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Tangled Page 28

by Uc Amalu, Jr


  “What happened, Rose?” Jay sat in front of her, his eyes

  directly on hers.

  “It was an accident….”

  “Save the crap for someone who actually gives a damn!

  What happened before you sliced her up and threw her

  into the scrub like a slaughtered beast..”

  “You don’t have to say it like that..”

  “Does that offend you, Rose? Don’t you like hearing the

  truth about what you did to Tessa Hunt?”

  “It wasn’t like that. I told you what happened..”

  “So tell me again and again and again if you have to, just

  make sure you tell me everything. I want the truth!”

  “I have told you the truth,” she spat back at him, her eyes

  still fixed intently on his.

  Jay couldn’t believe what a tough nut she was to crack.

  He had been in this room with her for three hours already

  and she still kept rambling on about Tessa death being

  an accident. He had already pried one version from Anna.

  Now he had to get the other story from Rose.

  “I have your counsellor friend down in processing as we

  speak, and she was more than happy to spill the goods

  on you,” Jay slid his chair back from the table they were

  sitting at and stood up. “Seems that you are going down

  for murder and there isn’t another soul alive who wants to

  help you..”

  “Anna?” Rose scoffed. “You can’t believe a word that leaves

  that deceitful mouth of hers. I bet she didn’t tell you all

  the juicy secrets she has hidden though, did she?”

  “Oh you mean about her asking you to perform the after

  hours abortion, or her connection with Tessa?”

  Rose raised her eyebrows and followed Jay with her

  gaze. “Oh, so she did tell you, then?”

  “Just to make sure we are on the same page here, you tell

  me what you’re talking about,” offered Jay.

  A deep laugh escaped Rose. “So you really don’t know, do

  you, Detective? You think I am stupid enough to fall for

  that trick?”

  “Don’t play games with me,” threatened Jay. “I’ve been in

  this game almost as long as you’ve been killin’ babies..”

  She shifted in her seat and pursed her lips.

  “Fine, have it your way,” Jay continued. “I can see how

  much you care about solving Marla’s murder..”

  “You leave my daughter out of this. She has nothing to do

  with Tessa..”

  “Are you sure about that? She was murdered almost

  identically to Tessa and Kylie-Anne. How do I know you

  didn’t kill her, too?”

  “I had nothing to do with those killings….”

  “You better start giving me some information, and bloody

  quick. I have absolutely no qualms with pinning

  everything on you. In fact….” he paused to look her up and

  down. “I’d really enjoy watching you spend the rest of your

  miserable existence behind bars..”

  She thought about his words and fiddled briefly with her

  hair. Straightening the two combs on either side of her

  head. “Marla had nothing to do with Tessa’s death. She

  just happened to turn up at the clinic at the wrong time.

  Anna had phoned me and asked a personal favour of


  “What was that?”

  “She wanted me to perform Tessa’s termination right

  away. She offered me a great sum of money and said she

  would stay until it was done to drive Tessa back home..”

  “Why didn’t you say no?”

  “I live in the real world, Detective. Money is everything and

  my clinic drained on my funds heavily. Believe it or not,

  there are a lot more expenses than you think to run that


  “Get on with it, I don’t want your hard luck story,” Jay

  blurted out.

  Rose glared at him before continuing. “The long and the

  short of it is, it’s much more profitable to perform illegally

  than it is to perform legally. I can make, in one after hour’s

  termination, what I would make in three properly

  scheduled procedures. Why would I say no?”

  “You risked people’s lives for a few extra dollars? How

  many others have you accidentally killed in your career


  “None! Tessa was the only one.”

  “How can I believe you? You have told so many lies it’s

  hard to know when you’re telling the truth. I’m beginning

  to think you don’t even know what the truth is!” He walked

  back to the table and stood before her again. “Tell me

  what happened with Tessa..”

  Rose sighed, inspected her fingernails and then turned

  back to him. “She had some kind of allergic reaction to

  powder on my gloves..”

  “What? Come on Rose, even you can do better than that..”

  “Well, it must have been the gloves. I hadn’t even

  administered the anaesthetic yet and she began gasping

  and writhing around. All I’d done up until then was hold

  an oxygen mask over her face. So unless she was allergic

  to pure air. It must have been something to do with the

  gloves. I’m guessing the powder they’re coated with..”

  Jay stared at her, it all seemed so simple for her to

  explain away a woman’s death. “Then what happened?"

  “Anna was in the waiting room when Marla showed up.

  She’d forgotten her keys for our weekend house out at

  Postman’s Bay. She had driven out there for the weekend,

  only to get there and find she had forgotten to grab the

  keys from the office. I always keep a spare set there,” Rose

  wiped her hands across her face and continued with her

  story. “Marla freaked when she found out what I was doing

  and stormed into the procedure room as I was trying to

  revive Tessa. The C.P.R. wasn’t working and I was frantic

  with panic..”

  “Where was Anna at this time?”

  “I saw her standing in the doorway behind Marla. She took

  one look at Tessa and fled. I ran after her and told her I

  would take care of everything. I made her swear to keep

  her mouth shut or I would tell of her involvement in the

  whole thing..”

  “What did she do?” Jay kept the questions coming.

  “What do you think she did? She kept her mouth shut

  just like the rest of us did. She had just as much to lose

  as me..”

  “What role did Marla play in all of this?”

  “Marla?” she laughed. “She played no role. She was more

  of a hinderance than a help. All she did was cry and panic

  and then cry some more. Little Miss Goody Two Shoes

  wanted to call the cops and come clean with the accident

  right away. I told her to bring my car to the back entrance

  and then leave.”

  Jay desperately wanted a cigarette.

  “So, Marla had no idea what you had planned to do with

  the body?”

  “No, I instructed her to go home and give me the keys to

  the weekender. After she left, I wheeled Tessa out to the

  car and drove to Postman’s Bay.”

  “And that’s where you took to her with a hack saw

  some other serrated tool and cut her up?”

  Rose nodded her head.

  “How could you do that?” He looked at her. Her head was

  bowed, looking down at the desk. “It’s one thing to try

  and hide a body, but it’s another thing altogether when

  you slice off their breasts and rip their guts open!”

  “You make it sound so cruel and evil,” she began.

  “Sound? It doesn’t just sound cruel and evil, Rose. It is!”

  “But she was already dead. I was only trying to throw

  police off the trail. I’m not a monster, Detective.”

  Jay’s jaw nearly hit the ground. He couldn’t believe what

  he was hearing. This woman was obviously cracked. She

  had commit-ted one of the most horrendous acts of

  violence and depravity he had ever seen on another

  human being, and she was sitting there as though he

  had accused her of stealing an apple.

  “Anna is the one you should be after, not me.”

  “How on earth do you arrive at that conclusion?” He

  couldn’t believe her.

  “She was the one who pushed me to do the damn

  termination immediately, all for her precious….”

  “Her precious what, Rose?” Jay wanted to hear the words

  from her mouth.

  She tilted her head towards him and smiled the most

  chilling smile he had ever seen. “All for her precious

  daughter! Tessa was her daughter.” She then looked

  around the room and with her gaze back on Jay, she

  said, “I think now would be a good time for a solicitor.”

  Jay stared at the woman in front of him. Everything

  about her screamed madness. Her words and actions and

  her sheer lack of understanding of the act she had

  committed. He turned and left the room.

  “How did you go with her?” an officer just outside the door


  “That is one cracked unit,” he blurted out. “If she ain’t a

  candidate for the nut house, I dunno who is!”

  The officer stared blankly at him and said, “Should I take

  her to bookings now?”

  “Yeah, and call her solicitor when you’re done.”


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