by David Isaacs
Bilkisunnessa 55
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 163, 271–272, 280, 325 see also Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
Billingham, Rupert 156
Billy, Comtesse de see de Billy, Comtesse
bin Laden, Osama 94
bioethics 242 see also ethics
biological warfare
polio 88
smallpox 30–31, 33–34
Biologics Control Act 1902 (US) 189
Biologics Control, Laboratory of (US) 199–202
Birmingham University smallpox incident 55
birth defects 177
Bishop, Ruth 138
Black Death see bubonic plague
bladder cancer
BCG vaccine 165
HPV vaccine 154, 166
Blair, Tony 209
Blenny, AT 115–116
blind trials see double-blind trials
congenital rubella 171
Hib 129
blood products
HIV 284
hepatitis B 136
blood transfusions, right to refuse 247–248
Blumberg, Baruch 156–157
BMJ see British Medical Journal
Bokay, Janus von see von Bokay, Janus
Boko Haram 91, 95
Bonneville, Hugh 209
ADT 323
shingles vaccine 182
tetanus vaccine 124, 186
Booth, John Wilkes 6
Bordet, Jules 128
Bordetella pertussis see pertussis
Bouquet, Henry 31
bovine tuberculosis 103–104, 165
disease 206
telescoping see intussusception
bowel and brain syndrome see MMR–autism controversy
brain damage
Hib 129
HPV vaccine 229
measles 215
meningitis 238
pneumococcus 131
brain disease see encephalopathy
brain inflammation see encephalitis
childhood immunisation 279
HPV vaccine 163
HIV transmission 284
Bretonneau, Pierre Fidèle 112–113
Britain see United Kingdom
British Medical Journal (BMJ) 210, 214, 228
bronchiolitis 291
bubonic plague 10
Buffett, Warren 272, 274
bulbar palsy 78
Bullfinch, Thomas 39–40
Bundaberg tragedy 190–192
Bunyan, John 97
Burcot, Dr 27
Burnet, Sir Macfarlane 19–20, 156, 228, 282
Bute, Lord 38
Buxtun, Peter 243
Byron, Lord 97
Caesarean section 226
Calmette, Albert 104
Cameron, David 274–276
cancer 12–13, 152–166
anal 120, 162
bladder 154, 165–166
carcinogens 153
cervical 120, 150–151, 158–163, 166, 229–230, 295
compared with tuberculosis 98
gastric 164–165
incidence 154
liver 154–158, 166
lung 153, 282
melanoma 153
penile 120, 162
prostate 165–166
stomach 289
throat 162
Cantor, Eddie 73
Caroline, Princess of Wales 38
Carrey, Jim 221, 225
Carroll, Lewis 48–49
carrots, edible vaccines 289
cataracts 169–170
Catherine the Great of Russia 45
CDC see Centers for Disease Control (US)
cell lines, foetal see foetal cell lines
Centers for Disease Control (US) 47, 222, 231
Cutter Incident 201–202
definition 324
HPV vaccine 231
MMR vaccine 221–224
Trump, Donald 223
Central Intelligence Agency (US) see CIA
cerebral palsy
Hib 129
meningitis 238–239
Cervarix 161, 162
introduction in United States 234
cervical cancer
eradication 162–163
HPV vaccine 120, 150–151, 154, 160–163, 166, 229–230, 257, 295
Pap smears see Pap smears
statistics 160
cervical smears see Pap smears
Charaka Samhita (ancient text) 26
chemotherapy, cost 262
Chevalier, Maurice 186
chicken cholera 61, 63–64
chickenpox 147–150, 327
Aboriginal Australians 32
antiviral medicine 9
compared with smallpox 149
elderly people 180–183
healthcare workers 257–258
origin of word 148–149
pregnancy 168
symptoms 149–150
vaccine 16, 120, 295, 324 see also MMRV vaccine
child care facilities and immunisation 252–253, 255
child protection laws 248–252
hepatitis B immunisation 248–252
rabies immunisation 252
Children’s Hospital at Westmead 47, 169
Childress, Jim 246–247
chimney soot and cancer 153
smallpox 26, 34–35
traditional medicine 226–227
variolation 35, 293
chin-cough see pertussis
chiropractic 226–227
cholera 9
chicken 61, 63–64
Chopin, Frédéric 100
Christianity and immunisation 48, 143, 173, 230, 238–239
pain 229
pulmonary disease 282
church groups and immunisation 48, 143, 173, 230, 238–239
CIA fake immunisation campaign 94
circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) 96
cirrhosis 137, 156–157, 249
Clarke, Arthur C 76
Clemens, Langdon 111, 113
Clemens, Livy 111
Clemens, Samuel 110–111
clinical trials 106–107
Clinton, Bill 243, 268
clipper ships 141
Clostridium tetani see tetanus
Clovis of France 102
cocooning 178
cold chain 192, 265–267, 293
cold sores 147–148
Collins, David 32
colonisation and disease 25
America 9–10, 25, 30–31
Australia 25, 31–33
commensal organisms 13
commons, tragedy of 17
community immunity see herd immunity
compensation and immunisation 258–260
compulsory immunisation 253–254, 256
Belgium 254
child’s rights 249
healthcare workers, 257–258
Italy 253
Romania 253
sanctions for refusal 254
confidentiality 239–240
congenital rubella syndrome 145–147, 168–172 see also rubella
eradication 172
statistics 171–172
Congo, childhood immunisation 279
conjugate vaccines 185
definition 324
Connell, Robert 173
consumption see tuberculosis
contact sport and hepatitis B 137
blankets 31
blood 136–138
food 136
soil 62, 123–125, 186, 188
umbilicus 125, 172–174
vaccine 48, 51, 95, 188, 189, 191–192, 197, 219, 225, 245
water 19
wounds 124–125
controlled trial 106–107
inactivated polio vaccine (IPV
) 86–87, 198
influenza vaccine 175
MMR vaccine 141–142
tuberculosis vaccine 106–107
controversies 274 see also ethics
hepatitis B vaccine 235–236
HPV 228–235
MMR and autism see MMR–autism controversy
pertussis vaccine and brain disease 21–23
HPV vaccine 229
meningitis 129, 238
pertussis 126
rabies 58
Cook, Alex 45–46
Cook, Captain 30
coronary artery disease 282
Corynebacterium diphtheriae see diphtheria
cost of vaccines 7, 217–218, 293 see also developing countries and immunisation
edible vaccines 289–290
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance 273
hepatitis B vaccine 273
HPV vaccine 162–163, 273
influenza vaccine 183–184
jet injectors 292
meningococcal A vaccine 277–278
MMRV vaccine 150
patch vaccines 293
pneumococcus vaccine 185, 275
polio vaccine 96
shingles vaccine 182
smallpox vaccine 38
coughing and pertussis 125–126, 127–128
Couric, Katie 231–234
cases see pharmaceutical companies
orders see child protection laws
cover-up, polio vaccine 201–202 see also controversies, frauds
cowpox 40–48, 51, 120
milkmaids 41–42
Crohn’s disease 206
croup 291
Crusades, the 27
Culpeper, Nicholas 126
Cumberland disease 64
cupping 126
cure vs prevention 281, 287
Cutter Incident 87, 219, 198–205
cVDPV see circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus
cytokine storm 12
Dahl, Olivia 20, 23, 142, 215
Dahl, Roald 20, 142, 215
dangers of vaccines see safety of vaccines
de Bergen, Dr 146
de Billy, Comtesse 113
de Maton, George 146
de Pységur, Elisabeth 113
de Quadros, Ciro
Expanded Programme on Immunization 265–266
polio eradication 93
smallpox eradication 93
de Villareal, Juan 112
congenital rubella 170–171
Hib meningitis 130
streptomycin 107
death, top 10 causes 282
Declaration of Alma-Ata 265
Declaration of the Rights of the Child 267
Deer, Brian 209–210, 212, 214, 222
deformed babies 168
dementia 282
causes 287
statistics 287
vaccine 286–288
dengue fever vaccine 263, 276
foreign aid 276
HPV vaccine 230
Denmark, Leila 128
Depression, Great 71
depression and shingles 181–182
Descombey, Pierre 124
developing countries and immunisation 217–218, 262–280, 283
barriers 263
cost 162–163
Expanded Programme on Immunization 264–266
foreign aid 274–276
HIV, effect on 286
tuberculosis 107–109
Devlin, Arthur 64
diabetes mellitus 226, 282
diarrhoea 9, 138–139, 142, 206, 282–283
Dickens, Charles 48, 98
diet and disease 18–19, 23, 27, 117–118, 226, 264
Dimes, March of see March of Dimes
diphtheria 110–118, 144, 282,
antitoxin 187
Bundaberg tragedy 190–192
developing countries 271
Expanded Programme on Immunization 264
St Louis tragedy 188
Samuel Clemens 110–111
situation today 117–118
statistics 118
symptoms 111–112
toxin 326
toxoid 326
vaccine 69, 113–116, 119, 295 see also DTP vaccine, Tdap-IPV vaccine
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine see DTP vaccine
diplococci 184
Disease Control, Centers for see Centers for Disease Control (US)
DNA recombining 161
ethics see ethics
oath see Hippocratic Oath
trust of 222–223, 260
vaccines 235–237
Dodgson, Charles 48–49
double-blind trial 106, 141 see also controlled trial
MMR vaccine 141
tuberculosis vaccine 106–107
drug users and hepatitis B 136
DT, definition 324
dT, definition 324
DTP vaccine 119, 128, 178, 186, 218 see also DT, dT, DTPa, dTpa, DTPw
alum in 193
elderly people 186
Expanded Programme on Immunization 264
statistics 268, 279
DTPa, definition 324
dTpa, definition 324
DTPw, definition 324
Duclaux, Emile 69
Dudley, Lord Robert, Earl of Leicester 27
dung and tetanus 172, 174
duodenal ulcer 163–165
duovirus see rotavirus
Dury, Ian 76
Easter Island 30
Ebola virus 290
Ecuyer, Simeon 31
Eddy, Bernice 199–200
edible vaccines 289–290
hepatitis B 289
Newcastle disease 290
Edward the Confessor 102
Edwin Smith Papyrus 121–122
Egypt, ancient 25–26, 76
polio 76
smallpox 25–30
tetanus 121–122
tuberculosis 103
Ehrlich, Paul 115
elderly people and immunisation 180–186
influenza 11, 17, 176, 183–184, 186
pneumococcus 184–185, 186
shingles 180–183, 186
tetanus 125, 186
Eli Lilly 198–199
Elizabeth I of England 27–28
pertussis 126
smallpox 39
chickenpox 150
definition 324
measles 20, 142, 145, 215, 227
encephalopathy 21–23
endemic, definition 324
Enders, John 203
endoscopies 208
England see Britain
enteric diseases see gut diseases
enterocolitis, autistic see MMR–autism controversy
EPI see Expanded Programme on Immunization
epidemic, definition 324
epiglottitis 129
epilepsy 129
equity principle 246–247
eradication of diseases
cervical cancer 162
congenital rubella syndrome 172
hepatitis B 158
Hib 131
measles 143–144
polio 2, 90–96, 271
smallpox 25, 51–57
ethics of immunisation 43–44, 238–261
anti-vaccinators 238–241
autonomy principle 247–252
beneficence principle 246
breaches 242–246
ethics, defined 241–242
equity principle 246–247
foetal tissue in vaccines 245–246
Hippocratic Oath see Hippocratic Oath
MMR–autism controversy 208, 210
non-maleficence principle 246
Pasteur, Louis 68–70
tainted research 44, 244–245
vaccine cost 218
childhood immunisation 279
smallpox eradication 93
Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) 90, 108, 264–266, 271, 279
experts, trust in 1, 236–237
eye defects 169–171
Facebook 221 see also social media
Factor VIII
hepatitis B 136
HIV 284
Fagge, Charles 148
fake news 236
falsified data
MMR–autism controversy see MMR–autism controversy
Pasteur, Louis see Pasteur, Louis
family doctor see doctor
famine and immunisation 55, 265–266
Farooqi, Salma 94
Farrow, Mia 76
Fazlullah, Maulana 94
FDA see Food and Drug Administration (US)
Female Factory, Sydney 46–47
Fenner, Frank 55–57
fermentation 60
fibroblasts 245–246
Fiddes, Rev Angus 173
Finland, compensation for vaccine injuries 260
‘first do no harm’ 218, 246
First Fleet 31, 140
Fishbein, Morris 83
Fleming, Alexander 22
flu see influenza
Flugelman, Herbert (Bert) 74–77, 81
Flugelman, Rosie 75
FluMist 290–291
Foege, Bill 53
foetal cell lines and vaccines 245–246
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (US) 204
definition 324–325
HPV vaccine 234
Football World Cup 91
foreign aid 283
immunisation 274–276
vs military spending 275
diphtheria vaccine 113
tetanus toxin 123–124
hepatitis B vaccine 235–236
HPV vaccine 230
Franklin, Benjamin 39
Franklin, Frankie 39
CIA fake immunisation campaign 94
HPV vaccine study 229
MMR-vaccine controversy 205–216
Frazer, Ian 161
freeloaders, anti-vaccinators as 253
French, Benjamin 6
French and Indian War 30–31
French Revolution 102
friend of the aged see pneumonia
Fuller, Thomas 148
fungal infections 8–9
future of immunisation 281–296
Galen 26
Gardasil 161–162, 232
introduction in United States 234–235
gardening and tetanus 125, 186
Garland, Suzanne 161
cancer 164–165
ulcers 163–165
gastritis 163–164
gastroenteritis 2, 9, 282, 283
definition 325
oral rehydration solution (ORS) 267
rotavirus 19, 24, 120, 138–139
gastrointestinal disease 207
Gates, Bill 92, 140, 269, 271–272, 274 see also Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Gates, Melinda 269, 272, 274 see also Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance 269, 272–274
definition 325
hepatitis B vaccine 273
HPV vaccine 163, 273
measles vaccine 273
gelatin in vaccines 193
General Medical Council (UK) 210–213, 222
Generation Rescue 225