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The Sun Revolves Around Apollo (The Gods Are Back In Town Book 2)

Page 21

by Serena Akeroyd

  I wanted in her more than I wanted my next breath, but we had eternity to bind ourselves to each other. Now was the time for saving the Earth. A first, even in my long and illustrious career as a soldier.

  Pushing my focus onto Tor, I dragged my hands down his back, kneading the taut muscles that lined his spine, before I slipped them around his hips and arched my back to create a space between the two of us. Reaching for his cock, I took his thickness in my palm and gripped him in a tight hold that I knew he loved.

  Swallowing his moan, I tongue-fucked him before pulling back and whispering, “Tell me someone brought lube?”

  I knew something was going on with Ella at that moment. How? She didn’t giggle, didn’t laugh, just moaned.

  Lux tossed me something, though, and I had no fucking clue where he’d been storing it, but I didn’t give a damn, was just grateful for the bottle in my hand.

  Pulling away from Castor with a heavy pant, I opened the bottle and squirted some into my palm. Grabbing my cock, I coated myself with the liquid, remembering the days when olive oil had been the go-to sex toy.

  Hiding a smirk at the memory, I eyed Ella and knew that I wanted to take Tor with her at the center of our attention. His eyes on her, mine too as we fucked each other to oblivion.

  The circle of crystals was starting to glow. Which meant this was working. An idea that had been formed on a hunch held merit…

  I noticed all of that obliquely, and although I recognized that was selfish of me, I didn’t care. Not really. For the first time, the only thing that mattered was in this circle.

  For so long, I’d been fighting the good fight. I’d made every country’s pet peeve my cause. I’d fought and killed and…

  So much blood.

  It would forever stain my hands, and while Ella wouldn’t wash them clean, wouldn’t cleanse my spirit, she would brighten my life, remove the taint.

  I needed that. More than she’d ever understand, more than I could even begin to explain myself.

  Swallowing thickly, I saw Tor had taken note of the crystals too. I wasn’t sure how it was working, wasn’t sure if Apollo or Ella even knew. Was it tied to her arousal? Tied to her need for them? Were they actively seeking the connection?

  So many questions, no answers, and I didn’t give a fuck.

  I slipped to my knees, and as though we were dancing—for this was a dance we’d taken part in many times together—he mimicked my lead, following where I directed.

  With the bones of our knees touching, he leaned forward and nipped my bottom lip. The move had me shuddering and I let him take over for a second, wanting him to explore me.

  As Apollo’s guardians, we were all equal. As Ella’s husbands, we were too.

  His tongue slid against mine, raising nerve endings to life and making my mouth water with his taste. He thrust into me, back and forth with the right pressure, reminding me of how well this man knew me. It went deeper than bone.

  A sharp, high-pitched moan had us pulling apart with soft grunts, as we saw Ella was on her back, her legs spread as Apollo and Lux licked her pussy. Eating her out like the queen she was.

  She was dazed. How did I know that?

  The twin suns of her eyes were shadowed, dimmed by the haze of pleasure the two were working together to create on her behalf.

  Lux slurped at her juices, the noise jarring and discordant, even as it made my cock twitch with the knowledge of exactly how ready she was for us. While Apollo was sucking on her clit like she was a piece of candy he wanted to devour.

  The thought had me shuddering in response.

  I wanted her taste on my tongue, because Tor’s was just the appetizer.

  The twin crawled over to Ella and I watched as he took her mouth, watched as she tilted her head to the side and allowed him the caress. Unlike the way Apollo and Lux were eating her pussy, Tor’s kiss was gentle, savoring. She moaned into it like he was a life raft she’d been drowning without.

  Because I could, I followed him, grabbing his hips as I pressed my dick to the curve of his ass. I rocked my hips back and forth, enjoying the friction, the heat, and the crisp hairs that tickled my cock in a way that was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but was enough to have the small hairs at the back of my neck stirring to attention as sensation washed through me.

  Unable to help myself, I reached between us, grabbed my cock, and notched it to the pucker of his ass. He bit back a grunt as I began to slide home, and when I was there, when I was a thick and solid presence deep in his ass, he pulled away from Ella’s mouth. She moaned her disappointment, her lips still seeking his. But he pressed his forehead to hers as he panted through what he was feeling—feelings I knew were akin to claustrophobia and suffocation. Almost as though his body was choking on the invader.

  For endless seconds, he processed what I forced him to feel, then he groaned and his mouth took Ella’s with a rapacious need that I felt deep in my soul.

  His ass clenched around me, and I allowed my eyes to drift to half-mast as I watched, content for the moment just to eye the situation, to peruse it.

  I’d have been blind if I hadn’t noticed the way the crystals were flickering with power. It was like those pink salt lamps you saw everywhere nowadays. They were lit up, fluttering with a precious glow as the light surged and died like the tide.

  When she came, the glow intensified to the point where I had to close my eyes to protect them from the sudden blast of energy that came with her orgasm. One hand tugged at Lux’s hair, the other at Tor’s, as her hips rode that same wave of pleasure that powered the crystals.

  Her body was one taut line of tension, and I watched as Tor reached down and cupped her tit fully in his hand, before he pinched her nipple with a ferocity that saw the bud turn white. She shrieked, back arching, nails digging into his scalp before she cascaded into the maelstrom once more with a sharp scream.

  Apollo and Lux shot each other satisfied glances as they wiped at their mouths, and I was jealous, so fucking jealous even if my cock was cocooned in the snug channel of Tor’s ass.

  Lux crept over to Ella’s upper body, his glance colliding with Tor’s for a second, before he helped roll her onto all fours.

  She was limp like spaghetti though, and we all laughed a little as the men had to help prop her up. Ella didn’t even pout, just pressed her hands to Lux’s knees and almost face-planted into his cock.

  Lux ran his fingers through her hair and murmured, “I want your mouth on my cock, agape mou, but I don’t want you blinding yourself on it.”

  Apollo, sliding his hands over the firm lines of Ella’s ass, murmured, “Such a bighead, Lux.”

  “I’m big everywhere,” Lux joked and even Ella, who was still out of it, snorted out a laugh as she rested her forehead on Lux’s lap. Her ass wiggled as Apollo stroked her, and she moaned when he did as I had to Tor, pressed his cock between the delicious mounds of her butt.

  For a second, we were a frozen tableau, the pleasure we were all experiencing on a slight hiatus as we absorbed the moment, appreciated the fact that we’d been brought here because the Fates had deemed us worthy of a woman so complicated, I knew it would take a lifetime for us to understand her fully.

  But I looked forward to the challenge.

  Apollo reached forward and pressed his hands to her shoulders, then he dragged his nails down her spine, making her arch like an enraged cat. She wiggled as the sensations teased her, and when he reached her ass, he grabbed his cock and slipped it between her pussy lips. I watched, enraptured, as his hardness disappeared into the soft haven that would welcome us all, that would be our home forevermore.

  I bent over and nipped at Tor’s shoulder in warning as I began to thrust, taking my cue from the slap-slap as Apollo began to take Ella, making her his, ours in truth. For what was his, was ours as well.

  Tor grunted as he lowered himself to the ground, his ass high, his body close to the deck, and the angle was so exquisite, my eyelids fluttered shut.

ith a groan, I picked up the pace, and so did Apollo. When Lux released a moan of his own, I opened my eyes again to watch the show.

  Ella was licking at his shaft like an ice cream cone on a hot day.

  It had to be torture, and yet, from the look on his face, it was the best kind of torment imaginable. His hands were in her hair, his fingers tautly gripping her silken strands, holding her close as she moved with desultory ease, taunting Lux even as she pleasured him.

  When Tor released a bitten off, “Fuck me harder, Achilles,” who was I to argue? The demand had Ella’s attention diverting our way, and I saw her gaze flicker over to me and catch mine as she started to suck on Lux for real this time.

  Watching her pleasure, my brother guardian had my hips slamming harder into Tor. I fucked him. There was no mistaking it. I wasn’t angry, but I was raw. Not only from what she’d made me feel, but from the arc of power that split between us.

  All around us, the circle was flooded with light. An endless torrent that she fueled.

  “Oh my God!” she screamed, the words coming almost out of the blue and I saw that Apollo had reached around to rub her clit.

  Her fist tightened around Lux’s cock, and his covered hers. Together, they jacked him off, his hips jerking forward, rocking as he rode the air, until she pressed her mouth to the tip, sucking only on the glans.

  The temperature between us soared. Going from hot to red-hot, then onto white and further onto blue. It swirled around us in an incredible vortex. Sweat beaded on my brow but instantly dried, and between us, those lines that united us seemed to flicker with flame.

  I wanted to close my eyes, wanted to hide from the raw heat, the burning light, but I couldn’t. It attracted me as it would a moth. I was born to watch this show, to be a part of this insane act. I knew it like I knew my face in the mirror.

  Everything I’d done, everything that had happened to me, it was all in preparation of this moment.

  I felt the cum boil in my balls. Felt Tor stiffen beneath me, his ass clutching at my cock with an intensity that bordered on painful. Lux’s grunts were agonized, and Apollo released a torrent of curses as the four of us, our orgasms almost in sync, found our climaxes.

  The second our cum exploded from our bodies, Ella released a sharp scream.

  Around us, the air crackled, the burning flames soared, covering us in a dome. If I hadn’t seen it for myself, I’d never have believed it, and yet the fire shielded us as the crystals exploded, their sharp shards caught in the intense inferno that protected us from the blast.

  The heat was like nothing I’d ever known, and yet, our bodies didn’t burn, our blood didn’t boil. We were safe in the maelstrom of our orgasms, which lasted as long as the fires burned.

  And eventually, when they died out, some embers would forever remain alight, buried deep in our souls.



  I couldn’t move.


  My body wouldn’t move.

  I was stuck in place, my knees digging into the deck, Ella’s forehead almost glued to my lap, and Apollo’s hands fixed on her hips as he bowed over her. To my left, Tor had splayed out, Achilles covering him like a blanket.

  It was then I realized that although I couldn’t move, I could see again. The fire had burned so hot and so high for so long, that the image of the five of us had been imprinted onto my retinas, until all I’d been able to see was them and nothing more. But now, in the distance, I could see the ocean once more, could see the horizon.

  Overhead, I also saw the aurora borealis.


  Had claiming Ella not worked?

  “Stop thinking.”

  My eyes flared wide in surprise. “Huh?”

  Apollo yawned. “Stop thinking. I can hear you.”

  “Literally?” When had telepathy become a thing between us?

  “Yes. It was always there, but never like this.” Another yawn. “Stop thinking,” he repeated. “Let’s sleep.”



  He wanted to fucking sleep?

  “Yes. I do,” he grumbled. “The Northern Lights are burning hotly but only as a means of dispersing the solar flares some more. I triggered them myself.”

  The admission had me scowling at him. “Since when were you able to do that?”

  “Since forever.”

  Rage flushed through me. Just how much had he been keeping from us?

  I didn’t have to ask that question though because Achilles did. “You have serious trust issues. And I say this knowing I have them too, but mine are like a child’s in comparison to yours. You need to learn to share more, Apollo.”

  There was a reprimand to the statement, but I could hear how satiated he was, and it was a note I’d never heard in my brother guardian’s voice. I took it to mean that for once, the restless energy in his soul, the energy that kept him from home, that had him forever seeking the adrenaline of battles and games of war, was at peace.

  God, had Ella wreaked two miracles in one night?

  I could only hope so. I was tired of wondering if Achilles would return to us with all four limbs and the rest of his necessary appendages attached.

  Even if Apollo could save him from death, there was only so much he could do when the two of them were thousands of miles apart.

  Apollo, at Achilles’ words however, stated, “There was no need to tell you. If I’d deemed it necessary, I would have.”

  “God, you really do think the sun revolves around you, don’t you?” Tor ground out, and that the words came from the most placid of us had to come as a shock to Apollo.

  Tor never made waves. It wasn’t in his nature. He was a people pleaser.

  Apollo simply sighed. “I did. Before. Now? It revolves around Ella.”

  A little snicker escaped our woman. “You’re going to give me a big head, Apollo.” She turned her head to the side and smushed her face into Achilles’ thigh. “Now, stop talking. Sleep. Need sleep,” she groaned.

  “Don’t you even want to know if it worked?” he teased, and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.

  “I guess, then sleep?” she asked hopefully.

  “It worked. There’ll be a storm still but nothing the Earth’s magnetic fields can’t handle.” Apollo hummed with satisfaction. “We’ll need to be careful in future. When Achilles takes you for the first time, I’ll need to be there, other than that, we’re good.”

  “And Poseidon didn’t even need to have his hissy fit,” I commented drowsily. Considering the crystals were in a gazillion pieces on the deck and not at the bottom of the ocean, I figured we’d inadvertently done good.

  Apollo hummed again, but Ella was already breathing deeply. I had to wonder exactly how much energy her body had to process during that event, and then, as I wondered, I just sighed and closed my eyes.

  Ella was right.


  We needed a shit ton of it, and that was what we got.

  The next time we woke, it was pitch black again. Not because we’d only taken a nap but because, according to Apollo, we’d slept the day through on the deck.

  I’d have paid to see the crew’s reaction to finding us out here surrounded by a sea of broken shards of amethyst and quartz, but as it was, I mostly wanted to curse because Ella had a sunburn. A bad sunburn. Which sucked considering the sun and she were intrinsically linked.

  Apollo, seeing the bright red tinge, winced then curved his fingers around the fine bones of her ankle. He released a small hum and she sighed as he got to work on healing her.

  Within moments, the sharp pink calmed down some and she was back to normal. Of course, that was when we saw it.

  It was emblazoned on her side, just below the swell of her breast. Dark red as though branded, the lyre curved around her ribcage. Two large ’S’ shapes touched at their ends before curving up into curlicues. They were joined with two crossbars and the traditional three strings joined the pair together.

  Apollo reached over and traced the shape with a smile. “It suits you.”

  Ella was the only one still half-dozing, but she wriggled slightly at Apollo’s touch. “What does?” she asked sleepily.

  “Your mark.”

  “My what?” Finally, her eyes popped open and she squinted down at where he’d just been stroking. “What the fuck is that?” She half-sat up then raised her arm and with the other, cupped her breast and shifted it to the side, for a better look.

  I smirked at her. “You got a tat overnight.”

  She glowered at me. “That isn’t funny. Where are your marks?”

  That turned my smirk into a snicker. “Only women get marked.”

  “Is that true?” she demanded of Apollo, and he slapped me upside the head.

  “We have no idea if it’s true or not.” He shrugged. “I didn’t expect it, but now that it is here, it makes sense.” He watched her rub the mark. “It won’t come off,” he told her gently. “It appears as though your blood boiled and singed your skin.”

  “Ew,” she grumbled, “but I’m not trying to rub it off. It’s itchy. I only just noticed it.”

  “The sunburn probably distracted her.” Tor rubbed his bottom lip. “Funny that you didn’t heal that when you were ridding her of the sunburn.”

  Apollo shook his head. “No. That is a different kind of wound. One fated to be there. It is not a physical ailment.”

  “Tell that to my body. My very itchy body,” she groused, then sniffed at Achilles when he grabbed her hand and dragged it from her side.

  “You’ll make it sore.”

  “It’s mine to make sore,” she retorted, making him roll his eyes.

  “Cease whining, woman. You’ll be well shortly.”


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