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Fierce Cyborg

Page 15

by Nellie C. Lind

  She couldn’t remember it ever being this intense. She’d had a few lovers before Nightmare had entered her life, but her sex life with those guys had never been much to cheer over. None of them had touched her the way Nightmare touched her now.

  With desperation, she wrapped her fingers around his hair and held on for dear life. Sweat broke out on her forehead, another quiver went through her, and she wanted to bring him even closer.

  Nightmare didn’t let her down.

  The lust and passion rose with every lick and swirl of his tongue, forcing the feeling to grow higher and higher. There was no going back, there was no stopping the unavoidable. It built, built, and —

  Jade threw back her head and let out a loud cry as climax took over. She shook violently beneath his touch.

  He didn’t stop. He kept going until she couldn’t take it anymore. First then did he move away. With a wide grin, he crawled up on her. “Judging by your satisfied expression, I assume you’re pleased.”

  She gave him a smile. “I am. That was amazing.”

  “And it will be even more amazing soon.” He stood and brought her up with him.

  Her legs wobbled, but when he led her into the pool and the warm water surrounded her, it was easier to stand.

  The pool wasn’t deep. The water reached her chest.

  More water ran down the stone wall in front of her, like from a tiny waterfall. Gentle sounds of liquid moving and dripping filled the room.

  Nightmare barely gave her time to enjoy the warmth, before he was at her again, showering her with his passion and desire.

  His hands explored her, lingered over the sensitive spots, and his lips roamed over her breasts and face. His kisses were the sweetest, so gentle, and caring. Determined, yes, but loving beyond words.

  Yesterday, before the bond, he never would’ve touched her. His hate had been clear, but today, he was all over her as if he couldn’t get enough.

  Wonder sang deeply in her, refusing to leave. Her curiosity grew by the minute.

  What’d gotten into him?

  Where did all of this come from if it wasn’t coming from the bond? Why didn’t he hate her like she’d expected him to?

  Why did it seem like he actually loved her?

  Deep down, she couldn’t be happier, but she needed to know what’d happened. Needed to know what had changed.

  Nightmare gave her a final kiss before he turned her around. “Lean against the edge of the pool.”

  She snickered and did as he asked. “So this is how it’s going to be?”

  “This will be easier,” he said as he parted her legs. “I’m much taller than you, and even if I’m strong, I doubt I’ll be able to hold you for a half hour or two.”

  “Half an hour?” She didn’t miss his grin from the corner of her eye.

  “Or at least for as long as you can take me. I know we’re both a little bit rusty, but you’ve no idea how much I need you.” He started pushing in.

  Jade clenched her teeth, sensations washing over her.

  He was harder than she’d expected, but that only sparked her desire, and when he leaned over her, he locked her in place with his massive frame.

  Nightmare started thrusting, slowly at first, then faster and faster, until he was pounding in and out of her.

  The water splashed all over, but Jade didn’t care. Her focus was on him and the amazing feelings he awakened within her.

  Every drive built that amazing feeling; she was reaching for it again, and when it grabbed her, it did it hard, making her scream out her passion as her walls hugged him tightly.

  He let out a loud grunt, then she felt his release fill her. It almost made her purr.

  Her cyborg collapsed on top of her, and she melted into the edge of the pool.

  They both breathed hard.

  Jade remained still for a long moment, slowly recovering. “That was a fast half an hour.” She chuckled.

  He cleared his throat. “I was too excited.”

  “I figured. It’s okay.”

  Nightmare didn’t move away. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t ever leave me, Jade.” His voice was gentle.

  It wasn’t a demand, it was a desire.

  She wanted nothing more but to stay, but the answers to the questions the Fighters so badly needed were located at MedAct.

  She had to go back.

  Jade had already been gone almost a week, and even if Celise reported her and herself to take a vacation, people would soon wonder what was going on if she didn’t come back within a few days. “Nightmare …” she started.

  His arms tightened. “I can’t let you go. The thought is tearing me apart.” A sob left his lips. “You’re no longer my prisoner, you’re my bound one, so I need you to promise me. Promise you won’t try to go back.”

  A heavy feeling settled over her chest. Hesitation followed, but she opened her mouth. “I … promise.”

  He exhaled, relaxed against her. “Thank you.”

  It hurt like hell on the inside because it was a promise she wouldn’t be able to keep.


  Jade stared at the ceiling from where she laid in Nightmare’s bed … no, their bed.

  He’d said that, and strangely, this place was starting to feel more and more like home.

  It’d been two days since he’d brought her to the spa, and it’d been two amazing days filled with love, laughter, a lot of touching, and even more sex. She could barely remember what her life used to be like before all this.

  MedAct felt so far away.

  Yesterday evening, Nightmare had finally showed her around, but he didn’t show her the exit.

  He explained everything about the Fighter’s headquarters, how the place functioned, what the Fighters did to get food and other things they needed, how everyone had a role to play, and it all amazed her.

  The Fighters’ lives were more organized and structured than she’d ever imagined.

  He even told her everything he knew about the bond.

  The signal he’d created to block a Fighter’s bond was an amazing piece of art. Jade had never heard of such a thing. She even got to see the damage the bond made to the Fighters. She’d studied the screens with a pinch of disbelief, but it’d all been there.

  She’d gone over the numbers, pictures, and diagrams for hours, and at the end, she’d been able to draw one major conclusion.

  It was all true.

  Everything added up.

  Afterward, she spent hours with Nightmare, Celise, Wind, Blaze, Silver, and Faye in the infirmary. They’d spoken about literally everything, explaining everything.

  They even told her about the female cyborg program.

  Why had she never heard of it?

  As MedAct’s CEO, she should have.

  That lack of knowledge felt like another needle in everything she’d learned to trust and believe when it came to her work.

  It turned everything around, and no one in the room had been able to miss her anger.

  Thankfully, they’d decided to trust her, but she understood how much pressure she’d put them under.

  Their fate literally lay in her hands now.

  Jade would never break their trust, though.

  She took a deep breath and got out of bed. The clock said it was five a.m., but she couldn’t sleep. Too much was on her mind. After everything she’d learned yesterday, it was no surprise she couldn’t sleep. Processing it would take some time.

  Nightmare stirred. “Where’re you going?”

  She put her clothes on. “To get something to drink. Go back to sleep. I’ll be right back.”

  His head fell back on the pillow, and he was asleep before she left the room.

  Jade followed the hallways to the kitchen. She had to go back to MedAct now. There were still so many questions that needed answers.

  She stilled, staring ahead.

  Funny how things had changed these past few days. She was one of the Fighters now. Sure, many of them
weren’t convinced about her yet, but more and more of them had started to talk to her. They tried to approach, and that was a good start.

  She would do anything for them.

  Even abandon MedAct.

  The company wasn’t what she’d thought it was. It was a lie, just like Celise had said. She saw it now.

  Jade had always believed she was doing something good creating cyborgs, but she saw the dark side now, and it was all her fault.

  She’d continued Carolyn’s work without ever questioning it. It’d always worked, the women who’d signed up for a cyborg had been happy, the world seemed happy, too. The cyborgs had been accepted by society without much fuss.

  She shook her head. Self-pity wasn’t going to help.

  It’d been two amazing days, but it’d also been two days that made her realize Nightmare would never let her go. He wasn’t interested in trying to put together a plan to get the information from MedAct, because it was too dangerous.

  She’d given him and the others access to MedAct’s main servers, but the information they needed wasn’t there.

  It was below ground, and to get her hands on it, she needed to return to MedAct.

  By now, every doctor probably wondered where she was. Over a week was a lot for her to be away, and she felt the opportunity slip them by because of Nightmare.

  Nothing bad was going to happen.

  She doubted anyone suspected anything, and her going to the lower levels of MedAct to check up some files, was nothing unusual.

  And yet, here she was.

  Unable to leave.

  Because of his stubbornness.

  Jade cursed as she entered the kitchen. She approached the fridge and grabbed a bottle of mineral water.

  “You look rather grumpy today.”

  She jumped, then twisted around.

  Phoenix sat by one of the tables.

  She hadn’t noticed him when she’d come in.

  He gave her a wide grin. “Sorry, I scared you.”

  Jade relaxed and sat down by his table. “Why’re you up so early?”

  Phoenix straightened and looked her deep in the eyes. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Her jaw dropped. Was he kidding? Any second now, he’d surely laugh it away, but it never happened. His face remained serious. “What do you mean?”

  He took a sip of his tea. “I’m going to help you escape.”

  Jade’s jaw dropped even more, and a pinch of suspicion filled her. What was he up to?

  “I’ve been waiting here every morning since you bound Nightmare to you, hoping you’d one day show up so we could talk without anyone hearing. Everyone is asleep right now, and we don’t use guards to defend this place. It’s pointless, since the ways in and out are controlled by us.”

  She frowned. “That sure is a long shot.”

  He nodded. “It is, but that was my only option. You’re allowed to walk around on your own now, obviously, without anyone keeping an eye on you, but I couldn’t tell you to meet me here. The last thing I needed was someone overhearing.” His determination was obvious, and the strong shine in his cyborg eyes was intense.

  “You already have a plan, don’t you?”

  He nodded. “All you have to do is say yes.”

  Could she really trust Phoenix? She’d saved his life twice in the past, but it didn’t mean their relationship was good. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I still owe you. I heard what you said the other day in the gathering room, but I also heard Nightmare. He’ll never let you go, but you need to go.”

  Jade clenched her fists. “I’m the only one who can get the hands on the information you seek. Celise can’t.”

  “And that’s why I’m going to help you, but it needs to be done now, before everyone wakes up.” He stood. “Follow me, or watch your chance slip away.”

  She winced. This was happening a little bit too fast. She hadn’t even had the chance to think things through yet.

  Yes, she had to go, but leaving Nightmare and the others was a dangerous risk.

  Would it ruin their faith in her for good?

  It was still so fragile.

  Her heart pounded as she watched him go. Was leaving Nightmare really the right answer?

  What if they could come up with another plan to get their hands on the information they needed?

  No, there was no other way. She had to go.

  But leaving meant breaking Nightmare’s trust. He’d be angry. Who knew what he’d do if she left.

  Yet, her legs carried her out from the kitchen, following Phoenix.

  He looked amused, as they walked through the empty hallways. “First, you wanted nothing more but to escape, and now, you want to stay.”

  “I don’t like doing this to Nightmare, or any of you.”

  He sobered. “You’re not doing anything to us. Nightmare’s blinded by his feelings for you right now. He doesn’t see what needs to be done.”

  She frowned. “And you do?”

  “I do. You must return, and you must return now, not in a few weeks. By then it will be too late.”

  “Aren’t you afraid I’ll betray you?”

  The cyborg gave her a suspicious look. “I am. I am very afraid, but deep down, I trust you.”

  Her chest tightened. It actually hurt to hear he was afraid. Had any of the Fighters ever trusted her? Even the slightest?

  But his trust … was almost overwhelming.

  “Why? Why do you trust me?” The question almost got stuck in her throat.

  His cold gaze transformed into a warm smile. “Because I choose to. I’ve watched you ever since you came here. You really were oblivious to the bond’s true nature. That was a huge surprise to all of us; it was unbelievable. How could the CEO of MedAct not know?” He took a deep breath. “And yet, you didn’t.” Phoenix went silent for a while. “Your feelings for Nightmare were confusing at first, but they made me realize how wrong we’ve all been.”

  Jade blinked. Her heart pounded hard. “What do you mean?”

  “You and Nightmare have always had a love-hate relationship. He often shared with us how he couldn’t wait to get his hands on you to squeeze the life out of you, that you’d be the one to suffer for everything Carolyn did to him, but you never were the bad one. Neither were we. We’ve all been played. This is a game that goes deeper than any of us ever knew.”

  Her throat tightened, and she nodded, more to herself than to him. “You’re saying the past fifteen years could’ve been avoided.”

  “Yes. If we hadn’t been blinded by Carolyn’s actions, our situation, yours and ours, might’ve looked different today.”

  Her lips twitched, and a warm feeling filled her. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. I’m doing this because I trust you’ll do the right thing, but that doesn’t mean I’m convinced you will.”

  Jade straightened her back. Determination filled every part of her body. “I won’t let you, or any of the other Fighters down. I’ll do my best to find out what’s going on behind our backs, but what’ll happen to you once I’m gone? Nightmare will never forgive you.”

  Phoenix’s lips turned thin. “Just make sure you’ll get your hands on that information. I’ll deal with Nightmare.”

  They stopped in front of a wide door.

  The cyborg placed his hand against the plate next to it. A second later, it clicked, and the door opened.

  Jade followed him and found herself inside a huge underground parking lot. There were vans, cars, and several motorcycles. “Oh, wow. I didn’t expect this.”

  “We’ve had forty years to fix this place, you know. When we don’t rest, we build our home.”

  She nodded. “You sure aren’t the messy and dirty cyborgs the media makes you out to be.”

  “The dirty appearance is a disguise. We use it when it’s needed, to confuse the world. We don’t want people to know what we’re really like, not yet.”

  She gave him a long look. “What wil
l you do, when the time comes?”

  “Nightmare didn’t tell you?”

  “I know about the bond, the female cyborg program, and so on, but I have no details to how things will go down.”

  “Everything depends on how things turn out, but the idea is to show everyone the real us, to invite a journalist here, and show the world who we really are.”

  Jade’s jaw dropped. “You’d go that far?”

  “The world needs to see we’re not a bunch of dangerous and unpredictable cyborgs who don’t know what we’re doing. Every step we take is planned, organized, and that’s what we want people to know, but right now, everything is chaos. We lost Heaven and three other Fighters when we went after the tank. We’ve tried to track them, but it’s like they’ve just disappeared. Several of us are locked up because their minds are lost, and you’ve just bound Nightmare to you.” Phoenix shook his head, exhaling. “It’s a mess, but we’ll get there.”

  She licked her lips. “They’ve been taken to XenthAid, and that’s why you can’t track them. That place is highly secured with an A.I that blocks out any signal that tries to get too close. I’ll try to find information about them, if I can.”

  He smiled. “Thank you.” His gaze turned to all the vehicles. “It’s time for you to leave.” He approached a motorcycle. “Can you drive this, or do you want a car? I recommend a motorcycle, though. It’ll be easier to get in and out of town.”

  Jade smirked. “A motorcycle will do just fine.”


  Nightmare opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. The room was awfully quiet, and Jade’s side of the bed was empty.

  An unnerving feeling filled him. She’d said she was going to the kitchen.

  That had been an hour ago.

  The clock on the wall displayed six a.m.

  He got up, and the morning fatigue washed off him in a second, his senses heightened.

  Something was wrong.

  He dressed quickly. He’d never put on his clothes this fast before, and barely a minute later, Nightmare headed for the kitchen.

  Blaze was there, looking newly awake, sipping on a warm cup of tea. “Good morning.” He eyed Nightmare. “Didn’t you sleep well?”


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