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His Best Friend's sister: The Cohan Billionaire Brothers Book Six

Page 12

by Layla Holt

  As she had promised Max, she left her car keys with Lillian at the reception and rode the elevator up to the office she shared with Maisie.

  “Good morning,” she said to her sister-in-law.

  Maisie shifted her gaze from her computer screen and smiled at Maisie. “Morning you, ready for another long day?”

  Megan dropped her purse on the desk and folded the sleeves of her blouse dramatically. “You bet.”

  Maisie laughed. While they were not yet the best of friends, a healthy respect for each other had developed between them. Megan saw bits of Maisie’s crazy, fun personality as Max had described her and she looked forward to the time when they would be fully comfortable with each other, like her and Ruby.

  The day was filled with countless meetings, brainstorming sessions and creative moments. By the end of it, she was tired but exhilarated. She couldn’t wait for the awareness campaign to kick off.

  “Did Max bring my car back?” she asked Lillian when she got to the ground floor.

  “He did indeed,” Lillian said and handed her the keys with a smile of knowing something that Megan didn’t.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She strolled out of the building and made a call as she walked to her car, eager to hear what he thought of her car. He didn’t pick up his phone and seconds later, she saw why.

  He was leaning on her car holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She quickened her step. “What a nice surprise,” she said, going on tip-toe to kiss him.

  “I thought I’d hang around and get a ride home,” he said.

  “Have you waited long?” Megan said.

  “It doesn’t matter. I would wait all day for you,” Max said and handed her the flowers.

  Max liked to say such things which sounded terribly exaggerated to Megan but she was starting to think that he meant them.

  She took them and inhaled their sweet scent. “Thank you, they are beautiful.”

  As she sniffed them, she caught sight of the back tire of her car. It looked different, bigger. It was definitely bigger. “What happened to my tire?” She took a step back. “Tires…and windows.”

  “I’ve been holding my breath waiting for you to notice it. It’s a surprise. That’s why I took your car this morning. I wanted to surprise you by installing security features on it. That way, I know you’re protected.”

  Megan speared Max with a glare but he didn’t notice.

  “I got the windows replaced with ballistic windows. A gun shot from a small gun cannot penetrate them. The tires are run flat wheels. This means that—”

  “I know what it means,” Megan said through clenched teeth.

  “That’s just the exterior. You’ll love the interior.” He took the keys from her and unlocked the car. “The steering wheel has a sensor—”

  “Max,” Megan exploded. “Have you lost your mind? What did you do with my car? It was perfectly safe as it was.”

  “No, it was not. You were an easy target Megan,” Max said.

  “I’m not the president of the United States. This car now resembles the beast,” she said, close to tears. “I can’t believe you’d do something like this without discussing it with me first. And what’s your obsession with security? I’m not a dang target Max. I’m a grown woman who can make her own decisions.”

  He was silent for a moment. “You don’t like it?”

  “That’s not the point,” Megan shouted, fraught with frustration.

  “You don’t like it.”

  If she stayed a minute longer, she was going to say something she would regret. She took her car keys, entered the car and banged the door shut. She speared the key into the ignition, and when the car roared to life, she drove off without a backward glance at Max.

  Megan’s hands hurt from gripping the steering wheel too tightly. Boiling with fury, heat flushed through her body. She only relaxed when she was sure that Max had not followed her. As she drove, she inhaled a lungful of air, held it and let it out.

  She did this several times and by the time she got home, anger was no longer spiraling in the pit of her stomach. She went in and headed straight to her bedroom to change into yoga pants, a t-shirt and running shoes.

  It felt good to be out running. She took off at a fast pace to obliterate thoughts of Max from her brain. It worked. For several minutes. The image of the expression he had worn before she grabbed her keys and drove off filled her mind.

  Why would he do something like that without first discussing it with her? And what was this obsession that Max had with her security? It was ridiculous. A target indeed.

  The answer was staring at her in the face. Security was his business so obviously he would think about keeping her safe. But that really was not the issue. He could convert her car to the beast for all she cared. As long as he discussed it with her first.

  She followed her usual route that took her past Ruby and Dean’s place. It took her almost an hour and as she got close to Glenn Acres, the sound of a car slowing down reached her ears. It came to a stop a few steps in front of her.

  Megan recognized the plate immediately. It was her brother Adrian’s car. All her brothers, apart from Jaime and Sean had bought tracts of land around Glenn Acres and they used the same route to go home.

  She opened the passenger door and entered. “Hi bro.”

  “Hey sis,” Adrian said warmly. “I’d hug you but I have an aversion to the smell of sweat.”

  She laughed. It was good to see him away from the office.

  “I’m getting glowing reports about you,” Adrian said.

  Megan’s face heated up. She was not used to receiving compliments from Adrian. “Thanks,” she mumbled. “How is Matt?” she said, eager to deflect the topic from herself.

  “He’s okay, becoming less of a handful as he grows older,” Adrian said. “But he has his moments.”

  “And Leah?”

  “She’s fine but looks tired. I’ve been trying to convince her to let me take her on a weekend away but she won’t leave Matt,” Adrian said.

  “Why? You guys have a nanny, don’t you?” Megan asked.

  “She’s not a live-in nanny,” Adrian said.

  Megan thought quickly on how she could help. “I would be happy to sleep at your house for the weekend. I’m going for lunch with Max at his mother’s house on Saturday but the nanny would be there, right?”

  “Really?” Adrian said. “You would do that for us?”

  “Of course. You, Leah and Matt are my family. I’d do anything for you guys,” Megan said.

  “Thanks sis,” Adrian said. “Now Leah won’t have a reason to say no.” He grinned. “I haven’t been this excited in a long time. It will be nice to get away, just the two of us.”

  “Where will you go?” Megan asked pleased that she could bring happiness to her brother and his wife.

  “There’s this beach hotel we went to just before we got married. It ended prematurely when we fought over something stupid and Leah returned home. This time, I’ll make it perfect. Leah will love it.”

  Seeing her brother’s face light up when he spoke of his wife made Megan question whether she and Max would make it. They were so different. He was used to doing things his own way without consulting anybody? Was that something he could change? She couldn’t commit to someone who made decisions on her behalf.

  “I’m sure she will,” Megan said. “Did you guys have a hard time at the beginning?”

  Adrian turned to her and chuckled. “It was crazy. Leah exasperated me and I’m sure I did the same to her. It takes time for two people to get to know each other and gel but it’s completely worth it in the end. Are you talking about Max?”

  Megan rolled her eyes. “Is there no secret in this family? People talk too much.”

  Adrian laughed and reached out to ruffle her hair. “Not when it comes to matters of the family.” He withdrew his hand and grew serious. “One thing I can tell you is that I’ve known Max for decades and I can say without a doubt that
I trust him with my little sister.”

  Megan swallowed hard.

  “Things will work out, just take it slowly and be patient with him. Men are a bit daft when it comes to what their women need from them. Max will get there.”

  His words were exactly what she needed to hear. What Max did with her car was not such a big deal after all. What mattered was that his heart had been in the right place.

  “Thanks Adrian,” Megan said and opened the door. “Let me know what Leah says and if she needs to give me instructions for the weekend, tell her to feel free to call me.”

  “You’re the best sis,” Adrian said.

  “You’re welcome,” Megan said as she got out of the car.

  Megan’s step was lighter as she strolled back home. She would text Max and let him know that they were okay. Maybe she had blown things out of proportion.

  Chapter 19

  Megan: Hey Mr. Fix it all...I’m teasing.

  Relief surged through Max as he read Megan’s message. If she was joking with him, it meant that they were okay. He quickly punched out another message.

  Max: That was dumb. I’m sorry.

  He hit send and slid onto a bar stool in his kitchen.

  Megan: It’s forgotten. What are you doing?

  Max: About to cook dinner. Mashed potatoes, broccoli and meat balls.

  Megan: Made from scratch?

  Max: Yes, to the mashed potatoes and broccoli. My hands are too large to make meatballs. They disappear in them.

  Megan: That’s so funny. I love your hands. Kindly refrain from making fun of them.

  Max: What are you up to?

  Megan: Just came from the shower after a jog. Went to rummage the fridge for leftovers. Couldn’t be bothered to cook.

  Max: Can I tempt you into dinner?

  Megan: I’d love that…if I knew where you lived.

  Max: Very funny. I’ll pin you my location. See you soon. Can’t wait to see you.

  Megan: Me too.

  Max suddenly became aware of the smell of burning. He shot up from the stool and hurried to the stove. The water in the pasta had evaporated and the pasta was stuck to the pan. Muttering curses, he dumped the contents into the trash can and started over.

  He finished cooking dinner when his cell phone intercom rang. He took it and pressed a button. Megan’s gorgeous face filled his screen.

  “Fancy,” she said.

  “Come in,” he said smiling like a fool and pressed his phone to open the door to the lobby.

  He went to the front door and opened it. Two minutes later, Megan strolled out of the elevator. Seeing her in person sent an electric current sizzling through him.

  “Welcome,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she said as Max bent his head to kiss her lightly.

  He held the door open for her and she went past, leaving a trail of her feminine scent in her wake. She looked amazing in fitting black leather pants, high heels and a red top.

  “Somehow I never imagined you living in a place like this,” Megan said, strolling past the sunken living room to the huge open plan kitchen. “A penthouse apartment? A lobby that resembles a five-star hotel lobby? And this? It’s beautiful.”

  Max followed her to the kitchen. “I fell in love with this apartment the first time I entered. I had to have it. The security is top notch too. That was another attraction for me.”

  “Congratulations,” Megan said.

  “Thank you,” Max said self-consciously. “I’ve been lucky in business.”

  Megan shot him an amused look. “I’d say you’ve worked hard.”

  Max cleared his throat. “Thanks. Dinner is ready, I’ll just set the table.”

  “I’ll help, if you point out where stuff is,” Megan said. She washed her hands at the sink and then asked him where the plates were.

  “Right below where you’re standing,” Max said.

  They set the table on the island rather than on the formal table that sat between the living space and the kitchen.

  “Smells good,” Megan said and went to the stove. She lifted the lid of the pan with the sauce. “Yum.”

  Max moved to her side and dipped a spoon in. He blew on it and offered it to Megan. She sipped it and closed her eyes. “Perfect. You’re going to have to share that recipe.”

  She opened her eyes and their gazes met. Sparks flew between them and an irresistible urge to kiss her came over him. He placed the spoon on the counter and closed the distance between them.

  He cupped her face and gently brushed his lips against hers and then drew back. “You’re so beautiful Megan.” He kissed her again, and let out a sigh of satisfaction. She smelled and tasted deliciously edible.

  She slipped her hands around his waist and pressed her body against his, driving him out of his mind. It boggled his mind to imagine that Megan was his for the rest of their lives. And in the future, and hopefully not too far off, she would be his wife and the mother of his babies.

  He cupped the back of her head, deepening the kiss. Every taste reminded him of the years he had ached for her, dreamed of her and never once thought that one day, his fantasies would come true. The sensations running riot in him made him feel dizzy with pleasure. The fire inside him intensified.

  It took all his control to pull away from Megan. She stared up at him with her lips slightly parted and he had to physically distance himself.

  “Dinner time,” Max said, his words coming out of his mouth as a stutter. “You even make me lose my ability to speak.”

  “You flatter me Max Foster, but I like it,” Megan said.

  Max spooned the food onto their plates while Megan carried them to the island. That done, he fished two bottles of water and placed them alongside the food and sat down opposite Megan.

  “How was the jog?” Max said while dripping sauce all over his pasta and meat balls.

  “Uneventful,” Megan said. “Until I ran into Adrian.” She paused to take a bite of her food.

  Megan did everything with style, even eating pasta and meatballs. No sauce dripping down the sides of her mouth and no overestimating the size of her mouth and biting too much food, like he had just done.

  “What happened? Did he join you?” Max said.

  “Nope, I joined him in his car. Anyway, he wants to surprise Leah and take her on a romantic weekend away. I offered to spend the weekend at their house and take care of Matt,” she said.

  “That’s sweet of you,” Max said while wishing that he was the one whisking Megan off to some romantic location for the weekend.

  What was stopping him? As they ate dinner, the idea brewed and grew in his mind. Megan had been working so hard ever since she moved to the social media department at Candin Inc. She deserved a weekend away too.

  Plus it would be awesome for them. Just the two of them for a whole weekend with nothing to do but spend time together. He thought of telling her but if he knew Megan, she would say no, using work as an excuse.

  In his years as an entrepreneur, Max had learned that there was no end to work. If you let it, it would become your master and you, its slave.

  “But we’re still going to your mom’s place for lunch,” Megan said. “I wouldn’t miss that for anything.”

  “She’s excited too. She’s been talking of nothing else,” Max said and fake yawned.

  “So much for being the ideal son,” Megan said.

  Max chuckled. “I try to be. She was a pillar when we lost my father. She worked herself to the bone to make sure that I never lacked for anything.”

  His father had passed on when Max was in high school. His mother had been a secretary then and when money became tight, she had taken on a second job.

  “She’s lucky to have you,” Megan said. “It must have been terrifying. I was an adult when my father had a stroke and it was the most terrifying day of my life.”

  “When it should have been the happiest,” Max said. The elder Cohan had collapsed during Megan’s wedding reception.

“That should have warned me of what lay ahead,” Megan said with humor in her voice.

  “Was he good to you in the beginning?” Max asked.

  “Sort of. It’s hard to tell now. After so many years, things get muddled up in the mind and the bad definitely outweighs the good so you don’t remember the good stuff,” she said. “He cheated on me countless times,” she added softly.

  Max’s chest expanded to painful proportions. “He was an idiot.”

  She smiled. “That he was.” She cocked her head to one side and contemplated him. “Sometimes I worry that I may have jumped into this too fast. Perhaps I needed some time to heal first. I have so much baggage Max.”

  He shook his head before she finished talking. “You don’t have any baggage Megan and even if you did, I’d deal with it.”

  “You were an unexpected gift when I came back to Lockwood,” she said.

  Max rarely got emotional. Part of his training had involved keeping your emotions in check, but now, his eyes were filling up. “Thank you.” He reached for his water and gulped it all down in one go.

  “I can’t drink water like that,” Megan said.

  “Yes, you can. Give it a shot,” Max said.

  For the next few minutes, they indulged in childish fun as Megan tried and failed to chug down her water in one go.

  Later, while they were stashing the dishes into the dishwasher, Max asked her a question that had been weighing on his mind. “Do you think that one day you’ll get married again?”

  She gave the question some thought before answering. “With the right person, I might.” She looked at him in a way that made Max think that maybe he was the right person in Megan’s eyes.

  Chapter 20

  “You are not to worry about anything,” Megan told her sister-in-law as she followed her into a guest room upstairs.

  “I don’t know how to thank you,” Leah said in her sweet voice. “The last time Adrian and I went away alone was before we got married.”

  When in the presence of Leah, Megan usually found herself wanting to stare at her sister-in-law. She was beautiful in an understated way. Her features were perfect. Big, bright hazel eyes, thick gorgeous blond hair and a smile that could stop traffic.


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