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Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2]

Page 5

by Alanea Alder

  “What! Why?” Kate asked.

  “Well, he had it in his mind that she would mate within the leap and stay home and raise lots of grand-babies for him to dote on, being the good little wife,” Caleb said.

  “Let me guess, she hated staying still.”

  Caleb nodded. “The only reason we were able to meet in Nepal is because her mother, before she died, made her father promise to send Renee to school. She was in graduate school when we met. She lived every day to its fullest, knowing that someday she would have to return to the leap and give birth, staying until her children were grown. She was wild and crazy, always wanting to try something different. She could have had another ten years to herself before being asked to reproduce for the leap, but her father made sure she was one of the first asked. So she asked me to be the father, knowing it would drive him crazy.” He smiled.

  “The look on the old man’s face when we showed up and she announced that I would be the father of her children was priceless. But he couldn’t dictate who she reproduced with, so we made arrangements with a local fertility clinic and then the boys came along.” He placed another blanket in the box and picked up a washcloth. He gripped it tightly in his hands.

  “I knew he hated me but never really paid attention. Most of the leap accepted me and I made quite a few friends there, but I could never seem to get on his good side. One day I was in the kitchen with the boys when I offered Landon some orange juice. I was the only one in the house that drank it, so it was like my own personal stash. The old man was just coming into the kitchen and knocked the glass away from my hand, spilling a little on Landon. I remember just staring at him in shock when an odd smell started to come from the spilled orange juice. He just stood there, clutching his chest and breathing hard. He had poisoned the juice and I had almost given it to my son. It would have made me violently ill. It wouldn’t have been deadly given my age, weight, and height. But Landon was so young and tiny.” Caleb stopped and threw the washcloth into the box, taking deep breaths as his old anger returned.

  “It took Renee and four other leopards to get my hands from around his throat. When Renee learned what had happened, she threatened to pack up the boys and leave. The old man just broke down right there in the kitchen. I think it shocked her and a lot of the leap members. He was one of the Elders in charge of the leopards and to see him come so completely undone…” Caleb shook his head and took a deep breath.

  “After that we settled into an easy truce. He loved the boys with every cell in his body. He would stay up with them and feed them. He spared no expense when they set up their nursery. I think seeing what his hate could have done really turned things around for him. When I got home the day of the attack I found his body in the hallway in front of the boys’ room. I still don’t know if he knew the room was empty when he died since I had snuck the boys out for the photos.”

  Caleb looked over at Kate to see tears spilling over her cheeks. She opened her arms and he eagerly wrapped his arms around her, needing to feel the warmth of another person after reliving the worst day of his life.

  “It’s awful what he was going to do to you, but you could see how much he loved them. It’s in the way you painted his eyes.” Kate turned in his arms so that they both faced the mural.

  “It’s why I don’t want the boys to forget him. He loved them both so much.” Caleb rested his chin on the top of her head. He loved the fact that she was tall for a woman. He didn’t have to reach down to kiss her. He didn’t know how Aleks Arkadion did it. His mate was tiny.

  “Who are they?” she said and giggled. He looked to where she was pointing and smiled.

  “That is Rafe and Rashin. Personality wise they were like your Rian and Damian. Fun-loving and goofy, but loyal. They were Renee’s littermates. They used to tease Renee about all the things they were going to teach the boys to do. They were my best friends besides Renee. I never found their bodies, only a lot of blood and fur in their rooms. I knew they put up one hell of a fight.” Caleb continued to hold Kate, letting go of the feelings of grief he had been holding in. He didn’t realize how much he had needed to talk about his leopard family until now.

  “You should do a picture book. Draw all the people and leopards and tell stories about when the boys were babies so they can see the kind home they were born into and the family that loved them.”

  Kate turned to face him. She was worried at the blank expression on his face. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything about painting. Some artists were picky about suggestions. Suddenly his face broke out into a huge smile. He picked her up and swung her around.

  “That’s an amazing idea! I never thought about doing book illustrations before. I like how it would have stories to go along with the pictures. But… I’m not a writer.” Caleb stopped, not realizing that Kate was dangling about a foot above the ground. She loved his strength.

  “We’ll find someone then. Maybe you could do different volumes as they grow up. We could give it to them every year at Christmas. It could be our first family tradition.” She looked up at him excitedly. He smiled and set her down before crushing her to him.

  “Thank you, Kate. Thank you for being my mate and being so damn perfect,” he said, holding her.

  She shook her head and looked up at him.

  “I don’t know about being perfect, but I’m grateful as hell to have you and Bran as my mates.”

  “Are you two almost done in there?” Bran yelled from the parlor. “One of the boys smells like shit and I think the other one is hungry. He keeps trying to eat my fingers.”

  Kate’s and Caleb’s eyes widened as they stared at each other. Then both began to laugh uncontrollably.

  “It’s not funny, seriously. What in the hell do you feed these guys? Oh God! Guys! I think the other one just shit too! Get your asses in here!” Bran yelled.

  “That’s your mate and Alpha in there demanding assistance,” Kate said between bouts of laughter.

  “You mean the man who is freaking out over dirty diapers?” Caleb said, catching his breath. “Come on, giggles, let’s go save our Alpha.”

  Caleb wrapped an arm around her waist. She smiled and they both headed back into the parlor to teach their Alpha about poopy diapers.

  Chapter 6

  “Rian, get off your lazy cat ass and help.” Riley grunted as he carried some of the last boxes into the room that had quickly been emptied to serve as the boys’ nursery. He put the boxes down in the adjoining sitting room and walked in rubbing his back. Rian looked up and gave a bright smile.

  “Thank goodness! These boys were just about to get their diapers changed. Good thing, too, because I think it’s going to be messy. I’ll unpack those boxes and you can show the boys how awesome you are as Uncle Riley.” Rian got up from where he had been sitting cross-legged in front of the Pack ‘N play. Riley paled and backed away slowly.

  “That’s okay. I mean the boys come first. I’ll leave that to you, Rian, since you have already kinda bonded with them.”

  Riley did an about-face and practically ran down the stairs. Caleb, who was standing off to one side putting clothes away in a small dresser, chuckled under his breath. Rian looked over at him and winked.

  “What is it about the male wolves here and fears of dirty diapers?” Caleb asked.

  “I should go tell him they were changed not fifteen minutes ago. How did you know to come over? I thought Bran only called Riley,” Caleb said, finishing up and closing the dresser drawer.

  “He did, but Riley was in the diner grabbing something to eat when he called. I overheard the conversation and invited myself. I figured you would need someone to keep the boys out of the way. And don’t you dare breathe a word about the diapers. If you do, I’ll cancel the order for the red-and-black leather bustier I ordered for Kate with Bran’s credit card.” Rian held up Lucas’s toy elephant. Caleb’s eyes widened.

  “You are a master and I bow down to your wisdom,” Caleb said, giving a mock half bow.

; Rian snorted and rolled his eyes. “Darlin’, I’ve been trying to get a man like you to bow down to me for years,” he said, making the elephant dance.

  “Fate just hasn’t found anyone good enough for you yet.” Caleb picked up Landon. He carried him over to the changing tables to get him into his pajamas. Rian scooped up Lucas, walked over to join Caleb and Landon, and began to get Lucas in his pajamas, too. Both boys yawned, rubbing their eyes with small fists.

  “Kate said you’re willing to babysit,” Caleb said kissing, Landon’s tummy.

  Rian nodded. “I would love to. I used to watch the cubs in my old pride. I miss helping out with children.” Rian picked up the pajama-clad Lucas and nuzzled his neck. The little boy snuggled into Rian’s arms.

  “You’re a natural around kids. The twins have obviously taken to you. Do you think you could watch them tomorrow afternoon? I need to go see Mojo to let him know I’ll be quitting as soon as he can find a replacement and I need to order some art supplies.” Caleb picked, picking up a yawning Landon.

  “Sure thing! I’ll be here with bells on,” Rian said, carrying Lucas over and putting him in his crib. Caleb settled Landon down next to his twin. Normally he had them sleep apart, but when he had moved into the plantation house, the boys had wanted to be together until their surroundings became more familiar. He figured it would be best to keep them together for a while.

  “Thanks, I really appreciate it,” Caleb said quietly as they walked out of the nursery.

  Kate and Bran walked up.

  “Did we miss saying goodnight?” Bran asked.

  Caleb nodded. “We just put them down. They usually sleep through the night, so they shouldn’t be up again until about seven.

  “Well, boys and girls, this lion is tuckered out. I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow. Try not to break her, boys.” Rian laughed as Kate began to blush furiously.

  Caleb and Bran gave masculine chuckles and waved to Rian. Kate had been thinking about tonight since Caleb had announced he would move in. In a single afternoon, the pack had moved all of his furniture and belongings into the Pack house. It helped immensely that he hadn’t really unpacked from the first move.

  All three stood in the hallway, staring at each other. Finally unable to take the tension, Kate ran her fingernails down each man’s chest, each one of them drawing in a sharp breath. She faked a yawn.

  “Well, I’m heading to bed.” She walked toward the master bedroom. She wasn’t disappointed when two seconds later Caleb had swung her up and over his shoulder. She laughed and looked up to see Bran following, his eyes filled with lust. She had a feeling she was in a world of trouble.

  Caleb carried her into the bedroom and set her on her feet in the middle of the room. He looked at Bran.

  “Have you played with restraints?” he asked. Bran shook his head and Caleb smiled.

  “Go lie down. You will be her restraints,” Caleb said, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

  Kate’s eyes zeroed in on his massive chest. She wanted to run her hands over every ridge and muscle. Bran finished undressing and lay down on the bed, his back propped up on the headboard.

  Caleb stopped undressing, leaving his pants on.

  “Undress,” he said, his voice deeper than usual.

  Kate hesitated, then lifted her shirt up over her head. She unbuttoned her jeans and stepped out of them then kicked them into the corner. She looked up and smiled before reaching behind her and unhooking her bra. She let that fall to the floor in front of her and his nostrils flared. She stuck her thumbs in the front of her panties and shimmied them down to reveal her closely trimmed mound.

  Caleb started walking around her, looking her up and down. He ran a finger down her spine and she let out a breath. When he stood in front of her again, he reached forward and lightly pinched her nipple. She arched her back, pressing more of her breast against his hand. He smiled and shook his head.

  “Be good, baby, I’m in charge of your pleasure tonight,” Caleb said, removing his hand completely.

  “Go lie against Bran with your back against him. Bran, secure her arms and spread her legs wide.”

  Caleb walked to the end of the bed. Kate did what he asked and easily slid into Bran’s arms. He held each wrist in a firm grip and held her arms on either side of her. He brought his legs up and hooked them on the inside of her thighs at her knees, spreading her legs open for Caleb.

  Caleb could see Kate’s breaths becoming shallow. Bran pressed his hard cock into her lower back and she moaned.

  Caleb slipped off his jeans and walked over to the nightstand. He opened and closed the drawer, grabbing a small tube before going to stand at the end of the bed, watching her reactions. He started stroking his engorged cock. Kate’s tongue darted out to lick her lips. He could see her eyes staring at his leaking prick.

  “You want this, baby?” he asked.

  She nodded. He ran his hand over the crown and used his thumb to smear pre-cum down his length. He knew the second his scent hit her because her pretty blue eyes shifted to yellow and he smelled her wolf close to the surface. He climbed on to the bed, leaned his face close to her mound and blew lightly across the curls.

  “Dammit, Caleb!” Kate exclaimed, squirming in Bran’s grasp.

  “Do something!” He watched Kate squirm and moan as if in pain. He smiled wickedly and he held up a tube.

  “Have you ever had anyone in your ass, lovely baby?” he asked, pouring the gel on his fingers.

  Kate’s eyes widened. “No. Bran and I have played a bit, but he has never taken me there.” She watched as his hand disappeared from sight a second before the cool gel touched her tight rosette.

  “Since you like a bit of pain with your pleasure, I think you will be okay with just a little prep work.” Caleb eased one finger in and then pulled it out. He could see Bran flex his thighs as Kate tried to move her legs.

  “Be a good girl and I’ll make you fly.” Caleb slicked up a second finger.

  Gently he eased in both fingers and pulled them out before plunging them back in. He repeated this and noticed she was breathing hard. He eased the two fingers in again then opened them up inside her, stretching her more. She might be into pain, but neither he nor Bran were small men. There was pain and then there was damage. And he would never do that to his beautiful mate.

  “Do you like that, lovely baby? Do you want a cock in your ass?” Caleb asked as he delved deeper.

  “Yes! Please fuck my ass!” Kate begged.

  When he got to three fingers, she was trying to scoot her body down to thrust down on his fingers. He looked up at Bran, who had a fine sheen of sweat over his brow.

  “How you doing, man?” Caleb asked and Bran looked up and nodded.

  “I’m okay, but much more and I might go. Every time she moves, she’s rubbing against my dick and it’s driving me crazy.”

  Caleb nodded. He thrust three fingers inside her dark channel and used his other hand to press down on her pelvis so she couldn’t move.

  “Caleb, Caleb, Caleb!” she chanted.

  When she stopped her movements under his hand, he lightly tapped her clit and felt her tight hole clench around his fingers.

  “Bran, pass me one of her wrists and fill her sweet ass.”

  Caleb took Kate’s right wrist in his hand. Bran let go of Kate and reached down between them to take his hard cock and guide it into her. Caleb used his right hand to shift her body up so that Bran could impale her. With a single snap of his hips, Bran was fully seated in her tight ass. Bran moaned low in his throat and Kate gasped. Bran took back control of her right wrist and Caleb took his place between her legs.

  Bran held still and waited for Caleb’s direction.

  Caleb twisted first the left then the right nipple. Tears started to stream down Kate’s cheeks. In any other instance, Caleb would be concerned he was hurting his lover, but he knew that these tears represented pure pleasure.

  He brought his hand down, grabbed his cock, and guided it into her slic
k folds. She was so wet she had juices dripping between her ass cheeks and onto Bran. He smiled. His lovely baby was definitely feeling nothing but pleasure. Without any warning, he shoved his cock as deep as he could inside of her. She screamed beneath him and started to buck her hips. With Bran inside of her, she was extremely tight. He set a rhythm, which Bran instinctively started to match. When Caleb withdrew, Bran plunged deep and when Bran withdrew, Caleb slammed his body against her with such force it moved all three of them. It wasn’t long before Kate started crying and tossing her head from side to side, chanting.

  “Please, oh God, oh please don’t stop, Oh God!”

  Caleb looked down and he felt sweat drip down his back. With her so tight around him, he wasn’t going to last long. He met Bran’s eyes and he nodded. Both of them thrust into her at the same time. Caleb harshly pinched her clit. She screamed loud and started to shake. Caleb felt her body clench around him and through the thin membrane in her body, he felt Bran’s knot extend. This triggered his own orgasm. He leaned down and as Bran bit down on her left shoulder, Caleb bit down on her right.

  He felt his soul lift up and merge with Kate and then Bran. He felt the piece of Bran with Kate’s soul and Kate’s soul with Bran’s and soon all three intertwined and settled back down into their bodies. He felt his knot enter her and she screamed again and gave one last shudder before her body went limp and her eyes closed a blissful expression on her face. Very carefully, he and Bran rolled over to one side with Kate still between them.

  Breathing heavily, he wrapped his arm around Kate’s waist and Bran wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

  “I knew I would have a bond with Kate as her mate, but I never thought ours would be this close. Do you think Landon and Lucas will feel a bond like this as twins?” Caleb asked Bran.

  “I hope so. This is an amazing feeling. It’s like I know you’ll always be there to have my back,” Bran said as his breathing slowed down.

  Caleb nodded. Just then the door to the master bedroom flew open and Riley stood there, eyes wide. Caleb quickly grabbed a blanket and tossed it over their waists where they were still joined.


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