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Our Cause (Let the Monsters Live in Fear Book 1)

Page 8

by Jennifer Jane Jennings

  Kat had sparred Sensei Lucas every Friday except the first day she met him. He expected her to bite her lip as she usually did. Instead, she lunged forward with a head-level punch and followed immediately with a hook kick.

  Although neither got in, Lucas bowed. “Well done, Kat. Faster and much more confident. I’m impressed.”

  Kat beamed and bowed. “Thank you.”

  Lucas came at Kat faster than he ever had with six clean techniques. Kat parried, blocked, manoeuvred, dodged, blocked, parried and tried to counter. He kept increasing the pace until he tapped her lightly in the tummy. Kat bowed to acknowledge he got in, which is polite and expected in dojo kumite.

  Lucas bowed and beckoned Kat to attack. She came through faster than before with clean and controlled techniques. None got in, although some were closer. Lucas countered and tapped her in the tummy no harder than before. Kat bowed again, and when asked to attack, was even faster but still controlled.

  Lucas ended the round. “Heels together, bow. I’m impressed. Without hurting Kat, I wanted to see if I could intimidate or anger her. I couldn’t. I’m really proud of you, Kat.”

  Kat beamed. “I can do this. I know I can.”

  Damon closed the dojo door. He had been closing the door during their kumite training since the Friday Kat came back to work after her trip to the hospital. Their secret weapon needed to remain a secret until Kat sparred Adam.

  Kat faced Sensei Damon and Sensei Connor.

  “Heels together, bow, begin,” Damon instructed.

  Both men lunged towards Kat, who moved to the left-hand side of Damon and away from Connor, threw two head-level punches, a head-level hook kick, a stomach punch and a groin kick. Some were close, but none got in. By the end of the groin kick, Connor was next to her, ready to attack. Kat blocked two punches and manoeuvred to the other side of Connor, purposely choosing to fight only one man at a time. She threw a head-level punch, groin kick and stomach-level punch. She stopped the stomach punch half a centimetre from Connor’s solar plexus.

  Connor grinned, stepped back and bowed. “Well done, Kat.”

  “You let me in, didn’t you?”


  “Adam won’t take it easy on me. Please, don’t you.”

  Connor bowed and attacked with two head-level punches, both stopping just before Kat’s nose. He hooked his right leg behind Kat’s leg and caught her before her head hit the ground.

  Connor offered Kat his hand and helped her up. “You’re right, but you’re also fifteen.”

  “I’m sixteen on Saturday.”

  Both men smiled.

  Damon stepped forward. “We’re larger, older, stronger, and there are two of us. You are not going to be able to beat us with strength or karate skill. What other skills can you use? You need to outthink your opponent.”

  “Yes, Sensei Damon.”

  “Use your gymnastics, your flexibility, bluff, make us think you’re weak when you are strong. This isn’t just black belt training. You’re a superhero in training.”

  Adam waited until Sensei Damon was helping another student before class started and walked up to Kat. “Hey, Kat.” He looked at her left arm with the white compression sleeve on it. “How’s your wrist after your sprain?”

  “It’s much better, thanks. I have weak wrists, so I’ll wear it for a while.”

  “Maybe you should wear them on both arms if your wrists are weak.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” Kat was about to walk over to Chelsea when Adam kept talking.

  “Could you go through Kanku-dai with me, please? It’s been a while, and you’re such an amazing teacher.”

  Kat smiled, “Sure. There’s a spot over there.”

  Adam’s eyes kept glancing over, without turning his head, to check if Sensei Damon would intervene. They did Kanku-dai three times before Damon called, “Line up!”

  “Heels together, bow, three laps around the dojo, then find a partner and line up for kumite.”

  Adam sprinted until he was next to Kat and fell in time with her. “Partner me?”

  Kat smiled. “Okay.”

  They lined up three metres across from each other.

  “Heels together, bow, begin.”

  They both took their right feet back and put their guards up. Kat bit her bottom lip.

  Adam smiled. “It’s okay, Kat. I’m not going to hurt you. This is non-contact, and I have good control. You’re safe with me.”

  For some reason, I doubt that. It might have something to do with you beating the crap out of your wives and daughter. Kat imagined herself stopping Adam from hitting his little girl and smiled. “Thanks.”

  Adam threw a medium-paced head-level punch at Kat without telegraphing, unintentionally signalling what he was about to do. Kat blocked the punch and countered with a stomach-level punch at the same speed Adam had used. Adam threw two stomach-level punches and a head-level punch at the same pace. Kat blocked them all. Adam performed a hook kick which would have connected with the sole of his foot if he hadn’t stopped it three centimetres from Kat’s head.

  Damon’s brow furrowed. What’s he up to? He’s doing everything by the book, including aiming with the sole of his foot rather than his heel.

  “Do you know how to do a hook kick, Kat? Some places teach you at brown, others at black.”

  “I’m not that good at them,” Kat kind of lied. I still have a long way to go.

  Adam beamed. “I’d love to teach you. Bring your knee up as high as you can go.” He put one hand around the small of Kat’s back and the other on her knee to push her knee up even higher. “Pivot your supporting leg to open your hips up, circle your foot and strike with the sole of your foot. Always the sole. When you start, it’s hard to control your contact.” He let go of Kat to let her perform the kick.

  Kat performed the kick as asked.

  Adam smiled. “Fantastic work, Kat. We just need to get your knee up a little higher.” Adam put his hands on her back and knee again.

  Damon walked next to Connor and brushed his mouth with the back of his hand. “Her knee was as high as it could fucking go. I don’t like this at all.”

  Connor brought his hand up to his face also. “Agreed. He has something worse in mind than just hitting her. He’s fucking grooming her.”

  Damon lowered his eyelids before everyone could see his black rage. “I don’t care if she’s sixteen in two days. He’s forty-two. It’s so fucking wrong.” Damon ended the round after Kat performed her hook kick. “Heels together, bow, move to your left.”

  Adam now faced Mick, who not only excelled in the weight room but was about to be sent for his black belt assessment. Mick could hold his own. Kat was up against Chelsea. Damon had nothing to worry about – yet.

  Adam walked over to Kat the moment the class ended, without getting a drink first. “You are such a fast learner. Let me take you through that hook kick again. You’ll have it in no time.”

  Damn. He just wants to touch me again but not hit me. “Um, my parents will be here soon to pick me up, but okay.”

  Eric and Dominique bowed at the door and walked in to see Adam with his hand around Kat’s back and the other holding her knee. Eric took a big breath, counted to ten in his head and walked over to Damon with Dominique keeping pace.

  Damon bowed and spoke softly. “I don’t like it either.”

  Dominique looked at Damon’s eyes. “Your eyes are blazing. I bet you’d use different words if I weren’t here.”

  Damon smiled, but Connor spoke first. “We both have. Neither of us like it. It could be time to pull the plug and kick him out.”

  Dominique shook her head frantically. “No. Talk with Kat first. I don’t want that sleaze bag anywhere near my baby, but if she can take him down, that will help her beyond words. I never want her to hurt herself again.”

  Eric took his wife’s hand. “Dominique’s right. We need to talk with Kat. The bastard’s older than I am, and if I see Kat developing feelings other than hatred for
him, I’ll hogtie and castrate him myself.”

  Damon smiled wickedly. His red hair and blazing black eyes made him look like the devil himself. “I’d definitely like to help you with that one, or do it for you.” He watched Kat finish a near-perfect hook kick. “Kat, your parents are here. We need to discuss your black belt assessment before you go home. Could you come here, please?”

  “Yes, Sensei Damon.” Kat bowed to Adam and smiled. “Thanks for helping me, Adam.”

  “You’re more than welcome.” Adam smiled and touched Kat’s upper arm. “I’m glad I can return the favour. We make a good team. Good luck with your black belt assessment. I’d love to help you with the sparring. Your kata is amazing.”

  Kat smiled. “Thanks. I better go. See you tomorrow.”

  “You definitely will.”

  Kat ran over to her parents and instructors.

  Damon looked at Adam taking his time having a drink and taking his sparring equipment off. “Let’s go into my office.”

  As soon as the door shut, Kat spoke without waiting for anyone to take a seat. “He’s not going to hit me, is he? Well, not until I become his anyway, or we find his trigger.”

  Damon’s eyes lit up. “We need to talk with his exes. Find out the first time he hit them, either in the dojo or private. I’ll do it.”

  Kat and Connor both shook their heads.

  “You’ve got the looks, Sensei, but you don’t have the gift of the gab, and you’re not the easiest for a stranger to talk to. I’ll go either with you or by myself. Granted, I haven’t got the Knightly looks, but I don’t exactly need a bag over my head either.” Connor grinned and flexed his muscles.

  Dominique shook her head. “They’ll feel more comfortable speaking with a woman.”

  Kat raised her hand slightly. “I’ll go with Sensei Damon. We’ll say we’re with the military or something. Make out I’m older than I am but look young. I want to be a victims of crime counsellor and help people. What better way?”

  Dominique bit her bottom lip. “Oh, baby, I don’t know.”

  “Please, Mum? I know I can do this.”

  Eric nodded.

  Dominique squeezed her husband’s hand. “I know you can too, baby.”

  Damon looked at Dominique and Eric seriously. “I will keep her safe. I promise.”

  “You’ve saved her life once. We know you’ll do it again.”


  Kat heard a strange buzzing sound and rolled over in bed. What was that? She giggled and turned her alarm off. She had set her alarm for six-thirty in the off chance she slept in.

  Dominique knocked on her door. “Morning, birthday girl. May we come in?”

  Kat stretched out in bed. “Definitely. What are the chances of me sleeping in on my birthday?”

  “They’re better tomorrow as Chelsea’s sleeping over tonight. Happy birthday, princess. We thought about getting you a puppy or a kitten before you went back to karate, but you’re only home sometimes now, and when you are, you’re usually in your study.” Eric took a brightly wrapped present from behind his back.

  Kat smiled at all the kittens wearing party hats and opened her present without ripping the paper. She pulled out a laptop bag, which by the weight of it, had a laptop in it. “Thank you. The other one’s okay, though.”

  Eric shook his head. “Not for hacking, it’s not.” He did his goofy dad grin, “You can’t go stealing my computers every time you want to hack into someone, and this way, you can do it in the lounge room, dining room or even in bed.”

  “Is that why it’s not in a box? Did you tweak it, Dad?”

  Eric smiled. “I had some help from Sensei Damon’s friend Brent. I thought I was good with computers.”

  Kat beamed. “You are, Dad. Oh my God. Thank you so much, not just for the computer but for supporting my cause. Most parents would think it’s too dangerous.”

  Dominique smiled cheekily. “We’d like to think we’re not most parents.” Dominique became serious. “It’s more dangerous not to, for both you and the world. It’s not just your cause, Kat. It’s our cause.”

  Kat looked around the big open living and dining room. It had changed so much since she started working at Knightly Karate Gym. The birthday banner and helium balloons with 16 on them made their home look even friendlier. “This place looks fantastic! Not just the decorations. It looks like home now.” Kat held her arms open and gave her parents a group hug.

  “It is home now. We’re so proud of you, baby.”

  “Absolutely, princess, and the way you were with your new laptop, I’m scared you’ll surpass your old man,” Eric gave his goofy dad grin, making Kat giggle.

  “Chip off the old block, hey?”

  Eric made himself look even goofier if that were possible. “Thank God you look like your Mum. You’d look awful with a beard.”

  Dominique shook her head and smiled. “Quick, get in the shower, Kat. He seems to be on a roll.”

  Kat came out of her bedroom wearing a dark green, long sleeve top and flowing green jungle pattern wrap skirt she had bought with her Mum the previous weekend. Her golden hair was out and flowing, and she wore light makeup.

  Dominique gasped. “You are so beautiful, Kat. So grown up but always my baby.”

  Eric grinned goofily. “Lucky, I took up karate. I’m going to need it to keep all the boys away from you.”

  The doorbell rang. “They’re early. The gym doesn’t close till six, so it can’t be Sensei Damon.” Kat sprinted to the door and flung it open.

  Chelsea stood smiling, wearing a short blue and black wrap skaters dress. Even in flats, she was obviously taller than Kat. “Happy birthday, Kat. You look amazing! Adam would be even more of a dribbling mess if he saw you tonight.” Chelsea handed Kat a parcel in Sweet 16 paper and some unwrapped DVDs. “The movies are rentals. I thought we could write down any good fight combinations. The more we learn, the better, hey?”

  “Absolutely! Sounds fun. Come in.” Kat almost dragged Chelsea inside. Her jaw dropped as she unwrapped her present.

  “They’re just practice ones. I got some from Santa for Christmas. I brought them with me. I can show you a few moves, and we can learn together.”

  “Mum, Dad, look what Chels got me. Nunchaku!”

  Dominique smiled, an older version of her daughter, except her eyes were blue. “You two be careful with them. They’re just practice ones, right?”

  Chelsea nodded. “Yes, Mrs Chase.”

  “Dominique, and you should know that by now, cheeky girl.”

  Chelsea grinned. She felt so much at home here. “I brought some cookies too.” Chelsea took a container of cookies out of one of her bags and put them on the table next to a slice topped with marshmallow. “Mmm, what’s this?”

  Kat beamed. “That’s our hedgehog slice. Not many people top it with marshmallow, but that’s the best part. Try one.” Kat took one and offered Chelsea the plate.

  Chelsea took one and giggled. “Don’t do that to Sensei Connor; he’d take the whole plate.”

  The doorbell rang. Kat looked at Chelsea, “It’ll be so funny if it’s Sensei Connor.”

  Both girls ran to the door, and sure enough, Connor was standing there holding a parcel with Karate people on it.

  Kat stopped herself from giggling and bowed. “Thanks for coming, Sensei Connor. Please, come in.”

  He handed Kat the present. “I let Sensei Damon lock up. He drove this morning. He does that some Saturdays as we start at eight. I wanted to be the first to give you this. You may be getting a few, but you’ll definitely use them.”

  Kat opened the parcel to reveal a Knightly Karate gi and threw her arms around him for a hug. “Thank you! I’ll definitely use it.”

  Laura and Sensei Dereck let themselves in the open door. “I’m sure you’ll use this one too.” Laura handed Kat a parcel with an identical gi in it.

  Kat beamed and hugged Laura. “Thanks. I certainly will.” Kat felt Laura’s tummy move a little against her. “Was
that a kick?”

  Laura beamed and placed Kat’s hand on her tummy. “It certainly was.”

  “Oh, that feels so cool! She’s going to be a karate champion with kicks like that.”

  Chelsea’s eyes became huge. “May I feel, please?”

  “You certainly may,” Laura smiled.

  Kat moved her hand, and Chelsea’s hand took its place. Her face lit up in delight.

  Eric grinned. “Girls and babies.” He turned to Dominique, “Go on. I know you want to.”

  Connor gave his cheeky smile. “I’m so glad I don’t have a girlfriend to get all clucky over the baby.”

  Dereck chuckled. “That’s what you tell us. We all know you’re a big softie.”

  The doorbell rang just as Dominique put her hand on Laura’s tummy. The baby gave a few hard kicks. “That’d be in response to the doorbell. Kat used to do that with loud noises too. I’ll…”

  Kat and Chelsea ran to the door before Dominique could finish her sentence. Sensei Lucas stood at the door with a beautiful blonde woman and two exquisite children with their mother’s silky, platinum blonde hair and their father’s black eyes and features.

  Kat stared at the eleven-year-old girl with hair down to her thighs. She had never seen anyone more beautiful. “Um, I love your outfit.”

  The girl smiled, revealing two dimples like Lucas and Damon, making her look even more like an angel. “Thanks. I love yours too. The green goes so well with your eyes. I’m Cadence. You must be Kat. Happy birthday.”

  Kat was just about to invite them in when she heard two cars pull up. Cadence turned and ran down the driveway. “Damon!” She jumped into his arms, and he swung her around.

  “Hey, Monkey. Great to see you!”

  Chelsea whispered to Kat, “Best looking monkey I’ve ever seen.”

  Kat nodded. “Aha.”

  Damon walked over and ruffled the boy’s hair. “This is my brother, Caleb,” he gestured to the woman, “My mum, Heather, and I’m guessing you’ve met Cadence.”


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