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Our Cause (Let the Monsters Live in Fear Book 1)

Page 24

by Jennifer Jane Jennings

  “I won’t be telling your bosses but will use it to find out who killed June and Trinity.”

  Trudy nodded. “Good. June and Chrissie have been here for about three years. They started together and did most things together. They even lived together. She’d know June’s whereabouts best of all. The rest of us used to try to avoid them. Well, most of us.”

  “Why?” It could be because they’re Asian, but I’m not prompting her.

  “I hate to speak ill of the dead, so I’ll just tell you about Chrissie. She thinks she’s better than us because she’s Asian or at least she acts that way. She’s called me a giraffe, butch and fat.”

  Damon stared at Trudy. “There’s no way you’re fat! You’ve got a great figure, and I’m a gym instructor.”

  Trudy smiled and ran her fingers through her hair. “We’ve been told not to flirt, so I’ll say this once. I won’t charge you and anything’s allowed. That’s for helping us and for being you. You’re gorgeous but also seem like a really good guy.”

  Damon gave Trudy a weak smile. Here goes. “Thanks, but I’m asexual.”

  Trudy’s mouth dropped. “The best looking man I’ve ever seen and you’re asexual. God really does play some cruel jokes, doesn’t he?”

  Damon nodded. “Oh yeah. Besides putting you down to your face, did they do anything else?”

  “They put us down to clients too. Um, one of them told some clients I was a trans girl. I was definitely born female but some believed her.”

  “That’s dreadful. Does that sort of thing happen with other girls?”

  “Yeah. The hooker game is competitive. I try not to let my guys even think about other girls, but some feel it’s necessary to put us down. I’ve heard loads of rumours about myself, like being a crack dealer or a junkie. I don’t do drugs and I’d never deal. My mum was a junkie who scared me straight.”

  “Do you think any of the girls may have had her killed to get rid of the competition or as payback for rumours?”

  “God no! Most of us aren’t great friends, but we are sisters. We may say bad stuff about each other, but if anyone’s in physical danger, we’d all protect them with our lives. Like how we have panic buttons in all the bedrooms. If the alarm goes off, it means one of us is in trouble. We all stop whatever we’re doing, even if we’re in the middle of sex and run in and help our sister. I hit the alarm by mistake on my first night. I got carried away and knocked it without meaning to. There were twenty people in my room within a minute. Half of them were naked.”

  “That’s good to know. Is there anyone who doesn’t say bad things about the other girls?”

  “Sky. The gorgeous blonde who was sitting near me. She’s the best looking hooker I’ve ever seen. She has appointments booked months in advance and is without doubt the most popular girl here. I mean, I’ve been working here almost a year and she’s never met a new client in the meeting room. She gets asked for by name and is always booked out. She’s also one of the nicest because she doesn’t need to compete. She’s recommended me to some of her clients for some special services. She looks after the nice girls and ignores the rest.”

  “Special services?”

  Trudy smiled. “They can be anything other than the standard blowjob, massage and sex. I specialise in hard BDSM. I love it rough and am very submissive. From what I’ve heard the girlfriend experience is part of Sky’s standard service. I’ve never heard about her charging for extras. Maybe one of the reasons she’s so popular, besides her looks.”

  “Have you ever said anything bad about another girl?”

  “Yeah, I’m not proud of it. Usually only girls who did it to me first. I usually say the truth, though. That’s better than any lie.”

  “What did you say about June and Chrissie?”

  “Oh, fuck! I hope I didn’t get her in trouble. I said she bad mouths a lot of the Aussie men especially if they have dad bods or lots of body hair. You don’t think someone would’ve killed her over that, do you?”

  Damon looked Trudy in the eyes and knew she was telling the truth. “If that’s all they killed her over, they were looking for any excuse to kill someone. It’s their fault, not yours.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Is there anything else I should know? Do you know anything more about Trinity?”

  Trudy shook her head. “Not that I can think of?”

  “Thanks for your time. I’ll talk with Chrissie now. I’ve got loads of interviews. Brent may wish to speak with you as well before you go.”

  Trudy touched his bicep. “If things ever change for you, let me know. I’d love to spend a full night with you. I don’t say that to many men.”

  Damon smiled and nodded. I guess I can’t complain about that. She’s less forward than many girls at the gym. “I’ll walk you back to the other room.”

  Brent was walking out of the other meeting room with the blonde who could only be Sky. Damon stopped himself from becoming lost in her beauty this time.

  “Brent, can you see Trudy now and Chrissie as soon as you can. We’ll be faster if we don’t take breaks between interviews waiting for girls. I’ll see Sky after Chrissie. Please, come with me, Chrissie.” Damon shut the door behind her. “Please, take a seat.” He waited for Chrissie to sit down and sat opposite her. “You said you were June’s best friend. Do you know what she was doing on the night she was killed?”

  Tears came to Chrissie’s eyes. “I was out on a date.”

  “A date or work?”

  “A date. We’re allowed a social life too!” Chrissie’s tiny hands clenched into fists.

  “I’m sorry. Of course you are. I’m not sure how any of this works. It just seems weird being in a relationship and sleeping with other people at work.”

  Chrissie rolled her eyes at him, “And killing people at work isn’t weird?”

  “Of course it is. Well, mostly. Point taken. Please continue.”

  “I got home and there was a note saying June had taken a job. We both do freelance sometimes.” She burst into tears. “I haven’t seen her since.”

  “I’m so sorry. Did the note say where she was going or who she was going to meet?”

  “No. They sometimes called our phones. Do you know if the police found her phone? They wouldn’t tell me anything? They just looked at me like an Asian sex worker. They even searched our place. Almost trashed it. I thought I was going to be arrested when they found our stash of E. The detective confiscated it and told me he’d go easy on me this time because I’d lost my best friend and there was only enough for personal use. He was a right, smug bastard. Weird name for a cop too.”

  “What was his name?”

  “Detective Lawless. Apart from not arresting me, he seemed completely by the book, although June certainly didn’t seem to be his priority. Just another Asian hooker. They don’t care about us. If it were Sky, he’d be falling over himself to find the killer, but not my poor, dear June.”

  “Why do you think he’d help Sky?” Damon asked.

  “You’ve seen her. Up until I met you, she was the most beautiful Australian I’d ever seen. I heard she used to be a model but didn’t like it. All those clothes and shoes. Maybe even getting rich and famous. What’s not to like?”

  “You’d like to be a model?”

  “Absolutely! I’m surprised she doesn’t.”

  “Do you talk with her much?” Damon asked.

  Chrissie shook her head. “With most of them, it’s because we’re Asian, but Sky’s different. She’s always booked out. We hardly ever see her. Usually only if our shifts start or end at the same time. She’s polite and smiles but never stays to chat. She did recommend June and me to have a threesome with one of her clients. He was good-looking, nothing like you, but hot still and polite. We had a good time and he paid well.”

  “Why did Sky recommend someone else rather than ask someone to join her?”

  “She doesn’t do threesomes, anal, water sports or hard BDSM. She does light, though. She still has ei
ght appointments a night, five nights a week. That’s why we don’t see her much. The rest of us wait in the other room when we haven’t got a client. We get to know each other a bit. Most of them hate us, or at least they did. Now it’s just me. I’m sure they’re going to get rid of me now.”

  Damon raised an eyebrow. “Do you think they’re going to kill you?”

  Chrissie’s mouth dropped open. “God no! They’ll push me into leaving. Either bully or ignore me. June and I were different because we’re Asian, tighter, smaller, more willing to please, but send us, I mean me, to an Asian brothel, I’m just one of many.” Tears filled her eyes, “It was always me and June, now it’s just me. I feel so alone.”

  Damon reached over and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Chrissie got down on her knees before him almost making him jump out of the sofa. “Please, get up, Chrissie. That isn’t what I meant. I was only trying to comfort you.”

  Chrissie sat back up on the couch. “It’s because I’m Asian, isn’t it?”

  Damon shook his head and spoke without thinking. “No. I dated an Asian girl for about eighteen months in my late teens.” Oh, fuck. How am I going to say I’m asexual now?

  Chrissie’s eyes became wide. “You did? What happened.”

  “We did karate together at my Dad’s gym. She went to uni, and I joined the army. She was from Okinawa. I went over there with her family once to train. Her name was Emika. She was great at karate.”

  Chrissie leant forward and licked her lips. “I’ll do anything and everything you want, no charge. Just please find the bastard who killed June and make him pay.”

  “I will do everything in my power to find him, and yeah, he’ll pay. I don’t want any sexual favours, though. I’m asexual now.”

  Chrissie’s mouth dropped open again. “How? Why? It wasn’t because of Emika, was it?”

  Damon shook his head. “Nothing like that. I fell for a nurse in Afghanistan. She was English, before you ask. She was murdered in front of me. Every time I start getting hard, I see her being murdered in front of me. Even the thought of sex turns me off now.”

  “Oh my God! I’m so sorry. Is she why you want to help us?”

  Damon nodded. “Yeah. No one deserves to be murdered, and no one deserves the pain you feel when you’re left behind.”

  Tears fell down Chrissie’s cheeks. “I hear you. You’ll get this bastard. I know you will. If you ever change your mind and want a girl, I’ll be patient and free. Call me any time.” She handed Damon her number.

  “I’ll text you mine, not for sex, but if you find out anything that may help find this monster. I’ll walk you out. Take care and please don’t do escorts at the moment. They’re not safe. Brent will see you as soon as he’s available.”

  Chrissie reached up and hugged Damon. There was nothing sexual about it, just a tender hug. “Thank you.”

  Damon counted one less girl than there had been. Unless one had gone to the bathroom, Brent had finished with Trudy and was interviewing another girl. “He’ll see you next and then you can go.” Damon looked at Sky. “Your turn.”

  She smiled, walked into the meeting room and waited for Damon to close the door. “As I told Brent, I’d love to help but don’t know how I can.”

  “Please, take a seat.” Damon waited for Sky to sit down and sat opposite her. “Chrissie said you recommended June and her to one of your clients.”

  Sky smiled and nodded. If any girl could pique his interest, it would be her. “Yeah, Benjie. I’m seeing him tonight. I can get his number if you like or Val will have his email address. He’s a nice guy, but he may know something, although he only saw them once. A lot of guys want to experience a threesome. He said it was great but prefers one on one.”

  “Has Benjie ever acted strange or violent?”

  Sky shook her head. “No. If I thought he were dangerous, I wouldn’t see him or recommend him to others. I doubt any of the men I see would hurt anyone.”

  “You’d see a lot of men, though. How long have you been seeing Benjie? Do you remember when he saw June?”

  “I see seventy-two different men and have slept with ninety-seven since I started working here six years ago. I met Benjie in my first month here. He visits once a week and hasn’t missed a session. He saw them just over a year ago. Maybe last November?”

  “Did he swap your session so he could see the girls?”

  Sky’s hair seemed to dance as she shook her head. “No. He saw them a different night. On a weekend, I think? You should check that with Chrissie or Benjie.”

  “You weren’t worried that he’d cancel your session or see them instead?”

  Sky chuckled softly. “We’re not exactly married. If someone can’t make a session, Val sends out an email or calls them if she has their number and fills their spot. Most of my guys are happy to get an extra session when they can. She keeps a note of who had to postpone and tries to give them the next available spot.”

  “Does that happen often?”

  Sky’s eyes drifted to the side as she thought back. “Sometimes when they go on holidays, travel for work or get sick.”

  “So not a lot then.”

  Sky smiled, lighting up the room. “No.”

  “Why do you do this?” Damon blurted out.


  “Couldn’t you make more being a model?”

  Sky shook her head. “You have to sleep around almost as much as you do here. I said no and lost jobs to the girls who would. I agreed and got a catwalk gig. The guy was a real creep. I met Jerry as I came out of the boss’s office after giving him a blow job. I hated myself and must’ve had a look on my face that said that. Jerry asked me how much I made and laughed when I told him. He told me I could make more than that in a night, and I do. I told him my dream and that I only wanted to work for him until I could afford to retire and follow my dream full-time. He’s helped me a lot. He’s a good guy.”

  “What’s your dream?”

  “I show and breed Samoyeds. Jerry’s helped me buy three acres not far from here. We’ve worked out my schedule so I can show and spend time with my dogs. He also told me about some rural land that isn’t too far out of metro so I can still be handy to most buyers when I choose to retire. I still need to build the house. By the end of next year, I’ll be able to pay for it outright. That’s why I do what I do. I’m also good at my job and get to choose who and what I do. You can’t ask for more than that, can you?”

  Damon smiled, highlighting his dimples. “You seem more than just a pretty face.”

  Sky returned his smile. “Thank you. You too.”

  Damon chuckled, then turned serious. “Any idea of who could have hurt June?”

  Sky shook her head. “No, sorry.”

  “Do you know anything about Trinity?”

  “The first I heard about her was on the news.”

  “Thanks for your time. If you think of anything, please let us know. Good luck with your dogs.”

  “Thanks. I hope you find him.” Sky shook Damon’s hand and left the room with him. He watched her say goodbye to the others and leave.

  Damon walked back into the girls’ room after his twelfth interview, his head spinning.

  Jerry caught him before he could ask for the next girl. “I know you wouldn’t eat butter. Do you eat bread?”

  Damon smiled. “Yes, wholemeal, thanks.”


  Damon beamed. “Most definitely. White with no sugar. Skim milk if you have it.”

  “We’re getting the good stuff from the coffee shop on the corner. Cappuccino, mocha, latte?”

  “A large skinny mocha would be wonderful. Thanks.”

  Jerry smiled. “Just a bit of a sweet tooth there although no sugar.”

  “Yeah. My stepmum’s a bad influence. She got me and Dad onto them.”

  “She sounds delightful,” Jerry said with no hint of sarcasm.

  “She is.”

  Damon smiled at a plus size woman with the bigges
t breasts he had ever seen. “I’ll see you now.”

  Damon walked out with the fifteenth girl he’d interviewed that day to the smell of fresh coffee.

  Jerry handed him his mocha. “Take a break and join us.”

  Damon sat next to Brent. There was room for everyone on the couches now. He was halfway through his coffee when he took a sandwich, chicken salad, from the platter on the coffee table. “Thanks, I needed this. Especially the coffee.”

  Jerry smiled. “You both seem more like get the job done men rather than talkers. It must be exhausting. Me, I could talk all day.”

  Val laughed. “It’s shutting him up that’s the problem.”

  Damon smiled and kept eating, listening to the others chat. When he finished, he gestured to a sporty looking girl who looked like many who went to his gym. “If you’re finished lunch, I’ll see you now.”

  She stood up. “Thanks.”

  Damon walked out of his last interview to have Jerry hand him a mocha.

  “I thought you’d need this. You’ve done well. Do you have any questions for me now or should you call me when your head stops spinning?”

  Damon chuckled. “It’s spinning big time. Thanks for the mocha. How many clients would June have had while she’s worked here?”

  Jerry shook his head. “Hundreds maybe thousands. I can look it up on the system if it will help.”

  Damon’s brow furrowed. “It’s probably not necessary but I’ll keep it in mind. Why would June have that many and Sky only ninety-seven, unless she’s mistaken.”

  “No. That sounds about right for Sky. You’ve seen her. She’s almost as beautiful as you. She’s a lady, and when she’s with a man, she’s with him. Besides wearing a condom, it’s like they’re with the girl of their dreams. Half of them are in love with her. Every single man she’s been with here has become her regular. They only stop seeing her if they get a girlfriend or move. The ones who move, still usually come back, just not as frequently.”

  Damon thought back to his interview with Sky. “The man who had the threesome with June and Chrissie, Benjie, is he in love with Sky?”

  Jerry frowned. “Yes. It was a year ago, though. Are you worried June may have said something bad about Sky and he killed her for it?”


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