Book Read Free

Lockdown Love

Page 3

by Brisa Starr

“It’s like a secret garden,” I whisper. I’m in love.

  He opens the courtyard doors so I can step outside to see it up close. “Holy cow, Landon, this is perfect,” I say, giddy with excitement as I imagine writing my book out here. He seems pleased at my reaction to the courtyard, and I’m glad to see he’s smiling. A moment passes as we take each other in, just looking and inspecting. It’s so brief that it’s not uncomfortable, but it’s also heated enough that I blush.

  He breaks the moment and turns back toward the bedroom. We walk back in and he says, “I’m sure you’ll be happy here. The bed is... extremely comfortable.” He pauses for a moment.

  Did he just make a sexual innuendo? The nerve of this guy. Or was it a totally innocent comment? I honestly can’t tell.

  I have no immediate response to this statement, so I just clear my throat. Feeling a bit too warm for my liking — we’re standing right next to each other by the side of a bed — I nervously shift to my other foot and bite my lip. He continues to look at me. I think his ego enjoys my obvious squirming.

  I straighten up, determined to show that I’m not as affected as he seems to think, but I still stammer, “Um, yeah, OK, well... um, thanks. I’m going to unpack now and get settled.”

  “Mmm hmmm. OK. Me too,” he replies, and his eyes glitter with fire as they bore into me.

  Is he undressing me with his eyes? This flirting and weirdness with a complete stranger has got to stop. I attempt to change the energy in the room, so I say, “I’d like to get groceries later.” Then, I add to remind him, “I’ll dive right into writing because I have a ton of work ahead of me.”

  “Great. I’ll take you.”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary. I was hoping to take the golf cart anyway,” I quickly say. I don’t want or need to spend any extra time in his presence if I can help it. It’s weird enough as it is. “I’ll just make a quick trip to get a few things. I really need to jump right into my work,” I repeat with a warning tone. Though I’m not sure who I’m warning, him or me?

  “I’ll leave you to it then. Let me know when you head out, and I’ll see you out with the golf cart and make sure you’re all set.”

  He makes to leave and then remembers something. “Oh, and hey,” he says, walking to the en suite bathroom. Pointing to a switch plate on the wall by the shower, he says, “This switch here, the one on the right. I’m turning it on now, and please don’t turn it off. It turns on the hot water so it reaches my bathroom on the other end of the house.”

  “OK, and the other? The one on the left?”

  “That’s just for the light in your shower,” he answers. “But, please, try not to accidentally touch the right one because, if I need a shower and the hot water is turned off for me, I’ll have to come in here and turn it on. If you’re not home or you’re sleeping or not wanting to be distracted, as you keep reminding me, I’ll have to invade your privacy if it’s turned off.”

  “I’ll put a Post-it Note reminder on it to make sure I don’t flip it.”

  “Thanks,” he says and then finally leaves me on my own. I stand there for a moment, taking in my surroundings. There’s a huge TV on the dresser and also a beautiful wood table along the wall, adorned with more intricate carvings. The table is next to a comfortable-looking recliner, and I note that this would be a nice place to read.

  I need to unpack and start working right away, but I want to text Paige, my best friend, and let her know I made it to Arizona safe and sound. She’s a sweetheart, and I would’ve been a real mess when Granny died if Paige hadn’t been there for me.

  I sit on the bed. Hmmmm. Comfy indeed. I take a moment to appreciate the whole bed. It has a bright yellow comforter, even brighter orange sheets, and plenty of pillows of various sizes to find the perfect height for my neck. I love it. A short nap wouldn’t be a bad idea either, as I’m a bit sleepy from a long day of travel. I yawn at the thought but decide against it. Too much to do. Starting with texting Paige. I dig through my purse to find my phone.

  Me: Hey there, BFF! How’s it going? I made it to AZ.

  Paige: Super duper, girl. Good to hear, how are ya?

  Me: All’s good. This house and the weather are AMAZING! Wish you were here. Wait, no I don’t. I’d never get any work done. LOL

  Paige: Haha yeah, we’d just sit around drinking wine all day.

  Me: Yeah, so get this. There’s a guy staying here with me! I’m renting the room in his parents’ house. They died, and he and his sis’ are renting out the rooms.

  Paige: No way! Why’s he there?

  Me: He’s here for two weeks to play golf. I knew other people might show up and rent the other rooms, but I guess I just didn’t expect it.

  Paige: What’s he like?

  Me: Maybe early 30s. A doctor. And a Republican. >:(

  Paige: Ew. Well, is he at least hot?

  Me: Totes. That’s not good.

  Paige: LMFAO. Is he single?

  Me: I have no idea, but the way he looks at me and flirts, I hope he is and not just some douchebag. Anyway, I’m NOT INTERESTED!

  Paige: Why not? You could totally have a sexy fling with no strings. With a doctor!

  Me: NO! Where do I begin? I’m here TO WORK ON MY BOOK! And may I remind you that I’m off men for an indefinite period of time. I sooo don’t need bullshit complications or heartbreak.

  Paige: I know I know. I hear ya. But, girl, you can’t be like that forever. You love love too much. I know you.

  As much as I appreciate Paige’s upbeat attitude toward my love life, I change the subject. I’m not interested in rehashing this with her right now.

  Me: Look, you know why I’m here. I’ve gotta write this book finally. I’ve been dreaming about it since Granny died three years ago. I really don’t want anything to distract me or I’ll regret it and come back home with my tail between my legs.

  Paige: I understand, Em. And you know what? You’re gonna do it! When my BFF puts her mind to something, she’s a boss! Gets it done! :) I have no doubt you’ll kick ass and come back with a future bestseller filled with your Granny’s recipes. Granny Grace would be so proud!

  I lie back on the bed, and my eyes fill with tears waiting to trickle down my face with my next blink.

  Me: Thanks, Paige. You’re my biggest fan. I appreciate you so much.

  Paige: That’s what BFFs are for. Well, have a good time and send me your first draft. I expect it within a week with your usual woman-on-a-mission attitude. ;)

  Me: Yes, Ma’am. I plan to have that sweet thang ready to publish the moment I get back. See you in a month, and thanks again for getting my mail while I’m gone.

  Paige: No prob. And Emma?

  Me: Yeah?

  Paige: Don’t worry. There’s someone out there who’s perfect for you. They’re not all assholes. I promise. You’ll find the right one, one of these days.

  Me: Yeah, maybe. I’m not getting my hopes up anytime soon. Chat with ya later.

  I end the text thread. Talking with Paige about Granny makes me miss my grandmother so much, and it’s time to do something with all the lessons she taught me. I chew on my lip. God, I hope I can write this book and do Granny’s herbal remedies justice. I’ve wanted to write this for so long, and now that I’m actually doing it, I hope I do a good job. What if it sucks? My nerves start up again.

  Oh, don’t you dare think like that, my sweetest pea. You’re going to do a great job. I can almost hear Granny saying to me from the ethers, like her ghost is right here.

  “Oh, Granny, I hope that’s true. I wish you were still here,” I whisper as I walk to the master bathroom, the tears finally spilling. “I miss you so much.”

  Hope is a bad medicine, Emma. I raised you stronger than that. You work hard and you’ll get exactly what you want. I’m always here with you. Always.

  I look at myself in the mirror and dab my eyes dry, and I smile as I think about both Granny’s and Paige’s support for me. They’re both right. I’m totally going to kick ass an
d do this.

  With my renewed excitement, I shoot my fist into the air and shimmy my waist back and forth in a little happy dance. I’m really gonna do it. I’m finally on the mission I’ve been wanting to do since Granny died. I lift my chin a notch. I can do this. She taught me strength, passion, and hard work. I won’t let her down. “Love you, Granny,” I whisper, looking up.

  I look at myself again in the mirror, deep into my eyes, green and sparkling, just like Granny’s. “Let’s do this,” I say out loud to both myself and her.

  I’m itching to set up my workspace, but I need to unpack first. So I take out my toiletries and organize them on the bathroom counter. This big bathroom has huge mirrors everywhere, including the sliding closet doors. There’s a lovely skylight above letting in natural light, which will be perfect for doing my makeup. I have a tiled shower with a clear glass door and a basket next to it overflowing with big, fluffy yellow towels.

  I walk back to my suitcase and unpack my clothes to put them in the closet. When I slide open the mirrored door, I see that the closet isn’t empty. Weird. I look closer and realize they must be Landon’s parents’ clothes still in here. That’s strange, most holiday rentals have empty closets.

  Then it dawns on me. If they only died a year ago, maybe Landon and Sadie haven’t finished going through things yet. I’m the first person to rent a room, so that makes sense. A hit of compassion blooms in my chest for Landon and Sadie... I know how hard it is to lose family. I let out a small breath and continue unpacking.

  There’s a bit of space in the closet on the left, so I hang my clothes there, careful not to touch the others. I set all of my vitamins and supplements in a pile on the bed, and then I carefully pick up my precious writer’s cup. I unwrap the bubble wrap and smile. This was Granny’s favorite coffee cup and saucer that she drank from every day. Coffee in the morning, tea all afternoon, and a nip of whiskey in the evening. That was her ritual, and now it’s mine, too.

  This cup is the most precious item I own, made of fine bone china from England, decorated with hummingbirds and cherry blossoms, her favorites. It’s going to make the writing of this book even more special because it’ll be like Granny is sitting right next to me.

  I pile the supplements in my arms and take my cup into the kitchen. I walk to the coffee nook to set my cup there, and I see an empty space where I can stack my supplements. I set them down: Echinacea, manuka honey, five different essential oils, vitamin C, vitamin K, astaxanthin, turmeric, ginger, magnesium, zinc, activated charcoal, various dried herbs.

  It’s a lot, and I grimace at the amount of space it takes up. I hope Landon doesn’t mind. My collection of supplements might seem over-the-top to some people, but I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere longer than a week without them. Granny taught me to be prepared.

  As I’m staring at all of my vitamins on the counter, Landon strides in.

  “Whoa!” he exclaims. “That’s why your luggage was so heavy. You opening a health food store?”

  A tad annoyed and protective of my lifestyle, I glare at him slightly.

  “I’m just messing with ya. Don’t get your undies in a bunch.”

  “Look, you don’t know me, so I find your teasing a bit presumptuous.” I turn back around and organize my goodies.

  “Fair enough,” he acquiesces. “Allow me to try again.” He clears his throat and continues in an exaggerated, formal voice, “Oh my, Emma, that’s quite the fascinating collection of vitamins and supplements you have. Indeed. Please, tell me all about them,” he smiles, flashing his perfect teeth, and I’m just waiting for them to sparkle like in the toothpaste commercials.

  I can’t help but snort softly. “Very funny.” Then I continue in all seriousness, “If you must know, I have a passion for nutrition, and I’ve been into health stuff for many years. My whole life practically. It all started back with my Granny. She was a master herbalist, and she taught me everything she knew. I never leave home without a handful of things.”

  “More like a suitcase full.”

  “You should see me on road trips, when I’m not limited to one suitcase.” We both laugh, and I see that his pretty, blue eyes really do sparkle.

  Then, more seriously, I say, “Anyway, I’m glad you’re here,” and I hold up my prized coffee cup. “See this coffee cup and saucer?”

  He eyes it, not recognizing it.

  “Please. Do. Not. Ever. Touch. It.” Then, I add even more slowly, “Ever, ever, ever.”

  His eyes growing big, “Geez, no problem. A bit possessive?” he asks.

  “Yes!” I reply emphatically. “I was really close to my Granny. She was my world, and this was her most treasured cup. Now, it’s my most treasured anything. It’s one of the only things I have left of hers, and it’s my talisman. I plan on using it to channel Granny’s knowledge, confidence, and love while writing my book.”

  “Channel?” He asks, not knowing whether to take me seriously or not.

  “Yes. Channel.” I don’t care if I sound crazy.

  “OOOO-kay,” he says and takes a step back from me like I am crazy, but then he laughs. “I will not touch the sacred cup.”

  “Seriously. Please don’t touch it. Don’t clean it for me. Don’t move it. Don’t even look at it. Just don’t touch it.”

  “Ever,” he adds. “Got it.”



  Wow. She’s really into that cup. I’m entertained by her seriousness. Though I can understand, given it was her Granny’s. It’s sweet actually. I feel the same way about my dad’s golf clubs. I cherish them, even though I can’t bring myself to use them yet. They just sit out in the garage getting dusty.

  “I know you’re busy, so I’ll get out of your hair,” I say. “I’m going to unpack and check on things around the house.”

  I turn to leave the kitchen after her stern warning about the cup, but I’d love nothing more than to stay in here staring at her. There’s something about her. I’m not sure what. I mean, she’s obviously beautiful and incredibly sexy, with a rockin’ body, but there’s something more. She’s mesmerizing.

  I want to give her some space, so I go to my room on the other side of the house. It’s smaller than the master bedroom of course, but it’s still a great room. I’m used to it anyway, since it’s the room I always stayed in when I visited. I even have a few things I keep here in the closet.

  After unpacking, I open the windows around the house to air it out. I check the lights to make sure they’re all working, and I use the bathroom. I have to admit that Sadie did a great job getting the house ready for guests, and this could be a way to keep the house and make some money.

  I head to the back yard to set the cushions out on all the chairs and open the umbrellas. My thoughts drift back to Emma. I’m excited to be in this house with her for two weeks. I know she’s focused and serious about her book and writing, but I also see a playful side to her that I’d like to get to know. More specifically, I’d like to play with her. Her legs, her ass, those tits. Damn.

  She might pretend she’s not interested, but there’s no denying that something is there. Before I leave Arizona, I plan to have her in my bed. Correction, I plan to have her in her bed. Since that’s the nicer one in the house.

  Challenge accepted.

  But first, I need to learn more about her. Maybe Sadie knows some details.

  I pull out my phone and prepare to text Sadie, when I remember that I need to have the car rental company pick up the car I drove from the airport. I send off an email to handle that. That done, I sit under one of the umbrellas to text Sadie, and I enjoy the gentle breeze on my face.

  Landon: Hey. Just checking in. I’m at mom and dad’s house. I met Emma.

  Sadie: That’s great. I’m glad you’re there to help her settle in. Is everything OK with the house?

  Landon: So far so good. Got a question for ya though. What do you know about her?

  Sadie: Nothing. Why? Is there a problem?

n: Only if you consider her being super hot a problem.

  Sadie: Dude don’t even go there. Do not make her uncomfortable. Don’t flirt with her. Do you understand me?

  Landon: Well I can’t make any promises. ;) But I will try to behave myself.

  Sadie: Landon! Don’t make me drive down there. Besides, this is your time to reduce your stress. The last thing you need is to be messing around with the opposite sex. Bro, take this much-needed time for yourself.

  Landon: Yeah yeah yeah, I know.

  Sadie: Behave!

  I sigh loudly, feeling a bit irritated at my little sister. She has a knack for being loud, and she conveys it effortlessly when text messaging. She doesn’t even need shouty loud capitals.

  Landon: So, you don’t know anything about her?

  Sadie: Just that she works from home, and she was going to bring her work out to AZ for the month to write.

  Landon: OK, thanks, I’ll talk with ya later.


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