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Scandal By The Ton

Page 11

by Virginia Henley

  John Fane greeted the three ladies warmly. "Lady Shelborne, I'm delighted you accepted our invitation to dinner." He kissed her hand then welcomed her mother and daughter in like fashion. "In the past I have been remiss in offering my hospitality to such close neighbors, but promise to do better in the future."

  "How very thoughtful of you, Lord Fane." Claire glanced about. "Don't tell me we are the first guests to arrive?"

  "There's just us tonight, Lady Shelborne." Charlotte grinned at Julia and her eyes sparkled with barely suppressed excitement.

  As Claire's expression froze in monumental disappointment, Charlotte whispered to Julia, "We have a surprise for you, but I'll let Father announce it."

  Perhaps Lord Fane will announce he is to remarry, or perhaps Charlotte is engaged, Julia thought.

  John Fane led the way to the drawing room, poured everyone wine, then raised his glass and made his announcement. "Lady Shelborne it gives me the greatest pleasure to inform you that I caught the book thief!"

  "The book thief?" Claire said blankly, while Julia and Dottie exchanged expectant glances.

  "A few days ago I encountered a young fellow in the backstreet with a handcart filled with books. I instantly made him an offer and bought them for Charlotte, but the moment she saw them she recognized them as belonging to your daughter. You will be delighted to know that at this very moment the book collection is safe and sound in my library!"

  Suddenly, Claire realized Fane was talking about Julia's books. The ones she thought she'd seen the last of. "My dear Lord Fane, how can I ever thank you for rescuing my daughter's treasures? While Julia was away in the country, I asked the servants to remove the books so that the shelves could be dusted. You can imagine my horror when I returned from Tunbridge yesterday to learn that our idiotic young footman had loaded them onto a handcart and sold them in the backstreet."

  "Oh, Lord Fane, I despaired of ever seeing my books again." Julie stood on tiptoe and kissed his lordship's cheek. "You have made me so very happy."

  Charlotte looked ecstatic. "The moment I saw them I realized they were yours. I was with you when you bought most of them. When I rushed over to tell you, I learned you were away in Hertfordshire. Then Father came up with the idea to invite you to dinner and surprise you."

  "It's the best surprise I've ever had." Julia hugged Charlotte. "You are such a good friend."

  Dottie smiled at the young women. "Sometimes the Universe has a way of sending us exactly what we need, and it doesn't hurt to have neighbors who look out for each other. One day next week I shall look forward to having you and your father to dinner."

  When the food was ready, John Fane offered his arm to Claire and escorted her into the dining room. Halfway through the second course her resentment began to evaporate when his lordship mentioned he was looking forward to visiting his country estate in Oxfordshire. "Ah yes, John, you are the Tory Member of Parliament for Oxfordshire. Is your estate a large landholding?"

  "Wormsley Park has about twenty-five hundred acres. Since it's close to the Chiltern Hills, we mostly breed sheep."

  Claire feigned an interest in sheep, though her interest in Wormsley Park estate was genuine enough. She even managed to look engaged when Dottie and John carried on a conversation about what was happening in Parliament regarding the war with France.

  After dinner Julia told Charlotte that she was being courted. "His name is Nicholas Royston. He owns the adjoining property to Ashridge Place in Hertfordshire."

  "Oh Julia, that is so exciting! Are you in love?"

  "I rather think I am," Julia admitted. "Dottie knows, but not Mother, so please don't say anything."

  "I promise to keep it to myself." Charlotte hugged Julia. "I'm truly happy for you."

  When it was time to leave, John Fane gallantly walked the ladies home. "I shall have the books delivered tomorrow."

  "We can never thank you enough, John. And you must let us repay you with dinner next week."

  Before Dottie went upstairs she bade her daughter goodnight. "He's a good man, Claire."

  "If only he weren't in his fifties, and on the portly side." Claire wrinkled her nose.

  "You must give yourself permission to let go of old dreams. The best way to pick up the pieces after a broken relationship is to get a new one. It won't be the same, but one can hope that it will be as vibrant and exciting, if you give it the chance."

  Before Julia got into bed, she re-read the note that Nicholas had sent her. I dare not put my thoughts down on paper, but suffice it to say that every time it rains for the rest of my life I will remember our intimate interlude. On Wednesday afternoon I will be driving my phaeton in the park. If you would care to join me for a ride, it would make me the happiest man in London. She smiled into the darkness. I'll count the hours until I see you tomorrow.

  Julia spent the morning re-shelving the books that the Fane servants delivered. At lunchtime she casually mentioned that she would drop in on Charlotte, then perhaps a walk in the park would be a good way to spend the summer afternoon. She was laying the groundwork to explain her absence, for once she met Nicholas she knew she wouldn't return to Berkeley Square for the rest of the day.

  Dottie provided her with a perfect alibi for the evening hours, when she invited Julia to join her at the theatre. "It's so thoughtful of you to invite me. Do you have any plans for the evening, Mother?"

  "As a matter of fact, I do. When I was in Tunbridge, Frances Jersey invited Lavinia and me to one of her musical soirees. She only gives them to lure the Prince of Wales of course."

  Dottie remarked, "How very convenient that her home adjoins Carlton House. Prinny can pop in any time of the day and night."

  "It's hard to believe that her father was a bishop. Frances is known to be witty, but her tongue can be both sarcastic and lewd," Claire said with disapproval. "I fail to see why the prince is attracted."

  "Most men enjoy a dollop of debauchery." Dottie winked. "You might try it sometime, Claire."

  Julia had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing out loud.

  For her walk in Hyde Park, Julia donned a lavender linen walking dress and a broad-brimmed straw hat adorned with violets. On Wednesday afternoons the park was always busy. The row was filled with riders exercising their mounts and the adjacent West Carriage Drive was filled with over a hundred carriages moving at snails' pace so that members of the fashionable ton could see and be seen.

  Julia removed her hat and shook her hair about her shoulders. She wanted Nicholas to recognize her immediately and feared the chapeau might hinder his view. She needn't have worried. Within ten minutes of arriving in the park, his phaeton drew up beside her. He jumped down from the driver's seat and helped her up onto the box. "You are easily the most beautiful lady in the park today."

  "The way you look at me makes me feel beautiful."

  "You do realize that driving in the park beside me announces to everyone that I am courting you?"

  "I do."

  Nicholas couldn't keep the grin from his face, as he maneuvered the horse toward Kensington Gardens. He drew the phaeton to a stop beneath some magnificent trees. All about them were brilliant summer flowers and colorful birds. In the background was the century-old Kensington Palace and in the foreground were elegant swans. He wanted a beautiful setting for the thing he wanted to say to Julia. He took hold of her hands and looked into her eyes. "I've never said this to anyone before and I want you to know that I mean it deeply and sincerely." He lifted her fingers to his lips. "Julia, I love you with all my heart."

  Julia's eyes shone with happiness. "My heart has been yours since you took me in your arms at the Duchess of Gordon's ball."

  "I have a fancy to prolong this drive. What do you say we take a run to Richmond along the river?"

  "I would love it. I am beginning to discover that you are a romantic at heart, Nicholas Royston."

  "What makes you think that?"

  "You chose such a beautiful spot to tell me that you are
in love with me, and now you're taking me on a romantic carriage ride along the river."

  "I'm observing the proprieties. Driving together in my phaeton is one of the few acceptable places we can be alone."

  "I don't object to acting like a gentleman and his lady for a few hours," she gave him a provocative glance from beneath her lashes, "providing we can behave like a man and woman once the sun sets."

  "Julia, my love, you are incorrigible."

  "Admit the truth and shame the Devil. I have it on good authority that most men love of a dollop of debauchery."

  As he drove the carriage through the park's south exit, he threw back his head and laughed. They drove past Ranelagh Gardens on the way to the river, and then admired the lush landscaped gardens of Kew. They followed the Thames as it curved down toward Richmond, and Nicholas slowed the horse so they could enjoy the lovely view.

  On the way back they stopped at an inn that had a charming private garden at the back. They sat at a rustic table and enjoyed meat pies and ale. Julia took delight in feeding the birds and was thrilled when the sparrows became bold enough to take the crumbs from her fingers.

  The light was fading from the sky by the time they drove back into London. "I'm not expected home for hours. Let's go to Curzon Street."

  Nicholas warned, "When we are in public, I manage to control myself, but when we are private, I find it damn near impossible."

  "The thought of you losing control makes me shiver."

  "If I take you home with me, I will do my level best to persuade you to marry me, Julia."

  How can I possibly resist hearing a proposal of marriage from a man who loves me with all his heart? "Do your worst, Lord Royston!"

  Chapter Sixteen

  "Nicholas, I confess that this time I am the one who cannot control myself." Julia's eyes darkened with desire as she gazed at his naked torso. The coiled strength of his rippling muscles was evidence of his powerful masculinity, and it made her weak with longing. "Take me to bed."

  His arms reached out and he lifted her high against his heart. She entwined her arms about his neck, and offered her mouth for his ravishing. When he licked her sensual lower lip, she shuddered with desire. She felt his hard erection brush her bottom cheeks as he carried her to his bed, and she cried out at the demands of his possessive mouth, hot and hungry with need.

  He threw back the covers and laid her down against the cool sheets, then straddled her with the granite power of his thighs. Her warm breasts felt lush and full as his possessive hands caressed them.

  She reached out eager fingers to stroke his hard cock and brush her thumb across its swollen tip, wanting to make him shiver and groan with passion.

  Nicholas knew that with one driving thrust, he would be inside her. When she arched her mons in invitation, his iron control was at its limit. He reached out to caress her woman's center, then stroked her with his fingers in a tantalizing rhythm. When she cried out for more, he kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue in a matching rhythm until she dissolved in liquid tremors.

  He gathered her in his arms wanting to hold her close and never let her go, but he knew that was impossible unless Julia agreed to become his wife. His lips brushed her temple and he murmured, "Sweetheart, I can't live without you much longer, will you marry me?"

  Julia smiled a secret smile. "You will first have to pledge certain things to me before I give you my answer, Nicholas."

  He knelt before her on the bed. "What things?"

  "Do you vow to let me write after we are married?"

  His mouth curved with tenderness. "I insist upon it."

  "This next vow may be harder to keep. Do you promise to keep your hands and your advice off my writing? It must be all mine, without your input. It is the one thing I refuse to share with you."

  Nicholas masked his amusement and gave her a solemn look. "You are a woman grown, quite capable of making your own decisions. I promise to respect your profession, just as you respect mine."

  Julia sighed. "Ah, you do understand." She reached out to caress his cheek. "So my answer is yes, I will marry you."

  Nicholas picked her up off the bed and swung her about joyfully. "From this moment on, consider yourself betrothed. I don't want a long engagement. I want us to be married without delay."

  "Dottie will be thrilled that we are to be married. Mother may take a bit longer to come around."

  "I'll come to Berkeley Square tomorrow and formally ask for your hand."

  "Better leave it a day or two. I'd rather break the news first."

  It was almost midnight when Nicholas walked her home, and they arrived just as Dottie emerged from Alex Hamilton's carriage. Julia and her grandmother entered the house together, and as they were about to go upstairs, Claire arrived home. Julia offered up a silent prayer of thanks that Fate had made it seem as if she had spent the evening with her grandmother.

  She went into Dottie's sitting room. "I have something to tell you."

  "You have stars in your eyes."

  "Nicholas asked me to marry him, and I accepted his proposal."

  "That's wonderful news, darling. I totally approve of him, and I'm truly happy for you."

  "Thank you. Tonight I'm happier than I've ever been in my life!"

  Dottie kissed her granddaughter. "That's exactly as it should be, darling."

  Julia awoke early and her first ecstatic thought was: I am about to become Lady Julia Royston. She stretched her arms above her head and remembered the feel of his hungry kisses. Nicholas doesn't want to wait! Her pulse quickened at the thought of waking in his bed for the rest of her life.

  She hummed happily as she bathed and dressed, and felt as if she were walking on air as she descended the stairs to the breakfast room. She was enjoying a delicious cup of chocolate and contemplating what she would have to eat, when her mother arrived.

  "I've ordered crepes, blackberry crepes. Would you like some?"

  "They sound delicious. Since you're having them, I will too."

  Claire rang for Dora and ordered enough crepes for both of them. "How did you enjoy the music at the theatre last night?"

  Julia, delighted that Claire was in a happy mood for once, decided there would be no better moment for her to tell her mother that she was about to become a bride. "I have to confess that I didn't attend the theatre with Dottie." She took a deep breath and plunged in. "I spent the evening with Nicholas, and he asked me to marry him."

  Claire's teacup hit her saucer as it dropped from her fingers. "Royston? Do you mean Nicholas Royston?"

  Julia nodded and braced herself. Her mother's reaction showed plainly that she was outraged.

  "You must be simple-minded! Do you not realize that Royston wants the property in Hertfordshire, and the only way he can get it is by marrying you?"

  Julia's brows drew together. "I don't understand."

  "Don't play the innocent with me! You and your grandmother have conspired to deprive me of my rightful inheritance. The old witch took great delight informing me that she has left Ashridge Place to you in her will."

  "I had no idea," Julia said faintly. Is Mother telling the truth or deliberately lying to me?

  "You surely don't expect me to believe that?" Claire threw back her head and laughed bitterly. "You stupid girl, don't you realize that Dottie has bought Nicholas Royston for you, just as surely as she bought my husband for me all those years ago?"

  Julia's hand went to her heart as if she were protecting it from breaking. It cannot be true! You are filling my head with lies! She got up from the table and hurried from the breakfast room. As she ascended the stairs to her grandmother's suite, her mind cried out, It cannot be true... It cannot be true!

  Dottie was taking breakfast in bed. When she saw the look of despair on her granddaughter's face, she asked, "Whatever is wrong, my dear?"

  "Mother says that you have bequeathed Ashridge Place to me. Is she telling the truth?"

  "It is the absolute truth. But shouldn't that make you ha
ppy rather than sad?"

  "Dottie, I thank you with all my heart. I am profoundly grateful that you are so generous to me. I truly love Ashridge Place."

  "And that is precisely the reason I want you to have it."

  "I need to know if Nicholas is aware that you have bequeathed the Hertfordshire property to me."

  "What the devil has your mother been saying to you?"

  "She said that Nicholas asked me to marry him because he wants the property in Hertfordshire."

  "Rubbish! He asked you to marry him because he knows you will make him the perfect wife."

  "But does he know that I will inherit Ashridge Place?" Please say no... Please say no!

  "Yes, he knows, and I have complete confidence that he will look after it as well as he takes care of the rest of his Royston property."

  "Oh, hellfire, I wish you hadn't told him, Dottie. How on earth will I ever know if he wants the property or he wants me?"

  "Listen to your heart, Julia. Trust your own instincts. Your mother poisons everything she touches."

  I have listened to my heart. Perhaps it's time I listened to my head!

  Just as Nicholas was finishing breakfast, he received a summons from Prime Minister Pitt's office. When he arrived at Whitehall, he was ushered into William Pitt's private office.

  "Good morning, Mr. Prime Minister."

  "Please sit down, Royston. I sent for you to sound you out about an offer I've had of a peace treaty. I assume you have guessed what was in the secret dispatches you brought from Paris."

  Here's a fine dilemma. For the sake of my brother Michael, I fervently wish that there was peace between Britain and France. I don't want him fighting in a war. If Pitt asks what I think, I could advise him to sign it. On the other hand, what's best for the country, isn't necessarily what's best for me and Michael. "You guess right, Mr. Prime Minister. I am aware that our diplomat, John Hookham Frere, has had secret meetings with Napoleon. All of us involved at the Foreign Office know that Bonaparte is in charge of France, both militarily and politically. I surmised that the secret dispatch I delivered offered a peace treaty between Britain and France."


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