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THE RUSSIAN THUG: Abducted by the Bratva ~Krasnov Brothers Book 1~

Page 25

by Warren, Rie

  After sliding my mouth down her neck, I straightened. “Any regrets?”

  There better not be.

  “Just, you know, maybe that we didn’t just elope?” A teasing quality underscored her words.

  Growling, I took her in another much more possessive kiss. She pressed against me, moaning hotly before I reluctantly broke away.

  Desire drew a flush across her cheeks and dilated her irises as her hands skimmed inside of my jacket.

  She settled deeper into the cradle of my groin. “I suppose if we’d eloped I’d have missed out on you, so fine in your wedding suit.”

  She nipped at my jaw, dragging a sharp breath from me.

  Smoothing both hands up the lapels of my jacket, she murmured, “Who knew you could clean up so well?”

  My chuckle emerged rough and deep. “Does my everyday appearance offend you?”

  “I’m just playing with you.”

  “I know.” I nuzzled against her temple where fine filaments of hair tickled my nose. “And I will be playing with you, all night long.”

  Palpable tension shuddered through her body, and I stood her slightly away from me to appreciate her figure in the bridal gown once again.

  My eyes hooked on the peaks of her breasts rising within the bodice of the dress, and I whistled low through my teeth.

  “It’ll be my pleasure to find out what you’re wearing underneath this beautiful gown later, wife.”

  “Kirill,” she whispered breathily, swaying into me.

  “We can’t do a champagne toast without the husband and wife!” Sasha interrupted the intimate moment.

  “I’ll have my way with you later, malyshka.”

  Jo’s eyes flashed heatedly.

  And so we joined the others, both of us anticipating the coming night.

  But first, I had to endure the reception.

  Food had been laid out, and I recognized Baba’s hand in many of the dishes that would normally make my mouth water for a taste of home.

  Now all I wanted was a taste of Jo, between her silky thighs.

  There was eating, and talking, and magnums upon magnums of champagne.

  I concentrated on very little besides Joanna and the way sunlight created gold streaks in her red hair as we celebrated on the mansion’s stone terrace.

  Every smile she aimed at me hinted at the depths of desire pouring over her too, and I wondered how much longer we had to make nice with the others before I could get her home and into my bed.

  There was not much hope of a fast escape when music drifted louder across the patio and Sasha decreed it was time for dancing.

  Jo joined her as she often did at The Cat and the Sickle.

  I preferred to observe.

  My wife swiveled her hips, and the dress flowed around her in an elegant sweep. Her body graceful but sexual too, she twined her arms high above her head and moved with sensual gyrations.

  Seeing her this way was like watching her ride my cock.

  I battled the thick stiffening of my dick again, forgetting I even held a drink in my hand.

  As a slow song began, I approached Jo, stalking her down.

  “Come and dance with me,” I murmured the silky order near her ear, wrapping a hand around her waist.

  She continued to undulate, now against me.

  I held her loosely, lids dropping low.

  Her smile the sultriest of things, she brushed her breasts against my chest, and I slid a thigh as far as I could between her legs.

  A shudder wracked her.

  Then Baba knocked into us, and we parted just a little.

  She was trying to pull Lucky over to Sasha, presumably to make him dance with her.

  Now that would be an interesting couple.

  Near to us, Maksim mumbled a harsh expletive, and Jo’s head whipped in his direction.

  My younger brother stared at Sasha who threw all her bright smiles at Lucky.

  “What she has on doesn’t even constitute an entire dress,” Maksim griped.

  Then he stomped right between Lucky and Sasha and grabbed the girl to him. “I will dance with Sashenka.”

  “I am not little Sasha to you!” She glared at him.

  “He’s going to beat her ass red one day.” I guided Jo into a close embrace as we started moving again, and Maksim forced Sasha into dancing with him.

  Except what they were doing couldn’t be construed as dancing exactly.

  They both spat low grizzled words back and forth, eyes blazing.

  “Unless he just fucks her and they both get it out of their system,” Jo said.


  “Look at them, Kirill. Doesn’t that remind you of how we were at each other’s throats at first?”


  Then I shook my head. Sasha and Maksim? Never.

  Jo distracted me from further speculation.

  Her fingertips coasted up my neck and around to the back where she teased the ends of my hair.

  Only she knew her touch there caused my cock to jerk, my body to tense.

  I kissed her with growing intensity, palms skimming all over her back to settle on her ass again.

  This woman.

  My wife.

  Her breath escaped in fast pants when our lips parted, and she pressed her tummy against my engorged cock.

  I cupped the side of her face, teasing the strands of hair escaping from her braids. I stared down into her dazzling eyes, rocking our bodies just enough to keep up some semblance of dancing.

  “I love you,” she whispered, her gaze drinking me in in return.

  Several interminable hours later with twilight falling and our departure hopefully imminent, I stood beside Jo as she made her goodbyes to her brothers.

  “So, you’re really keeping her?” Lucky peered at me.

  Jo shoved him with both palms. “Screw you, Lucky.”

  I laughed along with her brothers.

  Jo did not.

  “I should’ve done something about her impudence, though, before I decided to tie the knot.” I shrugged.

  Jo glared at me next. “Kirill! Imma kill you too.”

  Her outburst drew more chuckles.

  Hands on her hips, she blazed like fire. “You all just thought I was some commodity you could pass around.”

  “Not anymore.” Pulling her to me, I said with absolute sincerity, “I love you, Jo.”

  A different kind of fire ignited between us, and I slanted my mouth over hers.

  One of her brothers coughed loudly.

  Then I recognized Dex saying, “Okay. We’re outta here.”

  I backed off Jo, keeping an arm around her waist.

  Kelly held out his hand. “Truce?”

  Wearing equal smirks, Joanna and I said as one, “Uneasy truce.”

  * * *

  At the apartment, when the elevator opened, I lifted Jo into my arms.

  “You’re really gonna carry me over the threshold?”

  “It’s not the first time.” I walked into the place, grinning down at her.

  She slipped her hands onto my shoulders. “Pretty sure most of those times you just dragged me along.”

  “Well it’s a good thing you learned to behave yourself then.”

  “Hmm. Have I though?” Her warm lips wandered up my throat to the underside of my chin.

  I made sure Boris—who came dashing out at us—had plenty of food and water before taking Jo to our bedroom.

  The mutt loped after us.

  “You’re not invited.” I shut the door on him, then listened to his tail whumping against it as he sat his ass right out there.

  “He’s so jealous.” Jo giggled lightly, pressing another kiss to my throat.

  Skimming her down my front until her feet hit the floor, I spun her around.

  There might’ve been candles and a few more arrangements of flowers placed around the room, which hadn’t been there when she’d left yesterday.

  “Wow,” she breathed out as I dimmed the lights.<
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  Coming up behind her, I ran my palms along her sides. “Champagne too.”

  She spied the silver bucket and crystal glasses . . . and then the platter beside it. “No way.”

  “What goes better than caviar with champagne?” I spread my hands out innocently as she whirled on me.

  Her eyes narrowed into glittery gold-green slits. “I didn’t eat that gross stuff the first time, and you’re not tricking me into trying it this time either.”

  “I guess I’ll have to find something better to put in your mouth then.”

  “Yes, please,” she hummed out.

  Blood rushed down to my cock in an instant.

  I started with the braids piled on top of her head as she stood so still in front of me.

  The delicate gown and high hairstyle made her appear fragile, but I knew she was anything but.

  I unplaited each braid until her bright hair fanned in crinkly waves down her back and across both shoulders.

  “Beautiful,” I murmured.

  Her gaze met mine, and she licked her lips.

  I could’ve feasted on that plump red juiciness forever, but I really did want to find out what she wore beneath the dress.

  Roaming behind her, I inhaled the scent of light perfume clinging to her neck. My fingers found a hidden row of tiny buttons at the nape of her neck then at the base of her spine—the keyhole opening leaving most of her back bare.

  The gown slipped a little once opened, and I circled to her front.

  I glided the gown from her shoulders and down her body. She wriggled her hips and waited for me to lower the dress the rest of the way.

  She stepped out of the pool of silk, and I carefully laid it across a chair before turning back to her.

  At which point I froze in place.

  She wore a cream lace corset with light boning through her slim middle. The cups barely covered her nipples and pushed her breasts into high rounds.

  Below I discovered a tiny pair of satin panties, a garter belt, and stockings.

  I rubbed a hand over my mouth. “Fuck, Jo.”

  “You like?”

  “Da.” My nostrils flared, and my cock pounded. “You’re definitely keeping those on.” I pointed at her lower half.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The smoky tone of her voice set me off, and she strutted to me.

  I whirled her around again and almost lost my footing when I saw the back of the corset. The lace dipped very low on her spine, molded to her flesh, held together only by a champagne-colored ribbon tied in a bow. Lips softly plying the side of her neck, I released the bow.

  The incredible piece of lingerie fell away from her, and I pivoted her again.

  She pressed fingertips against my chest, prodding me back.

  No matter how much I wanted to devour her, I waited my turn. I toed out of my shoes and shed my socks then held my arms out.

  She removed my jacket, folded it over her arm, and placed it across her gown on the chair.

  Back to me, she ran one hand around my neck, the other down to palm my cock.

  My head knocked back, her hot mostly naked body brushing against mine.

  With a sultry murmur, she dropped back to take off my tie, unbutton my shirt.

  She carefully removed the cufflinks—those she let drop to the floor as if impatience overcame her too.

  I wrangled from my shirt just as her hands opened my belt and my trousers.

  I tore the rest down then stood in front of her, my dick ramrod straight against my abs.

  Jo resembled a sexy angel, her ass jutting high, her legs that had never looked longer.

  The band of skin between her high cut panties and the thigh high stockings mesmerized me.


  I moved around her to the bed where I grabbed a pillow.

  Tossing the cushion down at my feet, I beckoned to her.

  “You said you wanted something in your mouth.” My voice ranged low, rumbling from the depths of my chest.

  “Yes sir,” she whispered again.

  Her words made my balls even heavier with cum, my cock even more rigid against my stomach.

  With a flutter of lashes and a curve of her lips, she sank to her knees on the pillow.

  Groaning at the submissive sight she made when I knew she was anything but, I moved behind her.

  I snatched up my tie.

  I crouched at her back, my big thighs opened around her, and wisps of her hair flicked across my throbbing dick.

  Working quickly, I drew her arms behind her. I made a box of her elbows, tightly lashing her forearms together.

  Thus bound, she arched her back and rose higher on her knees.

  Standing again, I rounded in front of her. “For old time’s sake, malyshka.”

  “You know I can get out of this, right?”

  Exactly what she’d said the first time she’d taken me in her mouth.

  Precum seeped from the domed head of my cock, and I spread the glistening drops around.

  Her lips opened. Her tongue shot out.

  I dabbed her tongue with the flared glans, leaving a shimmer of precum she quickly ingested with a body-tightening moan.

  Fisting the root of my cock, I arrowed the length down. I pushed inside the heated wet cavern and bucked against the back of her throat.

  Jo’s eyes flickered up, hazy with unbearable arousal.

  I started to fuck her mouth at a slow steady pace, one hand cranked around the nape of her neck to open her up to the perfect angle.

  Her saliva combined with my jizz added intense wetness to the mind-blowing blowjob, and her pretty breasts bounced.

  I cupped one, running my thumb across and around her swollen nipple to listen to her whimper as breath steamed from her nose.

  I pulled out, thighs straining, ass flexing.

  Yanking her higher and bending her further, I slapped my wet cock all over her breasts.

  A feminine moan dripped from her throat.

  I fucked up between her tits, the tip of my dick hitting her chin until her head dropped down and she sucked me back inside.

  I was getting too close.

  I had other plans about where my cum would go tonight, and it wasn’t down her gulping throat.

  I needed my fill of Joanna too.

  Grasping her upper arms, I hoisted her up.

  Pinning her against my body where rubbed her face across my chest—lips kissing and tongue licking—I reached around to untie her arms.

  With a keening sound, she grabbed me down to her mouth where her tongue hungrily chased mine.

  Impatience blasting through me, I took her off her feet and spun her around to set her on the edge of the bed.

  I dropped down to get between her legs and ripped her panties off.

  I buried my mouth against her pussy, pushing her thighs wider with my shoulders spreading her apart and my tongue spearing inside.


  So much heat and sweetness.

  Hands clasping her ass and hauling her up to my face, I glided my tongue in and out of her, curling and licking, absolutely craving her.

  She tipped her hips toward me, her fingers burrowed into my hair, her juices flowing against my tongue.

  A high-pitched wail splintered from her throat then she bowed backward and climaxed.

  I wanted to soak it all in.

  Most of all, I wanted to be in her.

  Jostling her all the way onto the bed with no finesse at all, I skimmed my hands down the garter belt, the silk stockings, to the stilettoes which I flung off her.

  She looked incredible.

  She is mine.

  A roar clawing its way up from my throat, I thrust every inch of engorged cock into her.

  I slammed furiously, blind with desire.

  Her legs hiked high, and I took them even higher, my fingers gripping the garters.

  Pumping with wet jarring impact, I plunged almost straight down into her.

  She came wildly, rocking against me, t
rembling all over.

  Then I leaned over to lick at her pinkened areolae, and a sweet moan rushed from her.

  I slowed, pursing my mouth around one nipple then the other.

  Withdrawing from her hot clutch, I waited a second.

  Jo clasped my upper arms. She writhed beneath me.

  I soaked in the depths of her eyes then drilled straight into the depths of her body before sliding out of her gripping wet flesh again.

  Her lips formed words I hadn’t known I wanted to hear—Please, I love you, Take me . . .

  And I halted.

  I rubbed my pulsing cockhead up her slick folds to her pretty clit and all around it. Then I thrust back in.

  Fast. Hard.


  I drew out.

  Her breath held.

  Our bodies flexed.

  “Kirill . . .”

  Sliding the slit in my cock over the nub of her clit over and over again, I kept us both on the cusp of something unreal and staggering.

  Her fingers dug into my forearms, the engagement ring and wedding band glinting of my possession just like my body possessed her.

  Grabbing the base of my cock, I circled the tip around her grasping hole then thrust with juddering force.




  The bellow I released echoed the pressure erupting in wet ropes of cum inside of her, my seed planted deep.

  Her convulsing pussy rippled greedily around my spurting cock, sucking me inside of her.

  I dropped halfway over her, chest heaving and dick still pulsing.

  Her leg swung over my ass, the stockings adding to the heat still throbbing through my body.

  Kissing her neck, her shoulder, the tilt of her breasts, I calmed under her hand that coaxed along my ribs and across my back.

  My Irish tomboy.

  I rolled over, taking her with me, taking a deep breath of her before relaxing into the bed.

  “Are you ready for your honeymoon, Mrs. Krasnov?”

  Her head notched up above mine. “Am I having a honeymoon?”

  I enjoyed her wide guileless surprise.

  “Da. Of course you are. What else am I supposed to do with all my money except lavish it on you?”

  “Where are we going?” Excitement tinged her voice.

  “That’s a surprise.”

  “Hmmm.” On top of me, her weight was featherlight and her kiss just a soft. “A surprise, huh? That doesn’t sound very safe. Are you slipping on me?”


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