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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

Page 33

by Nicole S. Goodin

  “Let’s just go back upstairs, babe.”

  I turned back to Evan. “Thank you again, Evan. I really appreciate your help.”

  He gave me a small smile and nodded at me in response.

  I tugged Lawson’s arm but he didn’t move.

  God he’s a big bastard.

  Lawson’s eyes narrowed at Evan. “Thank you for getting her out,” he ground out.

  Evan nodded. “No worries. Right place, right time.” He smiled at me again and turned back into the crowd.

  I pulled on Lawson’s arm again and this time he moved. “C’mon, cowboy.”

  We got away from the hell that was the dance floor and headed for the stairs leading back to VIP.

  “Did Colt come back up here?” Lawson asked the security guard.

  He nodded. “Yes, sir. He spotted you from here and just headed up with his girl a moment ago.”

  Thank god.

  Now I just had to hope like hell that everyone else had gotten out unscathed too.

  “Is Josh okay?” I asked Lawson.

  “Yeah, baby, he’s got a busted lip and I would say his ribs are bruised, if not broken. But he’ll be fine. He went out back to get cleaned up. I told Rome and Logan to find the girls when they had Josh sorted. I had to leave them to it, I saw the crowd going mental out here and I couldn’t find you.”

  We started climbing the stairs.

  “Why was he fighting?” I asked him quietly.

  “I have no idea. Let’s get upstairs and check on everyone, and we’ll get some answers. We need to check if the girls made it back up yet.” Lawson must have seen how close I was to crying. He stopped and pulled me into him. “Are you okay, baby?”

  I blinked back the tears and breathed in his scent – it helped calm me. “I’m fine. I think my dress got ripped.” I looked at my shoulder and sure enough, half of the beading had been ripped off. “But I’m okay. It was just scary not being able to control what was happening.”

  “I should never have left you.” He sounded devastated, ashamed.

  “Your mate was getting a hiding. You couldn’t just stand back and watch.”

  He pulled my face up to meet his. “You are my priority. I should have sent Logan and Rome. They could have handled it.” His mouth was up against mine. “I’ll never put you at risk like that again.”

  I knew that telling him it wasn’t his fault would be a waste of my time. So instead I kissed him, soft and passionate. Telling him without words that I loved him – that he was my everything.


  Everyone was upstairs when we’d got back and I’d nearly cried in relief.

  “What the fuck happened down there?” Lawson demanded, looking between Colt and Josh for answers. “Where the hell did you go?” he asked Josh.

  “I had to take a piss.” Josh looked bad. He had blood on his shirt and he was definitely going to have some bruises tomorrow. “I don’t know what happened after that, some guys just jumped me when I was heading out to find you guys.”

  “I threw them all out,” Colt chimed in. “They won’t be coming back here again.”

  Lawson looked back at Colt. “You need to get your security under control, man. El nearly got crushed out there.”

  “I’m okay,” I added – I felt sorry for Colt, he might be in charge, but this was meant to be his night off.

  “I know, man. I’m so sorry, El. I’ll be talking to the duty manager tomorrow. I don’t know who the hell authorized it, but I’m damn sure we’re above max capacity right now.”

  I smiled softly at him. “Honestly, I’m fine.”

  Lawson and Colt launched into a conversation about procedures and protocols. I squeezed Lawson’s shoulder and slid out of the booth.

  I grabbed Quinn’s arm and towed her over to a quiet corner. “Evan is here.”

  “Evan? What? Where did you see him?” Quinn looked a lot less drunk than the last time I’d seen her – I guess scary situations were pretty sobering.

  “Downstairs. He pulled me out after I lost you and Colt.”

  “Did Law see him?”

  Quinn was always on my wavelength. I knew it was going to take some serious work to convince him that Evan wasn’t the one stalking me. To be honest I was having a hard time convincing myself right now.

  “Yeah, he saw him... and spoke to him. He’s not happy.”

  “Shit!” Quinn hissed. “Do you think it’s him?”

  “I don’t know,” I confessed quietly. “I told Lawson that I didn’t... but it’s a pretty big coincidence.”

  Quinn nodded in agreement. “It’s pretty uncanny. Don’t say anything more to him about it tonight. We’ll hash it out tomorrow.”

  She was right. If Lawson thought too much about it, he’d be liable to storm back downstairs and beat the shit out of Evan.

  “Are you ready to go home?” I asked her.

  “Hell yeah I am.”

  I turned to head back to Lawson but Quinn grabbed me and gave me a tight hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay, El.”

  “Me too,” I whispered as I hugged her back.

  We spent the next half hour trying to round everyone up. In the end, Rome had virtually carried Jem and Brooke out, and Logan had taken Stacey and Josh down. It was a good thing Law had brought those boys – apparently the two of them had a bloody hard time getting the girls off the dance floor and back upstairs.

  Colt was staying back to try and straighten out all the screw-ups from the night. Lisa and Reeve had left before the drama even went down – apparently Lisa wasn’t much of a drinker. I had a feeling she would be spending the night hugging the porcelain bowl. Lawson, Quinn and I were the last ones into the van heading back home.

  “I told you that you’d have your hands full,” I murmured to Lawson as I snuggled against his broad chest.

  He kissed the top of my head. “And yet once again, I wasn’t prepared.” He chuckled. “I’m just happy everyone is still in one piece.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Josh wheezed.

  “You’re lucky I got there when I did.” Rome’s big voice boomed through the van. “I painted the wall with that big bastard.”

  I giggled at him – I was quickly learning that you could always count on Rome to lighten the mood.

  “I think you’ll find it was me that saved your ass.” Lawson chuckled.

  “And if you remember correctly, it was me that got us all the hell out of there,” Logan added.

  “Now, now boys.” Quinn patted Logan and Rome on the shoulders. “You’re all heroes in my eyes,” she joked.

  My stomach rumbled loudly.

  “Crap! I didn’t feed you,” Lawson groaned. “No wonder they’re all so pissed,” he muttered under his breath and narrowed his eyes at Jem and Stace.

  I snorted back a laugh. He was not wrong there. Food would have gone a long way with soaking up some of the alcohol.

  Lawson pulled out his phone and tapped away for a few minutes before shoving it back in his pocket. When we arrived home, there was a pizza delivery guy waiting at the gate.

  I raised one eyebrow at Lawson, he smirked at me and winked.

  Oh yeah... he’s good.

  I kissed his chest and looked up at him through my lashes. “Thanks, cowboy. I’m starving.”


  Thanks to the early night and the pizza, I woke up feeling great. I’d helped Law clean Josh’s cuts and get him into bed – those ribs were totally broken. Luckily, the other three boys barely had a scratch between them.

  Everyone else had eaten and crashed out early too. I was looking forward to seeing the girls this morning, they were bound to be feeling like shit.

  I lay still, trying not to wake Lawson, and took stock of the evening. Things were not looking good for Evan. Lawson was going to be watching him like a hawk from now on.

  After a good night’s sleep, I was nearly one hundred percent convinced it wasn’t him stalking me. His surprise at seeing me was genuine, he’d h
elped me when he didn’t have to and he hadn’t engaged in Lawson’s aggressive behavior. There was also the fact that he had an alibi for the time we’d been photographed. Either he wasn’t involved, or he was one hell of an actor.

  69. Lawson

  I knew Ells was awake. I could practically hear the thoughts running through her head. I had ideas, theories and possibilities tearing through my mind too.


  It was too much of a coincidence – right now that prick was at the top of my list, and I was going to come down on him like a ton of bricks.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” I whispered into the dim room.

  “You’re awake.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “I was just thinking about last night,” I murmured as she wiggled closer and snuggled into my side.

  “Me too,” she whispered. We lay in silence for a few minutes, both of us lost in our thoughts. “I don’t think it’s Evan,” El said quietly. “And before you start, I know it looks bad. But I don’t think it’s him. Maybe he’s connected to this mess somehow... but I just can’t peg him as a psycho.”

  “It’s the best lead we have right now, baby.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ve got to keep eyes on him.”

  She turned and peeked up at me. “You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t.”

  I ran my hand lightly down her arm and surprised her by hoisting her on top of my body. I was already so hard for her.

  “I need you,” I growled.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” She grinned.

  “I didn’t,” I said with a smirk.

  She was about to give me a smart reply but I cut her off by dragging her lips to mine. She tasted so damn sweet. I tugged on her bottom lip with my teeth and she moaned deep in her throat.

  That pushed me over the edge.

  I flipped her over so her back was pressed into the mattress and I was hovering over top of her. I dragged her underwear down her bare legs.

  I hadn’t realized she was sleeping in one of my t-shirts again. “You look so damn sexy in that,” I growled as I pulled it up over her head.

  She didn’t say a word – just lay back against the pillows, completely naked, waiting for me.

  I reached down and kicked off my boxer briefs so we were both bare. “Hold onto the head board.”

  She shimmied up the bed and grabbed hold of the solid wood frame with both hands.

  “Don’t let go,” I commanded.

  She shook her head. She wasn’t letting go.

  Hell it was a turn on, her being so eager to please me. I ran my fingertips lightly down her stomach, to her thighs. She shuddered violently under my touch.

  “How do you do that?” she whispered.

  “Do what?” I forced myself to look away from her body and into her eyes.

  “Make me burn.”

  I’d wondered if it was just me that felt it. A mere touch from her caused fire on my skin.

  I slowly lowered myself down on top of her and kissed her gently on the lips. “It’s you, baby. You’re the fire.”

  “Uh-uh, cowboy.” She shook her head softly. “I just help feed the flames.”


  “Have you talked to Mark yet?” Quinn asked before taking a bite of an apple.

  “I called him when I got up.”

  “And?” she pressed.

  “I’ve told him I want Evan watched again – around the clock. He got the results back from the plates last night. It’s a rental. No last name, just a first – Matthew.”

  “A description?” she asked.

  “The same. Brown hair, medium height and build.”

  “So it could be the guy from the club,” Logan added casually.

  I nodded. “I’m putting my eggs in that basket too, man.”

  “What does El think?” Quinn asked me.

  “What do I think about what?” El breezed into the living room, with Zef close behind.

  I couldn’t help but notice the way she lit up a room, the way the sunshine bounced off her blonde hair, the way she created happiness in a bubble around her. I’d never known anything like it – but then, I’d never known anyone quite like her either.

  She walked straight towards me, and I instinctively opened my arms for her. She slid onto my lap and swung her legs to rest over my thigh.

  “About Evan. Law was just telling us what came from Mark running the plates,” Quinn clarified.

  El shrugged. “I don’t know what to think anymore. I guess it could be Evan. My gut is telling me no, but my brain wants me to at least consider it.”

  I rubbed her back in slow circles. She was tough as nails, but I knew this was wearing her down. Life had taught me that even the strongest of people sometimes needed someone to hold them and tell them everything is going to be okay.

  I’m gonna be that person for her.

  “Mark has an idea, and if you’re okay with it, we want to put it to the test tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She nodded slowly. “What do I have to do?”

  “It’s not a sure thing, but Evan has a viewing of an office building scheduled with a client tomorrow at eleven, over the other side of town. Mark wants us to hit the street again. It might result in nothing, but at least if our photo guy shows up, we can say for sure it’s not Evan.”

  “Unless he’s hired someone,” Quinn piped up.

  I sighed. That was a scenario I was trying to ignore. That would make this whole thing far more complicated.

  “I’m hoping he’s working alone,” I told her sternly.

  “Oh well if that’s what you’re hoping...” Quinn stated dryly.

  El snickered and I gave her a dirty look.

  “What?” She shrugged innocently. “It was funny.” She was still grinning like a fool and I couldn’t help but join her.

  “Why don’t you go and get the girls packed up? I heard Jemma talking about wanting to get back to her new husband.”

  “Yeah c’mon, girl.” Quinn stood and pulled El from my lap. I watched with longing as they headed out of the room.

  “It’d be more effective if El was on her own, you know that, right?” Logan raised a brow at me.

  I nodded. “I know, but there is no way in fucking hell I’m gonna let that happen.” Even just the thought had me seeing red and my body trembling. Mark had thrown the idea out there too, even knowing full well that I wasn’t going to go for it.

  “I know, man.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “And I’m glad you aren’t. I like that girl, Lawson.”

  I blew out a deep breath. “Me too.”


  “How’s those ribs today?” I called out as I pushed the door open and walked into Josh’s room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Stacey. Josh was lying on his back, and Stacey had quickly stood and moved her face away from his.

  Sly old dog.

  “Sorry.” I turned. “I should have knocked. I’ll come back later,” I called over my shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” Stacey called. “I’m just leaving.”

  I smirked as she scurried past me and out the door.

  “So you fucked it out then?” I grinned.

  “Huh?” Josh asked with a confused look on his face.

  “I told El last night that the tension was gonna go one way or the other. Fight or fuck.” I chuckled.

  Josh laughed and then grimaced as he held his ribs. “Shit, that kills.”



  “Yeah, I’d say so.” He nodded and moved to rearrange himself on the bed. “And nah, that little vixen was just checking on me.” He grinned.

  “Uh huh. Sure she was, and I’m your new nurse,” I said sarcastically.

  “I’m not sure you could pull off the uniform.” He chuckled again and nearly doubled over with pain.

  “You’re going to hospital, you know that, right?” The poor bastard was clearly in a lot of pain.

  “Only if Stace takes me.”

  Even with broken ribs, the bastard still only thought with his dick. I shook my head at his sly grin. “And I was worried about the girls playing up,” I muttered as I walked out.


  In the end, Logan and Rome took Josh into the private hospital nearby. Logan planned to drop Rome home, pack his stuff and come back to stay with me and El. I’d gone with Quinn and Ells to drop the girls off at the airport.

  I could tell they were going to miss each other, El had promised Jem that we would be at the reception they were having to celebrate their wedding in a few months. Quinn had made the girls promise to come back soon, and her and Ells had passed on hugs to give to Lexie.

  I’d eventually dragged them out of the terminal and back to the car.

  “Thank you for taking us.” El smiled and lightly squeezed my leg.

  “No problem, pretty girl.”

  “Is Logan coming back tonight?” she asked as she fiddled with the stereo.

  “Yeah, he should be back by dinnertime.”

  “I’ll cook for you all tonight. I want to say thank you for everything this weekend.”

  “Sounds good, baby.” I picked up her hand and brought it to my lips.

  Quinn cleared her throat. “I really hope you catch this guy soon. I’m not sure how much more of this lovey dovey crap I can take before I puke.”

  I chuckled.

  Bloody Quinn.

  70. Ellerslie

  I had Lawson stop at the store on the way home and I loaded up. He had made jokes about me feeding an army, but come dinnertime I hadn’t heard any complaining.

  I’d cooked a lamb roast with all the trimmings, and I even made a chocolate pudding for dessert. I’d made sure to get French vanilla ice cream to go with it, which had earned me a cheeky grin from Lawson.

  Logan had eaten so much he’d nearly made himself sick, and Quinn wasn’t much better. They had kicked Lawson and I both out while they cleaned up, and after, we’d all watched a movie together in the living room. I’d told Logan to choose the movie – then regretted it instantly when I realized I’d be enduring two hours watching some gruesome thriller. That was a mistake I would not be making again.

  I climbed into bed and took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the scent of Lawson. I found it hard to sleep without his smell surrounding me now, I’d slept in his shirts every night that I’d been here. If I ever went back home, I was going to have to sneak out a stash of them.


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