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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

Page 47

by Nicole S. Goodin

  “It’s... my brother,” Colt choked out.


  I glanced into the room, and my breath caught in my throat. Colt sat next to the bed, his gaze wary and scared.

  But that wasn’t what had my heart racing.

  It was the man, lying still, clearly unconscious in the bed next to him. He was shirtless and already covered in black and blue bruises. His torso was partially wrapped with a mixture of gauze, bandage and tape.

  He was a bloodied, broken mess of a man.

  But his injuries weren’t what had me pressing my hands up against the glass panel and straining to get a closer look... it was his face, a face I’d never seen before this moment, but felt like I’d known my entire life.

  I’d never experienced the feeling of déjà vu before, but I knew it was happening to me now. It was as though my body, my brain... my soul, recognized him on some deeper level. I was drawn to him in ways I couldn’t even begin to explain.

  I just knew.

  I knew right in that moment that the man lying in that hospital bed held my future in his hands.

  Harrison Hunt.

  I’d never met the man, I couldn’t tell you what his voice sounded like, how he walked, what his sense of humor was like... but I knew him. His soul called to mine, and I could feel the point of no return being crossed.

  Harrison Hunt.

  Harrison Hunt.

  My non-boyfriend's older, beaten-half-to-death brother.


  I turned and fled.


  “Logan?” I called out. “Logan, are you home?”

  I was met with silence. Either my house mate wasn’t home yet, or he’d passed out drunk in his room. Logan was usually a pretty sensible guy, so I assumed the former.

  I dropped my keys and clutch bag down on the hall table with a thud. I took a step forward but caught sight of myself in the round mirror on the wall above the table.

  I stared at myself, looking into my own eyes.

  Who the hell am I?

  I’m not that girl – I never had been. I wasn’t the girl who mucked guys around and convinced myself it was all to spare their feelings, I wasn’t the girl who put off doing what I wanted to do, and I certainly wasn’t the girl who got all damn weak in the knees and fluttery in the stomach over some guy I’d never met and didn’t know from a bar of soap.

  What the hell is happening to me?

  I couldn’t explain any of it. My mind had been spinning since the moment I’d laid eyes on Harrison Hunt lying in that hospital bed.

  That pull...

  I couldn’t have dreamed that up, it had to be real. I didn’t know a single thing about him, but already I was itching to go back there and see his face again. I was dying to know what color his eyes would be when he finally opened them again, or how his mouth would move when he talked, or how he looked when he smiled...

  I shook my head at myself in the mirror.

  You’re losing your shit, Pierce.

  I wished Logan were home. He was a pretty good listener, and I knew I could trust him not to spill his guts about the shit going on in my head. But, being the good guy that he was, he was probably staying back and tidying up at the restaurant before heading home to bed.

  I would have liked to think maybe some hot girl had made eyes at him across the dance floor and they’d got to talking, and then maybe he’d gone back to her place for a night cap and maybe even something more.

  But I knew that wouldn’t be the case – not that some of the girls wouldn’t have been looking, without a doubt they would have been. Logan was an attractive guy, even with Josh in the room, he was still more than worth looking at. But I knew that it wouldn’t be the reality because he was still messed up over his ex. He just wasn’t ready to move on, and I admired his acceptance of the fact.

  I sighed and looked away from myself. My green eyes were looking back at me with disapproval and I couldn’t take it anymore.

  I trudged up the stairs, kicking off my heels halfway and not even bothering to pick them up.

  I looked at the pack of makeup remover wipes, but decided to just shower it all off instead. The hot water pounding down on my back was rhythmic, almost hypnotic. It eased the thoughts flying through my head.

  I dressed quickly and slid under the covers of my bed, bringing my laptop with me. I knew I was heading into creepy stalker territory but figured it was the least of my concerns right now.

  I needed to see him.

  I typed his name into Google, unsure of what exactly I’d be turning up. The pages loaded, and I clicked on the first link, his Facebook page, but it appeared, like my own, to get very little attention. I clicked the back button and tried the next site.

  I gasped.

  Harrison Hunt – Attorney of Law.

  He was stunning.

  I wasn’t prepared for this. I already knew what he looked like, I’d seen him half naked, but I still wasn’t ready for the sight in front of me.

  His light brown hair was long – not ponytail long – but long enough to really grab on to, and his eyes were the color of caramel; a warm, inviting color. His skin was golden against the white of his collar and every inch of him exuded sex-god status. His squared jaw, strong cheek bones, full lips and groomed facial hair had me breathing hot and heavy.

  It was weird, I normally found myself going for slim guys, but I already knew that he didn’t exactly fit that description. He wasn’t anywhere near the size of Lawson, or even Reeve, but he was still built. He was long and broad shouldered, with a narrow waist, his body not unlike that of a swimmer. He looked strong.

  He filled that suit jacket out like a champion.

  I could imagine running my hands over the hard planes of his chest, over his grooved abdomen and further below.

  I slipped my hand down towards the band of my pajama bottoms.

  Jesus Christ!

  I slammed the laptop shut with a quick flick of my wrist.

  I needed to get a grip. I was still practically dating his brother for crying out loud.

  I will not think about Harrison Hunt again.

  At least not until it’s over with Colt – for good this time.


  “Honestly El, I’m fine. It was just a combination of too much alcohol and too much drama.”

  “That’s not true,” my best friend argued with me through the phone.

  She was right, it was complete bullshit, but it was worth a shot.

  “Please, just leave it okay?” I begged.

  Silence filled the line.

  “Fine.” She sighed. “I’m giving you until I get back from Greece to sort this shit out, okay? I don’t know what the hell happened last night, Q, but I’ve never heard you like that. You go ahead and deal with it yourself and I’ll be waiting to talk to you the minute I step off that plane.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You got it.”

  “I’m serious—”

  “I know you are,” I interrupted her. “I’ll talk. I promise.”

  I wouldn’t look forward to it, but I’d talk to Ellerslie about it. Hell, I had to talk to someone about this mess. My best friend wouldn’t judge me too much.


  I looked up at the sign in front of me and scolded myself internally.

  Three fucking days...

  Not only had I failed at my mission not to think about him, but here I was, standing right outside the ward he was in. I’d had to ask the front receptionist for his room number, and then get two more sets of directions, one from a nurse and the other from an orderly. My sense of direction wasn’t actually that bad, but my nerves were shot – I knew damn well that I shouldn’t be here.

  What if Colt is here?

  I didn’t think he would be – he usually opened up the club around this time. But I couldn’t be certain. I’d spoken to him every day, but I was yet to end it with him, his brother still hadn’t regained full consciousness and he was pretty torn up about it. I hadn’t wanted to a
dd insult to injury.

  As soon as Harrison wakes up... I’ll break it to Colt.

  I stepped back as the automatic doors swung open and into the ward. I scanned the wall numbers, stopping at room eight. ‘H. Hunt’ was scribbled in masculine, scrawled handwriting. The sight of his name had my heart thumping in my chest.

  What if he’s awake?

  I hadn’t thought this through...

  It was unlikely that he would be, I reasoned with myself. Colt had said that he’d opened his eyes a few times, but never said a word, just quickly drifted back off to sleep. The doctors weren’t concerned, he was on heavy pain medication, and his body was doing what it needed to heal, there was no sign of brain damage.

  I bit the bullet and slowly opened the door; it creaked, and I froze. It was open only just wide enough to peep through, but that was enough to reassure me that he was still sleeping. I slipped through the gap and shut the door behind me.

  The air swirled, and I got a tingling up my spine as though someone was watching me.

  He was beautiful.

  That pull I’d experienced was still there; even stronger now that it was just the two of us.

  I stood still, silently absorbing it and trying to make sense of this bizarre sensation.

  It pained me to see such a beautiful man in such a shocking state. His bruises were a deeper purple now, black in some areas. Some of the smaller, less significant ones were a yellow color.

  Despite all his injuries, he looked... peaceful.

  I glanced around his room. There were three bunches of flowers and I couldn’t stop myself from having a snoop at the cards. One was from his work colleagues, one from his brother Mitch and one from his parents.

  I approached the six pack of beer on the table curiously. I bit back a laugh as I read the note attached.

  I went to buy you flowers and the chick asked who the lucky lady was. I was too manly to say they were for a guy.

  Lisa liked them anyway.

  Got you a six pack for when you get your ass outta that bed.


  I ran my hand over the timber of the table, glancing between his unmoving form and the window. I sat quietly in the chair next to the head of the bed and watched him sleep. His hand twitched and I reached out for it without thinking. I caught myself in time and didn’t take it in mine, I didn’t want to disrupt the I.V’s he had. I laid my hand next to his and gently ran my fingers over his skin. He felt cold and clammy and I didn’t like it, it was almost as though he wasn’t real.

  I pulled my hand back and my gaze landed on a novel sitting on the bedside table. I picked it up.

  ‘The Longest Ride’ by Nicholas Sparks.

  I smiled. It was one of my favorite books.

  I opened to the first page and began reading aloud.


  “So... are you going to tell me, or am I gonna have to drag it out of you?” Ellerslie locked her blue eyes on mine.


  I knew I wasn’t getting out of it that easily. I’d been hopeful for a while. We’d been in our favorite café for an hour, and she’d been filling me in nonstop on all the details from her honeymoon. I’d only had to remind her three times that her husband and my brother were the same person, and the thought of their wild sex made me gag. So all in all, it was going well.

  Now it was my turn to talk.

  “If I say it out loud, it’ll make it real.”

  El laughed. “It’s real either way, Q. At least if you tell me, you won’t be alone.”

  I guess she was right... not talking about Harrison wasn’t going to make him go away.

  I sighed. “It happened that night in the hospital.” I sat my coffee down. “I was saying goodbye to Reeve and Lisa... and I just glanced at him. It was like my whole world came crumbling down.”

  El frowned. “Well that’s a good thing, right?”

  What the hell?

  “No, it’s not a good thing!”

  How on earth would that be a good thing?

  “Well you know he likes you, Q, it just took you longer to get—”

  I held up a finger to stop her talking. “Who the hell do you think we’re talking about here?”

  She gave me a ‘you are so weird’ look. “Ah... Colt?”

  I hung my head down.

  Oh god... this is so bad.

  “Oh shit,” she whispered. “We’re not talking about Colt, are we?”

  I looked up at her and shook my head slowly.

  “Oh my god... you’re talking about Harrison.” Her mouth fell open. “You’re fantasizing about your boyfriend’s brother!” she yelled.

  “Jesus, El, keep your voice down,” I hissed at her. The two tables closest to us were staring at me now.

  Just fucking great.

  “He’s not my boyfriend for God’s sake... and... and I think it’s worse than fantasizing,” I admitted guiltily.

  El studied me carefully, and I was willing to bet my favorite pair of boots that she was recalling our conversation from the night of her wedding reception.

  “He’s the one,” she finally said. “He’s the one you called me about, isn’t he?”

  I nodded, telling myself off internally for having called El that night. I’d only phoned her and Lawson to let them know that Harrison would be okay, but I’d also ended up asking vague questions about love at first sight and in turn making my best friend very suspicious.


  “You’re in love with him?” she quizzed me.

  I shook my head quickly. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve never even spoken to the man.”

  “You’re acting like you’re in love with him,” she accused.

  “There’s some kind of pull there that I can’t explain, El. It’s like gravity. I just feel like I know him.”

  “You felt all that, just from that night at the hospital?”

  And again when I went back...

  I left that part out. I didn’t want El thinking I was some crazy stalker.

  Even though I am...

  “Yeah. It was... intense.”

  Ellerslie fell silent for a moment; I could tell she was going over it all in her mind.

  “You’re totally doing the one, two combo.” She smirked.

  “The freaking what?”

  “You know,” she snickered. “Bang brother number one... then bang brother number—”

  I held my hands up for her to stop. The old lady at the next table was staring again. “Okay. Okay I get it... Jesus,” I interrupted her. “I can’t take you anywhere.”

  “Oh my god.” She cackled. “Your face... you’re definitely doing it.”

  “Calm your farm,” I hissed. “I haven’t even met the guy yet.”

  El laughed and clicked her tongue at me. “Now you know what it’s like when you embarrass me.”

  I shook my head at her and sipped my coffee.

  She finally settled down and stopped laughing at my predicament.

  “So, what are you going to do, Q?” she asked quietly.

  Here she is... helpful El.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “It’s a mess.”

  “Can you end things with Colt today?”

  “I’ve tried... I really have. I just feel like such a bitch doing it to him while Harrison’s health is still so up in the air. I wanted to wait until he woke up.”

  “You’re right. That sounds kinder,” she agreed.

  I slumped down and rested my head on the table. “What a mess.”

  How could I have made such a shambles of everything? It’s all my fault...

  “You’re not a bad person, Quinn.”

  Ellerslie always knew when I was giving myself a hard time.

  “Aren’t I?” I asked her, sitting back up straight again. “I feel like a pretty shitty person right now... ‘Oh hey, Colt, I don’t want to see you anymore, but I’d really like to see some more of your brother, if you know what I mean...’ Jesus.”

  “Well you�
�ll have to have a little more tact than that,” she joked.

  I didn’t laugh.

  “It’ll work out. You’ll work it out. What other choice do you have?”

  That was the problem... I didn’t think I had a choice at all anymore.


  I visited Harrison at the same time, every day, for the next four days, I read to him while he slept, and nobody bothered me.

  It wasn’t until the third time I’d visited that he opened his eyes and looked at me.

  His eyes weren’t like the photo I’d seen of him; they were darker, more intense. I’d wanted to study them further, but just as quickly as they’d opened, they’d shut again. I’d frozen as he’d looked at me, but when he’d drifted back to sleep, I stayed and read to him for another hour – peeking at him constantly, hopeful he might wake again.

  He didn’t.

  I’d avoided talking to Colt too much over the last few days, partly because I felt sorry for him, and I knew I was going to hurt him, but also because I didn’t want to slip up and reveal that I’d seen his brother every day for nearly a week.

  I couldn’t end things with him yet – he was still right on the edge with worry for Harrison, and he wasn’t the only one... I was becoming increasingly concerned about him too. I was sure they must have been missing something.

  Surely he should have woken up by now...

  It was early Sunday morning, and I knew it was risky coming to see him today. It was Colt’s day off, and Reeve could be around too. I pushed it out of my mind and hoped that it was early enough not to be an issue.

  I peeped around the doorframe and into his room.

  All alone.

  Where is the rest of his family? His parents?

  I sat in my usual spot and began reading, the book was getting to a really good part, and I hadn’t bothered to look up at Harrison for a while.

  I jumped as his hand rose and pushed the book down towards the bed.

  “Holy shit,” I shrieked, my heart thumping. “You scared me.”

  He groaned.

  I jumped to my feet, the book falling to the floor. “Are you okay? Shit... you’re awake... I’ll get the nurse,” I rambled, flapping around helplessly.

  “Don’t bother.” His voice was gravely and scratchy, like he desperately needed some water.

  “Why?” I asked. Ignoring him, I pressed the call button on the panel above his head three times.


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