The Darkest Dawn
Page 36
50. Recollections and Reminiscences, 1861–1865, vol. 3 (South Carolina Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1992), 301.
51. Matthew Jack Davis memoir, Sherman, Texas, Public Library; E. L. Cox diary, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond.
52. New Orleans Daily Picayune, May 5, 1865; The War of the Rebellion, Series, 1, XLVI, pt. 3, 787.
53. War of the Rebellion, ser. 1, XLVI, pt. 3, 787.
54. Charles H. Pierce letters, April 19, 1865, Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis.
55. Searcher, The Farewell to Lincoln, 47.
56. Rosenblatt, Hard Marching Every Day, 324.
57. Harrell, 49; Turner, Beware the People Weeping, 50.
58. Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1865.
59. Ibid.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid.
62. Coe, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, 224.
63. Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1865; Graf, Papers of Andrew Johnson, 560.
64. Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1865.
65. Providence Daily Journal, April 10, 1865.
66. East, Civil War Diary of Sarah Morgan, 608.
67. George A. Hudson letters, “Dear Mother,” April 28, 1865, Library of Congress.
68. J. G. Davis letter, Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield.
69. Culpepper, Trials and Triumphs, 371.
70. Mary Iona Chadick diary, Alabama State Archives, Montgomery.
71. McGaughy-Wallace diary, Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort.
72. Goodrich, The Day Dixie Died, 25–26.
20. In Dungeons Dreadful
1. New York Times, April 27, 1865.
2. Henry Lawrence Burnett, “Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Assassins,” 3, 4, online edition at (original ms. at Goshen, N.Y., Library).
3. New Orleans Daily Picayune, April 30, 1865.
4. War of the Rebellion, ser. 1, XLVI, pt. 3, 885.
5. Simon, Papers of Ulysses Grant, 396.
6. Chicago Tribune, April 28, 1865.
7. New York Times, May 7, 1865.
8. Williams, Dixon, and Beekman, “A Night to Remember,” 143; Lafayette (Ind.) Daily Courier, May 3, 1865.
9. New Orleans Daily Picayune, April 22, 1865.
10. Van Deusen, Seward, 414.
11. Townsend, John Wilkes Booth, 12.
12. Ibid.
13. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 21, 1865.
14. Ibid., April 26, 1865.
15. Ibid.
16. Burnett, Assassination of President Lincoln, 8.
17. Bryan, The Great American Myth, 238.
18. Washington Evening Star, April 17, 1865.
19. Ibid., April 20, 1865.
20. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 187.
21. John Ford papers, manuscript, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore.
22. Ibid.
23. Harry Ford, “The Lincoln Assassination: A Reminiscence by the Manager of Ford’s Opera-House,” Ford’s Theater archive.
24. Statement of John Ford, Ford’s Theater archive.
25. Mary Ferren letter, April 18, 1865, Solomon Smith collection, Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis.
26. Morris, “Some Recollections,” 304.
27. Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1865.
28. Washington Evening Star, May 5, 1865.
29. Philadelphia Inquirer, April 22, 1865.
30. New York Times, April 18, 1865.
31. Washington Evening Star, May 5, 1865; Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 187.
32. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 98.
33. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 269–70.
34. New York Times, May 2, 1865.
35. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 196.
36. William Owner diary, May 2, 1865, Library of Congress.
37. Washington Evening Star, April 21, 22, 1865.
38. Goodrich, The Day Dixie Died, 53; Bryan, The Great American Myth, 246.
39. Harry Ford statement, Ford’s Theater archive.
40. John T. Ford statement, Ford’s Theater archive.
41. Ford, “Behind the Curtain of a Conspiracy,” 484.
42. Harry Ford statement, Ford’s Theater archive.
43. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 19, 1865.
44. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 243.
45. New York Times, April 19, 1865; Boston Daily Advertiser, April 19, 1865.
46. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 19, 1865; Washington Evening Star, April 22, 1865; New York Times, April 19, 1865.
47. Washington Evening Star, April 22, 1865; Roscoe, 244; New Orleans Daily Picayune, May 12, 1865; New York Times, May 15, 1865.
48. Weichmann, A True History of the Assassination, 187.
49. Ibid., 219.
21. The Wrath of God and Man
1. Bryan, The Great American Myth, 200.
2. Graf, Papers of Andrew Johnson, 597.
3. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 310.
4. Ibid.
5. New York Times, May 2, 1865.
6. Bryan, The Great American Myth, 284.
7. Ibid., 285.
8. Philadelphia Inquirer, April 25, 1865.
9. Ibid., April 20, 1865; Chicago Tribune, April 20, 1865; Washington (D.C.) Evening Star, April 20, 1865.
10. New York Times, April 22, 1865.
11. Downey, Schuykill County, 14.
12. Ibid., 15.
13. Ibid.
14. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 300; New Orleans Daily Picayune, May 3, 1865.
15. Hartford (Conn.) Daily Times, April 24, 1865.
16. New York Times, May 1, 2, 1865; Philadelphia Inquirer, April 19, 25, 1865; Munroe, “Recollections of Lincoln’s Assassination,” 427; Bryan, The Great American Myth, 228–29; Albany (N.Y.) Evening Journal, April 21, 1865; Washington Evening Star, April 20, 1865.
17. Goodrich, The Day Dixie Died, 29–30.
18. Rathbun, “The Rathbone Connection.”
19. Leavenworth (Kans.) Daily Conservative, April 23, 1865.
20. Bryan, The Great American Myth, 229.
21. Washington (D.C.) Daily Times, April 18, 1865.
22. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 311.
23. Ibid.
24. L. B. Baker, “An Eyewitness Account of the Death and Burial of J. Wilkes Booth,” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, December 1946, 427.
25. Weichmann, A True History of the Assassination, 61.
26. New York Times, May 1, 1865; Roscoe, 331; Hartford (Conn.) Daily Times, April 24, 1865.
27. Bryan, The Great American Myth, 197–98.
28. Virginia (Nev.) Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 18, 1865.
29. E. Jonas letter, Lincoln Museum, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
30. Edward Bates papers, Library of Congress.
31. Chicago Tribune, April 28, 1865.
32. Ibid.
33. Mortimer Blake, “Human Depravity: Sermon on John Wilkes Booth,” vol. 14, Rare Book and Special Collections, Library of Congress.
34. Roger L. Rosentreter, “Our Lincoln Is Dead,” Michigan History, March/April 2000, 36.
22. The Curse of Cain
1. Clarke, The Unlocked Book, 179; Rhodehamel and Taper, Right or Wrong, n. 156; Nicolay and Hay, Abraham Lincoln, 308–09.
2. Burnett, “Assassination of President Lincoln,” 6.
3. New York Times, May 1, 1865.
4. Ibid.; Washington Evening Star, April 20, July 7, 1865.
5. New York Times, May 1, 1865; Nicolay and Hay, Abraham Lincoln, 308–09.
6. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 216, 217; Weichmann, A True History of the Assassination, 194.
7. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 217.
8. New Orleans Daily Picayune, April 25, 1865.
9. Ibid., April 30, 1865.
10. Goodrich, The Day Dixie Died, 51.
11. San Francisco Daily Alta California, April 16, 1865.
12. Rhodehamel and Taper
, Right or Wrong, 157.
13. Ibid., 154, 155.
14. Clarke, The Unlocked Book, 110.
15. Ibid., 129.
16. Ibid., 131.
17. Ibid., 132.
18. Asia Booth Clarke letter, “Dear Jean,” May 22, 1865, Ford’s Theater archive.
19. Washington Evening Star, April 21, 1865.
20. Goodrich, The Day Dixie Died, 30.
21. New Orleans Times, May 2, 1865; Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1865.
22. New Orleans Times, May 2, 1865.
23. “Lincolniana,” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, March 1948, 66.
24. Bryan, The Great American Myth, 243.
25. Clark, The Assassination, 116.
26. Judson Bemis letter, April 19, 1865, Bemis Collection, Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis.
27. Randall, Mary Lincoln, 347.
28. Luthin, The Real Abraham Lincoln, 662.
29. Virginia Jeans Laas, ed., Wartime Washington: The Civil War Letters of Elizabeth Blair Lee (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991), 499.
30. Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, 282.
31. Laas, Wartime Washington, 498.
32. Ibid., 497, 499.
33. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 119.
34. Randall, Mary Lincoln, 346.
35. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 120.
23. The Mid-week Sabbath
1. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 19, 1865.
2. “Two Letters,” Charles Sanford letter, April 18, 1865.
3. Helen Varnum Hill McCalla diary, Library of Congress.
4. Randall, Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 22.
5. Boston Evening Standard, April 22, 1865.
6. Ibid.
7. Du Barry, “Eyewitness Account of Lincoln’s Assassination,” 370.
8. Brooks, Washington, D.C. in Lincoln’s Time, 234; “Two Letters,” Charles Sanford letter.
9. Letter from “Lucian,” April 18, 1865, to “Abbie,” Ford’s Theater archives; Brooks, Washington, D.C. in Lincoln’s Time, 233.
10. Brooks, Washington, D.C. in Lincoln’s Time, 234; Townsend, The Life, Crime and Capture of John Wilkes Booth, 17.
11. Luthin, The Real Abraham Lincoln, 667; Brooks, Washington, D.C. in Lincoln’s Time, 233.
12. Nicolay and Hay, Abraham Lincoln, 317; Brooks, Washington, D.C. in Lincoln’s Time, 234; Luthin, The Real Abraham Lincoln, 667; Washington Evening Star, April 20, 1865.
13. Van Deusen, William Henry Seward, 415; Springfield Illinois State Journal, April 18, 1865.
14. Brooks, Washington, D.C. in Lincoln’s Time, 235; Diary of Gideon Welles, 293.
15. Brooks, Washington, D.C. in Lincoln’s Time, 236.
16. Springfield Illinois State Journal, April 22, 1865.
17. Searcher, The Farewell to Lincoln, 66.
18. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 20, 1865.
19. Gardner Brewer letters, Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield.
20. New Orleans Daily Picayune, April 29, 1865.
21. Nellie Blow letter, April 21, 1865, Blow Family papers, Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis.
22. New Orleans Daily Picayune, April 28, 1865.
23. Francis French letter, April 23, 1865, Benjamin B. French Family papers, Library of Congress.
24. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865.
25. Abilene (Kans.) Journal, February 3, 1887.
26. Ibid.; New York Times, May 18, 1865; Edgar Langsdorf, “The Mad Hatter of Kansas,” Prairie Scout, vol. 4 (Abilene: Kansas Corral of the Westerners, 1981), 59.
27. Wilmington Delaware Republican, May 11, 1865; Langsdorf, “The Mad Hatter of Kansas,” 59.
28. Earl C. Kubicek, “The Case of the Mad Hatter,” Lincoln Herald, Fall 1981, 708.
29. Ibid., 709; Wilmington Delaware Republican, May 11, 1865.
30. New York Times, May 2, 1865.
31. Baltimore American, May 3, 1865.
32. Newark (N.J.) Daily Advertiser, May 1, 1865.
33. William C. Norton testimony, Boston Corbett pension files, National Archives; Kubicek, “The Case of the Mad Hatter,” 708; Langsdorf, “The Mad Hatter of Kansas,” 60.
34. Kubicek, “The Case of the Mad Hatter,” 708.
35. Newark (N.J.) Daily Advertiser, May 1, 1865.
36. Wilmington Delaware Republican, May 11, 1865.
37. New York Times, May 2, 1865.
38. Wilmington Delaware Republican, May 11, 1865.
39. New York Times, May 2, 1865.
40. Byron Berkeley Johnson, Abraham Lincoln and Boston Corbett with Personal Recollections of Each (Waltham, Mass., 1914), 48.
41. New York Times, May 2, 1865.
42. Ibid; Boston Corbett letter to “Dear Brother Eddy,” May 13, 1865, Boston Corbett papers, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka.
43. Johnson, Abraham Lincoln and Boston Corbett, 50.
24. Oh! Abraham Lincoln!
1. George C. Maynard, “That Evening at Ford’s,” Ford’s Theater archive.
2. Luthin, The Real Abraham Lincoln, 668.
3. Power, Abraham Lincoln, 34.
4. Ibid., 35; Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 141; Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1865.
5. New York Tribune, April 22, 1865.
6. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 143.
7. Power, Abraham Lincoln, 35; Ozias Hatch letters, to “Julia,” April 22, 1865, Sangamon Valley Collection, Lincoln Library, Springfield, Illinois.
8. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, 143; Power, 36.
9. Philadelphia Inquirer, April 24, 1865.
10. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 144.
11. Washington Evening Star, April 28, 1865.
12. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 144.
13. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865; Ozias Hatch letter, April 22, 1865.
14. Peskin, “Putting the ‘Baboon’ to Rest,” 26.
15. Ibid.
16. Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 144; Power, Abraham Lincoln, 37.
17. Power, Abraham Lincoln, 37.
18. Searcher, The Farewell to Lincoln, 111.
19. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865.
20. Ibid.
21. Undated, untitled newspaper clipping, Ford’s Theater archives; Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865.
22. Jessie Ames Marshall, ed., Private and Official Correspondence of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler during the Period of the Civil War, vol. 5 (Norwood, Mass.: The Plimpton Press, 1917), 598.
23. Chicago Tribune, April 24, 1865.
24. Ibid.
25. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865; W. Springer Menge and J. August Shimrak, eds., The Civil War Notebook of Daniel Chisholm: A Chronicle of Daily Life in the Union Army, 1861–1865 (New York: Orion, 1989), 158.
26. Chicago Tribune, April 24, 1865.
27. New York World, April 25, 1865.
28. Chicago Tribune, April 24, 1865.
29. Henry S. Wilson letter, Ford’s Theater archive.
30. Philadelphia Inquirer, April 24, 1865; Searcher, The Farewell to Lincoln, 117; New York World, April 25, 1865; Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 150.
31. Chicago Tribune, April 24, 1865.
32. Philadelphia Inquirer, April 24, 1865; Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865.
33. New York World, April 25, 1865.
34. Ibid.
35. Philadelphia Inquirer, April 24, 1865; Chicago Tribune, April 24, 1865.
36. Philadelphia Inquirer, April 24, 1865; Kunhardt and Kunhardt, Twenty Days, 150.
37. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865.
38. Undated, untitled article, Ford’s Theater archive.
39. Boston Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1865; undated, untitled article, Ford’s Theater archive.
40. Searcher, The Farewell to Lincoln, 113.
25. The Fox and the Hounds
1. Chicago Tribune, April 22, 1865.
2. New York Times, April 27, 1865.r />
3. Washington Evening Star, June 5, 1865.
4. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 148.
5. Chicago Tribune, April 28, 1865.
6. Ibid., May 3, 1865.
7. Ibid., April 28, 1865; Washington Evening Star, April 28, 1865.
8. Wainwright, A Philadelphia Perspective, 496.
9. Goodrich, The Day Dixie Died, 144.
10. Washington Evening Star, April 28, 1865.
11. Goodrich, The Day Dixie Died, 142–43; New York Times, May 2, 1865.
12. Burnett, Assassination of President Lincoln, online edition.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 274.
16. Randall, Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 28.
17. Weichmann, A True History of the Assassination, 227.
18. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 265.
19. Ibid., 268.
20. Ibid., 265; Washington Evening Star, July 7, 1865. Steers, Blood on the Moon, 209.
21. Washington Evening Star, July 7, 1865.
22. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 264–65; James L. Swanson and Daniel R. Weinburg, Lincoln’s Assassins: Their Trial and Execution (Santa Fe, N.M.: Arena Editions, 2001), 17; George L. Porter, “How Booth’s Body Was Hidden: The True Story Told for the First Time in the Columbian,” box 7, Otto Eisneshiml collection, Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield.
23. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 265.
24. Bryan, The Great American Myth, 235.
25. Ibid., 235.
26. Roscoe, Web of Conspiracy, 148.
27. Graf, The Papers of Andrew Johnson, 578–79.
28. Turner, Beware the People Weeping, 113.
29. Untitled newspaper clipping, June 10, 1865, Ford’s Theater archive; The War of the Rebellion, series 1, XLVI, pt. 1, 1318.
30. Baker, “An Eyewitness Account,” 429.
26. Blade of Fate
1. Betsy Fleet, ed., “A Chapter of Unwritten History: Richard Baynham Garrett’s Account of the Flight and Death of John Wilkes Booth,” Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, October 1963, 393.
2. Washington Evening Star, May 6, 1865.
3. Hanchett, The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies, 152.
4. Edwina Booth Grossman, Edwin Booth: Recollections by His Daughter (New York: Century, 1894), 227.