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THE RUSSIAN THUG: Abducted by the Bratva ~Krasnov Brothers Book 1~

Page 16

by Warren, Rie

  Wrapping my hands around Joanna’s waist, I cursed through gritted teeth as she swallowed more of my cock inside her tighter than tight cunt.

  My balls were already at bursting point, and I wasn’t even all the way inside her yet.


  Fearless in all things, she even made fucking more interesting.

  She intrigued me.

  Aroused me.

  Angered me beyond anything.

  And disrupted my equilibrium, corrupted my cool killer calm, made me want to forget everything just so I could get inside her.


  Now, gloriously naked on top of me, she rode me soft and slow.

  The tight pressure of her pussy milked my throbbing cock in a mixture of wetness and heat.

  I wouldn’t let her or any other woman trick me into an unexpected pregnancy but suddenly the thought of being inside Jo bareback—all of her slick wetness gushing unprotected all over my meat—had me trying to shaft deeper inside her.

  She moaned, head back, spine arched, her pussy greedily sucking in my cock.

  The heat inside her ignited all my basest needs, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before the beast emerged.

  I’d let her take over just long enough to convince her she was in control.

  Because I had a feeling Jo wasn’t like any other woman I’d ever known. Considering she’d actually shot me once, she didn’t need to use her body to get to me.

  Instead, she was giving herself to me.


  My fingers convulsed, and I reached around to grasp her ass in a wicked hold just to feel her flesh bounce.

  I should just breed her.

  Make her mine in a way no one could rip asunder.

  Raising my head, I licked her neck then sucked on her pulse point, and her pussy rippled around me.

  She almost had me all the way inside.

  “Damn, Jo.” Muscles flexed all over my body, and she hissed in response to my low-spoken words.


  Her ass bounced on my thighs and against my balls, and she finally took my entire shaft deep with an addictive mewl.

  “That’s it,” I gnashed out. Christ. “Take . . . Every . . . Single . . . Inch of cock.”

  She lifted back up, and we both spun together in savage intensity.

  Her red hair floated around her like wildfire when she dropped back down, swallowing my cock until I butted against something inside her farthest recesses.

  She yelled in a smoky tone that beat down to my bones.

  I wouldn’t be able to take much more of this tease.

  I wanted to enjoy her.

  But I really wanted to fuck her.




  Nail her.

  Make her scream.

  Watch her fall apart on my cock.

  Her eyes gleamed with sparkling green and gold from dilated depths, and I watched as her tits jostled directly in my vision.

  The temptation too much, I snarled, attacking. Engulfing the tip of her breast with my mouth, I clasped her hips.


  Taking over, I pounded her up and down, slamming her on my cock, my groin punching up from below.

  I relinquished one bright nipple to feast on the other and licked everywhere my mouth could reach.

  “I’m . . .” Her ragged nails stabbed into my shoulders as her body lunged backward.

  I held her with my cock buried deep, each of her spasms making my balls boil. Every wave of pleasure that made her cry out pushed me closer to the edge.

  I needed to fuck her, and fuck her hard.

  She hadn’t stopped quaking when I drew her body against mine. I devoured her mouth, massaging her tongue. I thrust up into her, my dick lurching in her squeezing hold.

  “On the floor,” I rasped out urgently, but she barely registered my command.

  With a loud roar, I vaulted up.

  She squealed, settling even more deeply on my shaft.

  I took a couple steps away from the sofa then lowered us down to the rug.

  “What are you—”

  I tugged her hair in my fist, silencing her.

  With her neck arched, I licked a trail up to her ear and bit the soft lobe again.

  My voice thundered low, “You belong to me.”

  Her cunt clenched around my embedded cock.

  Her nipples pressed against my chest.

  I pinned her down on the floor. “You will do as I say no questions asked because I’m not done making you come on my cock.”



  Pulling out of her, I heard the sound I’d begun to crave—her smoky-toned moan. Up on my knees, I flipped her right over.

  I arranged her how I wanted her, braced on all fours in front of me, the line of her spine arching up into her juicy ass with her red hair shimmering against her porcelain skin.

  “Perfect.” I ran both palms over her ass then circled her waist.

  She glanced back at me through dazed and dilated eyes.

  My cockhead nudged against her, and she gasped. Her pussy was pink and swollen and slippery, the tiny hole I was about to breach again.

  Thrusting into her with one forceful stroke, I took her completely.

  Her head whipped up, bright hair flying.

  I held her with a near-bruising grip on her waist and let go of every thing but the insanity of being inside Joanna.

  Pulling her up against my front with my cock deep inside her twitching gash, I marveled at how she took every last inch of me.

  She moaned continuously, and I slowly soldered in and out of her. I roamed all over her with one hand—from her stuffed pussy to her flat belly and up to her jostling tits.

  Her hair in a leash around my forearms, I bit and nuzzled her neck before angling her to take my kiss.

  We breathed harshly, and she mewled softly.

  Then I pushed her back down for the real ride.

  Nailing her savagely as sweat drizzled down my chest and my sac slammed against her sex, I loved the sight of her obscenely stretched hole grasping my slick rod and her ass cheeks wobbling.

  My thrusts sped.

  My balls tightened.

  I came, bellowing like a wild animal.

  I distantly heard Jo wail too, and she grasped me in her sucking vise again.

  With the last volley of seed blasted out, I leaned over her to plant lingering kisses between her shoulder blades.

  She shivered and would’ve collapsed if I hadn’t kept an arm around her waist.

  Pulling out of her, I helped her off her hands and knees. She reclined on her side, feathery lashes creating crescents on her cheeks from her lowered eyelids.

  I quickly disposed of the condom, and another twisted rush spiked through me at the thought of coming directly inside of her, bathing her in my seed, breeding her to prove she belonged to me.

  Laying on my back next to her, I rested my head on an arm.

  She gravitated closer with a quiet murmur and a satisfied sort of smile.


  So sex like that was definitely a good way to tame the minx.

  I swept her hair back from her brow. “You’re a snuggler now?”

  With a huff, she flipped over and presented me with her backside.

  “You know I appreciate this view just as much.”

  She reached back to slap at me, her weak blow glancing off my thigh.

  Chuckling, I rolled into her. It was no great surprise my cock began rising again with renewed interest.

  Shame. It looked like I’d worn her out for the night.

  But there was always tomorrow.

  Instead of fondling her ass the way I wanted to, I gave her a slight pinch. “Bed.”

  “Can’t move,” she mumbled sleepily.

  “Okay. If you want Arkady to find us like this in the morning.”


  I chuckled again then stretched to my fe

  She grumbled even more when I lifted her into my arms, but she folded her hands around my neck and seemed content enough.

  I placed her in my bed before going back out to collect our discarded clothes. When I returned, she’d already wormed halfway onto my side of the bed.

  Easing in beside her, I pulled her head onto my shoulder. She fell even more deeply asleep that way, occasionally rubbing her cheek against me.

  Sleeping beside the woman had become an interesting experiment from the first moments I’d kept her restrained—I smirked in the dark—to the times when she’d willingly cuddled against me.

  I fell asleep with her draped over me but remained alert enough to register any change just in case she got any foolish ideas.

  Toward dawn, I watched through narrowed eyes as she carefully got up. She tiptoed into the bathroom and came back a few minutes later, no razor blades in hand.

  She crawled in beside me and resumed her snuggly position.

  I slept more soundly after that, knowing she hadn’t attempted escape.

  In the morning, she continued to doze while I prepared to talk to Yury about her brothers and their unexpected proposition. Showered and fully dressed, I observed the sleeping woman for a moment before gently resting my lips against her forehead.

  Despite last night’s change in her attitude, I couldn’t leave her alone to wander freely around the apartment.

  Out in the main room, I placed a call on my phone, leaving Jo’s stashed in the safe.

  Minutes later, Arkady stepped out of the elevator, looking no worse for wear having spent the night at the mansion. “You want me to stay in the bedroom with her?”

  Hard no. I’d left her naked and all sweet and rumpled.

  Perhaps I should’ve tied her up again.

  “Just stay out here and listen for any suspicious noises.”

  My brother’s eyebrows hooked up.

  “You know what I mean. I won’t be long.”

  * * *

  I located Yury down in the massive maze of the basement. He was in the farthest room from the stairs, the large chamber that was the most heavily guarded in the compound.

  The thickly walled room with the heavy steel door housed our sizable arsenal of black-market weapons.

  Crates stacked nearly to the rafters contained assault rifles, machine guns, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and all the ammo any army, syndicate, or pro-Russian rebel group could want.

  Yury stood watch while a few of the Bratva’s soldiers readied several huge boxes of munitions for delivery.

  He looked over at me, unlit cigar clamped between his lips. “We have exchange in a few nights.”

  “I’m aware.” It might’ve been Arkady’s job to oversee most of the gun side of the business, but I got the distinct impression Yury thought I was shirking my duties.

  After inspecting me silently for a considerable length of time, the pakhan pointed his stogie at the soldiers. “Give us the room.”

  They cleared out silently, and I closed the door until just a sliver of the corridor remained.

  “I expected you to report back last night, Kirill.” Yury’s heavy bass voice echoed in the chamber.

  “Apologies. I should’ve sought you out. I wanted more information from Joanna first.”

  “Is the girl playing you?”

  “No chance of that happening. You know me, Papa, I don’t get involved.” I met his gaze squarely, weighing the words I’d just spoken against a somewhat more difficult truth.

  Somehow, Jo had gotten inside of me. She’d become a person of some importance to me, and I’d grown concerned with more than just keeping her prisoner or luring her into my bed. I worried about her welfare should she be turned back over to her father.

  The feelings disquieted me.

  After last night, I was sure she’d begun to experience the same thing.

  Yury seemed to take my statement at face value. “Tell me about the Irish. Did they attempt to get her back?”

  I leaned against the wall, rubbing a hand across my chin. “The opposite.”

  A brief flicker of surprise lightened his dour expression.

  “You’ve heard her mouth,” I said. “Can you blame them for not wanting her back?”

  He laughed in male camaraderie, and after that I told him everything.

  Almost everything.

  I again neglected to inform him about the men who’d been sniffing around Jo in hopes of buying her off her father.

  “They want to join up to kill Robbie O’Sullivan?” A frown burrowed deep lines into his forehead.


  “You believed them?”

  “After speaking to them in person and gauging their motivation, I do. Arkady and Maksim think they’re being honest with us too. That’s not all.”

  Yury shuffled his unlit cigar from one corner of his mouth to the other.

  “In exchange, they offer us a twenty percent cut of their coke profits for three years.”

  His interest spiked with the mention of money, he stroked his chin.

  “Given their situation, the O’Sullivans would be even more amenable in the future without their father’s interference.” I gave Yury my final pitch.

  Another long squinting silence ensued.

  Then he asked, “And what was it you found out from the girl last night?”

  Keeping my voice detached, I explained the arrangement Robbie had regarding his soldiers and giving them free use of Jo’s body.

  Yury didn’t appear to be at all surprised even though, while he sometimes gave Sasha a hard time, he’d never allow anything like that to happen to his daughter.

  After mulling over the information, he slowly removed the cigar from his mouth. “It might not be bad thing.”

  “What exactly?”

  “You and the girl. Together. Good way to solidify new relationship with her brothers if they’re intent on getting rid of their father.”


  He certainly hadn’t ordered any of us to marry before. Yet some could argue it was within his rights—a means to a larger end like striking a deal or marrying two factions together.

  But the Irish mafia and the Zolotov Bratva? No one would’ve entertained such a ludicrous thought before. I hadn’t considered what Yury’s take on the idea might be when the subject had been approached last night with Joanna’s brothers then just as quickly cast aside.

  “She is sullied though,” he murmured. “Would that bother you?”

  She wasn’t sullied. She’d been abused and raped through no fault of her own. It was a miracle she still had it within her to be so hot and passionate with me.

  “She could still make a fine mate.” I made sure to sound appropriately neutral.

  The truth was, I didn’t know what I wanted from the woman, except it didn’t include letting her go.


  “She might not agree though,” I added with a twist of my lips.

  “She does not need to. This is men’s business, and she would learn.”

  “I would enjoy teaching her.” Da. I let the thought roll over me, and found it to my liking.

  Yury barked out a belly-rumbling chuckle, approval lighting his heavy features.

  Then he sobered. “We will see about the death of her father first.”

  “I’ll go contact Lucky now.”

  Since the thick walls and depth of the cellar blocked all phone reception, I made my way back upstairs to the club. Wondering how Arkady was faring with Jo, I’d make the call quick. Knowing the woman, she was probably goading him toward violence.

  I moved out to the loading bay, which brought back fresh memories of the day I’d discovered Jo’s secret.

  Tomboy my ass.

  She was beautiful. Clever, funny, feisty, and brave.

  Even if I saw her in old beaten-up jeans and a raggedy T-shirt with her hair stuffed up under a baseball cap, I’d never think of her the same way again.

  Nodding to Grigor�
�the newest soldier who stood at quiet and keen attention—I hopped down to the tarmac.

  I strolled across the makeshift basketball court where Jo had teased, taunted, and effortlessly tempted me. A rare smile curled across my lips.

  This whole situation could work out even better than originally planned.

  Would I take Jo as my wife?

  Would she want that?

  Perhaps not initially, but I could protect and provide for her. I could teach her as Yury had mentioned. As I already had.

  I’d definitely need to revisit spanking her again soon before she got too comfortable, thinking she had me wrapped around her little finger. I enjoyed sparring with her. I’d loved fucking her.

  We needed to get rid of her father first.

  With Lucky’s contact info transferred to my phone, I fished out my cell and dialed his number.

  I put the call on speaker, and he picked up after the second ring. “Kirill.”

  At the same time, I spied two guards sprawled on the ground at the gate to the compound, and short hairs prickled on the back of my neck.

  “What the fuck?” I bellowed, immediately palming my gun.

  “What’s going on Kirill?” Lucky’s disembodied voice floated out to me.

  I yelled back to Grigor. “We’re under attack!”

  All the way across the lot, I saw him spring into action, gripping his rifle, shouting back through the door.

  As soon as I sprinted toward the downed guards, a nondescript van barreled right through the fence, hurling toward me.

  “Kirill? Kirill!” Lucky called out again from the phone clutched in my hand.

  The van spun, halting in front of me with a squeal of tires.

  I dropped the phone just as the sliding doors slammed open. Firing quickly, I dropped the first two black-masked targets.

  More vaulted out.

  I crouched down—aim, shoot, kill.

  “Kirill, watch out!” Grigor bellowed.

  I glanced back.

  Grigor bolted toward me, and the man he’d warned me about was unmasked and bearing down on me.

  Unmasked because he was one of our own. Luka. A long-time soldier.

  Except he didn’t train his weapon at the intruders continuing to circle me, he aimed at me.

  I popped a shot, but another of the cunts bowled into me from behind, throwing my targeting off.

  Ramming my elbow back, I struck something hard and heard a scream of pain.


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