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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

Page 14

by Nicole S. Goodin

  “Eeeeek!” I jumped around and pulled Q back in for another hug. “Oh my god, I’m so screwed, Quinn. That kiss... Oh. My. God. He has been so patient with me, so sweet and kind. This can’t be real life. He has to have some down side. He’s too perfect.”

  Quinn laughed. “Oh, he’s got a down side alright. He’s a cocky little prick when he wants to be, sorest loser I’ve ever met in my life, oh and don’t get me started on—”

  I hit her lightly on the arm. “You know what I mean.” I giggled.

  “I know.” We’d taken off our gear and were walking slowly towards the chairlift to head up and meet the rest of our group. “I know I’m probably biased, because he’s my big brother – but I’m not sure he does have a down side. I’ve spent a really long time wondering how he was still on his own, why no woman had ever snapped him up. I thought maybe that whatever happened to him back then might have ruined him ever falling in love. But now I think that maybe he was just waiting for you.”

  I blushed at Quinn’s words. She could be such a hopeless romantic. So was I if I was being honest. I just never imagined that I would be feeling like one of the women in the romance novels I liked to read.

  “He’s probably just looking for some fun, Q. I doubt he’s interested in anything serious.”

  “And you’d be okay with that?”

  I thought hard for a minute. I nodded my head. “Yeah... I mean, no. But if that’s all we’re destined for, if that’s all I get to have of him... then I’ll still take it. I don’t think there’s even a choice for me anymore.”

  Quinn did a little happy dance. “God, it’s good to see you so happy. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, he’s really into you, El. You don’t know him like I do – I’ve never seen him like this. I think that you both have some skeletons you need to let out of your closets, but I think you two are both right there in the same place.”

  Quinn was right. We had barely discussed my failed marriage, and I knew he was hiding things from his past from me. I wasn’t going to force him to tell me anything – it was none of my business. I just wanted him to know that I’d never set out to hurt him like this old girlfriend obviously had.

  32. Lawson

  What the hell was taking so long?

  “Would you stop with all the squirming? She’ll be back soon enough.” Reeve shot me a smug grin.


  His girl was right next to him – not that El was my girl... not yet anyway. I was hoping to make her mine by the end of this trip. I had to... I couldn’t think straight. My whole world revolved around this sweet woman in a way that was definitely unhealthy.

  My girl...

  The words floated around through my mind. I liked the way it sounded. I hoped that she would too.

  “I’m not even gonna say sorry.” I smirked back at him. There was no way in hell I was going to be embarrassed about Ellerslie – but I was going to take the heat off myself. I tilted my head in Colt’s direction and gave Reeve a ‘let’s mess with him’ look.

  He grinned and focused his attention on Colt too.

  “So, Colt.” I made my expression serious. “Don’t you think you’re a little young to be involved with a woman like Quinn?”

  His jaw dropped as he flicked back and forth between mine and Reeve’s stern faces. He was nervous as hell. Quinn was like a sister to Reeve too, and I respected the hell out of the way he looked out for her.

  “Ah... I ah... Well, I guess age is just a number to me,” he stammered and shrugged.

  “My sister is one of the most important women in my life; you fuck with her, you fuck with—”

  “Me,” El interrupted from behind me. I turned in time to catch the massive grin on her face.

  I couldn’t help the smile that broke out. I looked back at Colt and laughed at his terrified expression – I held out my hands in mock surrender. “I was just messing with you, man. Looks like these two can handle themselves,” I growled playfully as I pulled Ells into my lap possessively.

  She let out a surprised shriek but didn’t put up a fight.

  Step one of making her mine... letting everyone know I wanted her.

  “I missed you,” I whispered into her ear. I knew everyone at the table would be staring at us – I didn’t give a crap.

  But does she?

  She raised one eyebrow at me in a move she had perfected and then surprised me by sweetly running her hand through my hair and brushing her lips ever so lightly across mine. A shiver raced up my spine.

  So, I guess she doesn’t give a shit either.

  She pulled away from me, and I let go of her so she could move into the seat next to me.

  I was right, everyone was staring.

  Ells just shrugged at their shocked faces. “What? I don’t know why you’re all looking so damn surprised,” she accused our audience. “You all called it for God’s sake,” she added in a mutter.

  God, I love this girl.

  Wait... no...what?


  The rest of the day was a blast. We stayed together as a group and mucked around on an intermediate-level track. Ells looked like she was having the time of her life. Reeve and Lisa had ditched their boards and made a giant snowman. Quinn and I had more races than I could count. Then there was Colt – he was completely useless. He gave up after he’d fallen on his face about half a dozen times. He decided to hire a snowmobile and follow us around giving us rides back up the track – so he’d turned out to be good for something after all.

  Quinn was still as good as she always was. Shit she was fast. She’d kicked my ass more times than I’d care to admit, but I’d take it. I was just happy to see the joy on her face as she raced down the slopes. I’d forgotten just how many good times we’d had out in the snow when we were younger.

  I came to a stop a few meters from where Ellerslie was sitting, watching Quinn and I. “You had enough for the day, Ells?”

  She smiled a sweet smile and scrunched up her nose. “Yeah... my ass kinda hurts. I guess I got a bit too cocky.”

  I laughed at her. “Yeah, watching Quinn will do that to you. She makes you feel invincible, huh?”

  She nodded in agreement. “God, she’s amazing. She said she could ski, but holy shit, I didn’t know she could ski like that. She’s easily the best I’ve seen today.” El watched in awe as Quinn came flying down the hill, gracefully slowed, and pulled to a stop right in front of us.

  “Wanna head up? It’s gonna start getting really cold soon.” Quinn pulled her goggles and hat off and shook her long hair out as she spoke.

  “Sounds good to me.” El jumped up to her feet. “I’ll go and tell Lisa and Reeve that we’re ready to go.” I watched her walk off through the snow and smiled after her.

  “She’s pretty great, right?”

  I looked over towards Quinn and found her studying my face.

  “Yeah... God, yeah she is.” I felt my face warm, but I didn’t care. I was pretty sure Q knew I was already firmly under El’s spell.

  “Let’s get out of here.” I slung my arm around Quinn’s shoulders. We took our gear over to where Colt had parked. “Your man here couldn’t handle the pace, huh?” I chuckled as I remembered him face-planting into the snow; I was so sure he was coming up with a broken nose.

  Quinn smacked me in the ribs but let a giggle slip out too. “He really did suck.” Her giggle bubbled out into a full-blown laugh. “Guess I’ll have to give him some lessons tomorrow.”

  “A good girlfriend would,” I taunted her.

  She pointed a finger at me. “Not his girlfriend, douche bag. Not his girlfriend.”

  She just makes it too easy.

  33. Ellerslie

  I think I must have made gaga eyes at him from the backseat all the way home. I was out of my god damn mind. I was falling for this guy when I’d sworn that was never ever going to happen again. But yet, here I was, staring at him like he was the center of my universe – like my eyes never needed to see another sight

  Well at least it’s a perfect sight.

  God, I could look into those eyes all day.

  It was weird to think that those eyes that could draw me in and have me spilling every thought going through my mind, were the exact same eyes that are part of my beautiful best friend. But then, when I think about it, they both have the same power over me. The power to open me up and extract the truth. I shuddered thinking about how easily the two of them could drag any secret out of me.

  Nothing is safe from the Pierce siblings.

  I snorted back a laugh at the image filling my mind of Quinn and Lawson pinning me down and forcing truths out of me. That earned me a questioning look from Q, which I shrugged off.

  Yip... out of my god damn mind.

  It was getting later now, and cold – I felt so cold all of a sudden. I swear I nearly cried happy tears when Lawson produced a garage door opener and drove us straight inside. I needed to get out of these clothes. My sweat from the day had dried and was now making me freeze, or so Quinn told me as she rubbed me up and down on the side of my arm.

  Lawson was out of the truck and around my side before I’d moved an inch. He opened my door and undid my seatbelt for me. “Oh hell, you’re freezing.” A gorgeous crease appeared on his forehead as he contemplated what he was going to do with me.

  You could pick me up...

  I gasped as he swung me effortlessly into his arms. “Are you a mind reader now?” I whispered between chattering teeth.

  His response was a cheeky grin that caused butterflies in my stomach. He carried me effortlessly through the house and up the stairs. Quinn opened the door to our room for him and he placed me gently on the side of the bed.

  “I really could have walked you know,” I whispered again.

  “I know,” he said as he gently cupped the side of my face. “But that wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun for me.” He smirked at me and turned to Quinn. “Seriously though, she needs to get out of these clothes quickly, Q, and into a hot shower, okay?” He waited for her to nod before moving backwards slowly towards the door. “I’d love to stay and help...”

  I’d like you to stay and help too.

  “Oh get out of here, you pervert.” Quinn gave him a shove out the door and rolled her eyes dramatically. She helped me out of all my damp clothes, ran the shower on hot for me and left me in the bathroom in my underwear. I was already feeling warmer, the bathroom was filling with warm steam and when I stepped under the stream of hot water, it felt like heaven. I stood in there for what seemed like hours, letting the hot water warm my bones and unknot my tense muscles. I knew I was going to be at least a little sore tomorrow, I was no stranger to a good workout, but I’d used muscles today I hadn’t used since the move.

  Remembering that Quinn would be waiting for her turn, I reluctantly turned off the shower and dried myself with one of the giant white bath towels. This place was like a bloody hotel, it was so luxurious.

  “Sorry, Q, It’s all your...” I trailed off as I realized the room was empty.

  Quinn’s clothes were in a pile on the floor next to mine so I guessed she’d found somewhere else to shower. I laughed to myself at the thought of her using Colt’s bathroom – she was going to give that poor boy a heart attack one of these days.

  I was all set to rummage through my suitcase when my eye caught sight of a note sitting on my pillow. ‘Ells’ was scrawled in masculine handwriting across the front of the folded piece of paper. I opened it – already knowing exactly who it was from.

  “Join me for a spa? I’ll be on the terrace of my room if you decide to come.”

  My stomach fluttered. The bottom was signed, ‘Law’.

  There was no way in hell I was missing this. The only problem was, I hadn’t packed my own bag – that meant I had no idea if I’d even brought a bikini with me. I’d come across the underwear that Quinn had packed for me and sweet Jesus – there was no way I was going in my underwear. My so-called friend had packed nothing but lace, g-strings and cheeky cut bottoms.

  I’ll get her back for that alright.

  I shook my head as I came across the bikini Q had packed.


  It was the skimpiest bikini ever. Quinn had convinced me to buy it about a year ago and I’d never worn it. I may as well have been naked it was so damn small – and white.

  White... is she joking?

  I looked down at the scrap of fabric in my hands and back to Lawson’s note.

  Bugger it... it’s now or never.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and grimaced – it wasn’t that I didn’t look good, Quinn was right, it was remarkably flattering considering it was so tiny, but it just wasn’t something I usually wore. I felt extremely vulnerable and exposed.

  I squared my shoulders – I just needed to suck it up.

  Fake it until you make it, baby.

  I took one last look at my curvy body and let out a deep breath. I grabbed a huge towel to cover myself up and left the room with my head held high.

  Knocking on Lawson’s door made me feel like a teenager trying not to get caught by their parents. I darted my eyes up and down the hallway, hoping like hell that this was not the moment my brother decided to waltz out of his room. The door swung open and I just about fainted. Lawson stood in front of me – bare chest, hair dripping wet, only a towel wrapped around his waist.

  Holy. Shit.

  I swallowed deeply and tried to remember how to breathe. My god he was hot. He had smooth, toned muscles – his abdomen was the kind of stuff a chiseled sculpture would envy. But the icing on the cake... that damn tattoo. The glimpses of the tribal design I’d seen on his forearm ran right up around his bulging bicep, over his shoulder and spread across his broad chest, filling out one of his pecs.

  He was the hottest thing I had ever seen in real life.

  His hair had flopped forward into his eyes and he wore his trademark bad-boy smirk. “Are you just gonna stand there all night, pretty girl? Or are you coming in?”

  “I... I... yeah. Thanks,” I stuttered like a fool.

  He moved to the side to let me through the doorway, I tried to calm myself down as I moved away from him. It was easier to be calm when I couldn’t see him. I was way out of my league here. I was sure Lawson had dated the typical ‘hot girls’, skinny, petite... I blew out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I was neither of those things, and this bikini was going to make that glaringly obvious.

  I felt Lawson behind me. “Relax, Ells. I can see how tense you are,” he whispered against my hair. “What’s wrong?”

  This was the point where I would usually lie and say nothing was wrong – but I made a decision right there and then that I was never going to lie to him. Lies had given me enough trouble. “I’m feeling a little... unworthy,” I replied softly.

  Lawson turned me around in his arms so I was facing him. I didn’t want to meet his eyes, so I kept my head down. He was having none of that. He clasped my face in his hands and forced my eyes up to his.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” he growled.

  I sighed. “Hell, Lawson, look at you. I don’t want to stroke your ego too much, but... Holy. Fucking. Shit.” I emphasized each word.

  He chuckled – never taking his eyes from mine. “I want you to look at me, Ells. Just like I want to look at you. I want to look at every inch of you so I can memorize every single detail and store it away for when we’re apart.”

  “I’m not some skinny little girl. I’m worried you won’t like what you see.”

  “I’m not worried. Not even a little bit,” he growled. One of his hands dropped from my face and loosened the towel from my body. He held my gaze as I felt the towel fall to the ground. I could feel the heat spreading on my face as he stepped away from me. I focused on the hard planes of his body and the detailing of his tattoo as I felt his eyes on me.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  “I am,” I whispered.


  I slowly dragged my eyes up his body to his waiting gaze. I knew my face was still stained with a blush from standing in front of him, barely dressed.

  “Jesus, Ells. You are so beautiful. Do you have any idea? Any fuckin’ idea what you do to me? I’m hard as a rock and you haven’t even touched me yet.”

  I shook my head at him in disagreement. But before I could speak he stepped into my space, pulling my body tightly against his.

  “You don’t believe me?” He roughly pulled his towel away from his waist, revealing his wet shorts – he pressed his hips against me. “Can you feel that, Ells? You do that to me. Those curves, your tiny waist. Holy hell, you are beautiful.”

  Holy shit – he was not joking. He was hard.

  SO hard.

  “I want you.” My voice was clear and sure.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he growled back as he dragged my mouth to his.

  His kiss was frantic. Urgent. Like he couldn’t wait to taste me. His hands moved to my ass and he hoisted me up so he was holding me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I wanted to protest – tell him that I was too heavy to be lifted like this... but he didn’t make me feel too heavy – he made me feel light as a feather the way his massive arms held me against his body.

  Jesus Christ... I’d thought his kiss in the snow today was filled with passion, but this... It was as if he was branding me – marking me, so the world knew I belonged to him and no one else.

  His masculine scent dominated the space and made me feel lightheaded. I pulled away and dragged in a ragged breath. Lawson kissed roughly along my jaw and down onto my neck. His stubble scratched and tickled in a way that made me shudder and shiver. It reminded me that he was real, that this was real.

  “I want you,” I whispered again.

  He moaned against the skin of my neck. “So eager, Miss Rush.” He moved towards the bed and lowered me down on top of the covers, hovering over top of me. His forehead rested against mine as he caught his breath. My legs were still wrapped around his hips and I took the opportunity to grind myself against the bulge in his shorts.


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