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THE RUSSIAN THUG: Abducted by the Bratva ~Krasnov Brothers Book 1~

Page 19

by Warren, Rie

  I swayed a little, bringing my forearms up to brace against his torso.

  His low chuckle hit something deep and delicious inside of me.

  Carefully, slowly, Kirill tended to me, his touches increasingly sensual, and a pining ache for him grew inside of me.

  He skimmed the towel all down my back and all up my legs. He caressed my bottom then drew the edge of the terrycloth between my thighs and along the center of my every desire for him.

  A moan parted my lips, and Kirill moved slightly away from me. He hung up the towel then held his arms aloft.

  I grabbed a dry one and started the same process on him even though I wanted nothing more than to lick each glimmering water droplet off his body with my tongue.

  Patting the terrycloth softly over him, I marveled again at his amazing stature and strength. I covered every surface of his body before slowly grasping the stiff column of his cock.

  Kirill grunted, his feet stamping wider.

  I swept around him then to dry his wide shoulders and the fanned muscles of his back. I almost swooned over his tautly muscled ass.

  After I finished, he took the toweling from me and tossed it aside.

  A spell wove between us, thick as the heat rolling off of us . . . binding us together.

  “You must be exhausted.” My voice had grown smoky, almost unrecognizable.

  “That’s the thing about wondering if you’re really going to meet your maker. You get hungry for everything at once. I don’t want to sleep right now, Jo.”

  Shivers erupted all over my body.

  That look.

  His deep timbre.

  Even black and blue and bruised, he was a sexual beast.

  “Do you want something to eat then?” I licked my lips, moving back into the bedroom.

  He followed me predatorily. “I think you know exactly what I want to eat.”



  I’D NEVER COME HOME to a woman before. The experience with Jo was not unpleasant.

  Downstairs she’d first reacted to my return with obvious relief. Her face brightening, she’d almost rushed to me.

  She’d watched without one single look of horror while I held out Luka’s severed head in order to get my point across to the other soldiers.

  She was bold, daring. Strong and dependable.

  Everything a man with a dangerous lifestyle like mine could want in a mate.

  She was different, beautiful, exotic to me.

  And I wanted her now.

  I pulled her to the bed and immediately crawled after her. I positioned myself between her legs she spread for me, ready to taste her. Eat her. Feed my entire face on her.

  Dropping my head, I licked a path up her silky inner thigh, and she gave a whining mewl.

  I glanced up, my chin nearly brushing the bright curls on her mound.

  “I want to suck you too.” Her voice rasped.

  Inhaling sharply, I looked back down at her swollen wet pussy, my fingers clenching on her hips.

  Face hardening and dick throbbing, I lay on my back and jerked her on top of me. She quickly scrambled around, and the points of her breasts cruised down my chest to my abdomen as her knees settled beside my head.

  My hands spanned her waist.

  Jo gripped my steely hard flesh and lifted my cock from my stomach.

  The globes of her ass rose over me, and that sweet pussy perched right above my mouth.

  Fresh from the shower, her skin glowed. She was so damn tiny compared to me but, when her lips enveloped the head of my cock in wet heat, I bucked up hard and fast.

  “Fuck, Jo.”

  Her murmur along my shaft shot vibrations right up my spine, and I yanked her soaked cunt straight down to my lips.

  Groaning into her luscious gash, I kissed, licked, and mashed my mouth against her.

  I growled continuously, eating her out with a wild ferocity that made her tongue flutter around the engorged tip of my dick.

  I thrust up again, wanting more of her mouth.

  She gagged and choked, and I felt the hot splash of her saliva sliding all down my cock.

  I plunged up into her mouth again, and she moaned hotly, drilling more pleasure into my swollen balls.

  Stroking my tongue along her pink slit, I nudged her little clit with my whiskery chin.

  Her hips shot up, and she squealed.

  My dark chuckle pulsating against her, I dragged her right back to my mouth.

  Jo fisted my cock, slurping loudly on the first inches. She sucked me as greedily as I licked her.

  Hands grasping her ass so hard I’d leave prints, I drilled her hole over and over again.

  Jo bobbed faster, one of her hands cupping my sac.


  My groin rocked up and down and, as soon as I brought my thumb to softly rotate around her clit, she rose up.

  Her shout punctured the air.

  I held her hard against my mouth, lapping up all she had to give me.

  When her orgasm finished, she dropped back down.

  I reached low, holding my cock for her in one hand, guiding the back of her head with the other.

  I still kept slathering her lush pussy, but I needed to blast down her throat . . . now.

  She clasped my dick too, her soft stroking and slurpy sucking making my mind blitz out.

  My head craned back as a giant bellow ripped from my lips.

  My cock blasted, and Jo moaned with each stream sprayed against her tonsils.

  I gripped her hair in both hands, keeping her on my dick to take my whole load.

  Goddamn, nothing had ever felt better.

  As soon as I came, I pushed Jo off me.

  She slid to her back, hazel eyes heavy lidded and soft. She brought one fingertip to the corner of her mouth, sliding a last dot of cum between her lips.

  With her fiery hair spread all around while she savored my seed, the sight was enough to get me completely hard again.

  I located a condom without looking away from her.

  The damn thing stretched down my aching pole, I moved over her. “I hope you’re ready for more, malyshka.”

  Her hands clung to my biceps, legs rising to bracket my hips. “What does that mean, what you always call me.”

  The crown of my cock brushed along her silky wet core, and I lowered until my chest met the tips of her tits. “Little girl.”

  “I am not a little girl!”

  I trailed a finger along the sloped curve of her breast to circle a nipple into an aching point.

  “No, you’re not.” My voice hovered rough at her ear.

  Thrusting forward, I impaled her all the way. “No little girl could take all this big Russian cock the way you do.”

  She climaxed at my rough words and raw thrust.

  I loved making Joanna shudder, pulse, gush around me.

  Lacing my fingers through hers, I held her down. I stayed deeply implanted as she convulsed, then I molded my lips over hers.

  I swept roughly across her tongue, eating up her moans like I’d eaten out her pussy.

  Then I pulled back, leaving her writhing and panting. Up on my knees, I bent one of her legs out across the bed and hauled the other up to lean against my shoulder.

  With her legs like scissors, I rammed into her again.

  Each strong long stroke made her scream my name.

  My bruises didn’t register.

  The pain long forgotten.

  Pure primal need pounded through me, and I pounded into her. I took her with a thorough, vigorous fuck that erased all memories before her.

  Striving to her depths with each raw lunge, I groaned and swore while she thrashed wildly. She grasped at everything—my abs, my thighs, the bedding, a pillow.

  Heat nailed the base of my spine and made my balls spasm.

  I bent over her and, with her leg mashed against her breasts, I drilled into her. I ground against her. I roared louder, erupting into the tightest slickest heat imaginable. And she sp
un out beneath me, squeezing around me.

  Again, I wished I could dispense with the fucking condom and paint her insides with every single last drop of cum that kept jetting out of me.

  I gave a hoarse shout with the very final spurt then rolled off of her.

  “Fuck.” My chest heaved up and down, sweat tracking along my temples and the center of my chest.

  I got rid of the condom then flipped to my side.

  Joanna had an entirely dazed, absolutely satisfied expression on her face, which I took complete credit for.

  I prodded her. “You alive?”

  “Ask me in the morning.”

  Her legs sprawled lewdly, drawing my attention to the pink puffiness of her slit. I thought how much better the vision would be to have her not just fucked out and boneless in my bed but also with my seed dripping from her swollen pussy.

  Shuffling us around from the bottom of the bed to the top, I kicked covers down before draping a sheet over us.

  Once again, my shoulder became her pillow. Which was a good thing because I thought she’d flung most of the pillows off the bed while she was howling in orgasm.

  Softly tracing the sinuous curve of her hip into the dip of her waist, I watched as chills lit up her flesh.

  Her breathing slowed and steadied.

  Her lashes fluttered, lids low.


  She was already asleep.

  After turning off the light, I kissed her forehead and her cheeks, and she snuggled closer.

  One of her legs lifted over mine.

  Guessed I wasn’t getting away from her.

  That was good.

  This was . . . inexplicably good.

  Now that I’d had her, fucked her. Marked her, possessed her, made her mine, I wasn’t willing to let her go.

  Yury was right. She didn’t need to agree to be mine.

  I’d already taken her.

  But gaining her complete trust would make her that much more likely to be the willing mate I would require.

  * * *

  I woke quickly, blinking against the sunlight filtering in through the windows.

  Something had triggered me.

  And then I saw it. I was in bed, alone.

  So much for being alert at all times around the cunning woman.

  A shocking sense of betrayal skittered through me before I heard a metallic clatter coming from somewhere in the vicinity of the kitchen followed by an utterly feminine voice cursing up a storm.


  She’d better not be going for the katana sword.

  Then I heard her baby-talking to Boris who was probably begging for attention after being largely ignored last night.

  And I wondered if Arkady had spent the night at the mansion again.

  I decided to start that trusting Jo thing right now and, instead of spying on her, I had a quick shower and a shave.

  My face didn’t look any better than it had yesterday. Ditto with my ribs. But no broken bones and no stitches needed so no big deal.

  I’d just looped a towel around my waist when I heard another clattering commotion. That time in the bedroom.

  Still better not be Jo with the sword.

  I stepped out to find the woman in question balancing—and almost dropping—a heavily laden tray of food.



  She whipped around brightly when she heard me, another cup almost toppling over. “I made breakfast.”

  Her gaze swept over my mostly naked body, and the tray nearly capsized.

  I rushed forward and took the teetering load from her. “Let me guess, you never waited tables.”

  “And you did?”

  “Da. Back in Russia, one of Yury’s bars when I was just starting out.”

  “You were just a kid then.”

  “That’s right.” I placed the tray on the bed. “Should I get dressed for this feast?”

  “Not on my account.” She licked her lips, and certain parts of my body got distinctly interested in bedding her again.

  Piling pillows against the headrest, I hopped onto the bed. “Are you going to serve me?”

  Blowing a tendril of hair from her forehead, she jutted her hip. “I think you can manage just fine.”

  I laughed then patted the space next to me.

  Jo climbed on and started pointing out the food. “OJ and coffee. Scrambled eggs, toast and jam.”

  “Where’s the caviar and blinis?”

  She threw a pillow at my head, and I chuckled again.

  Breakfast was filling and hearty enough, and I kept finding more reasons to enjoy Jo’s company. Especially when she dropped the tough girl act to let me see who she really was—sometimes cute, always energetic . . . she tackled whatever came at her with one hundred percent enthusiasm.

  That went for having sex with me too.

  Especially when her glance continually skimmed over my bare chest with distracting interest.

  If I stayed any longer, I’d think of a million excuses to crawl back under the covers with her and fuck her to oblivion all day long.

  Unfortunately, there was the agreement with her brothers to deal with, and a plan to hash out to get rid of her contemptible father once and for all.

  I put my napkin down then curved a palm around the nape of her neck.

  Guiding her mouth to mine, I gave her a very slow, very thorough kiss full of heat and wetness.

  “Thanks for breakfast, malyshka.”

  I smirked when she remained seated, a semi dazed gleam to her lively eyes.

  Retrieving a suit from my closet, I dressed in front of her.

  She leaned back on the pillows, making it clear she wasn’t going to do anything but ogle me.

  I pulled up my briefs, trying to make my stiffening cock fit into the pouch. “Do you mind?”

  “Un uhn.” Bringing a finger to her lips, she bit down on the tip.

  A jolt of lust hit me in the groin.

  At least she’d dressed before making breakfast—barely. Just this side of sheer, the tank top and panties combo revealed more than they hid.

  I turned my back to draw on my shirt.

  Jo whistled.

  I managed through the rest, definitely opting for a suit coat, at least until my hard-on disappeared.

  And Jo toed her way over when I began on the tie.

  “Let me.” She pushed my hands away and formed a perfect knot.

  She smoothed down the silk, patting my chest over the shirt.

  I wondered if she felt my heart knocking against her palm.

  “I’ve got to do some work for the club and figure other things out—”

  “About my da?”

  I nodded.

  “I can help too, Kirill. No one knows how atrocious he is more than me.”

  Pushing her hands down to her sides, I shook my head. “Nyet. This is between me and my brothers and yours. You will stay here.”

  She pouted deliciously.

  I thumbed her bottom lip. “That doesn’t work on me.

  She huffed with a toss of her red curls. “I know that.”

  “Now. Do I need to send up a guard or are you going to behave?”

  Jo smiled with saccharine sweetness. “I’m gonna be as good as gold.”

  I wasn’t so sure about that, but it was time to start building something with her now that I’d gotten her willfulness mostly under control.

  “Good. Come with me.” Encircling her wrist, I led her from the bedroom to the living area.

  “Are you giving me the sword?”

  “You just don’t give up, do you?”


  Opening the safe, I retrieved my weapons. It was a good thing I kept secondaries considering I’d lost all mine yesterday but then, working in our industry, I was never at a loss.

  I also took out Jo’s phone.

  I might’ve made a few modifications while in possession of it, a couple I’d even tell her about.

  “Take t
his.” I handed the iPhone to her.


  “Do you want it or not?”

  “Yes. Yes of course.” She cradled it in her hands like it was a precious gift, and I was reminded of how she’d looked when she’d unwrapped all those new clothes.

  She really could do with an upgraded phone too . . . at some point.

  If she proved herself.

  It was only a phone. Not her switchblade and definitely not the katana sword.

  She’d already shown she cared about me—her ministrations and worry last night were clear evidence.

  “I added myself, Maksim, and Arkady as contacts.”

  “And Sasha?”

  “Sasha too.” I tipped her chin up. “But this does not mean you can go shopping or for pedicures or whatever.”

  “Buzzkill.” Then Jo slanted a look at me. “Are you doing this because sex with me is so good?”

  “I’ve had better.”

  “Kirill!” She swatted at me.

  “Hey, watch the ribs.” I chuckled then realized I had not laughed with a woman like that before. Not ever.

  Seriousness dropped over me, and my voice lowered, rife with intent. “I’m doing this because I want you to have some faith in me, Jo.”

  Also to test her to see if she was worthy of my trust.

  The moment escalated in intensity as she stared back with such a look of longing that I felt heat seeping into my bones.

  I could stand there no longer, not without sweeping her off her feet and back into bed.

  Turning to leave, I only halted when she grabbed onto my arm.

  “Wait!” She tugged me around and launched up against me.

  Her sudden bold kiss seared all the way to my insides.

  Fierce fire spread all the way to my loins.

  I could’ve kissed her for hours, but she drifted back, hands at her sides but eyes intent on mine.

  “Thank you,” she whispered simply.



  KIRILL LOOKED STUNNED WHEN I pressed up against him, molding my lips to the firm warmth of his.


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