Defeating the Ministers of Death

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by David Isaacs

genetic testing 287

  genetically modified plants 289–290

  Gengou, Octave 128

  George IV of England 38

  germ warfare see biological warfare

  German measles see rubella

  Germany, compensation for vaccine injuries 259

  ghee and tetanus 172, 174

  gibbus deformity 103, 153

  Gillray, James 45

  Gilot, Françoise 89

  Giordano, Alfonso 171

  Gipps, George 46

  GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) 161–162, 234

  Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety 230

  Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) see Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

  Global Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication 56

  Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) 90

  Global Vaccine Safety Initiative 219

  GMC see General Medical Council (UK)

  Godlee, Fiona 214

  Gold Rush 141

  Goldacre, Ben 201

  Goldberger, Joseph 11

  golden staph 190–192

  Goodwill Ambassador (UNICEF) 266


  developing countries 266, 271, 273

  lobbying 234–235, 251

  spending 218, 274–276, 283

  trust in 227, 260–261

  vaccine legislation 48–51, 88, 254, 258–260

  grandparents and shingles 181 see also under elderly people

  Grant, James P 267–268

  Great Depression 71

  Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital 21

  Greece, ancient 7–8, 15

  ethics 241

  Galen 26

  Hippocrates see Hippocrates

  Gregg, Sir Norman McAlister 169–171

  grinning death see tetanus

  GSK see GlaxoSmithKline

  Guerin, Camille 104

  Guggenheim, Peggy 272

  Guggenheim, Solomon 272

  Guillain-Barré syndrome 73–74

  gullet disease see diphtheria

  haematemesis 138

  haemophilia 136, 284

  Haemophilus influenzae type B see Hib

  Harden, Garrett 17

  harm principle 247–249

  Harris, Dr RC 188

  Harris, Paul 270

  Harrison, Elizabeth 38

  Hastings, George L 213

  Hausen, Harald zur see zur Hausen, Harald

  Havers, Clopton 35

  HBsAg gene, edible vaccines 289

  healthcare workers, compulsory immunisation 257–258

  Hear the Silence (film) 209

  heart disease

  congenital rubella 171

  HPV vaccine 229

  influenza 175

  Helicobacter pylori

  discovery 163–165

  oral vaccine 288–289

  vaccine 165

  hemlock 126

  Henderson, Donald Ainslie (DA) 94

  developing countries and immunisation 263–264

  smallpox eradication 52, 55–57, 263

  Henderson, Ralph (Rafe) 264–265

  Henry IV of France 102

  Henry VII of England 27

  hepatitis see also hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C

  definition 325

  yellow fever 195

  hepatitis A 135–136

  vaccine 245, 295

  Willowbrook studies 244–245

  hepatitis B 135–138

  contamination with 197–198

  developing countries 271, 273

  eradication 158

  healthcare workers 257

  jet injectors 292

  liver cancer 154–158, 166

  newborn with infected mother 249–251

  origins 101

  pregnancy 155, 249–251

  statistics 156, 158, 273

  surface antigen (HBs) 157

  vaccine 120, 218, 234–236, 295

  Willowbook studies 244–245

  hepatitis C 135–136

  hepatocellular carcinoma see liver cancer

  hepatoma see liver cancer

  herd immunity 16–17

  Hib 130

  influenza 17, 183

  measles 16, 143, 252–253

  pneumococcus 131

  smallpox 53

  tetanus 17

  unimmunised children 252–253

  herpes 147–148

  antivirus medicine 9

  Hesse, Hermann 129

  Hib 119–120, 132

  definition 325

  eradication 313

  meningitis 129–130

  statistics 130–131

  vaccine 119–120, 130, 185, 218, 295, 324

  Higgins, Julian 228

  Hill, Bradford 107

  Hill, John 153

  Hippocrates 144, 148, 240

  diphtheria 112

  influenza 174

  mumps 144

  Oath see Hippocratic Oath

  pneumonia 133

  tetanus 122

  Hippocratic Oath 218, 239–242

  modernised 246–247

  HIV 9, 14, 19–20, 101, 136, 231, 268 see also AIDS

  developing countries 268–269

  medicines 286

  origins 101

  statistics 286

  vaccine 283–286

  Hobson-West, Pru 227

  Hoffmann, Friedrich 146

  homeopathy 226–227

  Hoover, Ethel 258

  Hopkins, Barbara 115–117

  horse serum

  diphtheria antitoxin 114–115, 187–188

  tetanus antitoxin 124, 187–188

  HPV 154, 161, 166 see also HPV vaccine

  cancer 162

  definition 325

  HPV vaccine 120, 150–151, 161–163, 295

  anti-vaccination movement 228–235

  cancer 161–162, 166

  boys 162, 257

  developing countries 273

  factors affecting uptake 233–234

  introduction in United States 234–235

  statistics 151, 162–163, 229–231

  Hughes, Catherine 167–168

  Hughes, Greg 167–168

  Hughes, Riley 167–168

  human immunodeficiency virus see HIV

  human papillomavirus see HPV

  Hunchback of Nôtre Dame 103

  100-day cough see pertussis

  I Can Jump Puddles (book) 74

  Imhotep 121

  immune deficiency

  cancer 154


  immune response, definition 325

  immunisation see also vaccination, vaccine

  adverse effects see adverse effects of vaccines

  altruistic see altruistic immunisation

  autonomy 247–252

  compared with vaccination 16

  compensation for injuries 258–260

  compulsory see compulsory immunisation

  controversies see controversies

  definition 325

  developing countries see developing countries and immunisation

  development 40–47, 61–63

  elderly people 180–186

  ethics see ethics of immunisation

  frauds 205–216

  future see future of immunisation

  golden age 119–151

  healthcare workers 257–258

  herd immunity see herd immunity

  how it works 15–17

  immunisers, risks to 93–95

  opposition see anti-vaccination movement

  philanthropy 269–274

  pregnancy 167–179

  scepticism see anti-vaccination movement, scepticism about vaccines

  statistics 151, 228

  tragedies 187–219

  immunity, definition 325

  immunogenic protein 324

  immunoglobulins see antibodies

  immunological tolerance 155–156

munosenescence 180, 182

  inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) 96, 120, 178

  cost 217–218

  Cutter Incident 198–199, 202–203

  definition 325

  developing countries 89, 217–218

  development 85–90

  Inca Empire 30


  childhood immunisation 279

  polio 92–93, 271

  Mission Indradhanush 271

  National Immunization Day 92

  smallpox 36, 54–55

  Indians, American see Native Americans

  indigenous populations and disease see colonisation and disease

  Indonesia, childhood immunisation 279

  Indradhanush mission, India 271

  Industrial Revolution 49

  infantile paralysis see polio

  Infantile Paralysis, National Foundation for (US) see March of Dimes

  infection see also individual infections

  definition 325

  how it occurs 12–14

  sources 8–12

  influenza 174–177, 183–184

  pandemics 10–12, 20, 175, 192

  patch vaccine 292–293

  pregnancy 168, 174–177

  elderly people 183–184, 186

  healthcare workers 257–258

  herd immunity 17, 183

  nasal vaccine 183, 290–291

  origins 101

  patch vaccine 292–293

  parainfluenza 291

  pneumonia 135

  swine flu 326

  symptoms 174–175

  vaccine 10–11, 135, 175–177, 183–184, 192, 194, 282

  virus 9, 11–12, 135, 174–176, 184

  injuries from vaccines see adverse effects of vaccines

  inoculation see immunisation

  insulin 226

  intellectually disabled children, experiments on 244–245

  Intensified Smallpox Eradication Programme 52, 263

  Intercolonial Rabbit Commission (NSW) 63

  interferon 175

  internet see social media


  definition 325

  rotavirus vaccine 216–217

  IPV see inactivated polio vaccine

  Iraq, childhood immunisation 279

  Ireland, HPV vaccine 230

  iron lung 77–78

  Isaacs, Alick 161, 244

  Isaacs, David

  ABC documentary 24–25

  Children’s Hospital at Westmead 47, 169

  liver cancer patient 154–155

  newborn with hepatitis-infected mother 249–251

  patient confidentiality 239–240

  Royal Free Hospital 205

  student elective in Tanzania 142, 264

  visits to Uganda 268

  unimmunised meningitis patient 238–240

  Islam and immunisation 94–95

  isomerism 60

  Jacobson, Henning 50–51

  James I of England 102

  Jamison, Thomas 45


  HPV vaccine 229–230

  influenza 16

  jaundice 195

  Jefferson, Tom 193

  Jehovah’s Witnesses 248–249 see also religion and immunisation

  Jenner, Edward 40–45, 50, 57, 61, 68

  Jesty, Benjamin 44

  jet injector vaccines 291–292

  Jews, treatment by Nazis 242

  Jian Zhou 161

  Johnson, Samuel 148

  Jones, Marion 54, 57

  Jonson, Ben 28

  Jupille, Jean-Baptiste 67

  Kahlo, Frida 76

  Kanner, Leo 224

  Katie (TV show) 232–233

  Kaye, Danny 266–267

  Keats, George 99

  Keats, Georgina 99

  Keats, John 99–100, 205

  Keats, Tom 99

  Keckley, Elizabeth 5–6

  Keith, James 38

  Kendall, Mark 292

  Kenny, Elizabeth 79–84

  polio 81–84

  Sylvia Stretcher 80–81

  Kenny method 81–84

  Kenya, pneumococcus 275

  Kerridge, Ian 241

  Khatoon, Rukhsar 92

  king’s evil see scrofula

  kink, the see pertussis

  Kitasato Shibasaburō 114–115

  Klebs, Edwin 113

  Klebs-Löffler bacillus 113

  Koch, Robert

  anthrax 62

  tuberculosis 103–104

  Krugman, Saul 244

  Kuhn, Sylvia 80–81

  La Bohème 100

  La Traviata 200

  lactose in vaccines 193

  Lamb, John de Villiers 64

  Lancet, The (medical journal)

  Helicobacter pylori 164

  MMR–autism controversy 206–207, 209–214,221–222

  Langdon, Olivia (Livy) see Clemens, Livy

  latent infections see asymptomatic infections

  Latin America see South America

  laudanum 99


  child protection 248–252

  liability see legal liability

  vaccine legislation 48–51, 88, 254, 258–260

  Lazear, Jesse 197

  Leask, Julie 226–227, 233

  legal liability, pharmaceutical companies 204–205, 259

  legislation see law

  Leicester, Robert, Earl of 27

  Leicester anti-vaccination movement 2, 49–50

  Letters from Turkey (book) 37

  liability, pharmaceutical companies 204–205, 259

  Light for Riley 167–168

  Lincoln, Abraham 5–7

  Lincoln, Eddie 5

  Lincoln, Mary 5–7

  Lincoln, Robert 7

  Lincoln, Tad 5, 7

  Lincoln, Willie 5–6, 19

  Lind, James 106–107

  liposomes 194

  Lister, Lord Joseph 68


  cancer 154–158, 166, 249

  failure 137

  Lloyd, William Forster 17

  lockjaw see tetanus

  Löffler, Friedrich 113

  Loir, Adrien 63–65

  Lom, Joost van see van Lom, Joost

  Lommius, Jodocus see van Lom, Joost

  Lorca, Federico García 129

  Louder Than Words (book) 221

  Louis XVI of France 102

  lower respiratory tract infections see pneumonia

  Lübeck tragedy 189–190


  cancer 153, 282

  surgery 105

  Luxembourg, foreign aid 276

  Maalin, Ali Maow 55, 57

  Macaulay, Lord 2, 28–29

  Macbeth 102

  McCarthy, Evan 220–221

  McCarthy, Jenny 220–221, 225

  McDonnell, Aeneas 79–80

  McGarvie Smith Institute (NSW) 64

  mad cow disease 20

  Mahler, Halfdan 265

  Maimonides 134

  Maitland, Charles 37–38

  malaria 14, 55, 196, 276, 282

  controlling 285

  statistics 285

  vaccine 194, 263, 283–286

  malnutrition, disease and 18–19, 23, 27, 117–118, 226, 264

  Mandela, Nelson 91, 280

  mannitol 193

  Mansfield, Margaret 54, 57

  manufacturers of vaccines see pharmaceutical companies

  March of Dimes

  developing countries 269–270

  pertussis 269

  polio 73–74, 86, 202, 269–270

  rubella 269

  Marley, Bob 152–153

  Marley, Cedella 153

  Marley, Norval 152–153

  Marshall, Alan 74

  Marshall, Barry 163–164, 288

  Martin, Paul 76

  Mary I of England 27

  mass immunisation 45, 63, 120

  Maton, George de see de Maton, George

  May, Theresa 275 />
  Mayfield, Marty 132

  Mayo Clinic 82

  measles 2, 9–10, 15, 140–144, 146, 206–207, 209, 215, 253, 255

  arrival in Australia 140–141

  compared with smallpox 140, 143

  contaminated vaccine 192

  developing countries 20–21, 142–143, 264, 268, 271, 273

  encephalitis 20, 142, 145, 215, 227

  eradication 143–144

  Expanded Programme on Immunization 264, 279

  German see rubella

  healthcare workers 257–258

  herd immunity 16–17, 143

  origins 101

  pneumonia 142–143

  South Sudan tragedy 192

  statistics 20–21, 141–142, 264, 268, 274, 279

  Transfer Factor 211

  vaccine 15, 17, 20, 119–120, 141, 176, 206, 208, 227–228, 253, 264, 268–269, 273–274, 295 see also MMR vaccine, MMRV vaccine

  measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine see MMR vaccine

  measles-mumps-rubella-varicella (MMRV) vaccine see MMRV vaccine

  Medawar, Sir Peter 9, 156

  media see also social media

  HPV vaccine 231–234

  inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) 87, 203

  influence 260

  MMR vaccine 222–223

  pertussis vaccine 22

  medical intervention, opposition to 226–227

  Meister, Joseph 66–67, 69

  melanoma 153

  MenAfriVac 278–279

  Mengele, Josef 242

  meningitis 129–133, 145, 326

  bacterial 129, 131, 145

  brain damage 131, 238

  Hib 119–120, 129–130

  meningococcal see meningococcal meningitis

  mumps 145

  origins 133

  pneumococcal 13, 120, 131–134, 185

  polio 77

  symptoms 129

  tuberculosis 103, 105

  vaccine 131, 238, 296

  Meningitis Vaccine Project 278

  meningococcaemia 133

  meningococcal meningitis 2, 120, 131–133, 185

  Africa 277

  septicaemia 133

  vaccine 324

  meningococcus 120, 295 see also meningitis, meningococcaemia, meningococcal meningitis

  definition 325–326

  Merck 161–162, 234–235

  mercury in vaccines 192–193

  Mia, Shuka 53

  microcephaly 171

  microneedle vaccines 292–293

  micro-organisms 8–9, 12–13, 18, 226

  Microsoft 140, 271

  military spending

  vs education spending 283

  vs foreign aid spending 275

  vs healthcare spending 218, 283

  milkmaids and smallpox 41–42

  Mill, John Stuart 247–249

  Ming Dynasty 35


  immune system 168

  influenza vaccine 177

  Mission Indradhanush, India 271

  Mitchell, Andrew 274–275

  Mitchell, Joni 76

  MMR vaccine 120, 141–147, 257, 323

  autism controversy see MMR–autism controversy

  definition 326

  encephalitis 227

  statistics 228

  MMR: What They Didn’t Tell You (TV show) 210

  MMR–autism controversy 23, 205–216

  anti-vaccination movement 220–225, 233


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