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The Cane Series: A Complete Forbidden Romance Series (4-Book Set)

Page 14

by Shanora Williams

  It was Frankie.



  “Ah…shit...” Cane looked at me, and I stared at him, unsure of what to do. Had Dad seen us? Were we caught? My rapid heart boomed harder and faster, my pulse heavy in my ears. I pushed out of the chair again.

  “What?” I asked.

  But he didn’t get the chance to answer because Frankie walked outside with her phone in hand. She looked from Cane to me, and I started to panic, but then I remembered this was Frankie.

  Frankie, my best friend. Frankie kept all my secrets.

  “Frankie? What are you doing?” I whisper-hissed.

  “What am I doing? What are you doing! The two of you—”

  “Shh!” I looked over her shoulder, but Cane was already gone. I stepped in front of the doorway and spotted Dad and Cane talking by the top of the staircase. Dad turned to make his way back down, and Cane was about to follow him.

  He looked back at me once, his glare serious. A glare that shouted, Tell her to keep her mouth shut or I will.

  “Kandy!” Frankie hissed, her eyes the widest I’d ever seen them. “What in the hell was that? He was—he was kissing you! Touching you! What the fuck!” She was doing a whisper-yell now. Her loud whisper-yell.

  “Frankie, please. Be quiet.” I looked over the guardrail and saw Mom still out by the pool, waving around a glass of wine. I clutched Frankie’s hand and rushed through the door and up the stairs with her.

  When we’d made it safely to our room, she exclaimed, “Why didn’t you tell me, Kandy! I thought it was just a crush!”

  “It was just a crush, Frank! I swear it was but—shit.” I shoved my fingers through my hair. I was panicking all over again. What if Dad had been there instead of her? What if he’d caught us instead? I had no doubt he would have thrown Cane over the guardrail if it came down to it. My dad was that crazy.

  “Hey—listen to me!” Frankie grabbed my arm and forced me to sit on the bed. She took the spot beside me and looked me straight in the eyes. “Don’t freak out! You know me, K.J.! You know I won’t tell a fucking soul. Cross my heart.” She crossed her heart rapidly, her brown eyes still serious and also desperate for answers. “Now, with that being said, you have to tell me what the hell just happened. You’re lucky it was me who witnessed that and not your dad!”

  I dropped my gaze, staring at my legs. I still had goosebumps from that kiss—that passionate, toe-curling, delicious kiss. My heart was still racing. Fuck, my emotions were all over the place.

  “Remember that night when my dad got shot?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Yeah, Cane came to pick you up.”

  “Yeah, well, that same night, he didn’t take me to the hospital because my mom didn’t want him to bring me there, so I ended up staying with him, just in case anything happened. Anyway, we were talking that night, and I was crying and just so sad about Dad. He was drinking, and I asked him if I could have some of what he was having. He was hesitant at first, but he didn’t know how else to make me feel better so he let me have a little. Only I kind of drank the whole thing. It was scotch. It was really fucking strong.”

  “Yeah, that shit is strong,” Frank half-laughed, then waved her hand like that part didn’t matter right now.

  “So I drank that, and then he started talking about how he and Dad met. How my dad saved his mom’s life, and how he felt like he owed him for life—a lot of stuff that I didn’t know. And then I cried again because I was scared about Dad, and that story really touched my heart. I asked Cane to hold me and then…I don’t know what came over me. I mean, my hand was on his lap, and my face was so close to his, and he smelled so good, Frank. So good. He didn’t want it to happen, but I’m fucking stubborn—you know me—so I got on his lap and kissed him anyway. He stopped me at first, but then I asked him if he wanted me. He told me yes he wanted me and that he hated admitting it.”

  “Holy fucking shit,” Frankie whispered. “Then what happened?”

  “He kissed me, and then we started kind of dry humping, you know? And then he…finger-fucked me…” I cupped my mouth and stared at my best friend, waiting for her to blast me with judgment.

  Only she didn’t.

  She let out one loud laugh and then cupped her mouth too, like she couldn’t believe it’d happened either.

  “Your dad’s best friend?” she gasped.

  “I know!” I wailed. “That’s what makes it so bad. He felt horrible about it the next morning. He couldn’t even look at me, Frank. On the way to the hospital, he called it a mistake and…it kind of hurt my feelings, but deep down I knew it was true. It was a mistake on both our parts, but here’s the kicker.” I held up a hand, like I was holding the power of the universe in my palm. “That’s not the only thing that’s happened between us.”

  Her eyes stretched wider. “Wait—there’s more?”

  I nodded. “There was one day when my parents were at my dad’s rehab. Cane showed up because he was supposed to be taking my dad to a basketball game.” She nodded, impatiently waiting for the details. “He was sitting in Dad’s recliner, and I went to him and sat on his lap. He was a little more hesitant this time and told me he didn’t want to hurt my feelings again, but I didn’t care. I wanted him so bad that day. I don’t know why. I always get crazy around him, or I act like nothing else matters if we’re alone. So…I pulled his pants down and…gave him a blowjob in the living room.”

  “Holy shit, K.J! You are a fucking vixen!” Frankie stood up and held her hands out beside her head, like her mind was blown. Actually, I think she was proud of me for what I’d done. Her smile was bigger and her eyes were wider.

  “You aren’t mad that I didn’t tell you?” I asked, standing with her.

  “What? No! Fuck no! I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one with a naughty side. You play the good girl role well, my friend.” She grabbed my upper arms. “Seriously, though, you didn’t have to hide shit like that from me. I’m your best friend, K.J. You’re my only real friend. I would never betray you by telling anyone about that.”

  “I know…but Cane didn’t want anyone to know, so I kept it to myself. I didn’t want him to lose trust in me.”

  “I understand, but from now on, I’m the exception.” She shook her head and stepped back. “Wow. Now I see why you’re so pissed about Kelly being here. I would be too, if I knew he wanted me.”

  “Yeah,” I laughed.

  “I mean…shit! It’s just crazy! He was kissing you like he…like he fucking owned you, K.J. He was all over you. He can try and deny whatever he wants, but from what I saw, he wants you just as badly as you want him.”

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged and sat down on the bed again. “I can’t tell. I mean, he told me he wouldn’t bring Kelly, and he brought her anyway. He told me to break it off with Carl, so I did. He told me to use my lips only for him, so I am, but then he brings her? I don’t get it. He’s so fucking confusing sometimes. The only time he’s not is when it’s just the two of us.”

  “Hmm…well, maybe he brought her because he didn’t want what just happened on the balcony to keep happening. And because there would be a huge possibility of the two of you getting caught without someone being in the way. Fuck, if your dad even catches wind of this, he’ll fucking kill him. You do realize that, right?”

  “I know, I know! Trust me, I feel bad about it. My parents adore Cane, and if they find out what we did, they’ll flip out. I think that’s why Cane brought her, too. I think he’s trying to escape me, you know? Like he’s trying to have a reason not to be around me. He knows how I feel about her. He’s not an idiot. The sad thing is Kelly is so nice! She’s super sweet, but she has Cane and can do whatever she wants with him publicly or privately, and it makes me hate her.”

  “Dude…this is some crazy shit,” she laughed, flopping backwards on the bed. I fell back with her, and we stared up at the vaulted ceiling. “If I were in your shoes, I don’t think I’d be able to hold back either. You see how
hot he is? I’d prefer someone as experienced as him to take my V-card. It would make the experience better, unlike my first time.” She looked at me. “Wait…is that what you want?”

  I nodded and felt heat rise to my cheeks. “I wouldn’t mind it, but I know he won’t do it.”

  “You never know. Maybe there will be another time where you two are alone. You took what you wanted twice before. Why not do it again? From what you’ve told me, he doesn’t seem to be able to resist you.” She sat up, smiling hard. “Isn’t that fucking bizarre to you? That a thirty-five year old CEO of a million-dollar company can’t resist you, an eighteen year old? I would walk around like my shit doesn’t stink every fucking day. Hell, I’d make him my sugar daddy for life. Make him pay for my tuition, my car—every-fucking-thing!”

  I busted out laughing, playfully pushing her away and going for my suitcase. “He’s just Cane to me. Not a millionaire CEO.” I shrugged. “Gah, I’m so rattled. I think I need to hit the pool. You joining?”

  “You know I’m down. And hey!” Frankie rushed to the area where the kitchenette was. She opened the mini fridge and took out something and then came back. “Look what I took out of my mom’s liquor cabinet.” She held up a glass bottle of clear liquid with a blue label on it.

  “Tequila?” I gasped. “Frankie, that shit is going to fuck us up!”

  “That’s the point,” she laughed. “We’ll sneak a shot or two and take a swim. It’ll be fun!”

  I laughed and shook my head. After that kiss, I needed something to take the edge off. We got dressed in a flash. Afterward, we found plastic cups near the small kitchen area and took two shots of the tequila.

  By the time we made it down to the pool, I could feel the alcohol kicking in, swimming through my veins and giving me a slight buzz. Mom and Kelly were sitting in lounge chairs by the gate. Dad and Cane were sitting at the outside bar, watching a soccer game on the TV.

  “Taking a swim? That’s fun!” Kelly yelled our way. After what had happened, I decided not to be so much of a bitch to her. I mean, it was clear Cane still wanted me. She may have been in the way, but I had a feeling I was more important to Cane than she was.

  “Yeah, it should be!” I smiled at her, and she immediately looked over at Mom with wide eyes, like she couldn’t believe I’d given her such a chipper response. Mom returned the same shocked expression, and they both watched Frankie and me swim for a few seconds before chatting amongst themselves again.

  Before I knew it, Kelly and Mom were walking to the pool with their wine glasses in hand. They sat and dropped their feet in the water.

  “Girls, what do you think about going on a shopping spree in the morning?” Kelly asked with a bright smile. “On me.”

  “Really?” Frankie exclaimed. “On you? Like you’ll be buying whatever we pick out?”

  “Mm-hmm.” Kelly pressed her lips around the rim of her glass and sipped it.

  “Sure, that sounds fun,” I said, dropping lower so the water could wrap around my shoulders.

  “I’m always down for shopping,” Frankie announced, and Mom and Kelly smiled. They sat there for a while, talking and sipping, and then Mom got up, going for their table where the empty wine bottle was.

  “Should I grab another?” Mom asked, waving the bottle.

  Kelly looked over her shoulder and gave a swift nod. “Yeah. I think I can squeeze in one more.” Kelly got out of the pool and followed Mom to the door. They went inside, and through the window of the kitchen, I could see Mom opening the wide fridge while Kelly rested her elbows on the island counter, like she couldn’t handle another sip. She probably couldn’t, but was trying to wing it to get closer to Mom. Mom was a wine connoisseur through and through.

  Frankie swam to the deep end of the pool, and I followed her, plunging beneath the cool water and letting it run through my hair. It felt good on my hot skin. I resurfaced and gripped the cement edge. When I looked toward the bar, I spotted Cane.

  Dad was into the game, hardly paying attention to us. Cane had turned halfway, so that he could see both the pool and the game with just a simple turn of the head. He locked eyes with me, his face mellow. I couldn’t read his expression, but I did take note of the way his eyes lowered to my breasts.

  I was wearing my favorite black two-piece bikini. It was the bikini Dad hated. It made my C-cup boobs look bigger, and the bottoms were cinched in the middle so it made my butt look more like a peach.

  Water dripped from my hair and landed on my shoulders and lips. Cane watched my mouth again, eyes focused, hungry. He licked his lips once, and when Dad said something, he tore his gaze away, turned around, and focused on the game again.

  He took a swift sip from his short glass, probably hoping it would erase the taste of me from his lips.

  For me, the taste of his mouth would never be erased. Everything about him was engraved in me, seared deep, and soaked in my blood cells—his touch, his smell, even the taste of his cum.

  Everything he’d given me was going to be cherished. I just wished he could say the same.



  Kelly couldn’t help but to try and please everyone.

  I realized that as we shopped. It was in her nature, probably twisted into her DNA. She constantly asked if we were okay, if any of us were thirsty or hungry. She’d even asked Frankie if she needed her to come into the fitting room to see if the dresses fit okay, to which Frankie declined while fighting a laugh.

  After spending three full hours around Kelly, I felt bad for being such a bitch to her. She only wanted to fit in and be liked. She was trying to understand me, but I hadn’t given her the chance. All because of a man.

  I was truly in over my head. It wasn’t like that same man was ever going to call me his girlfriend or make me his wife someday, like he could with Kelly. It wasn’t like Cane had the option to put me on display and show me off to the world. I mean, he did, but neither of us were brave enough to do that. Plus, I loved my parents dearly. The last thing I wanted to do was break their hearts and ruin our bond, as well as their friendship with Cane. Our lives were much more fun with him in it than without.

  After our three-hour shopping spree, we were sitting in the food court with bags of various colors surrounding us. When we first arrived, Kelly told us her credit card was loaded and of course Frankie went berserk. I didn’t blame her. Her mom wasn’t exactly the kind of woman to go on a shopping spree. Frankie’s Mom hated malls, and instead would give her money to go alone. Frankie usually ended up going school shopping with Mom and me.

  In the food court, Kelly sat across from me, Mom beside me, and Frankie to the left of Kelly. I’d just finished eating a chicken sandwich and cinnamon pretzel. I felt like a pig for being the only one to buy something sweet, but then my best friend spared me my shameful, fat-girl thoughts by saying, “I think I want some ice cream.” She pulled out her wallet and stood. “Anyone else?”

  “Oh!” Mom sipped her tea and then nodded, standing with her. “I was eyeing the ice cream, too. I’ll come with you. Kandy, Kelly? You guys want anything?”

  “No, I’m okay,” I said.

  “I’ll take mint chocolate please.” Kelly started to hand Mom her credit card, but Mom rapidly shook her head and forced her hand back.

  “You’ve spent enough today. The least I can do is get you something sweet.” She smiled at Kelly and then took off with Frank.

  Then we were alone.

  We glanced at each other, giving awkward, lopsided smiles.

  “I just wanted to tell you,” Kelly started with laughter in her voice, breaking the ice. “Make sure you tuck the lingerie deep in your suitcase and unpack it as soon as you get home so your dad doesn’t see it.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I will.” Silence surrounded us again. I ran the pad of my finger over a heap of the cinnamon on my tray.

  “Did you get all you wanted? We can always do a little more shopping if you want to grab some more—”

  “No, Kelly.
Seriously. It’s okay.” I gave her a smile. A genuine one. “I have more than enough stuff.” I glanced at the four bags full of clothes by my feet. “Thank you for this. Frankie really appreciates it too.”

  She smiled, like her heart was melting in the best way possible from the compliment. “Anytime, Kandy. And hey—” she stretched her arm across the table and placed it on top of mine, “anytime you need a girl to go shopping with, I’m here. I love to shop. It’s all I do. Did Quinton ever tell you that I design houses and offices?”

  I shook my head and straightened my back a little more at the mention of his name. “No, he never told me, but I can see you doing something like that.”

  “Yep. I’m an interior designer. I’ve designed for all people, but my favorite person that I got to design for is someone you’ll never be able to guess…” She gave a smug smile, waiting for me to guess.


  “Adele.” She beamed, and I gasped.

  “No way! You know Adele?”

  “Yes! I worked on an office for her mother in London for two weeks. She loved it. Couldn’t stop gushing about it. And she was such a lovely woman.”

  “Wow—” I had no words. Kelly had met Adele. One of my favorite singers ever. Suddenly I wanted to become her best friend. “That’s so awesome.”

  “Yeah. Maybe I’ll have another big job like that, and I’ll be able to send you pictures.” Kelly leaned forward, her hazel eyes a little more serious now. “I really would like us to become friends, Kandy. I don’t want to force it—trust me, I remember what’s it’s like to want my own space as an eighteen-year-old woman—but if you ever need anything, just let me know. Don’t be afraid to ask me.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Kelly. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She returned a soft smile, sitting back and sipping her tea. “Quinton will be happy to know we got along.”


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