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Paradise Falls

Page 26

by Ruth Ryan Langan

  “I’ve been blind to so many things.” She shook her head. “But no longer. I see clearly now.” She pinned her younger son with a look he had never seen before. “You have brought shame to our family, Fleming. You took the innocence of a young girl. That was evil enough, but you then allowed your brother to publicly bear the blame. All these years I’ve believed the worst about Grayson. And now, you would despoil the woman he loves.” She shuddered at the very thought of what had almost happened. “You will leave my home and never return.”

  “Ma...” Flem snatched up his shirt and mopped at the blood that spilled from his nose before kneeling in front of her.

  She forced herself to look directly at him. Even the sight of him bleeding and broken failed to soften her heart. “I am no longer your mother. You are no longer my son. You are dead to me, Fleming. Dead. Go now.”

  “You don’t mean that, Ma.”

  Repulsed, she got to her feet and crossed to her husband, who wrapped his arms around her.

  Gray drew Fiona close and wondered if the anger pulsing inside him would ever subside.

  No one spoke as Flem’s footsteps echoed across the parlor, through the kitchen, and down the porch steps. They heard the door slam behind him, and watched through the window as he pulled on his shirt and stumbled down the lane.

  The warmth of the sunlight and the happy chorus of birdsong seemed to mock the somber cloud that had settled over their day.


  Gray finished milking the cows and scraped dung from his boots before stepping into the steamy kitchen, with Chester close on his heels. He lifted the buckets of hot water from the stove and slowly climbed the stairs to his bedroom. Once there he filled the round wooden tub and bathed, then shaved, before dressing in his new black suit and stiff shoes.

  He’d learned from his father that his mother had kept to her room for days. There was no reason to believe today would be any different. He was resigned to the fact that his mother wouldn’t be attending his wedding.

  Not that it mattered, he told himself as he turned away and started down the stairs. The only thing that mattered to him was Fiona. She was his sun and moon and stars. She’d become his reason for living.

  He climbed up to the wagon and grinned when Chester leaped up beside him. “Going to a wedding, are you?” He chuckled as the hound’s tail wagged furiously. “And why not? You love her too, don’t you?”

  He flicked the reins and struggled to calm the hive of bees that were flying around in his stomach.

  When he reached the church, he could see that the entire town of Paradise Falls had turned out for the wedding. The road was lined with horses and carts. The men had set up long wooden planks in the churchyard, which were already groaning under the weight of every kind of food imaginable. The women stood guard over their treasures, to assure that no one gave in to the temptation to sample the wares before the brief service. The children were dressed in their best Sunday clothes. Instead of chasing each other in games of tag, they were standing about eagerly awaiting their first glimpse of the bride, since their teacher had invited all of them to not only attend, but to participate in the ceremony.

  “Gray.” Schuyler Gable offered a handshake and led him around to the back of the church, where Doctor Eberhardt was passing out cigars, and Christian Rudd was pouring glasses of foaming dark beer from a jug.

  “How’re your nerves, Gray?” Dolph VanderSleet picked up one of the glasses and downed it in one long swallow.

  “They’ve been better.” Gray accepted a glass and noted that his hand was none too steady.

  The others shared knowing smiles.

  They looked up when his father approached.

  Gray arched a brow. “You brought Fiona?”

  His father winked at the men standing around. “You’d better hope so, son. What’s a wedding without a bride?”

  “Is she all right?”

  “And why wouldn’t she be?” Seeing the look in his son’s eyes he lay a hand on his sleeve and steered him a little away from the others. “You look good, Grayson.”

  “I look like Doc Eberhardt about to go off to a surgery.”

  Broderick grinned. “Come to think of it, you do. All you need is a black bag.”

  “Why couldn’t we just go off to Little Bavaria and let the minister there say the words?”

  Broderick handed him one of the two glasses of beer he’d snagged before walking away. “Because, son, from the beginning of time women have wanted to make their wedding day. special.”

  “I don’t mind special.” Gray looked over at a snort of laughter from the men, regaling one another with tales of their misspent youth. “But I don’t see why we should have to stay here and eat with the whole town, when all I really want to do is...” He stopped and flushed when he realized what he’d been about to say. “Besides, all they’ll be talking about is the fact that Ma didn’t come to the wedding.”

  “Your mother is here.”

  Gray’s head came up. “She agreed to come? How did you get her to do that?”

  “It wasn’t my doing. It was Fiona who persuaded her.”


  “She told Rose that it was never too late to put the past behind and begin again. And then she hinted that, in order to be a proper wife to you, she might be needing some help with all Rose’s fine, German recipes.”

  “And, just like that, Ma decided to come today?”

  “Well, it might have also been the thought that in a few years she could become a doting grandmother. At any rate, you can see for yourself in a few minutes. The last I saw your mother, she was in the church with your blushing bride, fussing over her gown.” Broderick lifted his glass. “Before you go inside and say your vows, I’d like to offer a toast to my father, your namesake. He’d have been so proud.” His voice faltered a moment before he added, “Just the way I am, Grayson.”

  “Thanks, Papa.” Gray touched his glass to his father’s before taking a drink.

  “And now we’ll drink to your mama.” Broderick sipped his beer. “She’s suffered a terrible shock, but Rose is tough. She’ll get through it.”

  “But will I?”

  Broderick chuckled. “You will. Every man does. You’re marrying an amazing woman, Grayson. She’s smart and pretty, and best of all, wise enough to know how to forgive. That ought to prove to be quite a blessing in the years to come.”

  “You think I’ll need forgiving?”

  “Don’t we all?”

  The two men smiled and drank.

  Gray took another sip of beer before tossing the rest aside and handing the empty glass to his father.

  Broderick looked at his son in surprise as he turned away. “Where are you going?”

  “I need to see Fiona.”

  “Now? Before the wedding? Those women will never let you near her.”

  Gray never even heard him as he stalked away.

  * * *

  “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a prettier bride.” Greta Gunther stood in the back of the church, watching as the crowds surged up the aisle toward their pews. “Have you, Rose?”

  Rose adjusted the wildflowers in Fiona’s hair. “She is, indeed. Why don’t you join your family now, Greta? I think Fiona and I can handle this.”

  “But I—”

  “Go, Greta. We’ll be fine.”

  When the old woman walked away Rose gave a sigh of relief. “Old fool would have walked up the aisle with you if I’d let her.”

  “She just wanted to be helpful.”

  “About as helpful as a millstone around my—” Rose caught herself and stopped. “There I go, running my mouth, and on your wedding day. Old habits, I suppose...”

  The two looked up when Gray approached.

  Rose put out a hand to stop him. “You know you can’t see your bride before—”

  “Step away, Ma.” At the fierceness of his whispered words, several heads turned.

  Rose squared her shoulders. “Grayson, it
isn’t proper—” Fiona caught her hand. “Give us a moment, Mrs. Haydn.”

  “I told you. From now on, I’d like to be called Mother Haydn.”

  Fiona smiled. “Give us a moment, Mother Haydn.” Rose stepped away, but not before giving her son a warning look.

  The moment he turned his full gaze on Fiona, Gray wasn’t sure he could remember how to breathe. Slowly it came to him and his chest rose with each measured breath.

  “You look...” He couldn’t find the words. Beautiful seemed inadequate. “Amazing.” Still not enough, but he was too dazzled to think.

  The dress was a simple column of white lace, with a high, modest neckline and long, tapered sleeves that perfectly suited her slender body. Her dark hair fell in a spill of curls to her waist. It was adorned only by a few sprigs of wildflowers. In his eyes she looked more like an angel than a bride.

  “Thank you.” She dimpled. “And you look very handsome.”

  Just seeing her, his nerves were forgotten, “Papa told me what you said to Ma.”

  “She’s going to be fine now, Gray. And so will we.”

  “I know.” He drew her close and pressed his forehead to hers. “But I needed to see you. And touch you. Just for a moment.”

  She sighed. “It’s the same for me. Now I feel better.”

  He drew back with a little moan of disgust. “I almost forgot.” He ran out of the church, and returned minutes later with an armload of roses, “I went by the woods behind the schoolhouse and picked these this morning.”

  “Oh, Gray. Roses.” She buried her face in them to hide the quick rush of tears.

  Brunhilde Schmidt began playing the music that would summon the bridal party to the altar.

  “You have to go now.” Rose shot her son a warning look.

  “I will.” He brushed a kiss over Fiona’s cheek. “I can’t wait until this is over.”

  “Soon,” she whispered.

  He turned away and stiffly offered his arm to Rose. “Come on, Ma.”

  Just as awkwardly Rose walked by his side to her seat at the very front of the church.

  Gray took his place beside Reverend Schmidt, and at the urging of Fiona, the boys from her school joined him. Will and Edmer, taller than the bride, looked every bit as uncomfortable as the groom as they watched his father step up to offer his arm to the bride.

  The little girls in their bright dresses and shiny hair walked up the aisle, some waving shyly to their parents until they reached the front of church and turned to watch as Fiona and Broderick walked slowly up the aisle.

  Fiona paused to press a kiss to Broderick’s cheek as she whispered, “Neither of us stumbled.”

  Touched, he gathered her close. “Nor will we. Be happy, Fiona.” He brushed a kiss to her cheek before walking away to sit beside his wife.

  With a smile Fiona linked her fingers with Gray’s.

  Facing each other they spoke their vows for the entire church to hear. And then, when the service was over, they sailed down the aisle and out into the bright sunshine, to accept the congratulations of all in attendance.

  The first to approach them was Christian Rudd, followed by his wife and son.

  “I wish to offer my sincere congratulations to the happy bride and groom.”

  After offering his hand to Gray, he stood back, allowing his wife and son to offer their best wishes as well. Then, before they could turn away, he startled Fiona by bending to brush his lips over her cheek. “I wish also to offer my apology to you, teacher.” Seeing the look of surprise in her eyes he added quickly, “This time, it is a sincere apology, not given because of any threat, but because I realize I was wrong. I consider you a fine addition to our community, and I hope you will overlook the things I said earlier in anger.”

  Fiona was as touched by the relieved smiles on the faces of his wife and son as she was by his words. “Thank you, Mr. Rudd.”

  As they walked away, she felt Gray’s big hand close around hers and turned to give him a smile that dazzled the sun. Before they could speak, they were caught up in the crowd as they accepted hugs and kisses. While the guests ate and drank, Fiona and Gray refused all offers of food, too excited to think about eating.

  Finally, as the lager flowed and desserts were passed around, the couple found themselves alone for a moment.

  Just then Rose approached. “I have something to say.”

  Gray put an arm around his bride’s shoulders, as though to protect her. Seeing it, Rose flushed. “I’m not here to attack you or your wife, though I can’t say I blame you for thinking such a thing.” She clasped her hands together tightly and cleared her throat. “These last few days have given me much to ponder, and I can’t say that I like facing the truth. But face it I must. A better mother would have seen through Flem’s lies. Looking back, I realize that I didn’t want to. Revealing his shortcomings would have revealed my own, as well, and I have too many to mention. I’m truly sorry, Grayson, for the way I’ve treated you. I believed Flem’s lies and allowed you to stand alone against an entire town. I will always regret that I refused to stand by you when you most needed me. I hope that in time you will find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  As she started to turn away Gray placed a hand on her shoulder. “Thank you.”

  She spun around with a look of surprise. “For what?”

  “The words you just spoke are the only gift I wanted on this day. Better than gold.” There was just the merest hint of humor in his eyes. “Surely better than draperies.”

  She forced herself to meet his look. “Are you saying that you can forgive me?”

  “I already have, Ma.”

  “Oh, Grayson. I don’t deserve you.” Her eyes filled as she felt his big arms come around her. And though she felt stiff and awkward in this son’s embrace, she managed to close her arms around his neck and hug him before stepping back.

  Because her eyes were blinded by tears, she was grateful to find Broderick standing there with his hand outstretched to steady her. She caught it and held on tightly as Gray led his new bride toward the wagon, which was now abloom with bright ribbon streamers.

  Gray paused. “What’s this?”

  Fiona laughed. “I heard the children whispering. Now I see why. Apparently they’ve been planning it for some time.”

  She was still laughing as he helped her up to the hard wooden seat, where Chester was waiting, a ribbon around his neck.

  As the crowd gathered around them, Gray flicked the reins, and they started away, waving to those who called and cheered.

  Fiona nodded toward Rose, who stood to one side, clinging tightly to her husband’s hand. “She loves you, you know, Gray.”

  “In her fashion.”

  “It took courage for her to admit her mistakes.”

  “The Haydn family is a brave lot.” He drew her close. “That’s why I figured you’d fit right in.”

  When he veered off the path Fiona put a hand to his arm. “This isn’t the way.”

  “I know.” He smiled. “There’s someplace I have to go first.”

  She knew at once.

  When they’d left the lane behind he brought the horse and cart to a halt and helped her down. As they approached, the roar of the water grew louder. And then they were standing in Gray’s favorite spot, watching the spill of water over rocks and seeing the mist rise up to catch the rays of sunlight.

  “Look.” She caught his hand. “A rainbow.”

  He nodded. All his nerves had settled. With the celebration behind them, all his fears had fled. “I knew there’d be one today. It’s good luck, you know.”

  She merely turned to him with a smile. “I do love you, Gray.”

  “And I love you, Fiona. More than life itself.”

  As he drew her close and brushed his lips over hers, she felt again the familiar rush of heat, and the way her bones seemed to go all soft and fluid at his touch.

  Oh Da. Mum. Be happy for me. For I’ve truly found a man worthy of my heart.

bsp; Gray took her hands in his. “Are you ready to go home?”

  Home. Was ever there a word so fine? Her heart was nearly overflowing with love for this man. “I am. Yes.”

  As they turned toward the wagon Fiona couldn’t contain the lilt of laughter that bubbled up. On the train here she’d promised to make this journey an adventure, and what an adventure it had become.

  Paradise Falls had lived up to its name after all. For here in this strange place, in this good man’s arms, she truly had found paradise—and a love that would last for a lifetime and beyond.

  The End

  Ruth Ryan Langan

  Romance Classics

  Now Available as EBooks:

  Heart's Delight

  Paradise Falls

  Ashes of Dreams

  Duchess of Fifth Avenue

  Captive of Desire

  Passage West

  Nevada Nights

  September’s Dream

  The Heart’s Secret

  Destiny’s Daughter

  Visit Ruth's website at for more information and to purchase.

  Ruth Ryan Langan

  New York Times best-selling author Ruth Ryan Langan, who also writes under the pseudonym R. C. Ryan, is the author of over 100 novels, both contemporary romantic-suspense and historical adventure. Quite an accomplishment for this mother of five who, after her youngest child started school, gave herself the gift of an hour a day to follow her dream to become a published author.

  Ruth has given dozens of radio, television and print interviews across the country and Canada, and has been quoted in such diverse publications as The Wall Street Journal and Cosmopolitan. Ruth has also been interviewed on CNN News, as well as Good Morning, America.

  Ruth's website:

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


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