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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

Page 18

by Nicole S. Goodin

  1000 points, game, set and freaking match to Lawson.

  El was going to freak the hell out – like, shit-your-pants freak out. The room looked amazing. I had to give it to my brother, he had done a great job. I munched on the pancake as I took it all in. They were perfect too, not that I was surprised.

  “Extravagant bastard, isn’t he?”

  I turned to Reeve and laughed. “Yeah, that’s him. He’s never done things by halves, so I guess he’s not gonna start now.”

  “I’m glad.” Reeve looked thrilled. “El deserves it all. I can see he wants to give her everything.”

  I gave him a hug. El’s divorce had been really tough on him too. I’d lost count of how many times we’d talked on the phone and he’d asked me question after question. ‘How’s she doing?’, ‘Is she eating?’, ‘Do you think I should come home?’

  He had really struggled being so far away when he knew how hurt she was. I did everything I could for her, and El was strong, she’d proven not only that she could more than take care of herself, but that she wasn’t afraid to ask for help when she needed it. I was so proud of her – I knew Reeve was too.

  “He will. I can see how right they are together. I know he’ll do whatever it takes to make El happy. You don’t need to worry about him hurting her, I wouldn’t let him carry on like this if I was worried about that happening.”

  Reeve squeezed my arm. “I know. Hell, sometimes I think you’re more protective of her than I am. And now I see him.” He nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen. “And I know he’s gonna be like some feral wolf protecting his mate.” He chuckled. “He gravitates towards her, can’t keep his eyes off her.”

  I smiled as I thought about the two of them. “He is you know.”

  Reeve looked at me quizzically. “He is what?”

  “A wolf. And she is his mate.”

  Reeve nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “I wish they’d met years ago. Before she ever met Baxter.” I sighed. I was angry with myself for not making it happen.

  “Yeah, and that’s all good in theory, but they wouldn’t have been the same people then. They might not have had the same connection. Now is as good a time as any, Q.”

  He was right. There was no time like the present.

  “They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.”

  - F. Scott Fitzgerald

  40. Lawson

  “You can come in now, Ells,” I called with a smirk.

  I turned and grinned as she entered with a guilty look on her face.

  “How’d you know I was there?”

  “I could sense you.” She frowned at me and I chuckled. “Quinn gave you away.”

  “Dammit, Quinn,” El muttered.

  I flipped the last pancake onto the stack and put the spatula down. “Good morning, pretty girl. How did you sleep?”

  She gave me a beautiful smile and surprised me by slipping her arms around my waist and snuggling into my chest.

  I breathed in her scent and sighed, I’d missed her this morning.

  “I slept great, thank you. It would have been better if you were there when I woke up though.” She was tucked against my chest, and I could feel her warm breath through my t-shirt.

  “I know, and I’m sorry.” I stroked her hair as I spoke. “But I wanted to surprise you, so I had to run out. I promise I’ll be there tomorrow morning.” I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  “Awfully confident aren’t you, cowboy? What if I’d rather share with your sister tonight?” She giggled.

  “Damn, I was hoping to slip that in without you noticing.” I squeezed her tighter and whispered in her ear, “I’m much better in bed than she is.”

  She pulled back to look up at me and grinned. “Put your money where your mouth is, Pierce.”

  Ah so eager.

  “I fully intend to,” I murmured. I grabbed her hand in one of mine and picked up the pancakes with the other. “Close your eyes, Ells.” I checked to make sure she had listened and gently towed her into the dining room. Quinn and Reeve were standing in the room, admiring my handy work. I flicked my head in the direction of the door and they scurried out with silly smiles on their faces.

  “Can I look yet?”

  “One second, honey. I’m just going to let go of your hand, don’t open your eyes.”

  “Okay.” She nodded her head and bit down on her lip. I held back the groan that was threatening to come out. She was so damn sexy biting on that lip.

  I put the pancakes on the table and walked back over to her. I gently pulled her lip out from between her teeth with my thumb. “I’m having trouble focusing with you biting your lip like that, pretty girl,” I growled at her.

  Her mouth popped open but her eyes stayed shut tight.

  Good girl.

  I bent my head down to hers and lightly brushed my lips against hers. “Open up, baby.”

  Her eyes sprung open, but she made no move to take in our surroundings. Her perfect, clear blue eyes were staring straight into mine. I felt a tingle race down my spine. She affected me so much just by looking at me. It was crazy.

  “You’re bossy.” Her voice was husky as she ran her hands up and down the collar of my shirt.

  I chuckled. “I think you like me bossy.” Her eyes smoldered, confirming my theory.

  “What now, boss?”

  I broke our eye contact and turned my body to face the table I’d set up – I felt her turn her body and heard her gasp as she took it all in. I couldn’t help myself, I took a quick peek at her. Her eyes were wide as saucers and she was opening and shutting her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but had no words.

  I gave myself a mental fist pump and pulled out her chair for her. “Breakfast?”

  She nodded and sat in the chair I offered. I was about to move to sit opposite her when she grabbed my forearm. I flicked my gaze to her face and was met with a sweet kiss to the corner of my mouth.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You are more than welcome, Ells.” She let go of my arm and I took my seat. I watched her pick up a flower and bring it to her nose to smell. She was so god damn beautiful. “Pancake?”

  “You listened.”

  I smiled at her.

  I listen to every word you say.

  “I listened.”

  “Lilies are my favorite.” She smiled as she looked around at all the flowers.

  “That was a good guess. I went into the shop and they were the ones I liked the best.” I winked at her. “I got lucky.”

  “I think it’s safe to say I’m the one who got lucky, Lawson.” She blushed. My heart rate sped up as she spoke. I’d cook her breakfast and buy her flowers everyday if it made her happy.

  I wasn’t about to get into a debate with her about who was the more lucky of the two of us. I’d already learned that El had a determined streak – I’d only seen a very small glimpse of it, but Reeve had told me she’d argue all day about something if she had to. “Maybe we both got lucky.”

  She smirked at me, as though she knew I was avoiding an argument. “These look delicious.” She cut into her pancake, and I watched with envy as it touched her full lips.

  Now I’m jealous of food?

  “Mmmmm.” I felt my dick harden as she moaned in appreciation.

  “Do they live up to your memories?”

  “Shit you can cook. These are amazing. Best I’ve ever had,” she told me in between bites.

  I smirked and raised my eyebrows at her. “I’ll be the best you’ve had alright.”

  She laughed and scrunched up her nose. “I guess I kinda left myself wide open for that one, didn’t I?”

  I chuckled at her adorable face.

  “You know, Lawson...” She paused and had a quick drink of orange juice. “When we met, you told me you didn’t do hearts and flowers.”

  I nodded and smiled shyly. “I know I did.”

  “But you bough
t me flowers.” She gestured around at all of the lilies with a confused look on her face. “Like, a shit ton of flowers.”

  I took a bite of my pancake. She was right, these were bloody good. I’d have to remember to thank my head chef for the recipe when I see him next.

  “You’re the difference, Ells,” I reminded her. “Hearts and flowers are back on the table. Are you okay with that?”

  She casually flicked her wrist. “I guess I can endure it,” she teased.

  I chuckled at her.

  “Seriously though, this is perfect, and I appreciate it more than you’ll probably ever know. Just when I think you’ve made everything perfect, you go and one up yourself. You’re setting the bar awfully high here, Mr. Pierce.”

  “Oh, you have no idea, pretty girl.”

  “I promised myself I wouldn’t fall in love with you. But it was 4am, and we were laughing way too hard, and I felt so happy for the first time in a long time, and I knew I was screwed.”

  - Author unknown.

  41. Ellerslie

  I rested my head back on the seat of Lawson’s truck and sighed. “I don’t want to get out.”

  “I don’t want you to get out either, Ells. But I’m not that keen on sleeping in this truck.” Lawson chuckled.

  Quinn stuck her head through to the front. “Aww you two are so cute. It’s making me sick.” She shoved me lightly. “Get out of the truck, girl, we’ve all got work tomorrow.”

  I sighed again. This weekend was the most fun I’d had in a long time. We’d got a late start on the slopes on Sunday, and despite my sore muscles, I’d been not too bad. I was pretty pleased with myself considering this weekend was my first time on a board. I could tell Lawson was happy about me enjoying myself too, he’d had a huge smile plastered across his face the entire time.

  Colt and Quinn had a good time too. Q spent a lot of time trying to teach Colt how to stay upright, and he’d improved a little. Lisa and Reeve hadn’t come up with us, they decided to stay in by the fire and spend some time alone. I’d never known my brother to be so romantic, but it seemed Lawson wasn’t the only one who’d made a trip to the flower store and arranged a surprise that morning.

  Sunday night we’d all got together for pizza around the fire and shared far too many bottles of wine. We all ended up a bit tipsy and called it a night fairly early. Lawson kept his word – after talking half the night and falling asleep in his bed, I woke up in his arms feeling more content than I ever remembered feeling in my life.

  We’d spent the morning lounging around, reading, talking and playing board and card games. It was simple and easy – I loved every single minute of it. The only downside was that Lawson still wouldn’t touch me – it was driving me crazy. I’d never wanted a man this badly in my entire life, and here he was, confessing his feelings for me, obviously attracted to me, but yet, no sex. If that man didn’t give in soon I was going to go mad.

  I knew what he was doing... he wanted me to realize that I had feelings for him. Feelings beyond the strong sexual pull we had between us.

  What he didn’t know was that I had realized – I’d admitted it to myself, and to Quinn. I was falling in love with him, I just hadn’t found the right time to tell him yet.

  I’d known the minute I laid eyes on him that he was going to spell trouble for me, I just hadn’t realized that it would be the best kind of trouble a girl could ask for. I didn’t know that the cocky bastard in the elevator would turn out to be a huge romantic with a fiercely protective side, or that it would feel like I was the reason his world went around.

  I hadn’t realized all that... not until I woke up wrapped in his strong arms with our faces only an inch apart. I’d watched him sleep so peacefully, his perfect features completely relaxed – and I’d just known, I had to take the risk for this beautiful man. Even if I ended up hurt and alone, I had to know how our story was going to play out.

  “Are you okay, Ells?”

  I snapped back to the present. “Oh shit, sorry, I was day dreaming.” Lawson had gotten out of the truck and opened my door for me. He was staring at me with an amused expression on his face.

  “C’mon, beautiful. I’ve got your bags.” Lawson insisted on taking Q and I up the elevator and carrying our bags into our rooms for us. We’d dropped Colt off at the club so he could check in, and Reeve and Lisa had already gone up to Reeve’s apartment.

  “So here you are.” Lawson placed my suitcase on the foot of my bed. Watching him carrying it had turned me on. He’d again lifted both mine and Quinn’s together like they were weightless, but I knew better. I’d lugged the bloody thing for about twenty meters before Lawson had caught me and promptly taken it from me. I was no weakling, but shit, he was strong.

  “Here I am.”

  He walked over to my dressing table and busied himself looking at the framed photographs that sat atop it.

  “I think you’re stalling, Mr. Pierce,” I teased. I was in no hurry to have him out of my room.

  He flashed me a grin that melted my insides. “That obvious, am I?” He picked up a picture of me with the twins. “Molly and Kyle?” He gestured towards the photo.

  I was impressed. I think I had told him the names of my younger siblings only once, but yet he said them without hesitation – I really needed to remember that he was paying attention to my every word.

  “That’s them. They’re the babies of the family.”

  “Your family obviously has good genes.”

  I smiled at his comment and picked up a picture of my parents with the four of us. It had been taken about a year ago. “That’s them. The source of the genes.” I said with a smile.

  “You all look so happy.”

  I looked at the photo. “We were. That was a great night. It’s rare that we are all in the same place at the same time. In fact, that was taken the last time it happened. When we’re all together, we make the most of it. I think I was hungover for about three days after that one.” I laughed at the memory.

  “It must be nice having a big family.” His voice only slightly betraying his emotions. I knew already that he and Quinn had been raised alone by their mother. Their father had walked out not long after Quinn was born, and from what I knew, had never so much as looked back. It broke my heart when Q had told me, and now I felt another wave of sadness for Lawson too.

  “I’m sorry. We can talk about something else. I know it must be tough to think about your dad leaving.” I squeezed his bicep.

  He gave me a small smile. “It’s fine, Ells. I didn’t miss out on anything. My mum and her parents gave me and Quinn one hell of a childhood. He did me a favor by leaving. I’ve always been glad that he showed his true colors before I learned to rely on him.” He wrapped his arms around my middle and pulled me into his body. “My only regret is pushing Quinn and Mom away all these years while I dealt with Piper’s betrayal on my own. I regret not sharing my hurt with them.” He looked at the photo of my family again. “I can see from this photo how close you all are. I regret taking that away from Q.”

  I squeezed him tighter and laid my head on his chest. “It’s not too late. I know Quinn doesn’t hold any negative feelings towards you anyway, but if it’d make you feel better to tell her what happened, then I think you should do it.”

  We stood in silence for a few moments.

  “I’ll think about it.” I felt him kiss the top of my head. “Thank you for coming with me this weekend.”

  “Thank you for surprising me. It was the best weekend I could have asked for.”

  “Will you come and see my place one night this week? I’d love for you to spend the night with me.” He held me at arm’s length and dazzled me with those deep-green eyes of his.

  “I would love to.” I blushed. “Is Friday okay?”

  He brushed a strand of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “Friday is great.” He bent in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I longed to hold him there and deepen the kiss, but I decided it could wait. Frid
ay was only a few days away. I knew the time away from him was going to feel like an eternity, but I would survive. He pulled away from me and walked towards the door.

  “I’ll see you on Friday then,” I said softly.

  He turned and smirked at me. “Oh no, pretty girl, you’ll see me tomorrow. I’ll bring the lunch.”

  My heart flipped in my chest at the thought of seeing him again tomorrow.

  He walked out the door and I heard him yell out a goodbye to Quinn.

  “That’s what I was hoping you’d say,” I whispered to myself before flopping down onto my bed.


  “Well good morning to you, Miss. Rush. I must say you are looking damn fine today. A weekend away obviously agrees with you.”

  I grinned at Weston. “Oh stop, you flatter me.”

  “How was it? I want all of the details of you and Mr. Sex on legs.”

  I held up my hands in surrender. “I promise to share every detail with you, just let me get settled and drink this coffee so I can do the story justice.”

  “Mail and messages are on your desk,” Weston called out as I walked into the office and plonked my stuff onto my desk.

  I quickly got myself set up and flicked through the messages. There was nothing overly exciting or important, aside from a message from my dad to call him when I had a chance.

  I dialed his number as I began opening my mail.

  “Jefferson Rush.”

  “Hi, Dad, how’s it going?”

  “Hi, sweetheart. How was your weekend away?”

  “It was perfect. I had a great time. It was just what I needed.”

  “I’m really glad to hear that. You deserve to have some fun. You work harder than I do.”

  “I like to work, Dad.” I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me.

  “I know, I know. Anyway, I called about a new contract.” I pulled open an unmarked envelope while I listened to my dad tell me about a new contract he wanted me to secure.

  The only thing in the envelope was a photo – a photo of Lawson and I. I knew it was taken on Friday night in the lobby of the building, because I remembered the outfit that I was wearing. Lawson was helping me put on my coat and his hand was sweeping my hair out of the way. He was standing so close to me and I remembered the shivers that passed over my body at his touch. The look on my face was one of pure ecstasy – it was an intimate moment.


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