Void Beast Box Set

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Void Beast Box Set Page 5

by Matthew Jones

  TJ nodded wanting to ask about Wrex further but decided to go with Kyo instead. Wagner seemed disconnected at that moment as if something were on his mind. Kyo and TJ walked out of the building and passed an open field on the left. As they moved away from the building, TJ caught sight of Wrex talking to another guy in the shadows of the trees. They both stopped momentarily and stared TJ down as he walked.

  “So,” Kyo began talking pulling TJ’s attention back. “That’s the training field. We meet there before the change, and we do some human exercises in battle techniques.”

  TJ nodded but didn’t say anything. Kyo continued to point out various different buildings including an armory, the chow hall, and the leader’s quarters. Finally, they stopped in front of a small thatched roof building in the middle of others that were similar. Kyo opened the door and stood to the side as TJ entered. There was a desk in the corner, a cot to the right, and a shelf with various different books on it.

  “This is your room,” Kyo said looking around the room. “They’re all pretty much the same, and we don’t stay in here much. We all have jobs keeping the camp running during the day, and we train at night. There’s some time in there for sleeping too.”

  TJ threw his bag down on the cot and stretched, still feeling tired even after sleeping on the car ride over. He ran questions he wanted to ask through his mind but couldn’t muster the gall to ask them. Kyo could tell he was thinking, though, and waited patiently for him to ask.

  “Wrex seems like a hard ass,” TJ commented without looking up.

  “Ha,” Kyo laughed. “You could say that. I mean, he is legendary for having fought in the war, but, between you and me?”

  “Of course,” TJ said with sincerity.

  “Well,” Kyo spoke in a whisper. “I overheard Wagner and Kya talking about him being saved by your dad during the war. Apparently, they didn’t get along, and that just makes him hate you even more, so I’d steer clear if I were you.”

  “I’m just here to learn,” TJ said gruffly.

  “Me too,” Kyo responded. “It’s my turn to fight tonight, so I am pretty stoked to show them what I’ve learned.”

  “We don’t all fight?” TJ asked.

  “I mean we all train but at the end, there is one big fight,” Kyo said running his hands through his dark, messy hair. “Wrex thinks I’m weak, but I’m gonna show him tonight.”

  “Good luck,” TJ responded. “Will you grab me for chow? I am gonna lay down for a bit, clear my head.”

  “Yea, man,” Kyo said enthusiastically. “I stay right next door, so I’ll come grab you on my way out. If you need anything just yell.”

  “Thanks,” TJ said not looking up as Kyo left. Nice kid and everything but TJ wasn’t there to make friends.

  He laid down on his cot and looked up at the straw ceiling, light sneaking in through the cracks. Wrex had it out for him, and there was something about him that just didn’t seem right.

  Chapter 9: Training Begins

  TJ walked alongside Kyo to the field for training, half ignoring his banter as they went. Chow was quiet, and he could feel the stares of Wrex’s apparent “crew” as he ate. He didn’t fall asleep after Kyo left and ended up reading through some of the books on the shelf. He had heard Wagner call him a Void Beast and he wanted to know more about it before walking into training. Most of the books were useless, but a handwritten journal was stuck in a drawer of his desk. The handwriting was familiar, but he refused to believe they put something in his room from his father. Either way, it had a lot of information about the Void powers and how to learn to control them. He sat there until chow studying the different pages and then quickly tucked it away when Kyo entered.

  As they approached the field, TJ looked out at the groups already assembled practicing their different magic. These wolves were like TJ in that they could muster different spells without changing. Kyra was in the upper left corner and waved TJ and Kyo over to her. She was standing with another female wolf with long black hair and guarded eyes.

  “You guys will be with me tonight,” Kyra said as she shook both their hands. “Gotta get Kyo ready to kick some serious tail this evening.”

  “Yes,” Kyo said enthusiastically.

  “TJ this is McKenna,” she said turning to the girl.

  She looked up at TJ and smiled slightly as she shook his hand. He nodded in greeting and turned towards the front as Wrex and Wagner approached. Everyone stopped what they were doing and formed together in ranks. TJ stayed at the edge of the group and waited for them to begin.

  “We are going to skip any human training tonight and go right into our wolves,” Wagner shouted. “Wrex will lead, and your perspective group captain will continue from there. I’ll be back for Kyo’s fight. Work hard.”

  “Everyone prepare for change,” Wrex barked as Wagner made eye contact with TJ before walking back to the main building. TJ followed Kyo’s lead and spread out, removing his shirt and shorts. He watched as the others began to change and he too knelt down and steadied himself for his wolf.

  Growls began to emerge from the crowd, and TJ stood on his hind legs stretching his newly formed shape. Kyo stared back at TJ as he steadied himself to join the group. Kyo’s wolf was not showy, just a light brown with his emerald green eyes glowing in the dark field. TJ turned and moved over to where Kyra, now standing as her wolf, her glimmering white fur just a shade lighter than her eyes. McKenna approached the group as well, but she kept her head down, the bright red of her hair ruffled in the light of the moon.

  Okay. Kyo, you are going to work with McKenna tonight. I will work with TJ. We are practicing our powers and our defense. Don’t hurt him too bad, McKenna, he has a fight tonight.

  Kyo growled lightly at the joke and sprinted to the other side of the field. TJ watched carefully as the two began fighting immediately. McKenna’s eye’s glowed red as fire shot from her palms. Kyo dodged back and forth, manipulating the dirt underneath them to snuff out the flames. A small snicker could be seen on McKenna’s face as smoke simmered on the edge of Kyo’s tail.

  Alright TJ. I want you to focus. If you are like your father, which we are assuming from the gifts you have shown so far, you need to clear your mind and let your actions come naturally. I will tell you to prepare the first time, but after that, you are to expect my attack.

  TJ nodded his head and squatted low waiting for Kyra to make her move. She stood tall on her hind legs and pulled her hands to her chest. As she thrust ice shot outwards from the pads of her paws, hitting TJ in the thigh as he leapt. He fell to the ground with a yip but jumped back up immediately and prepared for the next blow.

  Clear your mind. Kyra said as she moved closer.

  A freezing wind whipped around Kyra and snow blew through the air cloaking her from TJ’s site. He heard a crack and closed his eyes imagining the space right next to her. He opened his eyes realizing he had teleported himself. Kyra’s eyes grew wide as she growled playfully but TJ was quicker, and he swiped her legs from underneath her. She scrambled to her feet and moved backward shooting another stream of ice in TJ’s direction. This time he felt the heat in his chest and without thinking thrust his hands forward expelling that familiar black ball. Kyra jumped and scrambled away yelling out to the other wolves in her mind.

  Take Cover! Black Hole!!!

  As the other wolves moved quickly to the sides of the field, TJ realized what he had done and instinctively clapped his hands together causing a loud crashing noise. The hole instantly slammed shut, and the wolves stood around staring at TJ, half in fear, the other in amazement. He looked up as Wrex, a large gray wolf, bounded towards him, tackling him and standing over him growling deeply.

  You learn to control your powers, or I’ll do it for you! Wrex commanded.

  Enough! Wagner’s voice was deep and rippled through the minds of every wolf in the field. Wrex’s ears went back, and he slowly stepped off TJ, allowing him to stand again. At the front of the pack stood Wagner, the largest of the wol
ves besides TJ, his fur was shimmering with hues of blue and white and an ora of light seemed to follow him as he walked. TJ had read about this, it appeared that Wagner was a warlock.

  Kyo! Blaze! Front and Center. Your fight begins now.

  TJ held back his urge to growl deeply at Wrex as he sauntered into the center of the field. TJ moved with the other wolves into a circle creating an arena of sorts. Kyo trotted into the middle and stretched his long muscular limbs. The wolf, Blaze, was smaller but her prowess was leagues above Kyo. TJ watched as the fight began with a ring of fire shooting from Blaze’s dark amber chest and encircling Kyo. Back and forth the two took turns battling in the makeshift arena, howls escalating as the fight picked up speed. Though Kyo was not as quick as Blaze, he had the uncanny ability to heal himself in an instant.

  However, as the moon began to dip towards the horizon, and light began to show in the sky, Kyo’s energy began to wane. In a brutal mistake by Kyo, he took his eyes off of Blaze for just a moment allowing her to leap forward and pin him to the ground. The Wolves fell silent and watched as Blaze’s arm stretched into the air and ignited in bright red flames. Just as her hand swung down towards Kyo’s face, Wagner’s voice rang out in our ears.

  Stop. Though you put up quite a fight, Kyo. Tonight’s winner is Blaze.

  Blaze stopped her paw just inches from Kyo’s flinching face and let out a victorious howl. She jumped on her hind legs and ran over to Wrex who head-butted her in congratulations. Kyo laid on his back, still breathing heavy from the battle.

  Good training pack. Go back to your rooms, change back into human form and prepare for the day ahead. We meet back here tonight.

  TJ watched as Wagner ran towards the building morphing into human form as he went. How he changed so effortlessly TJ couldn’t understand. He looked back at Kyo who was pulling himself to his hind legs. The two wolves walked slowly back towards the rooms, silence falling between them. They approached TJ’s door and stopped momentarily.

  Those were some good moves kid. TJ felt the need to motivate Kyo.

  Yeah right. Anyways, we both have the morning off so get some sleep. I’ll grab you when I wake up and take you to chow.

  Thanks, kid.

  Once inside his room, TJ sat down on the bed and allowed his human form to come back to him. Wrex’s growling face ran through his mind, and he couldn’t push the feeling that something was just not right. TJ hadn’t quite figured Wrex out, but he knew one thing, he better watch his back because, for whatever reason, Wrex had it out for him.

  Chapter 10: Eat Your Heart Out

  TJ, I need you to meet me in the woods behind your room. Wagner’s voice sounded nervous but stout. TJ shook his head making sure it wasn’t a dream. He sat up in bed for a moment to gather his thoughts.


  Yes. Hurry.

  TJ threw on his shoes and climbed out the window facing the woods. Wagner was standing in the shadows of the trees, leaning against the trunk. His stature was casual as usual, but his eyes told a different story. TJ approached wearily as a precaution.

  “I have cast a spell to block our voices, but it is only good for a few moments,” he explained looking at TJ. “It is customary that the new wolf fight on his second night of training.”

  “What?” TJ said irritated. “But I just got here. You saw yesterday, I almost killed everyone.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he whispered. “The problem is you will be facing one of Wrex’s crew, and I have reason to suspect he is up to something.”

  “That doesn’t make sense,” TJ said shaking his head. “I don’t even know him.”

  “You are a Void Beast,” Wagner stated. “That is reason enough for him. His hatred of your father is deep seeded. You have to win this fight. It is lure that if a wolf eats another’s heart in battle, he gains his powers. I think Wagner is trying to get you in a dangerous situation. Use whatever skills necessary.”

  “Eat my heart,” TJ said chuckling. “It’s kind of black and dried up.”

  “This is no joke TJ,” Wagner snapped. “I’ll do what I can. Now, get to chow and make sure you are sharp and ready. Your fight will be the first thing that happens when training begins.”

  TJ turned angrily towards the house looking down at the leaves under his black boots. He was furious at the thought of being sideswiped into battle, much less someone trying to kill him. He turned back to ask another question, but Wagner was gone as if he evaporated into thin air. TJ closed his eyes and imagined the outside of the chow hall. When he opened them, the wind blew the dust up in the air, and he was standing there, staring at the open door. The smell of roast beef wafted into his nose and realized how hungry he was.

  “Hey man,” Kyo’s voice sounded behind TJ startling him. “I was at your door and looked over just as you transported over here. Pretty cool power man. We should team up. I’ve been working on healing other wolves, we’d be a killer team.”

  “Yeah,” he said with a fake chuckle. “Killer.”

  TJ ate silently as the others conversed merrily around him. Every once in a while, he would look over to the table where Wrex’s boys sat to find them whispering and staring in his direction. TJ was used to being hunted but not by his own kind, and not directly out in the open like this. It infuriated him, and he ate fast to get out of the situation before he couldn’t control himself any longer. When he was done, he stood quickly and walked out the door, Kyo watching suspiciously as he made haste back to his room.

  The rest of the day he spent practicing his teleportation around the compound. He would move to one spot then back to his room. With each teleport, his movement became faster and more thoughtless. In order to preserve the rest of his energy, he sat on the edge of his bed watching and waiting as the sun crept closer to the horizon. Finally, when it had dipped below the skyline, he took a deep breath and teleported to the center of the field.

  Several of the pack were already there practicing their hand to hand combat, and a hush fell over their banter when he appeared. It seemed everyone knew about the fight but him which pissed him off even further. He stood watching the other pack members in their human forms, trying to figure out who he would be fighting. There were so many powers unknown to him, and he didn’t want to be caught off guard. Once the field had filled up, and the moon had begun to rise higher in the sky Wrex approached the group.

  TJ looked up at the top of the hill where Wagner and Kyra stood, their arms folded over their chests watching and waiting.

  “I think it’s time for a little fun,” Wrex spoke out loud to the crowd. “We have a new pack member, TJ. Today will be his first fight. He will be fighting Torrent.”

  As the words exited Wrex’s mouth, a cheer came from the opposite side of the field, and a large heavily built man stepped forward. He was completely bald, stood about seven feet tall, and his body was solid muscle. Though any other wolf would have been terrified, TJ stood his ground and kept perfect eye contact with the brute. The rest of the wolf pack moved back, staring eerily at TJ. An entertained look crossed over Wrex’s face as Torrent flexed and moved through the middle of the field.

  “So, everyone, go ahead and change,” Wrex said reverting his eyes to TJ. “You have ten minutes to prepare.”

  TJ turned away from Torrent and allowed his wolf to take over fully charged and ready for battle. He flexed the muscles rippling through his wolf’s body and teleported to the center of the field. Wrex had changed into this wolf and was standing next to Torrent who was sizably larger and his fur was a dark blue. The two wolves growled at each other as they began circling the arena. Torrent stood up on his hind legs and reached his arms way back. TJ wasn’t sure what to expect, and he stood up ready to react. As Torrent’s hands came crashing back together, an invisible wave moved through the air knocking anything in its path backward into the air, including TJ.

  TJ slid across the grass, his ears ringing and his nose bleeding. He pushed his claws outward and closed his eyes imagining appearing d
irectly in front of Torrent. He opened his eyes, and he was facing Torrents back, while he ignorantly celebrated with a clue of what was happening. TJ reached up and scratched his sharp claws down Torrent’s back and watched as he writhed in pain, howling out. He turned swinging, but TJ had jumped high into the air, landing on Torrent’s shoulders and twisting him in a backward motion. The two hit the ground, the sound waves emanating from Torrents body and hitting the crowd around them.

  Torrent roared out as he scrambled to get free but strength was a power TJ possessed, and he wasn’t letting go. TJ moved quickly, using the wolf’s agility to move quickly in any direction, ultimately perching himself on top of Torrent and pressing his knees into his throat. In the background, TJ heard Wrex yelling “Stop,” but he ignored it, his anger breaching the surface. Just as Torrent’s eyes began to roll back in his head, he felt the searing pain of claws across his chest.


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