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Hidden Gem (The Travelers Book 1)

Page 24

by Gaia Octavia

  “Ride me, Em,” he demanded, “show me how much you like it.”

  His words sent a bolt of white-hot lightning through me and I lifted myself up until my entrance was over his crown.

  “Help me,” I begged when I couldn’t get the angle right.

  Jade reached down and held himself still for me as I placed a hand on each side of my ass and opened myself for him, lowering onto his pulsing dick. Where his fingers felt like a warm stretch, his cock now felt like a red-hot invasion. I stilled, wondering how he was ever going to fit inside of me. Jade placed the palm of his hand over my racing heart.

  “Push out against me, Em,” he said gently, “and try to relax.”

  I was anything but relaxed, but I did as he said until at last, I felt the thickest part of his crown force its way past my outer muscle. The pain was immense, and I was just about to lift off him completely when I felt my core collapse under the pressure, my muscles easing to allow his cock to sink farther in.

  I gasped at the jolt of pain, but as I held still, allowing myself time to adjust to the strange feeling of another man’s cock inside of me, my belly started to warm with a delicious desire. Jade placed his hands on my hips, guiding me up until his crown was only just inside me before slowly pushing me back down again. I followed his movements and let more of my weight push down, sinking him even farther inside of me with each stroke. Jade’s gasps began to become heavier at the strain of holding back his need to thrust.

  “You’re so beautiful, Em,” he whispered reverently, “and you’re mine.”

  I whimpered at the way he claimed me. Just as I had longed to claim him. I rolled my hips, slowly working him into me as the pain turned to heated friction. Soon, I was desperate for more. I raised myself up and let my weight go as I sat back down, his cock surging the rest of the way inside of me until his entire length was sheathed in my heat.

  “Fuck!” Jade sat up, pulling me down into a rough kiss that claimed me just as much as his cock did, as it lay buried deep inside of me. “I love you, Em,” Jade said against my lips, “I love you.”

  I cupped his face as I lifted my ass partway off his cock before sitting back down on it.

  “I love you, Jade,” I said, repeating the move, “my Gem.”

  Tears filled his eyes at my words. I watched his eyes as I pulled myself almost all the way off his cock before slamming back down, and was amazed as I watched the moment that lust took them over.

  “So good,” he growled, as I lifted again.

  This time, Jade met my downward thrust with a buck of his hips, slamming into me and hitting the spot he’d touched earlier, sending a shockwave that spread from my ass to the tips of my fingers and toes.

  “Gods, Jade. Yes!” I bit out. “Like that. Fuck me like that!”

  We found our merciless rhythm. Me lifting myself up off his cock, and both of us slamming into each other over and over, faster and faster. Jade grabbed my cock and began stroking my length, matching the rhythm of our thrusts. My desperate need to come overrode my desire to draw the moment out, and I began mindlessly crashing down onto him with even faster, harder thrusts, making his hand quicken on my cock and send me into mindless declarations of love and desire.

  All at once, I felt the force of my climax slam into me as hot liquid bathed my abdomen and Jade’s chest. I felt myself clamp down on his cock and begin milking him, causing his own desperate moans to rise until he called my name, filling me deep inside with his hot cum. He continued to thrust into me as we rode wave after wave of pleasure and I could hear the wetness of his cum as he moved inside of me. The sound was devastatingly sexy, and almost made my cock harden again.

  At last, I collapsed on top of him. Careful not to touch his bruised side. When I started to shift, so that I could lay next to him rather than risk hurting him, I felt Jade tense up beneath me.

  “No,” he said, tightening his hands on my hips, “no. Let me stay inside of you.”

  I settled back down on top of him, not minding the sticky cum that felt as if it was gluing us together. Raising my head, I kissed Jade again. This time slowly and sweetly, before laying my head back on his chest, listening as his heart fought to calm itself.

  When we were both breathing deeply once again, and I trusted myself to move, I carefully untangled myself and washed up at the large bowl of water. I soaked a cloth in the water and returned to Jade, gently cleaning his softened cock and his chest before lying down next to him once more. Jade pulled my lips up to meet his and we kissed. He held my face, looking at me with a soft, warm glow in his eyes.

  “Hey,” I said gently.

  “Hey,” he answered, smiling.

  After a few moments, I kissed him again, before propping my head on my hand.

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do, Jade?”

  From the way he carefully considered his answer, I knew he understood I was asking about joining The Travelers.

  Finally, he looked at me. Holding my gaze as he shook his head in agreement.

  “I’ll never leave you again, Em. Not ever.”

  Though his words hadn’t been the answer to my question, they were most definitely the answer to what I’d been longing to ask ever since he’d cut me free from my bonds in that hellish camp. I closed my eyes, wondering just what I’d done to be so damn lucky. When I opened them again, I knew they were full of tears. But I didn’t care. Nothing in this world meant more to me than knowing that Jade was mine. Forever. And that I was his.

  Always his.

  “Promise?” I asked, a twinkle in my eye.

  Jade looked at me, his eyes filled with love and hope and desire.

  “Promise,” he answered.

  Drawing my lips to his, he pressed his hungry tongue inside my mouth, making the world around us disappear.





  “Ready?” Jade called from outside our tent.

  “I’m always ready!” I answered, sitting at the table while waiting for Jade to reveal his big surprise for my birthday.

  It’d been a few months since we’d settled in with The Travelers. Jade was thriving, doing what he’d always been good at. And I was quickly catching up. Eaton hadn’t returned for us but had sent another raider in his place. Kernan had been kind and had helped us return Elias back to his family at the Churnah camp.

  No one knew where Eaton was. He’d never shown up with Patu. It’d taken Jade more than a week to stop constantly worrying about what had happened to him. Eaton had always been a loner and somewhat standoffish, Kernan told us, so the group just figured he’d dispensed of Patu and moved on, not wanting to have to explain himself to Jade or anyone else.

  While we’d all grown attached to Elias while he lived with my family, the way we felt at the sight of his mother scooping him up into her arms had been amazingly beautiful and satisfying. If either of us had been unsure at that point about joining The Travelers, we’d never been surer of anything after we left. Well, almost anything. Because in the past few months, we’d somehow grown even closer, and we both knew beyond a shadow of doubt that we were it for each other.

  We would love each other always.

  Everything wasn’t perfect. Jade’s close call had come at a price. The Travelers learned through their extensive information chain that Callas knew how close he had come to having Jade returned to him. We both knew that he would never give up, no matter how long it took him. And we knew he was close. He’d sent word out to the other raiding parties that a war was coming and was beginning to make moves to unify the various camps under his rule. It was only a matter of time before we would be forced to deal with him.

  I looked up; hearing Jade come into the tent. The first thing I noticed was that he was still clothed. Which hadn’t been what I was hoping to see. When he told me that we’d be camping away from the other Traveler’s tonight, I thought for sure that I knew what his surprise would entail. Namely, his gorgeous
cock buried deep inside me. The next thing I noticed was what Jade was holding. An ugly, brown earthenware dish. One that I knew very well.

  “How?” Was all I managed.

  Ma had had that dish since before I was born, and she always said that no one would ever take it from her unless it was out of her cold, dead hands.

  Jade twirled as he made his way to the table.

  “Let’s just say you should really tell her how much you love her beautiful new dish at the next family meal.”

  He winked.

  “But…we’ve been trying to talk her into a new one for years!”

  I shook my head, still unable to fathom how Jade had managed it.

  “Well, I just so happened to trade for a brand new one. In Ma’s favorite color. And when I lamented about how I would be traveling with such a beautiful piece, and that I was thinking about going back and getting an old one instead, she was more than happy to help me out.”

  Jade chuckled, bending to kiss me when he reached the table.

  I loved hearing him call her ‘Ma,’ and I still marveled at how quickly he’d become part of the family. What had seemed impossible only months ago, was now an unendingly magical reality. Jade and I were together and Jade had a family once again. It wasn’t a replacement; nothing would replace the family he’d lost. But it was an addition. And one he was grateful for.

  Jade set the dish down, carefully removing the blanket he’d used to carry it with, so he wouldn’t get burned in the process. I looked into the dish and arched an eyebrow.

  “You didn’t.”

  “I. did,” he answered, touching his finger to my nose with each word.

  I leaned over to smell the dish.

  “It actually doesn’t smell all that bad.”

  He snapped the blanket at me as he sat down. “Ma gave me the vegetables.”

  I smiled. It was adorable that Jade had made my favorite dish for my birthday and had even gone through the trouble of procuring Ma’s famous vegetables for it. But I still wasn’t exactly eager to taste it.

  “What?” He asked, grinning, “afraid to try my attempt at a calliope casserole?”

  “I love that you made it for me,” I said truthfully, “there’s just no way it’s going to measure up.”

  Jade laughed as he began spooning out the casserole.

  “We can’t all be amazing like Ma,” he said.

  Still chuckling, he picked up his spoon and started eating, closing his eyes as he savored the taste. ‘Ooh-ing’ and ‘ah-ing’ ridiculously.

  “Alright, alright, I get it.”

  “Hey, at least I’m not dead, so you know it’s safe to try.”

  I kicked him under the table as I put some on my spoon and hesitantly brought it to my mouth. Jade’s eyes were absolutely beaming, and if he hadn’t been so damn cute, I might have tried to knock him down a peg before taking the bite. I squeezed my eyes shut and dutifully spooned it into my mouth.

  My eyes snapped open and I almost dropped my spoon.

  Jade started cackling, holding his stomach as he laughed his rich, musical laughter that I would never tire of hearing.

  “You. Did. Not.”

  Jade was struggling to catch his breath, but he started laughing even harder at my reaction. I swallowed another mouthful before I could even believe what I was tasting.

  “I have known that woman my entire life and she has refused to give anyone her recipe, including me!” I said incredulously. “You’re telling me you got it out of her in a matter of a few months?”

  I was almost actually angry.


  Jade snorted, forcing the words out through his laugh. “I’m not actually telling you anything.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  Jade used his finger to lock his lips and pretended to toss the key.

  “I’m sworn to secrecy,” he said, a wicked grin catching his eyes as well as his mouth.

  I was up and out of my chair in a heartbeat, pulling Jade to the ground and pinning his arms on either side of his head as he continued to laugh uncontrollably.

  “If you think I’m going to let you up from here before you tell me that recipe, you’re sorely mistaken,” I growled.

  “Actually,” he said, suddenly turning serious, “that’s the other part of your present.”

  I looked at him questioningly and he tilted his head.

  “In my pocket.”


  “It’s in my pocket.”

  He nudged his head again, twice this time.

  I pulled his hands up above his head so I could hold them with one hand in case it was a trick, but he just smiled and winked at me. I reached into his pocket and felt a small glass jar. Pulling it out, I realized exactly what it was, and my eyes flicked back up to his. He wasn’t smiling anymore, a dark hunger taking over as he watched me holding the bottle.

  “Happy birthday, baby,” he said huskily, as my dick jerked in reply, “wanna blow your candle?” He smirked.

  I smiled and leaned in to kiss him, plunging my tongue deep within his mouth and sweeping his flavor into mine.

  “You’re going to fill me so easily tonight,” I whispered, picturing his slippery cock shuttling in and out of my ass.

  “That’s the thing,” he said, looking at me with passionate intensity, “tonight’s my turn.”

  I stilled.

  “Are you sure?”

  My cock surged to life at the thought.

  “Just because it’s my birth–”

  “Emit, don’t you ruin this!” Jade scolded, “I wouldn’t be telling you if I wasn’t sure. Now are you gonna fuck me or what?”

  Birthday meal already forgotten, I dropped the bottle of oil and held Jade’s face with one hand, still holding his hands together with my other one. I raised myself above him as I took his mouth, refusing either of us any room to breathe until I absolutely had to. Jade was breathing fast, his heavy-lidded eyes fixed on me.

  “Only if I get to try it next,” I said, taking his mouth again in a savage, unyielding kiss.

  After I tortured Jade with pleasure for quite some time, I picked him up and brought him to our bed. We only ever set one pallet up now. I laid him down, having already stripped him of his clothes, and began to peel mine off, remembering how the roles had been reversed back in that tent, the first night we had given each other pleasure.

  Once naked, I climbed in next to him and pulled him against me, lining our bodies up so that our hard, weeping cocks pressed against each other. I held him as we both fought our desperate need to fuck with our need to be connected another way. For just this one moment. Jade looked up at me and I felt his cock pulse against mine, sending shivers up my spine.

  “I love you, Em.”

  “I love you more.” Jade smiled.

  “No way.”

  “Total way.”

  He rolled his eyes, but never lost his smile.

  “Are we gonna argue all night, or are you gonna fuck me already?”

  He leaned in and bit my bottom lip, immediately licking the sting away. I growled as I moved on top of him. I didn’t worry that my touch would scare him, or that I would lose him to those awful memories of long ago. Jade had never been anywhere else but right there with me whenever we made love. And he’d taken all the time he needed to prove that to himself. Now, he was giving me this.

  He was giving me his entire self.

  I pressed Jade onto his back and placed kisses all over him as I moved down his body, lovingly tracing each one of his scars with my tongue and marveling at the different textures of his skin. Each mark on his beautiful body was proof of just how strong, just how beautiful my man was.

  “Em, please,”

  I’d already tortured him enough, so when he begged, I took pity on him. I raised my head and watched his eyes as I lifted two fingers to my mouth. Jade sucked in his breath as he watched me suck on my fingers as if they were his cock.

  “Fuck,” he bit out.

I smiled. “Payback’s a bitch, baby.”

  Despite wanting to teach him a lesson about keeping secrets from me–especially when it came to food–I didn’t make him wait long. I slipped my wet finger inside his hole, marveling at the heat and the pressure.

  Jade’s lips parted and he let out a breath.

  “Yes,” he moaned.

  While my only experience was what Jade had done to me, I’d had an amazing teacher. And after I worked my finger in as far as it could go, I began massaging his walls and searching out that sweet spot I knew I wanted to find.

  “Fuck yes, Em. Just like that,” he grated between clenched teeth.

  It wasn’t until I got my second finger fully inside of him that I finally touched a soft, spongey area deep inside. As my fingers brushed against it, Jade cried out. Cursing as he called my name.

  “You like that?” I asked, kneading him everywhere but where I knew he wanted me to.

  “Yes! Gods, Em. More. Please!”

  I watched as sweat dripped down his brow, my cock aching for me to grant his wish, to be fisted by his impossibly tight heat. I brushed over his spot a couple more times before grabbing the oil from where I’d tossed it on the bed. Before opening it, I looked down at him, my heart swelling with love and my cock swelling with anticipation. I just hoped more than anything that I’d be able to give him everything he needed.

  Everything he deserved.



  I watched as Emit spread a generous amount of oil on his swollen cock. Still fighting to catch my breath, I begged him to hurry.

  “Please, Em. I need to feel you inside me.”

  Emit looked at me, his eyes a mixture of devotion and need as he crawled up my body until our faces were aligned. His tongue flicked out to lick the sweat from my brow. I watched him savor the taste before leaning down to share it with me, his tongue caressing mine as his crown pushed against my readied hole.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he whispered, overcome with emotion.

  I just nodded, unable to speak through my desperate need to feel him inside of me. He rocked his hips. The head of his cock slipped into my already relaxed hole with ease, and my eyes flew open as I realized for the first time in my entire life, what it was to feel whole.


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