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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

Page 9

by Nicole S. Goodin


  Laughter and the bubble of voices floated down the hall as I made my way from my bedroom.

  Is he still here?

  I wasn’t sure how things would be between us this morning.

  Will our attraction still be here in the light of day?

  I decided the only way to find out was to put on my big girl pants and go find out. Walking into the living room, I smiled as I took in the scene before me. Reeve was reclined on our couch, his feet up on the coffee table with Lisa tucked snugly into his side.

  They seem very cozy for a first-time hook up.

  I could hear Colt and Q bantering back and forth in the kitchen and my smile widened. I was glad that Quinn didn’t seem to be worrying about their age difference anymore, she sounded like she was really enjoying herself. I quickly scanned the rest of the living area.

  No Lawson.

  The disappointment that ripped through me took me by surprise.

  I guess I really was hoping to see him again today.

  “Sleeping beauty, nice of you to join us.” Quinn laughed at me as she moved towards the other couch, Colt following right behind.

  Looks like that boy has got it bad already.

  I grinned. “I’m not even gonna say sorry, I certainly don’t deserve to feel this good.”

  “Nice for some.” Reeve yawned as he looked up from Lisa.

  I smirked at him. “Yeah, well some of us went straight to sleep last night.”

  Lisa blushed and gave me a shy smile. I moved around the coffee table and gave Reeve a kiss on the forehead.

  He looks like death warmed up.

  I gave Lisa’s arm a small squeeze and a reassuring smile.

  I perched on the arm of Quinn and Colt’s couch and tried to think of a casual way to ask about Lawson leaving. I was feeling very much the fifth wheel. Q looked up and gave me a questioning look – I replied with a small shake of my head.

  Chicken shit.

  I was just beginning my interrogation of Reeve and Lisa, and how well they really knew each other, when a shiver ran down my spine and caused me to freeze. All the hairs on my arms stood on end. I stopped mid-sentence and turned to look around the space behind me.

  My heart leaped out of my chest when I saw him.

  Lawson was standing just inside the hallway, leaning against the wall and looking hotter than hell. He was still wearing last night’s jeans, but had swapped his shirt for a gray t-shirt that I recognized as Reeve’s. It was a lot tighter on Lawson, his biceps bulged against the fabric, and my eyes raked over the exposed tattoos that ran up his arm.

  He was just staring at me, drinking me in – as I was him. I forgot all about the other people in the room, and time stood still as I felt the connection between us building.



  I reluctantly pulled my eyes from Lawson. “Uh... Sorry, Reeve, what?”

  Reeve looked at me with a concerned expression. “I asked what you wanted to eat.”

  I gave him a sheepish smile. “Ah... I would kill for a bagel and a smoothie.”

  The closeness of Lawson’s deep voice behind me surprised me. “There’s a little place not far from here, they do deliveries.” I held my breath as he moved towards me and reached down to tuck a loose curl behind my ear. “Good morning, Ells.”

  I swallowed slowly and tried to focus on making words come out of my mouth.

  I’ve got absolutely nothing.

  I settled for a smile.

  God, I’m pathetic!

  Quinn seemed oblivious to the fact that I had turned into a puddle of raging hormones. “Let’s order, I’m starving. What does everyone want?”

  Everyone called out their orders, and Quinn noted it down on her phone, I made a conscious effort not to look at either Lawson or Reeve. I could feel Lawson’s eyes on me constantly and I could also feel the concern radiating from my big brother. I was going to need to have a chat with him very soon.

  As it turned out, I didn’t have to wait long. Reeve slipped his arm from around Lisa and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. “Hey, El, can you help me find something for my headache?”

  I got up from the couch and followed Reeve into the kitchen. He didn’t say a word as I rummaged around in the drawer for some painkillers. I stalled a little, pretending I couldn’t find what I was looking for. Eventually, knowing I wasn’t going to escape, I turned to face him, handed him the pills and waited for his lecture.

  “He’s a good guy, El.”


  “Who is? Lawson?”

  Reeve nodded at me.

  “Yeah. He seems pretty great.” I gave him a small smile.

  “Yeah... does he know you’re still married?

  I gaped at him. I couldn’t believe Reeve was concerned about this. “As far as I’m concerned, Reeve, I stopped being married a while back now. The rest is just a formality.”

  Reeve looked at me sympathetically. “I know you feel that way now, but are you sure you won’t change your mind in the future? Don’t get me wrong, El, you are way too good for Baxter, but are you really sure you don’t love him anymore?”

  I instantly felt terrible for keeping the truth from Reeve for so long. I had refused to talk about the whole Baxter-Amelia-baby situation since we had moved here, which had unfortunately resulted in Reeve knowing nothing about it.

  “No way. Never going to happen. I despise that man.” I took a deep breath and laid it all out there. “I haven’t told you everything.... he’s... Um... He’s having a baby with Amelia. She’s probably over 6 months pregnant by now.” I couldn’t meet Reeve’s eyes as I told him. I was embarrassed. Embarrassed that I hadn’t told him, and embarrassed that my friend and husband had had an affair behind my back.

  “That bastard!” Reeve roared.

  I jumped. “Jesus, Reeve you scared the shit out of me,” I scolded him with my hand on my pounding chest.

  “I’m going to wring his fucking neck,” he ground out. I looked over at my brother; I could practically see the steam pouring from his ears. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he asked more softly.

  I took in his hurt expression and burst into tears.

  “El, no. Hey, it’s okay, honey.” Reeve quickly pulled me into his arms where I sobbed loudly into his t-shirt.

  I wasn’t sure why I was crying all of a sudden – I hadn’t cried in months, and God knew this was not the appropriate time to start.

  Quinn appeared next to us and began softly rubbing my back. “What the hell is going on in here?” she hissed at Reeve.

  “She told me about the baby, the pregnancy,” Reeve growled.

  His deep voice came from behind us. “What baby? What pregnancy?”

  I pushed off Reeve’s chest to look at Lawson. He looked hurt. And angry. And disappointed.

  He moved his focus to Quinn. “What baby, Q?”

  I burst into tears again. There was no way I wanted this gorgeous man to know my most embarrassing secrets. I hated the fact that once he knew how naive and foolish I was, he would look at me differently.

  Lawson turned and walked away.

  Seeing him walk away made the decision for me.

  He deserves to know.

  “Just tell him, Q,” I choked out between sobs.

  Quinn squeezed my shoulder and walked off after her brother.

  18. Lawson

  Holy shit she was so stunning. When I’d walked in earlier, I’d had to stop for a second to get myself together. She was perched on the arm of the couch, her back to me with her long blonde hair piled up on top of her head in a way that was incredibly sexy. She was wearing a tight white t-shirt and I’d almost let out a groan when I thought about how it would be clinging to her breasts.

  She was easily the most desirable woman I’d ever laid eyes on.

  As if she’d sensed me behind her, she’d turned and looked straight into my eyes. I’d seen her gasp at my presence there in her living room and I’d watched her b
ig blue eyes widen even further.

  All morning I had convinced myself that the pull I’d felt towards her was impacted by a combination of the charged atmosphere and way too many drinks last night.

  I could not have been more wrong.

  If it was possible I’d wanted her even more in that moment. Wanted to pull her to me, smell her intoxicating scent, taste every inch of her. I wanted to claim her.

  I didn’t realize that someone else already had.

  She’s pregnant.

  I knew this news shouldn’t be destroying me like it was. I had barely known the girl for a day, and there I was feeling like I needed to come to her rescue.

  I should have just stayed on the damn couch.

  I knew there wasn’t a shit show of that happening. I hadn’t been in control of myself when I’d heard Reeve’s yelling and Ellerslie’s heartbroken sobs.

  I had to go check on her.

  Seeing her crying in her brother’s arms had crushed me. I knew then and there that I never wanted to see that kind of pain in her beautiful eyes again.

  But a baby?

  I didn’t know what to do with this new information.

  Quinn came barging through the guest room door, slamming it behind her. “What the hell, Law? She’s already upset enough. She doesn’t need to be worrying about you too.”

  I shook my head at my sister. “Sorry, Q. It was just a shock. I thought she was single, unattached. Not pregnant. Does her ex-husband even know?”

  Quinn was gaping at me. “Wait... what?” She burst out laughing at me. “Oh god, you really are losing your mind.” She shook her head “El is not pregnant, you dick. Do you really think she would have been drinking the way she was last night if she were pregnant?”

  I didn’t think of that...


  “No. Her fucker of an ex got our friend Amelia pregnant...” She lowered her voice. “While he and El were still together.”

  I saw red.

  What a stupid prick.

  He had someone as amazing as Ellerslie and he threw it away for what? Some skanky redhead? And what kind of friend was that bitch?

  “She found out? Is that why they got divorced?”

  Quinn fidgeted a little before meeting my eyes. “They aren’t actually divorced yet.”

  “Fuuuuuuck!” I groaned.

  I’m all wrapped up in another man’s wife?

  Quinn reached out for my arm. “So you really like her, huh?”

  I pulled my eyes back up to meet my sister’s. She always could read me like a book. “Hell... I don’t know, Q. My head’s a mess. I can’t keep my eyes off her. We’re like magnets. I’m drawn to her.” I rubbed my temples. “Is it that obvious?”

  Quinn barked out a laugh. “Are you serious? The space between you two crackles with energy. I can see the connection you have from across the room, so yeah. It’s pretty god damn obvious right now. In saying that though, I know the two of you like the back of my hand, so maybe it’s more obvious to me.”

  “I don’t do relationships. She strikes me as a relationship kinda girl.” It was embarrassing admitting it aloud. But Quinn knew me, she knew I hadn’t been in a relationship for a long time.

  “I’ve noticed. For quite a few years now, Law. You ever gonna tell me why that is?”

  I would have to be stupid to think that she hadn’t noticed the change in me back then. I knew she didn’t ask out of respect for my privacy, but knowing Quinn, she would have been dying to know all the juicy details.

  “Not if I can help it.” I sat down and hung my head down into my hands.

  Quinn sighed and sat down next to me. “I figured. Look, El has been through a shit time. A really shit time. She’s lost a lot of her confidence, but I feel like since we’ve been here, she’s starting to get it back.” She snorted a laugh. “Having to defend herself to some sexist bad-boy in an elevator seemed to work wonders.”

  I smirked as I remembered how sexy and mad she had been that day.

  So beautiful.

  Quinn narrowed her eyes at me as she carried on. “I don’t want to see her get hurt again. I’m not suggesting that you would intentionally hurt her... but I know El. I know that she’s got it into her head that she’s not capable of anything more than fun now. But you were exactly right when you said she was a relationship kind of girl. I don’t even know if she would be able to have a sexual relationship where feelings weren’t involved.”

  I let Quinn’s words sink in – she was warning me. Get involved with Ellerslie, and risk her feeling something more for me.

  Why does that sound so good?

  “I don’t want to lose my best friend if something went wrong with you two,” Quinn whispered.

  I saw the vulnerability in her eyes and I felt like a complete asshole. I pulled her into my side and hugged her.

  “You want me to stay away from her.” It wasn’t a question.

  Quinn pulled away and looked up at me. “What? God no! I haven’t seen El this excited about something other than work in a long-ass time. You either, for that matter. I just want you to be happy. Just be careful, think about what you really want and make sure you’re both on the same page.”

  What I really want?

  A few days ago I would have known the answer to that in a heartbeat.

  But now?

  Now I had no idea.

  19. Ellerslie

  What the hell are they talking about in there?

  It felt like forever since I’d pulled myself together and promised my brother I would let him take over finalizing my divorce from now on. We had made a plan to sit down this week and go through everything. Since then I had been doing my best to wear out a track in the flooring. I found myself doing a loop around the living room, nervously peering down the hallway.

  “For fuck’s sake, Ellerslie. Sit down.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks. “Sorry,” I squeaked and threw my brother an apologetic glance. Colt and Lisa were at the kitchen island talking about work, and Reeve was sitting on the couch watching me go back and forth. “I don’t know why I’m freaking out.” I plopped down on the couch and tried not to fidget.

  Reeve chuckled. “Really, El? Because I sure know why.”

  I punched him lightly in the arm. “Shut up already,” I mumbled back.

  “I just want you to smile again, honey. You deserve it. If he’s gonna make that happen, then hell, I’m all for it. Just take it slow, okay?”

  God, could this get any more humiliating?

  I cleared my throat and turned to my brother. “Since you’re in such a sharing mood... Tell me about Lisa.”

  Reeve chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Don’t be mad... But we’ve actually been seeing each other casually since just before you moved here.”

  I raised one eyebrow at him. “Does breakfast with your sister and her friends really fit in with ‘casual’?”

  He looked over to the kitchen and smiled when he met Lisa’s eyes. “It’s complicated. I want more. I think we’re getting there.”

  I squeezed his leg. “I’m happy for you. I really hope it goes well for you, she’s really nice. And she’s gorgeous. You did good.”

  Reeve grinned at me. “And...?”

  “And I’m totally pissed with you for keeping this from me. But I guess I’ll forgive you.”

  “You always do.”

  “Next time I’ll kick your ass,” I muttered.

  Reeve snorted and pushed to his feet. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  I watched him stroll up behind Lisa and wrap his arms around her, making her giggle and blush. It was adorable and sweet and it made my heart ache.

  20. Quinn

  Lawson and I entered the living room with his arm slung casually over my shoulders. He didn’t fool me though. Not one little bit. I knew he was confused, and anxious to talk with El. It was crazy to think they’d only just met for real yesterday. It seemed like they already had something serious between them. />
  I’d watched them last night, laughing and joking together, but also when they had spoken seriously. It was magic. I was thrilled that Law had thrown in the cocky prick routine fairly early on in the night.

  I don’t think he’d had a choice really, he had fallen under the spell of Ellerslie Rush.

  I nudged him in the side when I saw El sitting alone on the couch. “Go talk.” I whispered. The others were in the kitchen and I quickly moved to join them. I winked at El on my way past and she gave me a nervous smile back.

  Good luck, girl.

  Looking back into the kitchen I saw Colt was leaning over the bench top leaning on his forearms, his ass pointed in my direction.

  Hot damn that is one fine ass.

  I snuck in next to him and mimicked his position, bumping his ass with my own. The smile he gave me was bright and eager. I felt a little bad looking at him like a piece of meat, he really was a nice guy.

  God, I haven’t had sex in forever.

  In reality it’d probably only been a couple of weeks before we moved – but still, I’d been getting it pretty regularly before now from Adam, a guy I’d been seeing casually.

  “I want to take you out.” It wasn’t a question, yet I still knew he was waiting for an answer. I’d been waiting for this all morning, I’d noticed him open his mouth to ask me something a couple of times, but he must have thought better of it and changed his mind.

  “Is that so?” I smiled at him. “And tell me, Mr. Hunt, where exactly would you be taking me?”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “If I like your plans it is...”

  He grinned like a little kid on Christmas. “You’ll like it. You’re just going to have to trust me though. It’s a surprise.”

  I had to give it to him – the way he was so focused on impressing me was really sweet. I’d become too accustomed to the assholes I’d met recently, and it felt nice to be treated so well.


  “Really?” Colt seemed genuinely surprised to hear me agree.

  “Yeah. You didn’t really think I’d turn you down, did you?” I grinned at him.

  “God, woman, you are gonna mess with me, aren’t you?”


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