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Rise of the Titan

Page 14

by Pressley James

  He zeroed his mind on a blank spot in the distance.

  In some small capacity, the present became bearable.

  It was dark…so damned dark…

  Outside the window, the rain was falling hard from the cloudy sky and was soaking the earth. The thunder and lightning was just as ferocious and mad as the man beating the literal crap out of him.

  And what a beating it was…

  He’d been in pain before, but not like this.

  Usually, it was a dull ache that eventually numbed. Yet, this pain lingered and festered in his body. So much so, that it hurt to even breathe, he wheezed, curling further into a tight ball. The last kick to his ribcage nearly did him in. In that very spot, his flesh was raw and stinging through the shirt. A red sticky wetness made the cotton fabric cling closer against his skin. Naturally, the belt lashings had left a trail of destruction along his flesh.

  But, I’m not going to cry out, he vowed, shutting his mind down.

  Finally, a hair-raising second later, the physical beating stopped.

  Still, his father’s maniacal words played over his head. “That ought to shut you up, at least for a little while, eh? Like I said, what happens between me and your mother is none of your business. I came here to teach her a lesson. But, like always, you intervened and tried to show your shit. When are you going to learn that there’s no stopping me?” Vitali sneered, staring down at him on the floor, and gave a nasty laugh. “Stop fighting against what and who you are. You’re not better or above me. In fact, you’re beneath me.” He swung his gaze in the direction of his mother. “I own her. She belongs to me. Why the idea crossed her mind that I don’t is beyond my understanding. In a thousand life times, she will never be rid of me.” A dead iciness filled his words. “The bitch actually believes that she can be with another man. Well, that makes her even crazier than she already is.” His cold gaze dropped back down to him. “I’m going to teach her a lesson. Once I’m done with her tonight, another man will never want to see her, let alone touch her.” He quickly snatched the rope from the floor. “But, I know you, boy. You always try to be the gallant hero even when you’re down. That won’t happen tonight.”

  “No,” he whispered, distressed, and in deep pain. As his father bound the rope around his body, he struggled as much as he could. He fought to move, but the tiniest movement paralyzed him to the floor. The tears came freely now and coursed down his face. He was too battered and beaten to move. His tearful words were barely audible. “Please, leave her alone.”

  Ignoring him, Vitali called out to his mother. “Lola…Lola…” Laughing coldly, he stepped over his wiggling body and trailed towards the corner. Against the wall, she lay there in a crumpled heap. As he drew closer to her, he was even more menacing. “Lola…where are you, my sweet Lola?”

  “Please,” he pleaded helplessly again. “Don’t hurt her.”

  Somehow, he managed to turn his head.

  The sight was terrifying.

  His father towered over his mother’s limp form, and it seemed that she was at least semi-conscious. But, like him, she was badly beaten, battered, and bruised. Wheezing and sobbing, she tried to rise and failed. Her inability to fight back only pleased his monstrous father more. “Yeah, bitch. Who’s the man now? Not the one that you’ve fucked that’s for sure.”

  “I don’t care about him! But, please don’t hurt Braden, please…” she pleaded frantically. “He’s just a boy. Where is he---?”As her skittish fell on him, she broke into more sobs. “What have you done to him? Dear heavens, please tell me that you haven’t killed my son.”

  “Your son?” Vitali snapped, stepping closer to her. “What are trying to say, Lola bitch? That I have no claim to my own flesh and blood?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying,” she shook her head in fast denial, and her disheveled tresses swept against the wall. “Of course, he’s your son. It’s just that---”

  “You’ve been disrespecting me here lately, dear lover, and your latest betrayal is stinging,” Vitali said softly, yet the softness was tinged with unbridled anger. “The fact that you went out with another man and screwed him…well, let’s just say that it has fucked my mind over.” He knelt down beside her. “And you are going to pay.” He smiled menacingly. “That means, of course, that your punishment has to be severe. So severe that you’ll never forget this lesson.” He stood up slowly and loomed over her again. He extracted a small vial from his pocket and then twisted it between two fingers. “A man like me…well…let’s just say that we can acquire resources that others can’t.”

  She eyed the bottle suspiciously. “What is that?”

  “Why don’t I spell it out for you, you dumb fuck?” Vitali snapped. “A-C-I-D.”

  “W—what are you going to do with it?” she stammered, huddling closer to the wall.

  “Hmmm….” Vitali smiled callously. “You’ll find out soon enough.” His smile died. “How many times have I told you that you’re only supposed to be beautiful for me? No other man is supposed to look at you, want you, or touch you.” Slowly, he unscrewed the cap from the vial. Then, he dropped down to the floor again and grabbed her face. “I’ve always thought that your most stunning feature is the left side. Oh sweet love, it’s so perfectly lined on the edge, and I’ve always admired how the color clings to your cheekbones.”

  Laughing cruelly, he tilted the vial.

  “Carlo, no,” she cried out with biting fear. “Please don’t---no, no, no!”

  A painful scream was ripped from his mother.

  It echoed throughout the walls of the house.

  Every bit of her pain, he felt it to the deepest depths of his soul.

  “Mama!” he screamed in agony, wiggling against the tight rope. “Mama…!”

  The screaming turned to crazed sobs.

  The screaming never stopped….

  Gasping wildly, he clutched his head and tried to block out the sound. Still, the screams inside were unbearably loud. Taking an unsteady breath, he struggled against the rising panic attack. It was only several minutes later that he was back to his usually controlled self.

  Somewhat calm now, he walked back to the window.

  Staying silent, he peered out again.

  The ugly smearing past…

  Fuck, he lived it and breathed it…

  It was the driving force behind his actions.

  “And I will win,” he vowed quietly to the darkness. “I swear on my life that I’m going to make you pay. Anything and everything that you claim to love or possess, it’ll be mine.” Raising the fresh glass of alcohol in the air, he toasted the night. “Rise of the Titan---the fucking wrecking ball that you’ll never see coming.”

  Chapter 7

  It was a quarter to one before she rose.

  After sitting up in the bed, she combed a hand through her disheveled tresses before passing a quick glance around the room. Hopefully, there weren’t any more hidden surprises.

  Speaking of surprises, she mulled, falling back against the pillows.

  The past few days had been quite unforgettable.

  She’d made unbelievable progress in getting close to Braden, though most of the actions that led her here had been totally unintentional. Like the storm, getting lost, the flat tire…But, the preceding events and facts before all of that trumped everything…their steamy encounter…the fact that they were both dangerously attracted to the other…

  There was no disputing any of that.

  She bit her bottom lip.

  And that complicated matters tremendously…

  Plus, Lola, his mother….

  Clearly, her condition required professional attention. Although, she’d only witnessed his mother’s irrational behavior for a brief time, it was apparent that she was traumatized beyond belief. Braden was struggling with every aspect of the daunting situation.

  But, why did she care about all of that?

  In fact, it wasn’t her job to care!

  But, you do,
her inner conscience breathed.

  Isn’t that the colossal giant that you’re battling now?

  She shoved the covers off and swung both legs over the side of the bed. But, still, she didn’t leave it. “No, I’m not about to go there,” she said with a fierce frown. “Why am I doing this to myself? I know why I’m here, and I know exactly what I have to do. So, stop pestering me, inner me. You have no place in this case.” She spied her clothes on the chair. Her nose wrinkled in distaste. “If I have to wear you continuously, I’m going to rot. But, what choice do I have?”

  Several moments later, she was stepping from the shower. Singing under her breath, she wiped the residual water away and then wound the towel around her. Her damp feet left small tracks as she crossed the tiled floor. Without so much as a further thought, she stepped inside the bedroom. But, at the very sight of her intruder, she paused in the threshold.


  Her heart beat quickened.

  Again, his male masculinity was overpowering.

  The blue denim shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, and it was unbuttoned about halfway. Enough to reveal his tattoo…His ruggedness was exemplified ten-fold by the denim jeans and black boots. Watching her closely, he lounged casually on the side of the bed, and then finally, he offered her one of his signature smiles. “And my damsel finally joins the living.”

  A warm, pleasing flush stained her face.

  She ignored her thundering heartbeat.

  “Have you ever heard of knocking?” Her brows pinched in frown, although her insides were churning with an invitation. And invitation that she certainly shouldn’t consider! Trying to appear nonchalant, she paused for breath. “What are you doing here?”

  “I did knock---twice,” he murmured and stood slowly. Still, though, he continued to hover by the bedside rather than leaving it. An unreadable look played in his eyes. “But, you didn’t answer.”

  “So, rather than waiting for a response from me you came in anyway?” She clutched the top edges of the towel, and then raised her chin stubbornly. “Again, why are you here?”

  “To apologize about last night.” His expression turned even more serious. “I wanted to say that I’m sorry.”

  She gave a dumbfounded look. “What reason would you have to apologize?”

  “You’re a guest in my house.” His eyes slid down her semi-nude form before straying to hers. This time, he couldn’t disguise his deep interest. “First, it was rude of me to leave you alone yesterday and then later….the situation with my mother. I should have had better control over the situation.”

  Was he really feeling guilty over last night’s events?

  She loosened her death grip on the towel before dropping her hands. Then, some lunacy propelled her forward. With her every step, she carried herself closer to the danger zone. Once she was a few feet away from him, she stopped. “And just how are you to blame? There isn’t any quick fix for situations such as last night.” She paused for a brief second. “What were you supposed to do exactly? Abandon your mother in her greatest hour of need? If you’d done that, you wouldn’t be a real man, and there certainly wouldn’t be anything to respect about you.” She forced herself to hold his gaze. “Don’t you think that you should stop being so hard on yourself? Considering the situation, you handled it in the best way possible.”

  Her verbal challenge stunned him.

  The astonishment mirrored on his face, but he masked it quickly. “Well, shit, that actually sounds like a compliment,” he said quietly, but a sensual nature laced his words. With his every subtle visual caress of her body, it exemplified the chemistry between them. “From you, damsel, I’ll take it.”

  She fought against his naked charisma.

  Outwardly, she won, and inwardly, she failed.

  “I suppose that it was a compliment.” Even if she wanted, she couldn’t look away from him. His presence alone was enough to rattle her senses. Still, she managed a slight rebuttal to her plight, though it was teasing. “But, don’t let it go to your head.”

  Amusement sparkled in his eyes. “Point taken.”

  “If that’s all, I’d like to get dressed.” She took a slight step back. “That is without any company.”

  His lips twitched at both corners. “Guess that’s your way of kicking my ass out? Don’t worry, I can take a hint.” As he chucked her chin playfully, he drew a helpless smile from her, and then moved past. Once reaching the door, he turned, and his gaze shot to her again. “See you downstairs?”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  When the door closed behind him, she was still smiling.


  Several moments later, she ventured downstairs.

  When she reached the living area, he was lounging on the huge sectional with his booted feet propped on the coffee table. Upon seeing her, he rose from the sofa and greeted her. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” she said shyly and came to a sudden stop before him. As the somersaults took hold in her stomach, she mentally cursed herself. Why couldn’t she control herself around this man! With all hope, her nervousness wasn’t showing! “I hope that I didn’t take long.”

  “You didn’t.” He released a fast sigh. “Listen, about earlier. Shit, I overplayed things. It was wrong of me to come into your room unannounced like that---”

  “No, it’s okay---”

  “Damn it, woman. Please, stop trying to shift the blame off of me,” he chided with a gentle roughness. “I should have respected your privacy. But, I didn’t. Look, I’m hardly a gentleman, and most people are disappointed with that fact. Hell, I am who I am.” He stared at her point blank. “If anything, though, you are a lady through and through. It was remiss of me not to treat you with the kindness and respect that you deserve.” He bowed slightly before her. “So, again, I’m sorry.”

  Her entire insides warmed.

  Was Braden “Titan” Jameson really a cold and vicious killer?

  In a moment like this, it didn’t seem plausible.

  She offered a tiny smile. “I forgive you.”

  He gave an irresistible grin. “Good. Know what I’ve been thinking, damsel? From the very beginning, we’ve gotten off to a horrible start. So, why don’t we start over?” He extended a hand. “I’m Braden Jameson, and you are?”

  She grasped his hand, and instantly wished that she hadn’t. The fiery sensations gripped her within their binds, and the look on his features said that he’d felt them as well. Still, she managed, “Bella Spencer.”

  “Nice to meet you, Bella Spencer.” With reluctance, he released her hand and then teased. “While my pedigree is certainly questionable in parts, I can assure you that I’m a pretty likeable fellow.” He winked playfully. “At least that’s what I’d like to think.”

  She giggled. “Are you certain about that?”

  “Of course, I’m certain.” He dropped back down onto the sofa. “Why don’t you sit down and join me?”

  As she sat down, she left some space between them.

  Before long, they were discussing mundane topics. Soon, she’d relaxed completely and found that he was enjoyable company. They found that they enjoyed watching the same TV dramas and comedies. As the time grew, they even sampled some of them, discussing the plots or laughing outright at the clumsy comedy. It wasn’t until Carmine sailed into the room around 6:50 pm that she realized the passage of time.

  “Sounds like the two of you are enjoying yourselves, and heaven knows laughter is foreign in this house. So, it’s really good to hear it for once,” Carmine offered with a pleased smile, glancing between the two of them. “Sorry to intrude, but dinner’s ready. There’s mouthwatering roasted lamb, garlic rice, sautéed potatoes, and peach cobbler. Clearly, that’s more than enough to satisfy the palette.”

  He surged forward on the sofa. “Sounds good, Carmine, and I guess it’s time that we all have dinner. I’ll round up Mama and Cassius.”

  “Unfortunately, it’ll be just the two of you,” Carmine said
with regret. “Cassius is holed up in that hideout of his in the woods. Lola pitched such a fit earlier, demanding to return to the garden house. Naturally, I had no choice but to adhere to her wishes. I’ll be at the garden house and keeping a close watch on her.”

  “No, Carmine.” Shaking his head fast, he stood up quick. “I’m not going to burden you with that. You stay here and have dinner with Bella. I’ll go. While Mama is upset with me right now, I can’t avoid----”

  “It’s not a burden. As a matter of fact, I want to go.” Carmine sized him up fast with a probing stare. “Lola and I enjoy one another’s company. In many ways, we can relate to each other. Besides that, you need to relax and unwind. That won’t happen with you going there. Plus, you and your mother need space from each other right now. Don’t argue with me on any of this, Titan. You’ll lose, son.”

  “You’re right,” he acquiesced with a deep sigh. “Give her my love, will you?”

  A short moment later, they’d settled at the dining table.

  “Don’t worry about your job. I’ve already spoken with management and handled things.” He passed her a fleeting glance before chewing on his food. “So, consider this hiatus as being a mini-vacation.” He winked at her. “The only downside? You’re stuck with me.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “There are probably worst fates---I think.” As she forked the roasted lamb into her mouth, she passed a thoughtful look. “It seems that this rainfall is endless. Are they forecasting another storm system?”

  “Unfortunately yes. The wind and rain is coming off Hurricane Ivey from the southern coasts. For us and the neighboring counties, there’ll be more flooding. We’re already pretty washed out. Once the river floods over, it’ll be weeks before the waters recede enough to travel. In short, we’re going to be under for awhile, but our perch on this damn mountain top pretty much ensures that we’ll be safe.” He eyed her teasingly. “That means that we’re stuck with one another for the time being.”

  “I suppose that I can tolerate you for awhile longer,” she murmured with a raised brow and tilted the flute to her lips. Then, she teased gently, “You’re not half bad.”


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