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Tangled Page 27

by Uc Amalu, Jr


  Ben parked his Chevy on the side of the street. He looked

  up at Anna’s house from his seat. Sitting in her driveway

  was a silver Volkswagon Convertible. Ben eyed it

  suspiciously. He remembered seeing that car before. His

  mind ticked over trying to recall where. He got out of his

  car and stepped onto the footpath, his eyes still fixed on

  the VW. Like a bolt of lightning it hit him. That was the car

  he had seen Marla and Dr. Sugars drive away in the night

  he visited the Wellness Clinic, but what would Rose be

  doing at Anna’s?

  The thought had no sooner entered his mind when he

  heard smashing glass and screaming echo from inside

  Anna’s house. He grabbed for his gun and ran to the front

  steps, stopping beside the front door. The voices became

  hushed and he could hear Anna sobbing hysterically. Ben

  trod carefully and made his way towards the window to

  the left of the door, his gun still firmly in his hand. His

  heart thumped in his chest and sweat gathered above his

  brow. As swiftly and as quietly as he could, he poked his

  head around to the front of the window and peered


  Anna was seated on the sofa in the lounge room, tears

  streaming down her cheeks and Rose was standing over

  the top of her holding a gun. Ben pulled his head back

  from the window before he was seen and backed further

  up against the wall of the house. With his left hand, he

  reached into his pocket for his phone. It wasn’t there.

  “Shit!” Ben cursed under his breath.

  His breathing became more rapid and the sweat now ran

  down over his brow and into his eyes. The stinging

  caused him to repeatedly blink his eyelids. It was the

  body’s vain effort to expel the salty liquid from his eyes

  and regain his vision clearly. Rose’s voice resounded from

  the lounge room. It was harsh and deep.

  “You dare to threaten me! Who do you think you are?”

  “You have to go,” Anna sobbed and stammered, “to the


  “I’ll do no such thing,” Rose’s voice grew more menacing.

  “and neither will you.”

  “But Marla…”

  “She was weak, she was going to run to those cops and

  tell them everything.”

  “You? You killed her, too?” Anna’s voice rose to a higher


  “No!” boomed Rose, “I’ve killed no-one.”

  “You killed Tessa, I know you did, and so do you.”

  “Tessa was an accident!” Rose spat back at her.

  “An accident? If it was an accident you should have gone

  to the police like Marla wanted you to.”

  “You should be more worried about why Kylie-Anne and

  Marla were murdered…” Rose cut herself short.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, they were all your clients. They all died within hours

  of meeting with you. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

  “You mean… You didn’t kill them?”

  “I told you. I didn’t kill anyone. Tessa was just an

  unfortunate accident that had to be taken care of.”

  “Oh my God, what is going on here? I, I thought you…”

  “What? That I could kill my own daughter?”

  “Then who?”

  “I have no idea,” Rose paused. “But they certainly picked a

  convenient time and manner in which to start their little

  killing spree. Seems they like to copy-cat, eh?”

  “How can you say it’s convenient? Your own child is dead

  at the hands of this monster!” Anna choked between


  Ben listened intently, his heart still jumping wildly in his

  chest and his mind racing. He was desperate to reach

  Jay and call for back up, yet he didn’t want to leave the

  porch and the conversation inside. If he had any chance of

  saving Anna, it was by staying right where he was and

  waiting for an opportune time to make his move. He

  pressed his ear back to the wall and gripped his gun


  “Yes, she was my child.” Rose’s tone softened ever so

  slightly, “but she was also going to turn me in. I know it.

  Her death is tragic but also a saviour.”

  “How do you know she didn’t already talk to the police?”

  A guttural laugh escaped Rose. “My dear girl, do you really

  think I would be standing here if she had?”

  “But you did kill Tessa.”

  “No, that was not the way it happened. It wasn’t murder.”

  “What do you call it? You sliced her up and disfigured her

  so viciously…”

  “I had to. I needed to.”

  “You needed to? My God Rose, you are a sick woman. I can

  help you.” Anna fell silent for a moment and then

  whispered, “Just don’t kill me.”

  “No, no… You have it all wrong, Anna. I needed to do

  those things to throw the police off the real cause of

  death. What better way than to mutilate her and dump

  her in the scrub?”

  Ben couldn’t believe his ears. Rose had admitted to killing

  Tessa Hunt. His next thought was of the other girls. If

  Rose didn’t kill them, then who did? She had nothing to

  lose denying their murders to Anna/ If she intended to

  shoot her there would be no point lying to her about that.

  Then it dawned on him. They were indeed dealing with two

  killers, Rose and someone else who was running around

  using Tessa’s murder as a blueprint.

  “If it was just an accident, why didn’t you go the police?”

  Anna pushed Rose for answers.

  “I would have lost my medical license, possibly received

  some time in prison. Either way I was not going to lose

  everything for some cheap little tart that you referred to

  me. It was her own fault, I was pushed to do the

  termination after hours and without correct attendants

  and procedures in place. What could I have done?”

  “You could have said no!” Anna screamed at her. “That’s

  what you could have done, Rose.”

  “Said no? How? You were the one who begged me to do it

  for her that night, or have you forgotten that little

  important piece of information?” Rose stopped

  momentarily before carrying on. “While we’re on that

  subject, why did you ask me that favour on her behalf?

  Hmm. What was your vested interest in Tessa any-how?”

  Ben had heard enough, it was time to end this siege

  before it flared into another murder. Leaving the

  conversation, he sunk to the ground and crawled on all

  fours down the steps and across the pathway, all the

  while his gun remained firmly in his grasp. Once he

  reached the gate, he dived onto the footpath and around

  to the drivers side of the Chevy. Pulling open the door, he

  flung his body into the back seat and scanned the inside

  of the car for his phone. There on the front passenger side

  seat, he spied it. In one quick movement he grabbed it

  and pulled it into the back. He raised his head and looked

  out the car window. The house appeared as it did when he

  crawled away from i
t. His fingers scrolled through the

  phonebook and hit the call button when Jay’s number

  flashed on the screen, the phone began to connect.

  “Jayy, Jesus. Thank God you answered.”

  “Ben, what’s wrong?”

  “I need you to get here immediately, bring me some back

  up too.”

  “Are you hurt? Where’s Anna?”

  “Rose is here, she has a gun…”

  “Ok, just calm down Ben. Where are they?”

  “They’re in the lounge room, I’m out in my car. They don’t

  know I’m here.”

  “We’ll be there pronto buddy, just keep your head down

  and wait for us. You hear me Ben?”

  “Yeah, got it… Hey Jayy?”


  “Be careful, Rose has nothing to lose…”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She killed Tessa.”

  “Shit! Ok, we’ll sort this out later, right now you just stay

  down. Be there in ten.”

  The call disconnected and Ben threw the phone to the

  floor. He wiped the sweat away from his brow and even

  though he didn’t smoke, he wished like hell that he had a

  cigarette. Jay had told him to stay down and remain

  where he was, but he had to go back to the porch, he had

  to make sure that nothing would happen to Anna. Within

  seconds, he was once again on all fours, crawling across

  Anna’s yard and up her front steps. From his position

  beneath the lounge room window, he heard Rose’s

  laughter ring out. He could hear Anna crying hard in the


  “My, my Anna. What a tangled web you have spun for

  yourself. No wonder you were more involved with Tessa

  than your other clients.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” sobbed Anna.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Rose parroted back to

  her, disdain dripping from her words. “I’m not doing

  anything to you, dear. You are going to do it to yourself.”

  “What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

  “It makes even more sense that you would kill yourself

  now! It was passable that you had reason to commit

  suicide before, having watched so many clients die such

  terrible deaths. It wouldn’t surprise anyone that you

  would take your own life.”

  “You’re sick, Rose. Twisted and sick!” Anna spat back at


  “But now, with what you have told me about Tessa, well,

  that is simply extra cream for the filling isn’t it?”

  “What makes you so sure that I haven’t told the police

  what Marla has told me, Rose?” the desperation

  resounded in Anna’s voice. “I’m not sure if you are aware

  of it or not, but my exhusband is one of the detectives

  investigating Tessa’s murder…”

  “What?” Rose hissed at her. “Who?”

  “Ben Payne. He’s been to see me several times already

  asking about you and Marla. If something were to happen

  to me now, don’t you think it would look a little


  There was silence. Ben was still crouching below the

  window, becoming more and more nervous with the lack

  of conversation. Concern filled him. If Rose had too much

  time to think she might become desperate and even

  more dangerous than ever. “Say something Anna. Keep

  her talking,” he whispered to himself. His hands became

  slippery, he was sweating more profusely and his grip on

  the gun was not quite as steady as it had been.

  “I’m sure even the detectives won’t have a hard time

  believing your death is a suicide, especially since you will

  be leaving them a note.” snapped Rose. “Get me some

  paper and a pen now.”

  Ben heard the trigger of the gun cock. The click sent chills

  through him. Soon after there were sounds of a drawer

  opening and closing again, then the rustling of paper.

  “Thank you, Anna. Now be a good girl and start writing

  your goodbye’s.”

  “No, I won’t!”

  “You’ll do it or I’ll…”

  “You’ll what?” Anna cut her off. “Shoot me? Then I’ll be

  dead and you won’t have your suicide note.‛”

  Ben crawled back to the side of the window and stood up.

  His nerves were peaking. Rose was getting far more

  serious and Jay still hadn’t shown up. It was time to act.

  He crept around to the back of the house and turned the

  handle, it was locked.

  “Damn it!” Ben cursed under his breath. He looked from

  left to right surveying the other windows. On his right he

  saw the small window of Anna’s office was ajar. He slid it

  open as far as it would go and hoisted himself up,

  wriggling as quickly and as quietly as he could. A muffled

  thump resounded as he hit the desk below the inside of

  the window. Ben immediately looked up toward the door

  to see if anyone was coming. The coast was clear.

  Anna and Rose continued to argue, their pitch reaching a

  feverish scale. If he didn’t get in there soon, Anna could

  end up wounded or even worse, dead. He slid down from

  the desk and peered out the doorway. He could see the

  dining room. It was empty. The two women were still in

  the lounge room. Ben crouched down on all fours again

  and crawled like a crab into the dining room. From there

  he slithered past the table and rested up against the

  breakfast bar, which divided the kitchen from the dining

  room. The adrenalin was pumping furiously through his

  veins and his heart was beating so hard, he was certain

  that Rose would be able to hear it. He lay on the floor

  behind the breakfast bar and poked his head around the

  corner, he could see Anna sitting on the sofa, her arms

  folded tightly across her chest. The fear on her face was


  Rose was too far back for him to see her body, although

  he could see her outstretched arm and the gun she held

  in her hand, It was only inches from Anna’s forehead.

  Anna was rocking back and forth. Her head was shaking

  from side to side. Ben wriggled a little further out from

  behind the bar and crawled across the kitchen floor

  toward the doorway, he kept his eyes on Anna. Just as he

  was about to crawl behind the wall, Anna shook her head

  and looked his way. Their eyes met. Ben thought she

  would blow his cover with her reaction, instead she

  continued rocking and shaking.

  Ben motioned for Anna to try and move away from him.

  He held out his arm, made a turning motion and then

  pointed towards the lounge room window. He wanted

  Anna to move in such a way that Rose would be forced to

  walk further into the centre of the room with her back to

  him. He prayed Anna would understand his gestures. Ben

  was now as close to the two women as he dared get

  without having the opportunity to come at Rose from


  Anna stopped rocking and said to Rose, “Give me the


  Ben watched as she stood up. Rose handed her a pen and

  she took the paper from the sofa beside her. She walked

  towards the window.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Rose screamed at her.

  “If you want me to write this note, I need a hard surface to

  lean on,” she shot back at her. “The buffet will do.” Anna

  pointed to the small buffet hutch below the lounge room


  Ben felt relief wash over him. She had understood what he

  wanted. He lifted himself into a crouching position and

  prepared to spring at Rose from behind.

  Anna reached the buffet and turned back to Rose, “What

  do you want me to write?”

  “Say how deeply traumatised you are because of the

  horrendous deaths of your clients.” Rose crossed the

  room to where Anna was standing.

  Ben now had her firmly in his sight. “Just a little further,”

  he whispered. “That’s it, keep going.”

  Rose was almost right beside Anna. Her back was nearly

  completely turned on him. She took one final step and

  was over Anna’s shoulder.

  “Mention how you just couldn’t bare their loss and how

  disturbed you had become…”

  Ben sprang from his position behind the kitchen wall and

  lunged at Rose, moving so fast there was no turning

  back. Instantly he fell upon her knocking her to the

  ground. The gun flew from her hand and slid across the

  lounge room floor. Anna ran and picked it up. Rose

  screamed obscenities at him, punching and kicking as

  hard as she could. The heel of her stiletto caught Ben in

  the temple, knocking him out cold on the floor beside

  her. Rose glared over at Anna and pulled herself up off the


  “Give me that you stupid fool!” her words were icy and

  bitter, spittle dribbled from her mouth.

  “Don’t come any closer,” screamed Anna. “I’ll shoot you

  dead, I swear I will.” Her hands trembled beneath the

  weight of the gun.

  Rose moved forward slowly, taking one deliberate step

  after another, her hands out in front of her. She looked

  like a woman feeling her way through a darkened room.

  “Give me the gun, Anna, and you won’t get hurt.” She

  forced out a laugh. “It’s not even loaded!”

  Anna looked at the gun and then back at Rose. “We’ll see

  then, won’t we?”

  With that she aimed the gun at her and squeezed the

  trigger. The bullet shot from the gun and lodged deeply in

  the wall behind Rose. Anna looked at the fear stricken

  expression on Rose’s face. She then shifted her attentions

  to Ben, he was coming to on the floor, rolling around

  moaning with his hands holding a gash above his right


  Rose spun on her heel and bolted to the front door. Ben

  threw out his arms in an attempt to pull her feet out from

  under her. He missed. Anna stood where she was, glued

  in a state of shock. Ben yelled to her, “Shoot again Anna,


  It was too late, Rose was already opening the door and

  halfway down the front steps.

  “Stop right there!”

  Ben heard a familiar voice. He climbed up against the wall

  and peered out through the window, it was Jay. The front

  lawn was littered with at least half a dozen cops and three

  cars, all parked lengthways across the driveway. Ben

  glanced over at Anna once more before passing out again.


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