope it’s enough, and we can stop what’s happening in the water. Nature is not happy about this.” She put her pad and pen in the pocket of her leather jacket. Echo was a strong woman, alpha to her core, and she was a good cop.

  “Thank you.” Gwendolyn reached down to grip my hand between us.

  “What for?” Echo’s head tilted to the side, confused as to what she was being thanked for. I had to admit I wasn’t sure either.

  “Protecting people and nature, as a cop and a hero. I appreciate it.” Her fingers gripping mine tightly. Maybe this was hard for her, talking with Echo.

  Echo seemed to be caught by surprise at Gwendolyn’s response, then smiled.

  “Just doing what I can to make the world a better place, no different than you.” She gave us a wave then she left the room as well. It was now just us in the chill room at headquarters.

  “You okay?” I looked at Gwendolyn then gestured to our joined hands.

  “Yeah, I’m just not good at conversations with new people. I hadn’t met her until today, officially, but I’ve heard a lot about her—about the doctor that killed her parents, and then was murdering others with powers. She still t
ries to do good after everything that’s happened to her. I envy her that trait.” She didn’t let go of my hand as she started moving to the couch, wanting me to come with her. We sat down, and I still hadn’t taken my eyes off her. There was something deep going on in her head, and I was waiting to see what she needed from me.

  “My parents left me right before my sixteenth birthday.”

  I was right about the deep part, and now I was feeling furious for her. They left her?

  “What do you mean left you?” I prayed she meant they died and not abandoned her like yesterday’s trash.

  Her face was unreadable and cold.

  “I had just been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. My parents had been in denial that I was different until I was a teenager. They’d always been about image and status. I was now different, and to them that was not acceptable. They told me they were going away for a business trip and just never came back. I tried finding them after I graduated, still hopeful that they didn’t abandon me just because I was an Aspie. I was still me. But that really was the reason. They moved on and started another family in Florida. I have a sister I’ve never met. She’s ten now. I’ve been debating whether to call and talk to her about powers, just in case she gets the gene from the gods, too. But I haven’t been able to decide.”

  She had been avoiding eye contact with me the whole time she talked, and that just wouldn’t do. She needed to see me here and know I would never leave like her shithead parents. My other hand lifted and softly caressed her jawline, moving it slightly toward my face. Despite being so strong on the outside, she was still very fragile on the inside.

  “I can’t even explain what terrible people they were for leaving you. But after hearing about them, I’m glad they did. You wouldn’t be the strong, amazing woman you are today if they’d stayed around and made you into some bitchy socialite. That’s not you. You’re a genius who helps people and strives to make others feel loved through your robots. You’re amazing. Fuck your parents.” Her skin warmed, giving me hope that I’d pushed my thoughts past that barrier in her mind. She had to know she was amazing.

  “I know they were wrong. Lynn, my friend and therapist, helped me realize that. I forgave them for leaving.” The expression of my face must have been extremely obvious because she felt the need to explain why she forgave them. I was willing to hate her family for her after hearing this shit.

  “It was either forgive them or live with the pain of knowing they left because I was different. That my parents didn’t love me enough to stay and work with me. I chose to let it go, rather than let the weight of my anger drag me down.” Those features on her face softened, revealing that she truly held no ill will toward them inside her.

  “You are fucking amazing. I hope you feel it.” There was no stopping myself from leaning over and pressing my lips to hers. I’d become overwhelmed with this girl; she simply consumed me at every turn.

  “I’m surprised no one’s made a baby on that couch. Just so you guys know, the couch hasn’t been broken in yet. But I’d avoid the elevator, the training mats, and the counter in the kitchen if you are looking for uncharted territory.” Gwendolyn flew back from my lips, and I glared at A.J., who walked over to grab an old Gameboy from the bookshelf then saluted me before walking out.

  Shaking my head at the kid, I turned back to see Gwendolyn’s eyes narrowed toward the coffee table, her eyebrows pinched together, looking deep in thought.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  It was a full thirty seconds before her gaze turned to me.

  “I was thinking about all the different places a couple could have sex. I guess if they were creative and quick, it could be anywhere. The couples here have taken advantage of that.”

  Those eyes of hers seemed to burn a little bright as she delivered a blow to my self-control.

  “Where in here would you want to have sex with me? Maybe we should do it somewhere that hasn’t been done before. He didn’t say anything about this table.”

  I had no words.

  So, I decided it was time for us to leave for more private quarters, before I took her virginity on that coffee table, witnesses be damned.

  Chapter Twenty- Five


  Arthur seemed a bit tense on the drive back to my apartment. Maybe I upset him, talking about sex at headquarters.

  I chewed the words I’d said over and over in my head, trying to think of how it could have offended him in some way. I wished I knew if it was me that made him seem so on edge. He wasn’t all smiles, and he barely looked my way. Of course, he should be watching the road intensely, but the last few times I had been in the car with him, he would turn his gaze to me for a short moment then return his eyes to the road.

  “I’m walking you up to your door.” He parked his SUV and got out of the car, coming around to open mine for me.

  “Thank you.” I hadn’t realized how much I liked his happy, easygoing nature until it was gone. I wanted it back, and I would do anything to rectify whatever I’d said wrong.

  When we stopped in front of my door, I was so nervous and flustered. All I wanted was to make him smile, and I didn’t know what to do. Would kissing him help? I’d kiss his lips like they were my only means to live. Should I just say something? Anything?

  “You okay?” He broke the ice on my thoughts.

  “No, I feel like I’ve upset you, and I’ve been trying to figure out what I could do to make you smile again, but I suck at being with people.” I was going to keep talking out my feelings, but his hands were lightly cupping my face, and his lips were against mine.

  “I’m not upset with you, not even close. I’ve just been holding back the urge to fuck you at every red light between HQ and here. You may not realize it, but when you talk about sex with me, I get so fucking turned on that it feels like I’m stuck between heaven and hell.” He sounded like he was in pain, like being so turned on was torturous for him.

  “Let’s have sex then. Right now.”

  He groaned and kissed me again; this time the kiss was deeper and full of need. But we still weren’t walking inside to my bedroom.

  “I want this. Please, Arthur,” I begged between breaths.

  I really did want this, the connection between us, and the physical need to be together was relentless.

  “No one has ever woken this side of me, and now that it is, it’s quite hangry.” I tugged his hand to pull him inside the apartment. My heart felt like it was about to burst when his sexy grin appeared and he nodded.

  “Then let’s feed my goddess’s carnal appetite.”

  He was joking, but I felt like it was true. I wanted all the things he had to give me, and I wanted them now.

  Opening the door quickly, we stepped inside, and I shut it before turning to his lips again. I had no clue if any of what I was doing was considered sexy or not, so I just did what I wanted. Right now, I wanted to see more of his skin. My hands moved to his brown leather jacket, pushing it down his broad shoulders then down to the floor.

  Of course, I didn’t have it in me to leave the jacket on the floor, in spite of the moment, so I picked it up and set it nicely on the couch arm.


  Embarrassment coated my insides. I probably just ruined the moment with my obsessive nature.

  “I don’t think there is anything you could do right now that would turn me off.” He held his hand out for mine, and I peered at his face. It was just as warm and accepting as it has been since the day I’d met him.

  “And just so we get the responsible talk out of the way, I’ve been tested and am clean. I know you’re a virgin, but are you on the pill?”

  “I am, and I trust you.” My hand looked too small and pale in his, but with just the touch of his hand I felt calm again.

  He walked us back to my bedroom, making sure to close the door behind us so Cora and Pops wouldn’t be interrupting our time together.

  “Finish what you started, goddes
s.” He smirked and waited for me to undress him, which was what I still wanted, so I got to work on his long-sleeved shirt. Once it was gone and folded on my dresser, I couldn’t stop staring. He was so hot. I mean, tan skin and rippling muscles all the way down to his jeans.

  “I didn’t realize real men could look like you.” I knew there were models and movie stars that looked like this, but not normal people. He just wasn’t normal. He was beautiful and godly.

  Maybe he didn’t just have powers from the gods but got a body from them, too. My fingers flexed, aching to touch him.

  “Come put your hands on me.” He gave me the permission I had seemed to need, and I couldn’t stop myself from feeling every bit of him I could touch. His arms, his chest, his abs, and even that V that was cut off by his pants. I wanted to see more, and those pants were in my way. I rushed getting them off and watched with wide eyes as his dick popped out by my face as I pushed his jeans down. Crap! I forgot his boots, I realized too late.

  “I’ve got this.” He toed his boots off and kicked them neatly to the side before stepping out of his jeans. Before I could act, he set the boots by the door and the jeans on the dresser. I couldn’t help but smile that he was going along with my crazy.

  “My turn.” He looked at me with hunger in those eyes of his. The glasses made him look like a naughty professor, and I had to admit I liked that fantasy.

  “Do your worst, professor.”

  I cannot believe I just said that out loud. Oh God. I wanted to cover my face in mortification that my thoughts slipped, but he wasn’t having that. His hands moved to mine and he placed them on his chest. He was like a magic button; when I touched my skin to his, I felt better. My senses were wild, and, in a way, they distracted me. His body made me focus on the present and get out of my head.


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