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Fierce Cyborg

Page 13

by Nellie C. Lind

  Jade looked up with wide eyes. “You’re laughing?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Nightmare went for her lips and felt her relax under his touch as he finished undressing her between kisses and impatient caresses.

  The silent gasps and moans that left her mouth spiked his desire and watching her tremor from his touch was beyond pleasing.

  He took his time, not stopping the fog from taking over. Desire burned like wildfire. The combination from his own feelings and the bond’s was an empowering cocktail.

  Nightmare didn’t care that Jade pulled his hair or dug her nails into his skin between two trembling gasps. It was a pain he welcomed. It made him hurry more. “I feel so good. It’s a rush like I’ve never felt before.”

  She gave him an uncertain but passion filled smile. “Nightmare …”

  “Later. I need you.”

  Jade parted her legs, and he almost forgot to breathe. She was inviting him in, reaching for him.

  He wanted to continue exploring her, but the blinding blazes in his body were too much to handle.

  Nightmare met her gaze to ensure she was ready.

  Jade gave him a shaky nod.

  That was all he needed as he reached for his cock and guided himself to her.

  Her cheeks flushed and her eyes widened as he slowly entered her.

  He let out a loud groan when her walls clasped around him. His limbs jittered, but he held back the need to start pumping fast and hard.

  She needed time to adapt.

  The last thing he wanted was to cause her pain.


  Just a few hours ago, he’d been ready to do just that—at least emotional pain, and he had.

  She looked just as shocked as he felt.

  The feeling was so different from what he remembered.

  He’d also never been in this position, and that made his body tremble even more. “Jade,” he whispered.

  Jade wrapped her arms and legs around him. “I know.”

  Nightmare was unable to say anything more, he drowned in her world instead. The heat from her warmth was the most amazing sensation. He embraced her, desperately trying to get closer as he started thrusting.

  She was becoming his entire universe, and with each powerful drive, the need to protect her, to love her, grew stronger. It wrapped itself around his heart like a chain that would never let go.

  He was beyond the point of return. There was no going back, and despite everything that’d happened just hours ago, he didn’t want to.

  The second flash came without a warning. He managed to turn his head away just in time to not blind her.

  A shout left his mouth as the feelings the bond awakened within him intensified, making his head spin.

  The bond had been accepted.

  He was hers now.

  He’d do anything for her now.

  Nightmare wanted it.

  He wanted it all.

  His hips moved with determination and he rested his head against her shoulder.

  Her moans and sounds of passion spiked his own. She took everything he gave, didn’t protest against the raw passion he showered her with.

  Jade’s breathing came faster and faster, and seconds later he felt her tighten around him as she screamed out her pleasure.

  Her body quivered beneath him.

  How could this kind of pleasure even exist? It made him forget who he was, what’d led to this, and just seek himself higher and higher.

  He raised his upper body, threw his head back, and with everything he had, he reached for the next level.

  Nightmare’s body quaked, sweat broke out on his forehead and chest, his whole world spun, but none of that mattered.

  The need grew. The feeling intense, too intense …

  His eyes heated again.

  The third flash was near, and the heat became stronger with each determined thrust.

  So close …

  Closer, and closer …

  And …

  Nightmare roared. His body exploded in a haze of lust and pleasure. He felt the third and final flash run through him, and for a short second, he thought his head would burst.

  After what felt like forever, he collapsed on top of Jade.

  The room fell into silence.

  Her arms lay lazily on his back, and her warm breath teased his ear.

  The bond was awake.

  It was pleased and it purred inside his heart. However, it didn’t control him.

  It was different this time.

  The bond literally had no control over him.

  He felt everything it wanted him to feel—love, passion, desire, a need to protect Jade, but he could silence those feelings. He could push the bond aside and only allow his true feelings to surface.

  Nightmare burst out into another bout of laughter.

  This was like re-discovering the wheel all over again.

  She grabbed his face and studied him with wide eyes. “You’re laughing again?”

  “You’ve no idea how good it feels right now.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  Nightmare pressed his lips to hers. Her confusion still lingered in the air, but he wasn’t ready to share his new discovery, but he could share the love he felt.

  He really loved her.

  And, he did for real.


  Last night had been amazing, but Nightmare’s complete turnaround was beyond confusing.

  He’d gone from ruining the room she’d been kept in with pure rage, to laugh and be seemingly happy like never before. His behavior didn’t make sense.

  Had he accepted the bond, just like that?

  No, there had to be something else, but what?

  And why did he refuse to tell her?

  Jade had expected him to despise her by now.

  Her frustration spiked, but she didn’t let it set. Instead, she focused on the long white corridor in front of her. There were other things she had to concentrate on right now.

  Nightmare held her hand as they walked toward the gathering room. He seemed just as tense as she was, and it didn’t surprise her.

  They were about to face all the angry Fighters.

  Everything still felt surreal, and Jade would need an adjustment period to get used to the thought of being Nightmare’s bound one, but that was reality now.

  There was no way out for neither of them.

  They could only move forward.

  It was obvious, even if it was a little bit weird, that he was doing exactly that.

  If he could, then so could she.

  A pinch of joy hit her chest. Despite all the things that didn’t make sense, she wasn’t alone anymore.

  Jade straightened her back when she spotted an open double door ahead. A tremor went through her when male voices reached her ears.

  The Fighters were already waiting, but she wouldn’t let them scare her.

  This was her home now, and she had to find a way to make them trust her.

  All these years, she’d believed a broken bond had made the Fighters dangerous, but it was society that made them that way.

  Because no one had ever listened to them.

  Every single cyborg who’d lost his bound one had known the truth, but the world had turned a deaf ear. They’d been painted as crazy, dangerous, and unpredictable.

  Jade straightened her back even more.

  She was the CEO of MedAct, and she would find out what was going on behind the scenes. If the company hid things from her, all hell would break loose. She’d make sure of it.

  Nightmare led her closer, and a few steps later, they stood in the doorway of a huge clean room in white. There were several sofas, a television, a pool table, and plenty of desks with computers.

  The room was also filled with people.

  Everyone was there, glaring in her and Nightmare’s direction. Only a few looked worried; especially Celise.

  Nightmare’s grip of her hand tightened as they entered
the room.

  A heavy silence lingered in the air.

  The Fighters watched her.

  They could sense the change.

  “It’s done,” the leader said in a clear, loud voice. “She’s one of us now, and I expect you to treat her well. Anyone who doesn’t, will be thrown out.”

  Blaze took a step forward. “Are you all right?”

  Nightmare nodded. “I’ve never felt better.”

  Silver crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s the bond talking.”

  He took a deep breath and scanned the room. “The bond doesn’t control me.” His voice was louder. Clearer.

  A sudden wince went through the room, and for a long moment, no one moved.

  Everyone stared at Nightmare with matched expressions; deep frowns and creased brows. Whispering voices came from different corners.

  “What do you mean?” Jade was just as baffled.

  Had she heard right?

  “Exactly what I said,” he told her, then turned to everyone again. “The bond does not control me. I felt it complete its cycle with the three flashes, but it never gained control over me.” He went silent for a while, allowing his words to sink in. “I feel everything it wants me to feel, but I can choose to ignore it.” His gaze returned to her. “I will also live if something happens to you. I will not die with you.”

  Wide eyes and open mouths swept the room. Everyone stared at Nightmare, as if he’d grown another head on his shoulders.

  Celise approached him with a scanner in her hands, determination in her eyes. “Please remove your shirt.”

  The Fighters’ leader obeyed without a fuss.

  Jade couldn’t believe what she was seeing. He actually removed his shirt. A newly bound cyborg would’ve never done that.

  Her colleague seemed just as surprised. “Isn’t the bond telling you to not do it?”

  “It is,” he said, “but I choose not to listen.”

  She blinked. “How’s that even possible?”

  Nightmare hesitated, then gave Jade a quick look filled with secrets.

  She tensed. What was that all about?

  “I’m not sure,” he told Celise.

  Was that really the truth, or was he hiding something?

  “Well, let’s find out what we have here.” Celise pressed the scanner against Nightmare’s chest.

  The room felt smaller when every Fighter crowded closer, staring at Celise and the scanner, waiting impatiently for the answer. Their anger seemed gone. They all were more focused on the bond instead.

  Of course, they were. The bond was their curse, and it was even more obvious with their reactions.

  The bond truly was a poison, and the Fighters lived every day with the side effects. Jade no longer needed proof to know it was true.

  She saw it everywhere.

  It was written on every Fighter’s face.

  Celise’s eyes were fixed on the scanner. “Jade, you might want to see this.”

  She approached and quickly went through all the numbers the device displayed. After about a minute, she met her cyborg’s gaze, stunned. “The bond is blocked. It’s live and active, but it’s blocked.”

  Nightmare grinned, and shouting voices filled the room.

  “What the heck is going on?” a Fighter yelled.

  “What do you mean it’s blocked?” another shouted.

  The leader raised a hand, and everyone instantly went silent. The authority in his shining eyes was strong. No one dared to go against him. He was the Fighters’ complete authority.

  Jade’s heart jumped. And she was his bound one.

  “Continue, Jade,” he said when everyone was quiet.

  The scanner felt heavy in her hands. “It doesn’t say why, but there’s no doubt the bond has been blocked.” She shook her head and bit her lower lip. “I’m seeing it, but I can’t believe it. How did you do it? This should not be possible.”

  His grin widened. “This proves there’s more to the bond than we first believed, doesn’t it?”

  She could only nod. “It does, and there’s only one way to figure out what’s going on.”

  His gaze narrowed. “What way?”

  Jade took a deep breath. He wasn’t going to like this. “I need to go back. The answers are at MedAct. You need to let me go.”

  His grin died. “You’re not leaving! I won’t let you.”

  She flinched from the power in his voice but didn’t move. “If you really want to know what’s going on, then you must allow me to return. I know it’s not the best time to suggest such a thing, but I’m the only one who can figure it out.”

  “I agree with Nightmare,” Blaze said. “You’re not going anywhere. I still don’t trust you. Just because you’ve become Nightmare’s bound one doesn’t make you trustworthy.”

  She clenched her fists, ready to argue, but it would only make things worse. Jade inhaled and relaxed, before looking Nightmare and Blaze in the eyes. “Look, I know you think you can’t trust me, but no matter how hard it is to believe, I’ve always been on your side. Why do you think it’s forbidden at MedAct to hurt any of you? Why do you think we know so little about you? It’s because we don’t force you to tell us, and that’s all thanks to me making sure that law was passed.”

  A heavy silence filled the air.

  Most Fighters looked at her with surprise in their eyes.

  “You’ve no idea how much I’ve done to protect you. I’ve lost sleep on so many nights, just to make sure you’re treated well in MedAct’s care.”

  “You keep us imprisoned and you drug us,” Silver growled.

  She nodded. “Yes, but that’s also the only thing we do. It’s for everyone’s protection and safety.”

  “You continued to implant the bond within every newborn cyborg,” another Fighter growled.

  Jade nodded again. “My education and knowledge told me it was necessary, and when Nightmare …” she gave him a side-look, “showed me the code, I couldn’t see what was wrong with it … meaning whatever causes the poison is hidden in plain sight.”

  No one spoke, but every single Fighter stood with tense expressions.

  “Think about it. How come no one at MedAct seems to know what you know? Why do you think no one believes you?”

  Another silence greeted her.

  “Because Carolyn Williams was somehow able to pull it off,” she went on. “Somehow, she managed to trick every scientist at MedAct, back then up to today, that the bond is necessary for your survival. And believe me, I never suspected there was something wrong with the bond’s code, and I know it inside out.”

  The silence remained when she scanned the room again, but it wasn’t as heavy anymore.

  Curiosity shone in many Fighters’ eyes.

  Even Celise, Silver, and the others seemed curious. Confused, yes, but very much curious.

  She needed to tell them more, and Jade needed to be straight forward. “Ten years ago, some of MedAct’s council members thought it would be a good idea to get rid of you all for good. They were afraid of you. They feared you’d destroy society as we know it, since more and more cyborgs started to join you.” She swallowed when their shining eyes widened. “I fought for weeks to prevent it. It took everything I had to stop it.”

  “Liar,” Silver growled.

  Jade shot him a dark look. “You want proof? I can give you the access codes to MedAct’s database, if you want. It’s all there.”

  He licked his lips, hesitation replaced his anger.

  Nightmare nodded. “That’s how we’ll do it. You’ll give us the codes, and we’ll find everything we need to know about the bond. You won’t need to go there.” He seemed pleased with himself.

  She shook her head. “Some things Carolyn left behind are stored below ground on a private server that’s not connected to the network. When I became the CEO of MedAct, I gained access to the information she left behind, but the Council told me I wouldn’t find anything I didn’t already know on the private server, and I
believed them.” She sighed. “I understand now it was a lie. The answer to how the poison works should be there.”

  His lips turned thin. “You’re not going.”

  She held her frustration back. “I’m the only one who can give you the information you need.”

  “We’ll find another way.”

  “It’s actually not such a bad idea,” Celise said.

  Nightmare shot her a dark glare. “Are you crazy?”

  “Think about it,” the doctor said. “I know Jade. I’ve worked with her for many years, and I’ve seen the work she’s done. I know everything she says is true. She really did do everything in her power to keep you all safe. She’s made many enemies along the way just because she stood up for you.”

  Jade’s lips twitched. Celise’s faith in her wasn’t completely gone, after all. “I’ve been gone for almost a week. Everyone at MedAct is probably wondering where I am.”

  “I doubt it,” Blaze said. “Celise called in and said you were going on a vacation with her.”

  “Oh.” That she hadn’t expected, but that also meant no one was searching for her, and maybe, it was for the best.

  Honestly, she didn’t care about the company anymore, not after what she’d learned the last few days. Her entire world had changed, and all the crap behind her back pissed her off.

  It was all true.

  She’d been nothing more but a puppet.

  She had to fix this.

  Jade took a deep breath. Being Nightmare’s bound one filled her with strength, decreased her fear.

  No one would hurt her anymore. No one would dare, and if they tried, he’d break their necks.

  That made things a lot easier.

  She could argue her case.

  “I’m the only one who can change things,” she tried again. “I need to go back. I’m the only one who can find the answers.”

  “Enough!” Nightmare yelled, anger fueled him. “There’s nothing you or Celise can say that will convince me to let you go. Just yesterday, you were my prisoner, and though you might not be a prisoner anymore, you are my bound one, and my reason for living is to make sure you’re safe. Do I make myself clear?” He grabbed her hand. “This discussion is over!”


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