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Our Cause (Let the Monsters Live in Fear Book 1)

Page 16

by Jennifer Jane Jennings

  When Pia finished cheering, he said to the others, “I’m not sure who was cheering louder, Kitty Kat or Angel. The boy was right.”


  Kat was just about to leave the aerobics room after teaching an energetic class and talking with a few members afterwards when Sasha walked back into the room and closed the door behind her. “You’ve been lying to me.”

  “About what?” Kat asked, walking towards Sasha.

  “Sensei Damon being in a gay relationship with his partner, Alex.”

  Kat sighed. I knew this would come up eventually. “I never actually said he was in a gay relationship. I just said he missed his partner, Alex. You assumed the rest.”

  Sasha’s eyes drifted off to the side as she thought back. “Yeah, okay. So you let me think he was gay. Why?”

  “It’s not my information to tell. If you want to know something personal about a person, you need to ask them, not a friend of theirs.”

  Sasha nodded. “True. Are you in a relationship with Sensei Damon?”

  “No. We’re not in a physical relationship, but we are great friends as well as him being my mentor. We care about each other a lot.”

  “Hmm. Do you have a crush on him?”

  “No. I’m not interested in a romantic relationship with him or anyone else. Why do you think he isn’t gay?”

  Sasha smiled and nodded. “I was waiting for you to ask that question. My brother laughed at me when I said ‘Pity he’s gay.’ He told me they were army partners but both had girlfriends. Why didn’t you just say he has a girlfriend?”

  “Um. I can’t answer that without betraying a confidence.”

  Sasha nodded. “Not your secret to tell, hey?”

  Kat smiled. “Thanks for not telling people about Adam.”

  “I told them he’s a scumbag but nothing about you. That’s way too personal and not my secret. Why did you and Sensei Damon become so close so fast?”

  Kat gave a half-smile. “I guess that is my secret to tell, but it’s more confidential than what happened with Adam. You need to promise not to tell anyone.”

  Sasha’s face became serious. “I promise.”

  Kat pulled down her tank top and crop top to reveal the deep scar between her breasts.

  “What the fuck? Is that heart surgery?”

  Kat pulled the top over a little so she could see some of the other stab wounds. “I’m the girl they called Emily Jones. My best friend, Courtney, and I were attacked by eight men. I watched her die and almost died myself. Sensei Damon almost died after watching the love of his life die. He wasn’t, isn’t, ready for a new relationship. We’ve both been through a lot. He’s helped me heaps. I hope I’ve helped him too.”

  Tears filled Sasha’s eyes. “And I threw myself at him like a bitch on heat and you felt you needed to protect him.”

  “Um, yeah, sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry! I can’t believe how much you two have been through. No wonder you’re such good friends. What can I do to help?”

  “Have you told anyone else Sensei Damon isn’t gay?”

  Sasha shook her head. “I wanted to talk with you first. I knew something was up but had no idea it was this bad. I can tell them my brother backs up the story.”

  “Only if they bring it up, but that would be great. Could you also keep an eye out for people doing the wrong thing, like coming onto young girls, bullying people or just anything that seems wrong?”

  Sasha nodded enthusiastically. “Absolutely! I’d love to be one of the good guys. I’ve noticed you have a lot of cop friends, well, at least two, and seem to like helping people out. The least I can do is let you know who needs help. You don’t know any single cops, do you?”

  Kat shook her head. “Sorry. Evan, at my course, is single and twenty. He helped me out with Adam. How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-two, but that could still work. Is he as sexy as Pia?”


  “Oh, God, I’m sorry. It’s still sinking in. I didn’t think. Those men did more than stab you, didn’t they? And then Adam. You probably wouldn’t find any man attractive, would you?”

  Kat shook her head. “Not really. I’m just after friendship and people I can trust. If I ever get in a relationship, trust will be way more important than looks. More than anything, actually.”

  Sasha nodded. “Wow. Yeah. That makes so much sense.”

  There was a strong knock on the door and Damon let himself in. “I heard part of that, sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt. It was pretty deep. Thanks for what you said, Sasha. Kat, you have helped me so much. Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry about your girlfriend, Sensei Damon, and how I acted.”

  “Thank you. She was my fiancée. We were going to be married. I have some good news, though. Sensei Dereck just called from the hospital. They have a beautiful baby girl. Both Laura and Hope are doing well. Sensei Connor said he can look after the gym if you’d like to visit them with me now, Kat?”

  “Yes, please!” Kat beamed. “That is the best news. I have some presents in the office I’ll grab on the way out. This is fantastic!”

  Sasha was smiling almost as much as Kat. “Do you know what size she is or how much she weighs? I’ll go shopping and get her something cute to wear. I love baby clothes.”

  Damon shook his head. “Sorry. I didn’t ask.”

  “That’s okay. Most guys wouldn’t. Kat, where’s your phone? I’ll give you my number. Text me when you know, please. This is so exciting!”

  Kat walked into the hospital with Damon. “This is the best reason to go to the hospital.”

  Damon smiled. “Absolutely. We’ve both spent way too much time in these places, and will probably spend much more time visiting people like Sheridan. You did a great job with her. It’s been wonderful seeing her at the gym. She’s a bit of an introvert, but hey, who isn’t?”

  Kat smiled. “Tough luck stories make us introverts. We need to ensure this little girl never gets her own tough luck story.”

  “That might be why they named her Hope,” Damon replied as they walked to the nurse’s station in the maternity ward.

  The nurse beamed at Damon and looked at all the presents both him and Kat were carrying. “It looks like someone you care about just had a baby. You and your sister are definitely spoiling them. I’m Ursula.”

  “I’m Damon and this is Kat. We’re here to see Laura and Dereck.”

  Ursula smiled. I’d love some more time with that man. “Come with me. I think their parents are here, but that’s okay. Do you two work at Knightly Karate Gym?”

  “Yes. We work with Laura and Dereck. Is Laura okay? I’m sure their baby is beautiful,” Damon replied, trying to turn her focus.

  “Laura did so well. You obviously know they had a little girl. I love the pink karate teddy bear, Kat. Do you do karate, Damon?”

  “Yes. All four of us do. Laura hasn’t got her black belt yet, but she will definitely get it. Where’s their room?”

  “Just around the corner,” he’s very standoffish, “Will you be coming with your partner later?”

  “My partner’s stationed in Afghanistan at the moment, but he’ll hopefully be home soon. I’m sure Kat and I will be back a few times with family and friends, though.”

  Well that explains it. “I hope he comes home soon for you. Laura’s just in here.” Ursula knocked on the door, “Damon and Kat are here to see you.” She had just opened the door slightly when it opened all the way.

  Dereck beamed at them. “You need to see our daughter. She’s perfect. Come in!”

  Ursula smiled at Dereck. “She certainly is. I’ll be back later to check on Laura and Hope. Have fun.”

  “We will. Thanks.” Dereck almost hugged her, he was that excited. “Come in. Come in. This is Laura’s Mum, Denise, holding our Hope. Would you like a cuddle, Kat?”

  Denise gave a cheeky smile. “I don’t know if Nanna’s ready to give her up.”

  Kat shook her head. “That’s okay.
I’ve never held a baby before. I’ll just look. She seems really comfortable where she is.”

  Denise smiled warmly, reminding Kat of Laura. “Nonsense! I was only joking. Come and sit down in the chair here.”

  Kat did as she was told and sat down in the chair next to Laura’s mum.

  “Hold her just like I am now, ensuring you’re supporting her neck.” Denise got up and placed Hope in Kat’s arms.

  Kat bit her bottom lip as she tried to hold Hope correctly and support her neck. “Am I doing okay?”

  Denise had the same infectious smile as Laura. “You’re doing great. You just need to relax and enjoy it. She isn’t going to break.”

  Kat looked at Hope. “Her eyes are blue-grey like Brent’s but different. I thought they’d be brown like Laura’s and Sensei Dereck’s.”

  Damon answered before anyone else could. “Even Cadence and Caleb had blue-grey eyes. Theirs turned black. I’m sure Hope’s will change and will most likely be brown like her parents.”

  Denise smiled and nodded. “I’m sure Laura’s were similar if not the same. You seem to know your way around babies. Are Caleb and Cadence yours?”

  Damon smiled showing off his dimples and almost making Denise melt. “My little brother and sister. They’re ten and twelve.”

  “You must have been very involved? Would you like a cuddle?”

  “Actually, I would when Kat’s had enough. Yes, I was. They were a real blessing on our family, as Hope is here to your family and our karate family.”

  “You can have a turn now, but you’ll have to take her,” Kat said.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’ll have another turn later. I may feel like I know what I’m doing then.”

  Damon smiled. “It takes a bit of getting used to, but you’ll get there, and then she’ll grow and start holding her head up. It all becomes easier from then on.” He took Hope from Kat and held her upright against his body with her head near his shoulder.”

  Denise’s eyes widened as she smiled. “You’ve definitely done that before. I’m impressed.”

  “So am I, Damon. You can give me a cuddle when you’re finished. Kat, I’m Trish, Dereck’s Mum. You did a great job with Hope. This is my husband, Al, and Laura’s Dad, Rus. Laura and Dereck are exhausted, and Damon’s never been good with introductions.”

  Damon chuckled. “True. Dad opened the gym in Geelong when I was seven. Sensei Dereck started pretty much when we opened. We’ve known each other for ages and obviously feel comfortable together.” He gave Trish a cheeky look then turned his focus to the baby girl on his chest. “I’m guessing you’re not planning on piercing her ears anytime soon?”

  Laura was propped up on pillows in the double bed with Dereck next to her. “We haven’t even talked about it but probably not until she…oh, I am slow, um, I’ll blame just having a baby this morning. We should probably,” she looked at both sets of parents, not sure what to say.

  “A friend of mine makes custom jewellery. He made Kat’s earrings,” Damon explained to Dereck’s and Laura’s parents. “Maybe a baby bracelet that grows as she does. I’ve seen them.” Damon’s phone beeped, prompting him to pass Hope to Trish.

  Damon looked at his message to see a photo of a gold baby bracelet with a heart charm and Hope’s birthstone, opal, in the centre. “I’m already on it. She’s way too young for earrings. I’ll come today or tomorrow. When do you think is best?”

  “That was Brent. He has great timing and has already made the gift. We were talking about it. He’d like to know when he can visit?”

  “Whenever he’s free. We’re not going anywhere for a few days,” Laura smiled, looking at her baby in Trish’s arms.

  “The sooner the better then,” Damon said and quickly texted Brent before he replied in front of people out of the loop.

  “On my way!” Brent texted back.

  “He’ll be here within an hour. Are you happy for us to wait or would you like to rest?”

  “You’re family. Please stay if Connor can spare you,” Laura said, looking content cuddled up to her husband and now holding their baby.

  Connor texted Damon. “I can spare you. All under control here. I’ll head in tonight when you and Kat are here.”

  “Connor said everything’s fine and he’ll be in tonight. Kat, would you like to call your parents and see if they’d like to visit while we’re here? It sounds like you’re working back tonight.”

  “Yes, please. Oh, how much does Hope weigh or what size is she? I’m supposed to text Sasha.”

  “She was 3.6 kilos,” Laura answered.

  “That’s seven pound nine in the old way,” Denise put in. “Anything from triple zero up would be good. She has lots of tiny clothes and will be out of them soon.”

  Damon answered the door for Kat’s parents.

  “It looks like Damon’s the only one who gets escorted to the door. I’m Trish, Dereck’s Mum. This is my husband, Al, and Laura’s parents, Denise and Rus, and this is our beautiful granddaughter, Hope.”

  “Aww, she’s so gorgeous. May I have a cuddle, please?”

  Denise smiled and handed Dominique the baby.

  Eric gave his goofy smile. “The clucky one holding the baby is my wife, Dominique, and obviously Kat’s Mum. I’m Eric. She’s too smitten with the baby for introductions.”

  Dominique brought Hope even closer if that were possible. “Oops, sorry. She’s just so beautiful.”

  Damon’s phone beeped. “It’s Gareth. Please call me ASAP.”

  “Excuse me for a moment.”

  “Is everything okay?” Kat asked.

  “Constable Payne called himself Gareth and asked me to call him asap.”

  “Oh, s…” Kat slapped her hand to her mouth to stop herself from swearing and followed Damon out of the room.

  “I knew you’d want to be involved, Kat.” Damon called Gareth. “What’s up? How can we help? Both Kat and I are here.”

  “Another girl’s been raped and cut in the same way as Sheridan.”


  Kat walked out of the latest rape victim’s room and burst into tears. “I can’t keep fixing broken girls! I need to stop them from being broken. Let them come after me and…”

  “No!” Dominique, Eric, Damon and Gareth yelled at once.

  Kat glared at them with green eyes like a jungle cat. “You didn’t let me finish. I’m not sacrificing myself. I want to be the bait so Damon can blow their brains out. I’ll be in less danger than I was with Adam. I want this guy dead and gone. I’m not going to let him hurt anyone else. He’s caused too much pain already. He needs to be destroyed, not punished.”

  Pia spoke first. “I’d agree except you don’t fit his victims’ profile. Your parents are comfortable, but the Grace and Church families are loaded. You have a traineeship. Avery and Sheridan’s schools are in the top twenty most expensive in the state. You’re also a black belt in karate. They were easy victims. You’re not. I know you may feel you were, but that was eight against two. This is one girl against a man with a knife. I highly doubt he’d go after you.”

  Kat nodded. “Find out who he’s going after next. Look for girls who fit the profile. I can dress up as one of them while Damon, sorry, Sensei Damon, keeps me safe and Pia keeps the girl safe.”

  Damon shook his head. “Not until you’re trained more. We’ll start intensive training tomorrow, and start looking for the next victim now, Brent.” Damon knew Brent would be listening although he was not there. He turned to Dominique and Eric. “If we do this, I’ll kill him the instant we’re sure who he is.”

  Kat shook her head. “I need to try to talk him out of it. Shoot him the moment you think I’m in danger. I’ll work with Sheridan and Avery to find out what he does so I can train against it. They may also be able to help find his next victim.”

  “I don’t like it, but it’s a well thought out plan. Just please,” Dominique looked at Damon with big, blue eyes, “shoot him before he hurts my baby.” />
  Damon nodded. “You have my word.”

  Damon stood before the push-up bar. “My Dad taught me this when he opened his gym in Geelong. It teaches you that you are capable of anything you set your mind to. I usually do them when no one’s looking because I’ve seen some spectacular spills from guys attempting to show off.” Damon did a chin-up, slowly moved himself into a handstand on top of the chin-up bar and did a vertical push-up before lowering himself into the original position. “Slow is harder. I try to do fifty of these a day.”

  “Oh my God, I don’t know if I could do one, but I’ll try and won’t quit until I can.”

  Damon beamed. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Kat.” He did twenty more and jumped to the floor. “Your turn.”

  Kat bit her bottom lip. “At least I can do chin-ups now.”

  Damon shook his head. “To let you go after bad guys, I need to see a better attitude than that. You can do this. You need to believe it.”

  “Yes, Sensei Damon.”

  Damon grinned cheekily. “Back to Sensei now?”

  “Um, you noticed that?”

  Damon nodded. “You were confident, and you were right. You also thought of yourself as an equal which you are. You now think of yourself as a student which you are also. It’s good to be both, and it’s good you can see the difference.”

  Kat smiled. “Thank you. I can do a chin-up, a handstand and a push-up. All I have to do is put it together.”

  Connor walked around the corner. “No pressure, but I’ve got to see this.”

  “Just don’t film me and post it on YouTube, okay?”

  “I promise.”

  Kat looked at the bar as she would in gymnastics and performed the same move almost as well as Damon had. She then did it eight more times. On the tenth time, Kat didn’t quite make the chin-up and dropped to the ground. “My arms are killing me, but it’s definitely something I can work on.”


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