Void Beast Box Set

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Void Beast Box Set Page 4

by Matthew Jones

  When he was done with his masterpiece he looked over the area nodding his head at his handy work. TJ had built tall boards that resembled skyscrapers and tall buildings. In between them were life size cutouts of different targets including a small horde of zombies. He went back inside and laid down, wanting to wait until night came again before he started practicing.

  When he woke from his dreamless sleep it was dusk and he pulled off his clothes and walked out into the yard. He stood firmly placed in the yard, his arms hanging next to him, preparing for the change. Within seconds TJ was staring down at the ground as his paws clutched and released the soil beneath them. He walked over to the obstacle course trying to decide what was next. He knew he had increased vision but he had no idea what it was for. He first tried using it to better aim at targets but that only ended in him hurling himself at wooden targets, flying straight past them, and rolling through the dirt. He went over and grabbed a large wooden stick, think that it may be for marksmanship with a weapon. But after zeroing in on the target and letting the stick fly, he watched it strike a building, knocking the boards over in pieces.

  Over and over again TJ tried to use his vision to broaden his attack pattern but all were to no avail. The last branch he threw soared past the zombie hoard and way out into the field, slamming into the dirt and blowing up a cloud of dust. TJ slammed his claws against his legs growling in anger, feeling energy swirling wildly from his fingers and toes to his chest. An intense pressure began to build up inside of him as his anger increased until he could see a dark glowing light streaking from his chest. He looked down curiously as he slowly reached for the light. He howled out loudly as he pulled the energy from his chest and held it out in front of him. He had never seen anything like it. The black swirling orb emitted very little light and you could see right through it.

  TJ snarled as he looked around at the obstacle course, feeling the strength of the power in the palm of his hands. He zeroed in on one wooden creature, reached back, and hurled the orb through the air. As it flowed through the space, small electrical charges crackled from it’s tail. With a loud boom, the orb hit the boards, knocking it over before violently pulling it into the black space. The orb sat still, growing and swirling until it was as big as TJ’s upper torso. TJ grunted, smashing his claws in the ground and holding on as the black hole pulled everything in it’s path toward it. Holding on for dear life TJ’s wolf closed it’s eyes and whimpered not understand what he had just done. After a few minutes TJ’s body fell to the ground and he opened his eyes, looking around at the damage.

  The hole had swallowed his entire obstacle course and half the trees behind it. TJ realized at that moment that was able to create dark matter. He was able to manipulate time and space and create a black hole here on earth. He howled loudly now understanding the kind of powers he had vibrating through his body. If he was going to use this power he would have to really practice, knowing the last thing he wanted was to suck himself into his own powers.

  Day after day, week after week, TJ transformed into his wolf and practiced his powers in his own yard. Some days he really felt like he was getting somewhere while others beat him down physically and emotionally. But, every time he felt defeated, licking his wounds and sitting under the light of the moon he would think of his father. He would think of how his father had taken a near fatal blow during the war losing his ability to transform into his wolf, but even in that darkest moment he went on. TJ couldn’t even begin to fathom what it would be like to lose his wolf, it was a part of him, a vital part and living without it seemed hopeless. With those thoughts he would pick himself up from the dirt and try again, knowing the day he could venture out into the city to use his powers was growing very close.

  Chapter 7: The Powers That Be

  The moon glowed so brightly that even in the woods it looked like daylight. TJ stretched his human legs and arms readying himself for the change. Just as the moon appeared high in the sky, the clouds fluttering close in its glowing light, ripples of energy began to move through his body. With each step through the woods TJ could feel the wolf getting closer and closer until finally, stopping in his tracks and dropping to his knees, it was upon him. The muscles in his shoulders and back rippled and expounded, tearing his shirt to shreds. His thighs quivered as his legs began bending and changing.

  The once breath of the man standing in the woods methodically began to turn to a pant, TJ’s black fur blowing gently in the breeze of the trees. He stretched his shoulders back and stood on his hind legs, preparing to take off through the leaves. TJ inhaled deeply, searching the area for any sign of intrusion, but nothing but dirt and bark is sensed. He looked up at the moon, leaned his wolf head backward and lets out a howl, a low growl of satisfaction following as his wolf call echoed through the forest. The beast’s claws dug into the soil beneath him and his muscles tensed as he began to run, quickly picking up speed until he was moving so fast the passing trees were nothing but a blur. He ran in out of the trees, jumping from cliffs, and swinging from the branches of the canopy. As he reached the edge of the woods, his paws begin to slow, and he stopped just shy of the clearing leading to the city.

  The once thriving metropolis is now nothing more than half shattered buildings, eternal raging fires, and abandoned cars. The sounds of zombies can be heard screeching through the night, and with each non-human scream, TJ gathered more energy. There were so many things about his powers he hadn’t discovered, and he figured at that moment, what better way to figure it than attacking the flesh-eating monsters in their own territory. The zombies rarely attacked him, wolf blood being different than human, but if he got them started, he knew he could draw in a fight. And a fight was exactly what TJ was looking for.

  He slowly moved through the streets, shifting from one shadow to the next, his glowing yellow eyes piercing the night’s darkness. As he reached the edge of the city, he could see a hoard of zombies dragging limb through the streets. TJ moved to the left into an alleyway and took in a deep breath, pulling the energy in his chest to the surface. He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing, but at that point, his wolf had no caution, and slowly a black orb began to move between the palms of his hands. The pressure was intense, and the wind began to swirl the street’s trash around him in the air. He stepped out into the light of the moon still barely controlling the orb and threw it as hard as he could towards the hoard of zombies. He watched as the ball moved through the restless bodies and stopped in midair, slowly expanding.

  The Orb, now a circle, swirled wildly in the night and began emitting a strange pull. TJ looked down as his claws started scraping across the ground, moving him towards the black hole. He reached out and grabbed onto the side of the building watching as one by one the zombies began disappearing into the orb. The longer the hole was open, the stronger it got, and panic began to seep into TJ’s fur-ridden chest as he realized he didn’t know how to stop it. But, as the last of the zombies of the horde went flying, screaming, into the hole it quickly closed shut with a loud snap. TJ’s legs immediately flew back towards the ground, gravity catching hold once again. He watched as the papers that were once headed for the black doom slowly floated back into the street and silence fell back over the city.

  TJ squinted at the dark street trying to make sense of what just happened. He knew he had powers that he had yet to understand, but creating black holes was not something he had read in any of his father’s books. Even standing as his wolf, shock and awe ran through him, and his human form immediately began to push for understanding. He stood contemplating the best he could as a wolf before turning back towards the woods. That was enough for one night. He crept slowly back towards the manor, waiting until he had breached the grounds before summoning his human form to return.

  As soon as the last of the fur had disappeared from his skin, TJ sat down in the grass, exhausted from the change and confused from the events of the evening. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on his arms, giving his human
form a chance to recover before walking back to the house. He sat silently in the night wishing his father was there to help him understand.

  I may be able to help.

  TJ’s head sprang up as an unfamiliar voice echoed through his skull. His father had only ever been able to speak to him telepathically, but this voice was deeper and more pronounced. TJ stood quickly and crouched, looking around for anyone that may be lurking close by. But he was alone.

  I am at the house. Don’t be alarmed. I am a friend of your fathers.

  The voice spoke calmly, but after the events of the last year, TJ was more than slightly on the defense.

  Who are you? What are you doing here?

  I will explain everything when you get back. I am waiting at your father’s grave.

  The muscles in TJ’s arms relaxed slightly, but his senses were still on high alert. He had never met anyone who knew his father, but the intrusion was less than expected. He walked back to the house and put some clothes on before heading out to his father’s grave. TJ tucked his gun in the back of his pants just for caution. He was more than capable of fighting another wolf, though he never actually had, but he didn’t know who he was walking up on. The smell of silver in the chamber burned at his nose and wafted around him like cologne.

  He walked slowly through the yard, crossing the fence, and reaching the peak of the hill. Down below was the family graveyard, his father’s headstone tall and glistening with newness. To the left stood a man, his skin a dark chocolate, his long dreads pulled back at the nape of his neck, and his muscles bulging from underneath his black tight fitting t-shirt. Sensing TJ’s approach he turned and put his hands at his sides in a non-threatening stance. He sniffed the air around him sensing the silver bullets tucked carefully in the back of TJ’s pants and smiled knowingly at him.

  “TJ,” he said kindly sticking his hand out to shake. “It’s been many, many years. It is good to see you. My name is Wagner.”

  “I’m sorry,” TJ said releasing his kept anxiety a bit. “I don’t remember you.”

  “And I wouldn’t expect you to. You were just a wee little pup when I last saw you. Your father and I, we grew up together. I was there when he was injured,” he explained looking down at the gravesite. “I’m so sorry for your loss, son. I wish I could have gotten here sooner.”

  “Would you like a cup of coffee,” TJ asked releasing his tense stature and looking up at the house. “It’s been a long couple of months.”

  “Sure,” Wagner said walking next to TJ as they made their way back to the manor. “I am aware of the last couple of months actually. The Gutierrez family did a number on you. I can understand your apprehension for unannounced visitors.”

  “How did you know about that?” TJ asked cautiously as they entered the house.

  “I know a lot about you TJ,” Wagner said smiling. “I know you struggled to defeat the Doctor and his daughter. But I know you hold great powers inside of you. Tonight was a prime example with the showing of your black hole powers.”

  “I don’t understand,” TJ said standing in his father’s study. “Why have you been watching me?”

  “It’s simple really,” Wagner said looking at a picture of TJ’s father on the wall. “You belong with the wolves, you need to strengthen and understand your powers, and I’ve come to help you with that.”

  “Look,” TJ said turning to the coffee maker and fumbling with the buttons. “I appreciate your concern, but I don’t need a replacement for my father.”

  “I’m not here to replace him,” Wagner said looking across the room, his hands in his pockets. “I have come to take you to a camp your father had meant to send you to but didn’t get the chance. The resistance is forming, TJ. And you should be at the forefront.”

  “If there is a resistance,” TJ said turning quickly towards Wagner with renewed energy. “I want to be part of it.”

  “Your father knew you would say that,” he said smiling as the coffee pot hissed in the background. “And there is no better place for a Void Beast.”

  TJ’s eyes widened at the words, and he suddenly realized Wagner was talking about him. At that moment, everything began to make sense.

  Chapter 8: New Enemies Emerge

  Before TJ even understood the details of where he was going he was already on board. Between the strange activity brewing in the zombie community, his strong powers getting the best of him, the opportunity to be around his kind, and the possibility of a resistance, there was little to hold him to his home. Wagner was the leader of the resistance, a group of wolves gathered from all over the world to train and ready themselves to fight. Wrex, a wolf, explained by Wagner as robust and fierce, lead the wolves as second in charge under Wagner. Kyra, one of the few female wolves TJ had heard about, worked alongside them, all having experience fighting alongside TJ’s father in the war.

  Wagner stayed the night at TJ’s home, and the two stayed up until dawn discussing the camp and what TJ would be walking into upon arrival. He didn’t need much, as most everything important would be provided, and though leaving his family’s home caused him concern, the training Wagner spoke of was vital to TJ’s survival. Once the light had breached the sky, TJ was confident this was the right choice so he packed a bag and climbed into Wagner’s truck, slightly relieved he wouldn’t have to run all the way there. Wolf or not, the last few days had utterly exhausted him, and as the skyline of the burnt down city he called home passed from sight, TJ fell into a quiet sleep.

  Hours passed as Wagner drove them far away from TJ’s home, while he slept soundly for the first time in months. The bouncing of the truck woke him from his dreams, and he looked around realizing they were no longer driving on the deserted highways. The trees passed quickly by, and TJ looked ahead down what seemed to be a barely visible path through the woods. The truck began to slow as Gates emerged from nowhere, two giant wolves standing guard outside. They quickly moved to open the gate and nodded at Wagner as he drove through without stopping. TJ looked out at the wolf on his side, it’s glaring yellow eyes staring back. He couldn’t hear any of the wolves.

  “Why can’t I hear them?” TJ asked.

  “They don’t trust you yet,” Wagner said without pause. “Don’t worry. It won’t take long.”

  They pulled around through the compound, small wooden buildings peppering the street. Wagner pulled into the larger of the buildings dirt lot and parked. It was the only vehicle he could see, and TJ assumed it was for the use of the officers. He followed Wagner’s lead and got out of the truck, throwing his black duffle bag over his shoulder and walking quickly to catch up. Wagner’s natural expression had hardened, and he could tell he was now in leadership mode. They entered the building, and TJ stopped as Wagner walked over to a long table and shuffled through some papers. The buildings were obviously hand built and for nothing more than shelter from the weather since the floors were dirty and the furniture was sparse.

  The door opened behind TJ, and he stepped to the side as two others entered and smiled at Wagner. The man was tall and wide, his shoulders broad and filled in with muscle. His long silvery hair laid flowing over his shoulders. TJ tried not to stare, but it was difficult considering the man’s arm was the same size as the other but entirely made of metal and robotic in motion. The man’s eyes were a bright blue, and he stared back at TJ, apparently speaking telepathically to Wagner, though TJ couldn’t hear them.

  “TJ,” Wagner said a look of irritation on his face. “Let me introduce you to Wrex and Kyra.”

  Kyra smiled and waved, her eyes glistening almost entirely white in the light from the windows. TJ nodded at her, his gaze moving to Wrex who stood firm looking inquisitively at him. He moved closer his eyes darting up and down TJ’s body, a look of challenge on his face. He stepped close to TJ attempting to assert his dominance, but TJ didn’t look away or stand down.

  “I’ve heard about you,” he said gruffly. “We’ll see if your everything your said to be. Be ready for training when the
sun goes down.”

  Before TJ could say a thing, Wrex stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Kyra rolled her eyes and patted TJ on the shoulder as she walked out of the room. See you tonight. She was the first one to let him in.

  “Kyra knew your father as well,” Wagner explained. “In fact, all three of us did. Don’t worry about Wrex, he’s high strung.”

  As TJ studied Wagner’s face and the obviously fake look of unconcern he had when he spoke of Wrex, the door opened and a tall thin, but muscular, boy walked in, obviously younger than most of the wolves there. He nodded at TJ as he passed over to the desk and shook Wagner’s hand. The two spoke to each other silently before turning back to TJ.

  “TJ,” Wagner said looking at the kid. “This is Kyo, he is going to show you the ropes, and get you settled into your room. If you have any questions, let me know. Chow is at 6, so you have a few hours to get used to the grounds. Training starts when the moon is high. Don’t be late, we don’t want to add fuel to Wrex’s fire.”


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